Raspberry jelly from a caring housewife. Homemade raspberry jelly How to make raspberry jelly for the winter

  • garden raspberries – 750 g;
  • gelling sugar 1:1 – 400 g;
  • salt, water for processing berries.

Method for making raspberry jelly for the winter

Pour 1.5 liters of cold water into a bowl, dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt in the water. Pour the berries into the water and leave for 10 minutes so that the raspberry beetle larvae float to the surface. Then we collect the larvae with a spoon, and also remove any debris that floats to the surface.

Place the raspberries in a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water under the tap.

Pour the berries into a cooking pot and mash them with a potato masher so that the raspberries release their juice.

Place the pan on the stove, close the lid, and bring to a boil. Boil the berry mass over low heat for 8 minutes after boiling.

We rub the mixture through a sieve with a tablespoon - the syrup and pulp will pass through the cells, and the cake will remain in the sieve. A few raspberry seeds may pass through the cells; if this is not to your taste, then strain the mixture through cheesecloth.

Pour 1:1 gelling sugar into a saucepan with syrup and stir.

Bring the jelly to a boil over moderate heat, boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from the stove. Shake the pan so that the foam collects closer to the center. Collect the foam with a boiled dry spoon.

Dry the cleanly washed jar and lid on a wire rack in the oven for 10 minutes. Pour the hot jelly into the jar, after cooling, screw the lid on tightly and put it in a dark and dry place, located away from central heating radiators and sunlight. Storage temperature up to +18 degrees Celsius.

Step 1: prepare the raspberries.

First, you need to sort the raspberries, removing all the twigs and leaves, as well as spoiled berries. After which, of course, all the jelly selected for preparation must be washed and slightly dried. For convenience, use a colander.

Step 2: cook the raspberries.

Place the washed raspberries into a pan of suitable size, add the required amount of water, cover with a lid and place on low heat. Cook until the raspberries drown in their own juice.
After you have steamed the berries, remove the pan from the heat and place it in a bowl of cold water to cool.
The cooled raspberries, floating in their own juice, need to be properly crushed with a masher so that an almost homogeneous berry puree is obtained in the pan.

Step 3: Express the juice.

Now we need to clear the seeds from the raspberry juice. To do this, secure a colander over the pan and place gauze in it in four layers, and then pour the berry puree into it. Lift the edges of the gauze and grasp them. Squeeze the berry juice from the raspberry puree.

Step 4: cook raspberry jelly.

Weigh the purified juice and remember the result. To make good raspberry jelly, we need to boil this juice by 40%.
Cook in several stages, cooling the liquid after each stage to almost room temperature. It usually takes 3-4 approaches to eventually reduce the weight of your juice by almost half.
Pour sugar into boiled raspberry juice. It is required exactly as much as the liquid itself weighs.
Place the pan with the future raspberry jelly back on the stove and bring it to a boil again, simultaneously dissolving all the sugar. Now cool the berry syrup to room temperature, and then put it back on the fire and boil.

Step 5: prepare raspberry jelly for the winter.

Pour hot raspberry syrup into prepared sterilized and heated jars. At the same time, it is very important that the container is small in volume; low jars with a capacity of up to 400 milliliters are suitable. Cover the pieces with gauze and leave them to cool.
Usually raspberry syrup turns into jelly on 2-3 days. Finding out is very simple: tilt the jar, and if nothing comes out, then the raspberry jelly is ready. After the contents of the jars have thickened properly, close them tightly with boiled and dry lids and store them in a cool place out of reach of sunlight.

Step 6: Serve raspberry jelly.

Add raspberry jelly to pies, bake cookies with it and prepare other goodies all winter long, delighting your homemade sweets. But even just with tea it is very tasty.
Bon appetit!

You can also sterilize jars in the oven; to do this, you need to place them in a still cold oven and then gradually heat them up. But you can’t put glassware in an already hot oven, it will simply burst.

The taste of the preparations depends on the quality of the ingredients, so choose only ripe and sweet raspberries, then your jelly will be simply amazing.

Raspberries have long been the best medicine against colds; they were used to treat many other diseases, which is why our great-great-grandmothers prepared raspberry jam for the winter. There are many tales and songs about this berry; it was revered by both Slavic tribes and the ancient Romans and Greeks.

The aromatic and tasty raspberry is good both fresh and as a variety of preparations for the winter. It seems that what special can be made from raspberries, besides the well-known jam? In fact, there are many useful and delicious things: jelly, jam, confitures, jams, as well as marmalade and marshmallows. If desired, it can be easily combined in preparations with other berries, for example, gooseberries, cherries, and currants. With her presence she will only decorate any workpiece.

Options for raspberry preparations for the winter

Raspberries in currant juice


  • 0.5 liters of currant juice.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Sort the berries and place them in a container. Blanch the currants for one minute and grind using a sieve (you can squeeze out the juice using gauze). Add this juice to the berries, heat the mixture and let it simmer for 6-7 minutes, then immediately pour it into bottles and close the lids.

Recipe in own juice without cooking


  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Place the berries in an enamel pan, add sugar, wait until the juice appears, and put everything in bottles. Roll up and place in a cool and dark place.

Recipe for mashed raspberries with sugar


  • 220 ml water.
  • 350 gr. Sahara.
  • 800 gr. raspberries

Cooking technology. Sort out the berries, place them in an enamel pan and add water. On low heat, after boiling, cook for 4-6 minutes. Remove the mixture from the stove and, while it is hot, grind using a sieve. Put sugar in the puree and let the mixture boil, but do not boil. Pour into bottles and roll up.

Raspberry jam

"Grandma's" recipe


  • 4 glasses of water.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.
  • 1 tbsp. citric acid.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.

Method of preparation. Add berries, water and sugar to the container for making jam. Cook over low heat until fully cooked, stirring occasionally. Add citric acid before finishing cooking.

Recipe for raspberry jam “Five Minutes”


  • Raspberries – 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 3-4 kg.

Cooking technology. Peel, wash and dry the berries. Then place in a deep container, add sugar and place in a cool and dark place for 12 hours. Afterwards, place the container with the mixture on the stove, let it boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour the hot mixture into bottles and close the lid.

Recipe for raspberry jam “Wonderful aroma”


  • 8 kg sugar.
  • 3 medium lemons.
  • Raspberries – 5 kg.

Cooking technology. Peel, wash and dry the berries. Wash the lemons and cut them into thin rings, then cut them in half and remove the seeds. Cover the prepared berries and lemon slices with sugar and place in a cool, dark place for 12 hours. Place the container with the berries that have given juice and lemon slices on the stove, let it boil, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from the stove and let cool. Place the jam on the stove again and cook until done, let cool, pour into bottles and close.

Recipe for raspberry jam with melon


Cooking technology. Pour lemon juice over the lemon zest, add sugar and let stand for an hour. Peel the melon and cut into small pieces. Pour sugar into the water, add lemon sugar and cook, stirring. When the mixture boils, add the melon first, and then the berries. Cook everything without stirring until thickened. Remove the finished jam from the stove, skim off the foam and package it in bottles.

Recipe for raspberry jam with cherries


  • A kilogram of raspberries.
  • A kilogram of cherries.
  • 2 cups of water.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.

Method of preparation. Add pitted cherries to boiling water, let it boil and remove from the stove. Bring the jam to a boil 5 times every 30 minutes. For the last time, a couple of minutes before cooking, add the raspberries, let it boil and immediately remove from the stove. Pour the finished jam into bottles. Roll up.

Compotes, juices and other preparations for the winter

Compote recipe “For the winter”


  • Water – 3 l.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Sort the berries, remove the sepals and leaves. Brew syrup from water and sugar. Add raspberries to the hot syrup, mix, let it boil, remove from the stove and pour into bottles. Let the compote cool and bottle it.

Natural raspberry juice recipe


  • 180-220 ml of water.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Peel the berries, mash and place in a container with preheated water to 70°C. Heat the berries, stirring constantly, to 70°C, remove from the stove, close the lid and squeeze out the juice after 20 minutes. Strain the juice, let it boil, immediately pour into bottles and roll up.

Raspberry jam recipe


  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.
  • Zhelfix packet.
  • One lemon.

Cooking technology. Peel the berries, wash and dry. Pour lemon juice over them, add zest and mix. Add sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Add gelling sugar and cook for a minute, stirring constantly. Sterilize the bottles, fill them with hot confiture, and close with screw caps.

Raspberry syrup recipe


  • A glass of water.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Make a syrup from water and sugar. Add berries to it. Let it boil. Then cool and strain using a sieve. Bring this syrup to a boil and cook for 4-6 minutes, then pour it hot into bottles and roll up.

Recipe for raspberry jelly for the winter


  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Rinse the berries and let dry completely. Mash in a saucepan. Strain through a sieve. Put in sugar. Mix until the sugar dissolves and let sit overnight. Then put it in bottles and seal it tightly. This jelly must be stored in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam recipe


  • 1.6 kg sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.
  • 2 tbsp. gelatin.
  • 0.5 tbsp. citric acid.
  • 1.5 glasses of water.

Cooking technology. Peel the berries, wash with water and place in a saucepan, adding sugar in layers. Pour water. Set the pan over low heat and let it boil. After 20 minutes, turn the heat up a little and simmer the jam until cooked. Upon completion of cooking, add citric acid and diluted gelatin with water. Pour the jam into bottles and close.

Recipe for raspberry jam with apples


  • A kilogram of apple puree.
  • A kilogram of raspberry puree.
  • 700 ml water.
  • 900 gr. Sahara.

Cooking technology. Steam the apples in boiling water and grind. Weigh one kilogram. Mash the raspberries thoroughly and mix with the apple puree. Boil the mixture in a container with a wide bottom. After 25 minutes, add sugar and cook, stirring constantly, until cooked. Pour the jam into bottles and close the lids.

Recipe for raspberry puree without sugar

Puree from this berry can be made without sugar. In winter, you can make jelly, jelly or marmalade from it. Grind fresh berries using a sieve. Place this mass in an enamel pan and place on the stove. Boil for a minute and pour into bottles.

Recipe for raspberry mousse with pear


  • 350 gr. raspberries
  • A kilogram of pears (without seeds).
  • A spoon of cardamom.
  • A couple of drops of lemon juice.
  • 0.5 cups sugar.

Cooking technology. Wash the pears, cut them and remove the seeds (no need to peel them). Cut into large cubes and place in a saucepan. Wash and dry the raspberries. Place berries, sugar in a container with pears and mix everything. Cook over low heat for an hour, stirring occasionally. Then remove the pan from the stove. Add a pinch of cardamom and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Mix everything with a blender and put it into bottles.

Recipe for raspberry marmalade (prepared for the winter)


  • 0.5 kg sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Wash the berries, rinse with boiling water, dry and grind using a sieve. Add sugar to this puree and cook over high heat, stirring constantly. When the composition thickens, remove from the stove and place hot in bottles.

Raspberry marshmallow recipe


  • 120 gr. powdered sugar.
  • 350 gr. Sahara.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Wash the berries, place in a wide container and place in a preheated oven for an hour. Grind the hot berries using a sieve. Place this puree on low heat, add sugar and reduce by half. Pour the hot mixture into a container lined with parchment paper and coated with vegetable oil, and dry in an oven at 80°C. Cut the marshmallow into pieces, sprinkle with powdered sugar and place in bottles.

Raspberry Vinegar Recipe

This vinegar has a very bright taste and a great smell. It fits great for fruit and vegetable salads.


  • 250 gr. berries
  • 350 gr. white wine vinegar.

Cooking technology. Prepare a glass container with a lid. Wash and dry the berries, put them in a jar. Add vinegar and seal tightly. Store in a dark place for 2 weeks. At the end of this time, strain the liquid. That's it, the vinegar is ready!

Raspberry-based alcoholic drinks

Raspberry wine recipe


  • 3 liters of water.
  • 800 gr. Sahara.
  • 3 kg raspberries.

Cooking technology. Extract the juice from the raspberries. Heat water with sugar until it dissolves, cool. Pour into bottles, mix with raspberry juice and wait for fermentation to complete at room temperature. When it runs out, strain and roll up.

Raspberry liqueur recipe


  • 0.5 kg sugar.
  • 0.5 kg raspberries.
  • A liter of vodka.
  • 300 ml water.

Cooking technology. Place ripe raspberries at the bottom of the bottles and add vodka to it. Close with a nylon lid with several holes. Set in a cool, dark place for a month. Make a syrup from water and sugar, let cool and add to containers with raspberries. Stir, strain and bottle. Close with lids. The more this liqueur costs, the tastier it turns out.

Dried and fresh frozen raspberries

Dried raspberries

For this you need slightly unripe and dense berries. Otherwise, the raspberries will not dry out, but become limp. Dry the berries in an electric dryer or oven for 3-5 hours at a temperature of 40-60C, and when they dry, increase the temperature to 70C. Cool the dried berries and store them in hermetically sealed boxes or jars.

To freeze, choose dry berries. There is no need to rinse them. To prevent raspberries from freezing in clumps, freeze them in a single row on a tray or cutting board. When the berries are frozen, place them in a freezer container.

Frozen raspberries with honey

Place the berries in a freezer container and add honey. Then put it in the freezer. This preparation has double benefits: both honey and raspberries. Prepared in this way for the winter, it will retain its properties and is also quite useful.

In the old days they said that in addition to everything described above, raspberries also have spiritual power: these berries help strengthen good relationships between people. Most likely, this is where the tradition began of treating guests who came to the house with tea with aromatic jam.


In addition to simple jam with sugar, you can make many interesting preparations from berries. So that there is a dessert for every mood, we have collected several original raspberry recipes.

Required Ingredients

Raspberries and our health

An important factor that affects human health is the body’s receipt of a complete set of vitamins throughout the year. They will help to compensate for the lack of nutrients in cold times, as well as simply to please yourself. In addition to the usual jam, you can make many other types of preserves. In this article we will focus on culinary experiments with gelatin.

Raspberry is a perennial subshrub; it can reach a height of one and a half meters and fully exists both in wild conditions and in cultivated gardens. Raspberries produce the most fruit in August, although much depends on the weather. Sometimes, very close to the bush, there are already ripened berries and just emerging flowers at the same time. Garden plants are significantly larger in size than wild ones, which directly affects the quality of the harvest. Raspberries are included in the diet of most forest animals, so finding them in your yard is much easier than in an uncultivated natural environment.

Berries collected in the garden contain a total of about 12% fructose, glucose and sucrose. This is why the fruits have such a sweet and pleasant taste. The berries also contain approximately 4–6% fiber and 1% pectin. Much less is occupied by microelements, which take part in most processes of the human body. Vitamins that berries are rich in include C, B1, B2, PP. In addition to them, the fruits contain provitamin A, folic and salicylic acids - the latter is actively involved in the treatment of seasonal colds.

Raspberry jelly - simple, tasty and healthy

There are many different recipes, all of which are not particularly complicated and can satisfy any preference. Moreover, the gelatinous dessert does not have to be made with gelatin; raspberry jelly is obtained from its own juice and pectin. This delicacy is perfect for children; unlike a store-bought product, it will not contain preservatives, flavors or other undesirable substances.

The jelly-like sweet treat can serve as a dessert on the holiday table, so it is convenient to prepare it right before the celebration. If the goal is to preserve the product for a long time, longer, but not difficult, culinary procedures will be required. Next we will talk about basic recipes, both with and without gelatin.

Delicious jam using gelatin

Do you want to preserve the appetizing quality of fresh berries for a long time? Then use recipes for raspberry jam with gelatin. For example, you can use this ingredient to make popular jams, as it makes the consistency of the berry mass more gelatinous. We should not forget that the heat treatment time for such jam is significantly reduced, and this allows for maximum preservation of useful substances in it.

To prepare jam, you need to take 1 kg of fresh raspberries, 1.5 kg of sugar, 0.3 l of water, 5 g of gelatin, 5–10 g of citric acid. We dilute the gelatin with water at room temperature (about 20–25 °C), you will always find the proportions on the package, and leave it for some time to swell. Cover the berries with sugar and add water to them. Boil the resulting mass and simmer over low heat for 25–30 minutes, stirring continuously. Add swollen gelatin and citric acid to the berries, cook for 15 minutes, remembering to stir. Pour the finished jam into pre-sterilized jars, roll them up, and place them upside down to cool. After a day, we hide the jam in a dark place with a low temperature.

To avoid burning and thereby spoil the food, you must use enamel cookware for cooking.

For those who like to experiment, there is a spicy recipe for raspberry jam with the addition of liqueur or cognac. To do this, take 1 kg of berries, 0.8 kg of sugar and 50 g of liqueur, beat it all until a puree is formed. 1 tbsp. l. Dissolve gelatin with water and set aside to swell. Place the berry puree in a water bath, boil and cook for another 7 minutes. Then set aside, add the swollen gelatin and mix thoroughly. We pour the jam into storage containers, and it can be kept without sealing, however, only in a cool place with a temperature no higher than 5 °C.

If you want a softer jam consistency, you should use a seedless jam recipe. 1 kg of raspberries should be poured with 1-2 glasses of water and placed on low heat, after boiling, cook for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam. Then you should remove the raspberries from the stove, let them cool, and then strain through a sieve or cheesecloth, this way we will get rid of the seeds. Next, add 1.3 kg of sugar to the raspberry mixture, mix and return to the heat. Add pre-soaked gelatin - 4 g, lemon juice to taste to the boiling mass and cook slowly for 10 minutes. The finished jam just needs to be poured into jars and screwed.

Raspberry jam should be stored in small containers, as it may dry out within a short time after opening. To maintain the stickiness of the jam, do not shake or beat it, but only stir gently. You need to scoop raspberry mixtures from a jar with a dry, clean spoon so that the processes of sugaring and fermentation do not occur.

Like fresh raspberries, jam and jelly made from them can be either a separate dish or an excellent addition to desserts, a filling for pies, and a decoration for cakes. And the combination of taste with the presence of many vitamins and microelements makes this berry indispensable in the arsenal of every caring mother or grandmother.

How to make delicious jelly without a thickener?

In fact, there is a way to make raspberry jam with a jelly-like consistency with virtually no additional ingredients. For this we need 2 kg of fresh berries, 1 kg of sugar and 0.25 liters of water. Pour the fruits into a saucepan, fill them with a glass of water and place on low heat. Close the top and cook until all the berries release their juice. Then remove from the burner and wait for the mass to cool. To speed up the process, we can place the vessel in a bathtub or other large container with cold water.

Now that the temperature of the mass has dropped to room temperature or lower, you need to thoroughly grind the contents. Using a colander and gauze, strain the juice and discard the squeezed fruits. We weigh the resulting drink. The weight must be known in order to further determine the level of syrup digestion . It is necessary to reduce the weight of the juice by 40% of the resulting. That is, if after squeezing the result is 1 kg, you should boil it to a final result weighing 0.6 kg. This will ensure that the syrup hardens completely and has a dense jelly-like consistency.

If we took 2 kg of fruit, we will get about 1.6 kg of juice, which must be brought to 1 kg during the boiling process. Add the same amount of sugar – in this case 1 kg. Stir it into the bulk, cook everything together in two more batches for 5–10 minutes, each time cooling to room temperature. After this, pour the resulting syrup into jars of up to 0.5 liters and leave them for a day (or two) until completely solidified. Roll up the jelly and store in the pantry until convenient.

Delicious raspberry desserts

These recipes are suitable for housewives who want to please their guests with an original raspberry dessert, and it’s enough to get started even in the morning in order to be in time for the feast. You need 0.5 liters of water, 0.1 kg of fresh or, 15 g of sugar and 15 g of gelatin. Cooking time is only 1 hour 30 minutes. Pour one half of the water into a container and put it on the fire, immediately after boiling, pour sugar and berries into it, cook for about 20 minutes. We slightly heat another part of the water and dissolve the gelatin in it. Remove the broth from the heat, strain it thoroughly and, stirring gently, pour the diluted gelatin into it. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and place them in the refrigerator until completely thickened. The finished jelly can be decorated with fresh berries.

For the second recipe you will need 0.25 liters of cold boiled water, 0.25 liters of raspberry jam, 15 g of gelatin, a pinch of vanillin. Cooking time – 1 hour. Fill the gelatin with half the water and leave it for 30 minutes. Mix the jam with the second half and strain the resulting mass through a strainer. We boil this syrup and remove it. Pour the gelatin solution into the raspberry mass and return everything to the stove until it boils again, do not forget to stir. Immediately remove from heat, let cool and pour into molds, then put in a cold place until completely hardened. Let's enjoy the masterpiece with our guests!

The most popular berry for jelly is raspberry. Feed has an amazing aroma and has many beneficial properties, which are due to its rich composition. Raspberries improve immunity and help the body cope with seasonal diseases. Recipes for raspberry jelly for the winter are varied. They are easy to prepare and do not require large financial outlays.

The dessert is prepared using:

  • decoction;
  • berry puree;
  • juice.

If there are a large number of berries, a rich dessert is prepared from puree. If there are few fruits, then a decoction will do. It can be mixed with various juices. Jelly is made from the resulting liquid. Raspberries contain a large amount of gelling agents, so the syrup can simply be boiled without adding gelatin.

Usually the process is simplified and gelatin is added for thickness. It is recommended to fill it only with cold water. Then it is left to swell, mixed with a liquid base and heated.

Products for jelly must be strictly measured and only use the amount specified in the recipe..

How to choose berries

To enjoy a fragrant dessert in winter, you need to choose the right raspberries. The most important thing is the freshness of the berries. The degree of maturity does not matter. It may be watery or have slightly dried out seeds. Use freshly picked fruits. They will give the jelly an amazing aroma. Rotten and dried berries will spoil the taste of the dessert.

How to make raspberry jelly at home

Do not cook berries in aluminum containers. Otherwise, the delicacy will acquire an unpleasant taste and color.

A simple recipe for the winter: step-by-step instructions

The dessert will be appreciated by those with a sweet tooth.

You will need:

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • granulated sugar – 3 kg.

How to cook:

  • Pour water over raspberries. Boil it. The mixture should become softened. Stretch cheesecloth over the bowl and pour the boiled mixture. Squeeze. To prevent the seeds from getting into the juice, layer the gauze in several layers. Now you need to measure the amount of juice obtained. Three kilograms of sugar is calculated for three liters of juice. Precise adherence to proportions will help make the jelly thick.
  • Pour the juice into the pan and boil. The volume of liquid will decrease. Add sugar. Stir. Cook for 45 minutes, stirring regularly to prevent the mixture from burning. Then place a drop of jelly on the plate. If it does not retain its shape, boil for a few more minutes. Pour the finished mixture into sterilized containers and roll up.

"Five Minute"

A quick method of preparation, in which the jelly is not as thick as store-bought, but retains most of the beneficial properties. If you like to make healthy preparations for the winter, then you will like this option.

You will need:

  • sugar – 1250 g;
  • raspberries – 2500 g.

How to cook:

  • Sterilize the jars. Sort through the berries. Place in a blender bowl and blend. Pour into a bowl, boil. Strain through cheesecloth. Pour back the juice and add sugar.
  • Stir and cook for 5 minutes. Cool and boil for 5 minutes. If the consistency suits you, then pour into containers and roll up. If the mass seems runny, repeat the process again.

With agar agar

You can cook a delicious preparation for the winter in just 10 minutes.

You will need:

  • granulated sugar – 750 g;
  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • agar-agar – 0.5 tsp.

How to cook:

Cover the berries with sugar. Mash with a masher and boil for 9 minutes. Pass through a sieve. Boil the liquid. Add agar-agar and pour in the juice squeezed from the lemon. Boil for a minute and pour into sterilized containers. Roll up.


The jelly is thick and contains no seeds.

You will need:

  • water – 240 ml;
  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 2 g;
  • sugar – 200 g.

How to cook:

  • Blend the berries in a blender. Fill with water and stir. Boil it. Foam forms on the surface and must be removed. Boil for 10 minutes. Cool.
  • Fold gauze into three layers and squeeze out the mass. Pour sugar into the resulting liquid. Cook for 40 minutes. Add lemon and pour into prepared jars. Roll up.

With gelatin

The recipe is suitable for lovers of thick desserts.

You will need:

  • water – 250 ml;
  • lemon – 1 tsp;
  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 700 g;
  • gelatin – 30 g.

How to cook:

  • Pour gelatin into the water and set aside for swelling. Add sugar to the berries. Stir and knead a little. Cook for 10 minutes. Strain and cook for 12 minutes.
  • Add prepared gelatin and lemon. Stir and cook for 12 minutes. Pour into containers and roll up.

With currant juice

Currants will help diversify the taste of your favorite delicacy.

You will need:

  • raspberry juice – 1 l;
  • sugar – 650 g;
  • red currant juice – 300 ml.

How to cook:

Mix two types of juice. Boil and, gradually adding sugar, cook until thick. Pour into prepared containers and screw on the lids.

With cream

A delicate jelly dessert will delight you with its taste.

You will need:

  • powdered sugar – 45 g;
  • raspberries – 300 g;
  • cream 33% – 250 ml;
  • water - mug;
  • agar-agar – 3 g;
  • granulated sugar – 75 g.

How to cook:

  • Cover the berries with sugar. Fill with water mixed with agar-agar. Cook for two minutes. Pass through a sieve. Pour the liquid into the prepared container and roll up.
  • Before use, whip the cream with powdered sugar and decorate with jelly.

No cooking

A sweet dessert that retains its beneficial properties all winter.

You will need:

  • gelatin – 40 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • water – 100 ml.

How to cook:

  • Soak the gelatin in water and set aside. The mass should swell. Mix sugar with berries. Set aside for a quarter of an hour. Beat with a blender and squeeze out the juice.
  • Warm up the gelatin mass. Combine with lemon and raspberry juice. Stir and roll up.

Raspberry and orange puff jelly

It is best to pour dessert into transparent containers without patterns.

You will need:

  • water – 260 ml;
  • orange juice – 250 ml;
  • sugar;
  • raspberries – 150 ml;
  • gelatin – 20 g.

How to cook:

  • Divide the gelatin into two parts. Fill each with 35 ml of water. Boil the berries in water and strain. Sweeten the juice. Pour in the gelatin and stir. Pour into containers. Wait until it hardens.
  • Add the melted remaining gelatin to the orange juice. Sweeten it. Stir. Pour over the raspberry layer and refrigerate.

Further storage

Winter preparations are stored in glass containers. The place should be cool, without moisture. You can put it in the cellar, and if necessary, take it out and leave it in the refrigerator.

When stored properly, the delicacy does not spoil and retains its taste until the next season.