The magic of numbers. XVII

The luckiest major arcana of the Tarot is the Star. This card promises good luck and life. The 17th lasso can save even a negative alignment. All you have to do is look at the map. I will use the Rider-White deck, a classic Tarot card.

As in previous articles on Tarot, I’ll start analyzing this lasso with the background. The seventeenth lasso is depicted on a blue background. Therefore, do not forget to connect the subconscious, intuition and hidden forces of the body when interpreting this position.

It depicts a naked girl with two jugs. Symbol of purity and beauty. Water pours out of the jugs, symbolizing life. The girl pours one jug back into the river, which symbolizes the water cycle in nature, and pours the other onto the ground, watering the plants and irrigating the soil.

The stars are shining above the girl. One of them is bright yellow, and 7 others are white. This number in the Star lasso is not accidental. After all, God created the world in 7 days. The Star Tarot card shows the process of creating life. Those who are familiar with chakras know that a person has 7 main energy centers. And those who are not familiar have heard about the seven colors of the rainbow.

When the 17th major arcan appears in the reading, it’s time to wake up.

I'm sure you know the expression: "Born under a lucky star." A person is lucky throughout his life, luck helps him achieve his goals. Also, the brightest star helped sailors to choose the right path during a long voyage and the absence of other landmarks. The seventeenth lasso of the Tarot Star means the right path in life, a faithful assistant.

If you take a closer look at this major arcana, you will see that the night is ending. The sun hasn't come out yet, but it's already starting to get brighter. All the inhabitants wake up. There is only a moment left and dawn will come. This symbolizes the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the light one.

In the distance you can see a bird on the door, which has woken up and is ready to start a new day. Roosters in villages wake up local residents. Birds are always present in places where living conditions are good.

17th lasso - meaning

Tarot Star means luck and popularity, optimism, success in career and personal life. In astrology, it symbolizes the transit of Jupiter through the 1st or 10th house, the planet Jupiter with its positive characteristics.

Tarot Star in the reading promises the presence of a guardian angel, a guiding star. She gives a positive answer. If you use “Yes-No” fortune-telling, then it’s definitely “Yes”. The meaning of the 17th Arcana is the fulfillment of desires, the emergence of new opportunities. You are moving on the right path. You woke up from a long sleep.

Karmic meaning of Tarot Star - movement in the right direction

In a scenario for the future, the 17th lasso indicates that a favorable period has begun in life. You need to use this time to solve difficult issues. Now many serious problems will be solved much easier. It's worth continuing to dream. Or an assistant will appear in your life who will solve many problematic issues in life.

You can look at the seventeenth lasso of the Tarot from a different perspective. When a Star appears, it often speaks of the end of a black streak, a negative period, or a series of failures. You have the right direction of movement.

Dream more often.

In a reading for love and relationships, this Star card is not so pleasant. She gives love and happiness, platonic feelings, spirituality. For young girls and women, it is better when a card with a man appears in the layout. You may have a faithful friend, assistant, mentor.

In profession and business, the 17th lasso shows far-reaching plans and hopes. Now you are just laying the foundation for future victories. You need to set a goal and go towards it. In business, the Star card speaks of expanding the scope of activity, the emergence of partners, and the establishment of trade turnover. But success with this card does not come immediately. It sets the motion vector. The rest is up to you.

Star - inverted position

The seventeenth major arcana in reverse is not as bad as the other cards. Usually it means a disappointment, the wrong path. Many of you have read the story about the goldfish or are familiar with the saying: “Fear what you wish for, it may come true.” When the Star fell in an inverted position, I had a large flow of clients, and I answered emails all day. But there was no time for consultations. Popularity also has its downsides. The karmic meaning here is simple. You need to think: Is this what you really want? Are you heading down the right path?

Combinations in layouts

In combination with other cards, the 17 Arcana Tarot Star gives a positive interpretation of the issue. With cards on a blue background, like , it enhances the influence of the subconscious, intuition on resolving the issue, your hidden reserves.

If other cards in the layout do not give a clear answer, then the Star usually tips the scales in a positive direction. It means: you need to move in that direction. A negative alignment makes it neutral. The card does not allow the 17th lasso to use its meaning.

You can get an answer to your question

The Star Tarot card most often has a favorable meaning. It is a symbol of positive, new, rebirth, hope. The star may foretell the appearance of true friends, the birth of love. Let's consider the meaning of this card in detail.

The meaning of the card in a relationship reading

The Star card in the Tarot can have both favorable and negative meanings in relationships. For example:

  • If you rely on fate and do not work on the relationship, leaving everything to chance, your union is doomed to parting. There is no need to hope that everything will work out by itself.
  • In the reversed position, the Tarot Star has the following meaning in relationships: your connection with your partner is very strong and durable. There is a chance to build long-term relationships that will be happy and harmonious.
  • If the card fell on the part of one of the partners, this means that he is not satisfied with the current relationship. He wants more, now he is not receiving enough attention or anything else from his other half.
  • If the five-pointed symbol appears along with the Hanged Man card, it means that your partner does not live up to the ideal that you drew in your fantasies. You dream of him becoming better, but this is impossible.
  • In combination with the Priestess card, the Star indicates that the union has united two creative and very talented people. But the catch is that the partners are completely unsuited for real life. They are impractical: they are idealists and dreamers.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Star card:

Tarot Star: combining cards with others

The meaning of fortune telling may change depending on how the Tarot card fell in the layout. The Star card in combination with others has the following meanings:

  1. Fool - pay attention to the signs of the Universe: they will show you the right path.
  2. The magician is an ideal period for setting new goals and finding ways to realize them.
  3. High Priestess - in the future everything will turn out extremely well, just believe in yourself and your own strengths.
  4. Empress - the efforts made in the past will finally bear long-awaited fruits. Get ready to rest on your laurels.
  5. Emperor - despite the difficulties, do not stop there. You are one step away from success, you just need to make the last push.
  6. Hierophant - life will teach you an important lesson, and you will gain invaluable experience.
  7. Lovers - your union with your partner will be strong and long, full of love, harmony and mutual understanding.
  8. Chariot - there is a move ahead, and the fulfillment of a long-standing desire is also likely.
  9. Hermit - contact an astrologer, you can get important information.
  10. Wheel of Fortune - some event will happen that will incredibly please and encourage you.
  11. Justice - the goal to which you have been working long and hard will finally be realized.
  12. Hanged Man - you are making too complex plans. Some of them will not be possible to implement.
  13. Death - the time has come to “renew” and start life from scratch, leaving everything unnecessary in the past.
  14. Moderation - the situation that worries you will take a new favorable turn.
  15. Devil - the plans you make will fail.
  16. Tower - take off your rose-colored glasses, you have too many illusions.
  17. Moon - indicates self-doubt and dissatisfaction with life.
  18. The sun - your cherished dream will come true.
  19. Court - leave pessimistic thoughts, you need to start hoping for the best.
  20. Peace - you have incredible talent hidden within you that needs to be developed.

If the 17th arcana is paired with wands:

  • King - your path will be illuminated by hope.
  • Queen - you are overly self-confident, try to assess the situation realistically.
  • A knight is a person with incredible fortitude.
  • Page - luck will accompany you in any endeavor.
  • 10 - fate will provide opportunities for success.
  • 9 - a lot of doubts.
  • 8 - a favorable outcome of the current case.
  • 7 - restrictions and barriers will collapse.
  • 6 - self-confidence.
  • 5 - you will be able to find the right solution.
  • 4 - victory over the disease.
  • 3 - you need to concentrate and put all your effort into achieving what you want.
  • 2 - search for purpose.
  • Ace - reward or win.

Value in money

In a reading on the financial side of life, the Star card will tell you about the following:

  • You are full of strength, you have many resources to achieve your financial goals. But don't invent anything new - use proven methods, and success will come.
  • If you are looking for a purpose, pay attention to creative professions that will help you realize your talents, benefit people and achieve success.
  • It is likely that you will receive the expected profit in the near future. But provided that there are no negative cards in the layout that promise financial losses or collapse of plans.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

– the answer is “yes”.

The card symbolizes hope, a happy future, healing, renewal, victory.

A good card that speaks of a period of calm in your life, that the trials are behind you and the situation will steadily improve. The prediction can relate both to health, physical or mental, and to the stage of creative growth, movement towards a goal. You know your desires, you are following the intended path, you are full of optimism, confidence, and creative inspiration. You will achieve the desired result, unexpected help is possible, the emergence of new friendship and love.

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Symbolizes new perspectives and hopes. She talks about finding peace. A person can count on a favorable outcome in any life situation, even if at first glance it seems catastrophic.


Such a card indicates that the relationship has just begun or the couple is trying to build it again. Most likely, the union will be strong, and lovers will be able to build a strong family. If the fortuneteller wants to find out how his beloved treats him, then the lasso says that the person wants to build a relationship, but expects active actions from the fortuneteller.


For fortunetellers suffering from illnesses, the card promises improved well-being or a speedy recovery. The lasso may also foreshadow the normalization of the situation after the crisis. For women, the Star mulls the possibility of conception.


For fortunetellers who have long planned to open their own business, it’s time to seriously think about creating an enterprise. A favorable period is coming for this. Now everything you need for development will appear, you just need to put a little effort into it. Things will be especially successful in the tourism area. The lasso also means a good period for looking for a new job or career growth.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the future

The Tarot card symbolizes new experiences, the emergence of hope for a better outcome in any matter. If you thought it was impossible to solve your problems, then you will soon be faced with unforeseen events that will have an extremely positive impact on your life. Pleasant surprises await you, meetings with people who can have a beneficial impact on your life. Be careful. Hope inspires people to new deeds, helps to regain lost confidence in their own abilities, so its importance is very great for any person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Star card has the main meaning - the absence of an end. This can be interpreted in a positive sense: if a person is looking for his destiny, then one should expect to meet a person with whom the relationship will become very long and strong.

It is possible that acquaintance and further development will take place at a distance, which will lead to the inability to drown in everyday life and quickly get bored of each other. Moreover, the relationship will become harmonious both on the physical and psychological levels.

If the relationship already exists, then the card marks a positive development; if there is a misunderstanding, it will be resolved in the near future.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

Realization of your goals, time to show your talents and devote yourself to the development of spirituality. In matters of love: a union full of trust, possibly of creative people. You are a confident person with excellent health and well-being. A completely new career and reward awaits you, only favorable prospects lie ahead.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of the new. New opportunities looming somewhere in the distance, the implementation of long-term plans, the emergence of a reasonable hope for the best. The card does not talk about immediate results, it expresses the positive potential of the situation.

In the layouts, the card says that the questioner’s goal is achievable, but it will not be realized quickly, so there is time to clearly think about what you want.

In professional scenarios, it comes with bonuses, new prospects, and well-deserved awards. If they offer to do something outside the scope of normal activities, agree, perhaps this is the very chance.

In love, the Star speaks of partners having common long-term plans and personifies life together.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

A new stage will soon come in the relationship that you have. You will forgive all the quarrels and insults that existed between you, and start a new life together. It will be interesting and bright, like the first cloud. You must understand that your significant other is very calm and unobtrusive. Sometimes it is difficult for a partner to say some important words that can change the relationship between you. After these changes, you will feel at ease Aries. Let go of the negative lump that has been accumulating inside your soul for a long period of time and causing you to suffer and cry.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Don't build baseless illusions. Now only you yourself are able to influence the situation, which means you shouldn’t rely on higher powers. It may be worth paying attention to your internal state - lack of strength or unwillingness to explore internal possibilities can negatively affect any actions. If you move to the next stage of fulfilling your desire, take a break. Active preparation and self-reflection will help you stay on the right path.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Fate itself led to this situation. This is a gift from heaven and the protection of higher powers. Good luck awaits you in any endeavor. It's time to demonstrate your abilities. You feel hope and happiness. A white streak has come in life.

You are promised the achievement of any goals, successful resolution of cases. Opportunities are within reach. Everything will turn out as expected. Be calm and believe in yourself!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The card predicts joint plans and long-term relationships. Such a union will not be fleeting, and, most likely, will lead to the formation of a family. If you already have a partner, then we are talking about him, but if not, then you will soon meet with him. Family relationships will be warm and romantic, so such an alliance will be strong and unbreakable.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

A new world opens up before a person, full of wonders and beauty. A presentiment of happiness, awareness of the implementation of plans. The Guardian Angel favors the person.

When the Heavenly Forces are favorable to a person, all his plans, dreams, desires and aspirations come true in the most miraculous way.

You can handle everything. You are in a strong position, go for it!

A full description of the map is available at

Tarot Star - the meaning of this card is positive, as it is a symbol of renewal, rebirth, and the emergence of hope for salvation. Often the lasso prophesies the appearance of new friends and a surge of creative strength.

In the article:

Tarot Star - meaning

The Tarot card Star has a very positive meaning in the upright position. She says that at the moment a person can completely trust the higher powers that will lead him forward. You will be able to achieve any goals and fulfill any desire if you believe in your magical patrons and follow them, since such luck falls to very few.

The Guiding Star will illuminate the right path for you. The individual should remain calm and confident. Often the 17th Arcana speaks of hope and happiness; it is believed that this is one of the most positive major Arcana, as it foreshadows the beginning of a white streak that will last a very long time.

The card can truly be called a symbol of optimism and faith, as it will be a wonderful omen in any scenario. If you are calm and believe in yourself, you will be able to achieve any goal you set, but it is very important to understand what it should be. Now is truly your finest hour, when it is time to show all your abilities and present yourself from the best side.

Often the appearance of the Star lasso can indicate that the business in which you are currently involved can play a greater role in your life than you can even imagine. The stars say that at this stage you can start new projects, communicate with new people, and make plans for the future.

If we turn to the ancient interpretations of this body, we can find a not entirely favorable interpretation. In some situations, the Star can talk about losses (in most cases we are talking about physical ones).

An individual who is identified with this lasso loves to engage in various arts, which allow him to develop not only physical endurance, but also fortitude. This includes meditation, yoga, aikido.

If the lasso appears in the reading, the Tarot Star prophesies successful business management, receiving joy from communicating with other people and working. The meaning of the lasso may vary slightly. For example, in the Star is a symbol of arrogance, coldness, platonic relationships, alienation. It can often symbolize same-sex relationships.

Inverted position

An inverted Tarot star does not have a very favorable meaning. At the moment, the individual has the opportunity to realize himself in creativity, he wants it. But, unfortunately, this is not feasible in the near future. Perhaps the reason lies in the person’s stubbornness and inability to change his life.

The individual misses too many chances, practically does not believe in his own strength, and has a passive attitude towards life. In an inverted position, the card sometimes indicates disappointment not only in life or in oneself, but also in the dream that a person has been pursuing for a certain time. In most cases, this condition is accompanied by apathy and loneliness.

Sometimes a card speaks of a person who has reached some heights in the past, but has stopped developing. She has nothing to boast about except her old achievements. At the moment, the individual is making fruitless attempts to regain his former glory or is simply enjoying his imaginary status, previously won.

In any case, this state of affairs is not good for a person. The Tarot Arcana Star in an inverted position can also be interpreted as a harbinger of various natural disasters that will provoke the death of many people.

Tarot Star - meaning in relationships

The Tarot Star card in a love relationship reading can be both positive and negative. If a person just wants everything to work out well, but does nothing for it, then the union will be doomed.

Otherwise, the card indicates a long-term, strong, lasting connection. Pay attention to which partner the Star falls on. She will say that this partner will always dream of something more. The appearance of the Hanged Man in a reading indicates that a man or woman will constantly want their partner to begin to live up to their ideals.

A placement next to the Star of the Priestess will indicate that the partner may be a creative person with imagination, but, unfortunately, he is not suitable for life. It can be quite difficult with such a person, since he is impractical and is constantly in his own world, he is an idealist and a dreamer.

Work and finance

Appearing in a work layout, the 17th lasso indicates that fortune is on your side and you can implement many ideas. Use previously unused strategies, be innovative, reorganize. Today you can count on success; obstacles and difficulties will be easy to eliminate.

If we are talking about choosing a profession, then you should focus your attention on poetry, design, and theatrical skills. It is important for a person to understand that he should follow his calling. If you are doing something that does not bring you pleasure, and you cannot open up in it, then you should quit everything and start again.

Only if you belong to the sphere that is destined for you by fate, will you be able to achieve what you want. The card suggests that a person will be able to become a professional in his field and get a promotion. Everything you plan now will be feasible. Probably not in the near future, but nevertheless the implementation of such projects is guaranteed.

If we talk about material profit, then at the moment the individual really hopes that his financial situation will improve. If the layout does not contain arcana, which can symbolize poverty or large financial losses, then it is indeed possible to make a profit.

Health status

The meaning of the Star Tarot card in health readings is renewal and rebirth. The lasso symbolizes inner peace, absence of mental illness, and harmony. Recovery from some kind of injury or long-term illness is possible. The card can symbolize rejuvenation and cosmetic procedures.

In many situations, the appearance of a Star can indicate the birth of a child. Almost all modern tarot readers today adhere to this interpretation.

It is worth noting that ancient interpretations often said that the card could indicate the salvation of a person. The possibility of pulmonary disease or the prospect of drowning was also mentioned.

Because the lasso has such a dual meaning, pay attention to the surrounding cards before interpreting it. If they are positive, the value will of course be optimistic. If the layout is made to designate an indicator of the disease, then the Star indicates allergic reactions.

Tarot Star in combination with other cards

To correctly interpret the layout, it is necessary to focus attention not only on each individual card, but also on their paired meaning. This will allow you to see the full picture of what is happening. Star in combination with the major arcana:

  • Jester - follow the stars;
  • Mage is a great time for new projects;
  • The High Priestess - confidence in your future;
  • Empress - getting results;
  • Emperor - don't stop there;
  • Hierophant - gaining experience;
  • Lovers are a strong union;
  • Chariot - change of residence, fulfillment of a dream;
  • The hermit is an expert in astrology;
  • Wheel of Fortune is a joyful event;
  • Justice - achieving the goal;
  • Hanged Man - plans that are difficult to implement;
  • Death is to start life from scratch;
  • Moderation - the situation will improve;
  • The devil is the ruin of plans;
  • Tower - illusions;
  • Moon - uncertainty, dissatisfaction with life;
  • The sun is a dream come true;
  • Court - faith in the best;
  • The world is hidden talents.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - receiving a reward;
  • Two - finding yourself;
  • Three - you can do anything to achieve what you want;
  • Four - recovery;
  • Five - you can find a way out;
  • Six - believe in yourself;
  • Seven - you will be able to destroy barriers;
  • Eight - the situation will soon change for the better;
  • Nine - doubts;
  • Ten - development prospects;
  • Page - fortune is on your side;
  • Knight - strength of spirit;
  • Queen - self-confidence;
  • The king is hope.

Star combination with Tarot cups:

  • Ace - purchase of movable and immovable property;
  • Two - an unpleasant journey;
  • Troika - a protracted romance;
  • Four - dependence on love;
  • Five - disappointment;
  • Six is ​​a strong union based on love;
  • Seven - disappointment, loss;
  • Eight - sexual experience;
  • Nine - quarrels, conflicts with society;
  • Ten - receiving a large sum of money;
  • Page - a man who is interested in music;
  • Knight - professionalism;
  • The queen is a corrupt woman;
  • The king is a lucky man.

The meaning of the arcana if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - bad habits;
  • Two - sudden appearance of relatives;
  • Three is a failure;
  • Four - rest after the battle;
  • Five is a lover;
  • Six - being with your loved one at a great distance;
  • Seven - public censure;
  • Eight - betrayal;
  • Nine - meeting with relatives;
  • Ten - suicidal tendencies;
  • Page - fatal meeting;
  • Knight - leadership;
  • Queen - an affair with her husband's acquaintance;
  • The king is a failure.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - lack of talent;
  • Two - search for truth;
  • Three - refusal to help;
  • Four - unfulfilled dreams;
  • Five - uncertainty;
  • Six - a hopeless situation;
  • Seven - empty hopes;
  • Eight - loss of innocence;
  • Nine - theatrical performance;
  • Ten - confidence in your financial independence;
  • Page - advanced training;
  • Knight - progress;
  • Queen - wealth;
  • King - thirst for more.

Tarot Thoth Star

Aleister Crowley, in his description of the Arcana of the Thoth Tarot, states that the meaning of the Star is in some respects similar to the Fool card. The lasso is always positive, but you shouldn’t expect too much from it.

Surrounded by negative cards, the Star indicates euphoria in anticipation of something that may not actually happen. Almost always, the Star talks about happiness, but not a sufficiently materialistic approach to life.

You can really be envied if everything you wanted has already come true. Enjoy and reap the benefits, because you deserve it. Try not to loosen control over what is happening, as this will be fraught with negative consequences.

Interpretation of the tarot card star in the upright position

Optimism, favorable state of affairs, victory. Your plans are doomed to success. Sincere intentions, innocence, clear conscience.

  • hope, bright prospects, bright future, happiness, wisdom, immortality, spiritual enlightenment, renewal
  • intellectual achievements, satisfaction, bright outlook, intuition
  • movement towards your goal; understanding what that goal should be

Tarot card Star is a very good card, it means a period of calm and serenity, difficulties are already behind, and the Questioner has a clear perspective. The card also speaks of physical and spiritual renewal, so it is especially desirable in a reading if a person has just suffered an illness or serious moral trials. Confidence, hope, inspiration, and the achievement of cherished goals are characteristic of the life of the Questioner.

The Tarot star means a surge of creative energy, inspiration, and new ideas. You know what you are going to say or create. You feel a sense of peace, believe in your strength and can solve all your problems. Your well-being, both physical and mental, improves. You have an optimistic outlook on life and good, completely feasible plans. The Tarot star, in addition, can be interpreted as unexpected help, a new friend, a new love. A lucky card symbolizing hope, renewal, opening new horizons, healing from illnesses and illnesses.

Interpretation of the tarot card star in reverse position

Disappointments, relationship problems, illness, loss. There is a threat hanging over you, monitor the situation and the people around you.

  • disappointment, impotence, broken dates, infertility
  • withdrawal, delay of happiness, disappointment, impatience, theft
  • unfulfilled hopes, rejection, self-confidence leading to losses rather than achievements

Inverted, the Tarot Star warns of impossible desires that are associated with stubborn refusal of happy opportunities. The reasons for this are lack of confidence in one’s own strengths, negative experiences of past years and simply the belief that “it’s too good to be true.”

The reversed Tarot Star speaks of possible spiritual blindness, which does not allow one to notice and use new opportunities. Foretells the collapse of hopes.

Description of the map

A female figure kneeling on one knee at the water's edge. In most decks, her knee is on the bank and her other foot is in the stream. She holds a jug in each hand and pours water from them. In all decks, water flows from one jug into a stream. In many decks, water from the second jug is poured onto the bank of the stream, and only part of it is returned to the water stream. Pay attention to the corresponding imagery of the Arcanum Temperance. The allegory of the card is not just patience, but finding the right place for something important in yourself.

Stars shine above the woman’s head, but their number and arrangement in different decks are different. In some tarot decks there are 7 stars on the card, located around the head and forming a kind of halo. In other Tvro decks, 7 small stars are arranged in different ways and one large star is always directly above the head of the figure. Often in decks using this second symbolism, small stars are placed in two columns on either side of the large star, once again embodying the portal theme. There are also tarot decks that feature only one large star directly above the woman's head.

The background of the figure is an open rural landscape. Many decks feature one or two trees in the background with a bird perched on top. If there are two trees, they are located on both sides of the figure, like columns, as on other Major Arcana cards.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

You have already found a path that can lead to your own form of immortality as you have defined it. Use your power wisely, and remain confident that the object of your search is within reach. Everything that you have achieved or are about to achieve will allow you to leave a memory of yourself in this world. You don't need to fear your rivals; no one has the power or even the ability to take this success away from you. If you are wise and generous enough, you will find that you will increase your influence and perpetuate your name by teaching others what you have learned.

Let's consider the imagery of stars. Since ancient times, people have admired and been guided by these celestial signs. Astrology teaches that the location of the stars influences our destinies, but even people unfamiliar with astrology pay attention to these distant beacons. Travelers used the North Star (or Southern Cross in the Southern Hemisphere) to guide their way. People have always seen pictures in the arrangement of stars and made up legends about them. The stars have taken on another importance in our time as we slowly but steadily make our way towards them.

The stars represent the Universe with mysteries and potential for growth, insight and power. They symbolize something external, even material, but located outside of this world. In many ways, not just astrologically, the stars guide our destinies. In the Star tarot card, the seeker is given the opportunity to take the initiative.

If the Tarot Tower shows the disastrous results of the unwise use of power and authority, then the Tarot Star demonstrates the potential for wisdom and understanding, which is true power. An ancient Greek myth tells that the Olympian gods placed people among the stars to immortalize them. The Tarot star shows the beginning of your path to immortality.

At this point in your journey you become a teacher as well as a seeker. The stars are aligned in your direction, giving you the power that the Magician was only trying to take into his own service: to be at the center of the Universe, to change the heavens at his own will.

But to acquire and maintain this power, you must give something back. The young woman on the card pours out water, representing life force, returns it to the earth, the stars located above her head pour their power into her. This is the beginning of a transformation: the stars above her do what she does because she begins to become what they are. This is an excellent example, although it carries a slightly different idea than the Magician: “as above, so below.”

The young woman on the Star Tarot card represents eternal youth and true beauty. The stars above it symbolize the potential to achieve your goal and, just as importantly, a true understanding of that goal - what it should be. The water in the stream symbolizes the serenity (more than patience) born of the knowledge that you will overcome all obstacles. A generous portion of her knowledge and her power is returned to the earth to revive that from which she rose. The stars teach that even if you are ready to move to the highest levels of knowledge, it is important to remember that your roots and, therefore, the basis of your strength lie on the earth. You must think not only about where you are going, but also about those who will follow you.


Jupiter in the 11th house as a patron and opener of new horizons.

Straight position:

The STAR symbolizes rebirth and renewal, inner light, hope, salvation, carelessness. The card means a surge of creativity, inspiration, unexpected help from a new friend or new love. This is good health, an optimistic outlook on life and feasible plans.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: the desire to find a creative state (maybe take up art). Sometimes it means stubbornness, intransigence, unused opportunities.

17 Star (straight position)

General value:

Often associated with speech (the word is silver, silence is gold). The idea of ​​being singled out, disappearing from sight (hence the meaning of “theft”)

Hopes, new beginnings (in combination with the Devil - false hopes). Going beyond moderation. Road, path (rather spiritual, creative, educational)


1. New, undeveloped business: everything you need to grow is there, you just need to try.

Travel agencies.

Opportunity for career growth, a new good job (when – specify with other cards)

2. Recovery, improvement after the crisis. Possibility of conception.

3. Everything is ahead. Romance. Doesn't talk about the outcome of the relationship, about marriage.

4. Romanticism, adventurism, optimism. The desire to live an interesting life. Curiosity. Great creativity. Unlike the people of the Devil, they are bunglers and disheveled people. Simple-minded.

Bards. Tent tourists. Writers (Efremov, J. London).

Extrasensory abilities.

5. Advice to believe in the future, start new things, make plans for the future, prepare for something. Get creative.

6. “Yes” but a little later than expected or you need to try.

17 Star (inverted position)

General value:

Either “dreams come true” or loss of hopes. Needs to be checked.


1. Achieving a goal or collapsing plans. Either a new job is about to be found or there are no prospects.

2. Stable state. Chronic or occupational diseases.

3. Again, either/or. Look at the neighbors and check.

4. Does not make plans for the future, tries to get away from illusions.

5. Do not undertake anything new, do not indulge in dreams, be practical.

6. Either-or (check)

General value:

The Star is a card of hope, wisdom and understanding of the higher connections of all. It indicates that we are currently doing or planning things, the results of which will appear only in the very distant future, but that is why we may not be fully aware of what we are doing. Only in hindsight will it become clear to us what significant decisions we made then (today), under the sign of the Arcanum of the Star. And just as a seed needs time to germinate and become a plant, so the Star does not manifest its fruitful effect immediately. In the traditional Tarot, the Star was in most cases considered one of the three guardian angels who promised a favorable outcome to any planned business.


Here she shows that we are on the threshold of a completely new career. This can be either a natural continuation of our previous work or a transition to something completely new. However, any negotiations, projects, agreements and alliances that take shape during this period promise us good luck for a long time to come.


The star shows that our future is in our hands. At the same time, a broad perspective opens up for us for the distant future, going very far beyond the framework of specific agreements and plans. It is as if we have ascended to the height of an eagle's flight, from where we can clearly see all the various obstacles that may arise on our way, and the means by which we will surely be able to overcome them, and the final goal, necessary and sufficient for us to admit to yourself that you are successful.

Personal relationships:

Some meetings take place, seemingly random, but extremely important, contacts are made that will have consequences for many years. Alliances concluded under the sign of this card have a long future.

In a love relationship

The star, despite its positivity, can be very insidious. A star is hope when a person expects good luck, but does nothing to change his life. In a sense, it is close to the Wheel of Fortune in terms of passively waiting for freebies and hoping for positive changes. This in itself is not bad, but it should be remembered that waiting implies the idea that nothing depends on us. In addition, the Star falling on one of the partners in a relationship scenario will indicate that no matter who he is with, he will always dream of something more. If the Star falls on one side of the Gebo layout, and the Jester or the Hanged Man on the other, then this will indicate that one of the partners will wait until the other matures and begins to live up to his ideals. A star next to the Priestess (Hanged Man, Moon) will indicate having your head in the clouds. These may well be people of art, possessing a rich and vivid imagination, but completely unsuited to life. You can live in a relationship with such people, but you should not expect them to be practical in business. However, despite some negative overtones of the previous story, Star does not spoil the relationship. You can live with her, just as you can live with a dreamer and idealist. At the same time, we can say that living with a Star person may not be easy, but in any case it is interesting. A star located on the side of the questioner will indicate his unrealistic expectations for his partner. In such a case, the nearby Tower promises bitter disappointments or, metaphorically speaking, an awakening from the sleep of illusions.

XVII. Star in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - faith in your star.

With the “Magician” card it’s a good time to start; bright idea.

With the “High Priestess” card - higher intelligence, calmness and confidence in the future.

With the “Empress” card - decent results.

With the “Emperor” card - consolidation of what has been achieved.

With the “Hierophant” card - spiritual enlightenment.

With the “Lovers” card - a promising relationship.

With the Chariot card - moving.

With the “Strength” card - make a wish.

With the Hermit card - study of astrology.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - happy changes.

With the “Justice” card - reasonable goals.

With the Hanged Man card - unreasonable plans.

With the “Death” card - turn the page.

With the “Moderation” card, the situation improves.

With the “Devil” card - send all plans to hell.

With the “Tower” card - a collapse of hopes; star wars; plane crash.

With the Moon card - uncertainty about your plans.

With the “Sun” card - the implementation of plans.

With the “Judgment” card - the return of faith in life.

With the “World” card - revealing talent.


With the Ace of Wands card, light up your star.

With the “Two of Wands” card - look for yourself, your purpose.

With the Three of Wands card - focus on your dream.

With the Four of Wands card - recovery in the house.

With the Five of Wands card there is hope to find the best way out of the current situation.

With the Six of Wands card - believe in your star and follow it.

With the Seven of Wands card there is hope that difficulties will be overcome.

With the Eight of Wands card, the situation will soon recover.

With the Nine of Wands card - allow doubts.

With the Ten of Wands card - hope to see the future.

With the “Page of Wands” card - “grab yourself by the tail”; find something worthwhile.

With the card “Knight of Wands” - perk up.

With the Queen of Wands card - believe in yourself.

With the King of Wands card - give hope to others.