Treaty of Tilsit. The World of Tilsit is brief and clear - the most important thing

Between 13 and 25 June 1807, a peace treaty was concluded in Tilsit between Napoleon and Alexander. To sign the treaty, the two emperors met on a raft in the middle of the Neman River.

Participants in peace negotiations

Frederick William III of Prussia and his wife Louise met with Alexander I in 1801 in Memel (now Klaipeda, a city in Lithuania). The Prussian army at this time held defenses along the borders. Apparently, the city did not make an impression on the Russian Tsar. When Frederick William asked the emperor what he liked most about Memel, Alexander replied: “Your wife!”

There is every reason to believe that Alexander did not lie. The emperor was unhappy in his marriage and had with his wife only two children, girls, who died in childhood. In addition, shortly before meeting Frederick of Prussia, Alexander lost his father Paul - he was killed in St. Petersburg. But despite everything, Russia was very important to Friedrich Wilhelm as an ally. Alexander knew about this and therefore allowed himself such insolence.

Contemporaries considered Louise charming and irresistible. In fact, she was a living legend of her time. And it’s not just about the beauty that nature generously endowed her with. She had a strong character and was a truly bright personality. These qualities contrasted sharply with her husband's indecisiveness and uncertainty. One day, seeing the despondency and loss of spirit of the Prussian soldiers, Louise jumped on her horse and headed towards them to inspire them and gather them for battle. One of the officers subsequently commented: “The only representative of Prussia on the battlefield that day was the queen.” In July 1807 she went to Tilsit. Louise was going to use all her abilities to save at least part of Prussia from Napoleon.

One of the conditions for the negotiations in Tilsit was a joint dinner between Napoleon and Louise. The dinner took place a week after the signing of the treaty in 1807, on the bridge. Today this bridge bears the name of Queen Louise. It is believed that this meeting, although not widely publicized, had a great influence on the history of Europe.

"Youth" agreement

The Peace of Tilsit consisted of two significant peace treaties: between France and Russia (July 7) and between France and Prussia (July 9). At the time of peace, Alexander was 29 years old, Friedrich Wilhelm was 36 years old, Louise was 31 years old, and Napoleon was 37 years old. Subsequently, historians will call the Tilsit Peace a “youth” treaty, because the participants in the negotiation process were relatively young for such an important political event.

The treaty signed between Alexander and Napoleon played a key role for Europe. Standing on a raft in the middle of the river, the two emperors agreed on the subsequent division of Europe. True, in contrast to the agreement between Molotov and him in 1939, Napoleon and Alexander smoothed out the clash generated by fundamentally different systems of political governance.

For Napoleon, the Treaty of Tilsit provided a respite from a grueling military campaign that engulfed the entire territory from Paris to Memel.

The Prussian royal family was forced to move the capital from Berlin to Memel (Klaipeda). Prussia was in dire straits. Friedrich Wilhelm even abolished serfdom in 1807, in the hope that at least some of the freed peasants would be able to take up arms.

It was Alexander who asked Napoleon to meet with Louise. Napoleon agreed with great reluctance. Louise wanted to save at least a small part of the Prussian kingdom, which at that time was only 106 years old and was considered the youngest in Europe. To do this, she needed to charm and convince Napoleon, who behaved arrogantly and arrogantly towards the Prussians.

Her emotional requests and pleas had no effect on Napoleon. At first she asked him to preserve the Prussian kingdom, or at least its name. When this failed, she asked to save at least a couple of provinces. Napoleon did not agree to this either. Finally, Louise exploded: “Let me at least leave Magdeburg!” Napoleon refused her.

Later in his letter, he noted that he knew in advance that the Prussian queen would try to manipulate him, and was on guard. Eventually, Napoleon forced the Prussians to halve the size of their army and pay France compensation of 100 million francs.

Louise fell into despair. Now there is no trace left of the former Prussia, and she has become the queen of provincial Memel. Talleyrand, Napoleon's foreign minister, was so moved by Louise's feelings that he tried to console her. He was sincerely outraged by Napoleon's cruel attitude towards the Kingdom of Prussia and later resigned for this reason. Relations between Talleyrand and Napoleon were ruined forever after this.

Subsequent events

Five years later, Napoleon's Grand Army, consisting of 600,000 people, entered Lithuania. For many Lithuanians, Napoleon's invasion was a welcome opportunity to rebel against the Russian Tsar's regime. Between 1807 and 1812, approximately 20,000 Lithuanians volunteered to serve in the army of the Duchy of Warsaw, created as a result of the Tilsit Agreements.

Napoleon entered Lithuania on June 27, 1812 and stayed there for 18 days. Six months later, the Grand Army joined him on December 9th. The army was defeated and was in a deplorable state. Exhausted and sick soldiers filled the streets of Vilnius. Not a trace remained of the former greatness of the French army. It is believed that around 20,000 Napoleon's soldiers died in the Lithuanian capital.

Fate was also not kind to Queen Louise. Of all four participants in the peace negotiations, she was the first to die. Louise died at the age of 34, three years after her breakfast with Napoleon. She could not live to see the complete defeat of the army of the emperor, whom she hated with all her heart. However, Louise's descendants will play a large role in subsequent events. Her daughter Charlotte will become the wife of Tsar Nicholas. After accepting Orthodoxy, Charlotte will receive a new name - Alexandra Feodorovna, and will reign in Russia for 30 years.

Louise's son Wilhelm would become the first Kaiser of a united Germany in 1871, after Prussia's victory over France. This victory for Wilhelm will be revenge for the humiliation of his mother in Tilsit. William chose Versailles for his coronation specifically so that the entire French people could see his triumph.

Between Alexander I and Napoleon after the war, in which Russia helped Prussia.

On June 14, 1807, Napoleon defeated the Russian army of Bennigsen at Friedland. Alexander I, having received this news, ordered Lobanov-Rostovsky to go to the French camp to negotiate peace. General Kalkreuth also came to Napoleon on behalf of the Prussian king, but Napoleon strongly emphasized that he was making peace with the Russian emperor. Napoleon at that time was on the banks of the Neman, in the town of Tilsit; the Russian army and the pitiful remnants of the Prussian army stood on the other bank.

Prince Lobanov conveyed to Napoleon the desire of Emperor Alexander to see him personally. The next day, June 25, 1807, both emperors met on a raft placed in the middle of the river, and talked face to face for about an hour in a covered pavilion. The next day they saw each other again in Tilsit; Alexander I attended the review of the French Guard. Napoleon wanted not only peace, but also an alliance with Alexander and pointed him to the Balkan Peninsula and Finland as a reward for helping France in its endeavors; but he did not agree to give Constantinople to Russia. If Napoleon was counting on the charming impression of his personality, then he soon had to admit his calculations were too optimistic: Alexander, with his affectionate smile, soft speech, and kind demeanor, even in difficult circumstances, was not at all as accommodating as his new ally would like. “C’est un véritable grec du Bas-Empire,” Napoleon said to his entourage.

However, on one point, Alexander I showed himself ready to make concessions - regarding the fate of Prussia: more than half of the Prussian possessions were taken by Napoleon from Frederick William III. The provinces on the left bank of the Elbe were given by Napoleon to his brother Jerome. Poland was restored - however, not from all former provinces, only from the Prussian part under the name of the Duchy of Warsaw. Russia received the Bialystok department as compensation, from which the Bialystok region was formed. Gdansk (Danzig) became a free city. All earlier monarchs installed by Napoleon were recognized by Russia and Prussia. As a sign of respect for the Russian emperor (en considération de l’empereur de Russie), Napoleon left old Prussia, Brandenburg, Pomerania and Silesia to the Prussian king. In case the French emperor wished to add Hanover to his conquests, it was decided to reward Prussia with territory on the left bank of the Elbe.

Imperial embrace on a raft. (Meeting in Tilsit). English caricature unknown. thin 1800s

The main point of the Tilsit Treaty was not published at that time: Russia and France pledged to help each other in any offensive and defensive war, wherever circumstances required it. This close alliance eliminated Napoleon's only strong rival on the continent; England remained isolated; both powers pledged to use all measures to force the rest of Europe to comply with the continental system. On July 8, 1807, the treaty was signed by both emperors. The Peace of Tilsit elevated Napoleon to the pinnacle of power, and put Emperor Alexander in a difficult position. The feeling of resentment in capital circles was great. “Tilsit!.. (at this offensive sound / Now Ross will not turn pale),” wrote 14 years later

The French Revolution dealt a blow to the European political system. Europe entered the 19th century with the thunder of Napoleonic guns. Russia at that time already occupied one of the leading places on the European continent, whose states sought to prevent the establishment of French domination there. International relations at the beginning of the 19th century were aggravated by the burden of complex contradictions between European powers, which had its roots in the past century.


In 1802, Napoleon declared himself consul for life, and in 1804 - Emperor of France. At the same time, he continued the continuous seizure of new territories in Italy and Germany, striving for hegemony in Europe. In 1803, hostilities began again between England and France. Therefore, since 1803, Russian diplomacy began to develop a new foreign policy doctrine, moving on to the formation of an anti-Napoleonic coalition. Its creation was accelerated after the execution on March 21, 1804 of the Duke of Enghien, a prince from the House of Bourbon, accused of organizing an attempt on the life of Napoleon. This crime caused outrage throughout Europe not only for its cruelty, but also because this action was a gross violation of international law - a violation of the sovereignty of Baden, on whose territory the Duke was captured.

In April 1805, a Russian-English agreement was signed, which Austria soon joined. This event marked the beginning of the formation of the third anti-Napoleonic coalition, which also included Sweden, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Naples.

In August 1805, at the head of the Russian army, he moved to Austria. However, already on October 8 (20), 1805, the Austrian army of General Mack capitulated in Ulm, and soon Napoleon’s troops occupied Vienna. All this put Russian troops in an extremely difficult situation. In this situation, the 5,000-strong corps of P.I. distinguished itself. Bagration, who managed to detain Murat’s 30,000-strong army near Shengraben on November 4 (16), 1805. Thus, Napoleon’s attempt to defeat the Russian army was unsuccessful, since M.I. Kutuzov managed to avoid a major battle through a series of skillful maneuvers. He proposed to withdraw Russian-Austrian troops to the east and gather sufficient forces to successfully conduct military operations. However, the opinion of the Austrian general staff, supported by Alexander I, triumphed - to conduct a general battle. On November 20 (December 2), 1805, the battle of Austerlitz took place between Russian-Austrian and French troops, ending in a French victory. Immediately after Austerlitz, Austria was forced to sign the humiliating Peace of Pressburg, and Russia was forced to cease hostilities and recall the expeditionary force.


Thanks to the courage of the corps P.I. Bagration under Shengraben, Russian-Austrian troops occupied well-fortified positions in the Olshan region. Napoleon did not dare to attack these positions, resorting to cunning. He spread rumors about the deplorable state of his army and in every possible way showed his inability to conduct further military operations. The trick was a success. Alexander I, fearing to miss Napoleon, ordered Kutuzov to go on the offensive. After the start of the Battle of Austerlitz, the emperor said to Kutuzov: “Why don’t you attack? We’re not Tsaritsyn Luga, where the parade doesn’t start until all the regiments arrive.” Kutuzov replied: “Sir, the reason I’m not attacking is because we’re not on Tsaritsyn Meadow.” However, Kutuzov had to carry out the imperial order, which led to the defeat of the Russian-Austrian troops.


By the autumn of 1806, for the St. Petersburg ruling circles, the need to create a new anti-Napoleonic coalition became obvious, especially since at that time Prussia was heading towards confrontation with Napoleon. In July 1806, the Rhine Confederation of German States was created, in which Bavaria played the main role. Napoleon became the protector of this association. Thus, the Prussian government’s hopes of assisting Napoleon in strengthening its position in Germany were destroyed. Thus, at the end of 1806, a new, IV anti-Napoleonic coalition was formed, consisting of Russia, England, Prussia and Sweden.

Military operations unfolded rapidly. On October 14, 1806, Napoleon defeated the Prussian army at Jena and Auerstedt, and French troops took Berlin. The war was transferred to the territory of East Prussia. On November 21, 1806, in Berlin, Napoleon declared a continental blockade of England - a ban on all countries subject to France from conducting trade and maintaining diplomatic relations with the British Isles.

However, Napoleon failed to achieve such a lightning-fast defeat of the Russian army. In the bloody battle that took place on January 26-27, 1807 at Preussisch-Eylau, Russian troops under the command of L.L. Bennigsen managed to repel the onslaught of the French army, but on June 2, 1807, at Friedland, the Russian army was defeated and was forced to retreat beyond the Neman. French troops reached directly to the borders of Russia. Emperor Alexander I was forced to bow to peace, which was signed in the city of Tilsit.


Russian-French negotiations took place in several stages. On June 21, 1807, a truce was signed, ratified by Alexander on June 23. June 25 (July 7), 1807 on the river. The famous meeting of the emperors took place on the Neman raft, the purpose of which was to sign a peace treaty. The position of Alexander I was as follows: Russia’s refusal to ally with Great Britain and recognition of the changes that took place in Europe during the Napoleonic wars. The Russian emperor sought Napoleon's non-interference in Russian-Ottoman relations and the preservation of the territorial integrity of Prussia, led by Frederick William III. Napoleon's goal was to achieve the establishment of allied relations with Russia, which were necessary for the French emperor to complete his conquests on the Iberian Peninsula and to successfully fight against Great Britain.

As a result of intense negotiations in Tilsit, two documents were signed: a peace treaty and a secret alliance treaty. Under the terms of the peace treaty, Russia agreed to secede from Prussia the lands on the left bank of the Elbe. From the Polish territories belonging to Prussia, the Duchy of Warsaw was formed under the protectorate of Napoleon. The city of Danzig (Gdansk) became a free city, and the Bialystok district went to Russia. France took upon itself mediation in the settlement of Russian-Ottoman relations. The treaty of alliance provided for joint actions of the powers against any third power hostile to them. Russia took upon itself the role of a mediator in the settlement of Franco-British relations, and in the event of Great Britain’s refusal to make peace, an obligation to break off all relations with it and join the continental blockade by the end of 1807.

The Russian public negatively greeted the signing of the Tilsit agreements, and Alexander's policies were sharply criticized in aristocratic, diplomatic and military circles. Russian diplomacy failed to defend its positions to the end. In Tilsit, Alexander had to cede to Napoleon those lands that he had already conquered. However, each side was able to interpret its future obligations to each other quite broadly, which allowed the Russian government to maintain the possibility of diplomatic maneuver and made the resumption of the struggle a reality.


The agreement reached in Tilsit did not remove all the severity of the contradictions between the two countries. France used the alliance with Russia to expand its expansion in Europe. However, at that time Napoleon was plagued by political failures closely related to Spain's struggle against his rule. This struggle awakened in other European nations the consciousness that Napoleonic aggression could be successfully resisted. Napoleon concentrated all his forces and resources on keeping enslaved Europe in submission. In this regard, the need to demonstrate an alliance with Russia became increasingly urgent for Napoleon.

On September 28, 1808, new negotiations between Napoleon and Alexander opened in Erfurt, which continued until October 14. Wanting to impress Alexander, Napoleon invited numerous rulers to Erfurt who recognized his suzerainty. The pomp and solemnity of the events, brilliant parades of the imperial guard, numerous balls, theatrical performances by actors specially arrived from Paris were supposed to convince Europe of the strength of the union of the two emperors.

The Erfurt Convention confirmed the Treaty of Tilsit. France recognized Russia's rights to Finland and the Danube principalities. Alexander I refused to actively participate in the Napoleonic wars against Austria and Great Britain. Napoleon showed intransigence on the Polish and Prussian issues: he flatly refused to withdraw his troops from Prussia until the indemnity was fully paid, and refused to accept obligations not to contribute to the expansion of the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw. Thus, the Erfurt agreement was another political compromise, without relieving tension in Russian-French relations.

After the signing of this treaty, Russia was forced to side with Napoleon in his war with Austria, which began in the spring of 1809. Although on the Russian side it was more likely just a demonstration of military power than actual participation in hostilities, Napoleon, after his victory in 1810, transferred the eastern part of Galicia (Tarnopol district) to Russia.


Another significant event took place in Erfurt. The former Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Talleyrand (he left this post in 1807 - immediately after the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit), who was Napoleon's consultant at the congress, offered secret cooperation to Alexander I. He was motivated not only by material considerations. At that time, Talleyrand understood more and more clearly the doom of Napoleon's policy. In Erfurt, Talleyrand told the Russian emperor: “You must save Europe, and you will succeed in this only if you resist Napoleon. The French people are civilized, but the French sovereign is uncivilized; The Russian sovereign is civilized, but the Russian people are uncivilized. Consequently, the Russian sovereign must be an ally of the French people."

Talleyrand's correspondence was strictly kept under wraps and was transmitted to St. Petersburg through K.V. Nesselrode - at that time a member of the Russian embassy in Paris. “My cousin Henri”, “my friend”, “Ta”, “Anna Ivanovna”, “our bookseller”, “handsome Leander”, “legal adviser” - these were the names Talleyrand was referred to in secret correspondence between Nesselrode and St. Petersburg. Talleyrand's messages were very valuable: he reported that the composition of the French army had become worse than before, pointed out the need to quickly end the war with the Ottoman Empire (contrary to Napoleon's advice), and outlined information about the immediate plans of the French emperor - an attack on Russia.

The Peace of Tilsit or the Treaty of Tilsit is a document signed by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1807. This peace, signed in Tilsit, marked the beginning of a new vector of Russian policy. She became an ally of France and a rival of England.

The main condition for Russia was its connection to the continental blockade of England. Which actually had an extremely negative impact on its economic situation. England was a pleasant economic partner for Russia. And, of course, a lot of money was lost in trading. But the main goal of the treaty was achieved - it led to peace in Europe. Russia and France were the strongest powers at that time. And the development of the rest of Europe depended on their political course.

Prerequisites for the Peace of Tilsit

It all started with the fact that Russia lost the battle of Friedland in June 1807, after which the French army found itself on the borders of the Russian Empire. The Emperor had to negotiate peace in Tilsit.

France had already captured many countries in Europe by that time, and Napoleon saw his ally in Russia. Therefore, he was very interested in signing a peace treaty in . The Neman River served as the border of Russia, and it was there, on the border river, that peace negotiations began.

If only he had seen that his son was negotiating with Napoleon, he would have been extremely dissatisfied. opposed Napoleon, saw him as a threat to Russia and the entire European world. But the current Emperor Alexander had no choice. Napoleon gradually conquered space in Europe, and the coalition against France, which included Russia, failed. Therefore, at that time, the conclusion of the Tilsit Peace with France was the most reasonable decision.

Terms of the Peace of Tilsit

On the river Neman was organized by a raft on which stood a tent. The emperors of Russia and France met there. The conversation was heated. Having categorically rejected Napoleon's desire to be Emperor of Europe, he politely offered to remain Emperor of the West. The negotiations went very quickly.

All clauses of the contract were approved almost immediately. stayed in Tilsit for two weeks and made peace. All this time he communicated with Napoleon. The signing of the Peace of Tilsit took place, Russia and France entered into a defensive alliance.

The terms of the Peace of Tilsit were as follows:

  1. The Duchy of Warsaw was created, its policies internally and externally controlled by Napoleon. This territory subsequently became a territory of pressure from France on Russia;
  2. Russia lost its privileges in the Mediterranean;
  3. France occupied the Ionian Islands.

But the main thing that the world proclaimed was the accession of Russia to continental blockade. A very difficult decision that had an extremely negative impact on the economy.
The consequences of the Peace of Tilsit and Russia's joining the blockade led to the ruin of the local peasantry. It no longer had the right to export its agricultural products to England. The merchants, who actively purchased English goods and traded them in Russia, also suffered. This was actually a collapse of the financial system for Russia, and the purchasing power of the ruble fell.

Of course, many in the country were outraged by the conditions Peace of Tilsit, and the authority of the emperor decreased, his personality became unpopular. The emperor himself lost confidence in many of his associates. And it was after this peace that first Speransky appeared in his immediate circle, and then. But on the other hand, this peace became a great victory for Russian diplomacy. But virtually all the conditions were created by France. The Peace of Tilsit was a treaty that allowed Russia to focus on confronting Turkey without fear of French intervention. And France could now calmly prepare for a military confrontation with England.

Tilsit world video

One of the most important historical documents signed by Russia is the Peace of Tilsit. It was signed on July 9, 1807 between France and Russia, and was ratified by the emperors of both states: Napoleon and Alexander I. The historical significance of this treaty is difficult to overestimate for the reason that as a result, the two strongest powers on the continent were able to enter into an alliance with each other, and Peace had finally come to Europe itself.

Prerequisites for the emergence of an agreement

As of 1807, the situation in Europe looked very interesting - almost the entire continent was completely captured by French troops. In his autobiography, Napoleon wrote that for the complete conquest of Europe, the destruction of England was a prerequisite. As for Russia, here he saw his ally rather than his enemy. It is likely that this was the key reason for the creation of the Tilsit world, why it even received its right to exist. Of course, it doesn’t stop there; in fact, Napoleon himself for a long time hatched a plan to destroy England, and he would not have been able to defeat the enemy at sea. Thus, Napoleon decided to create a peace treaty with Russia, which would create a united front for fighting with England. Alexander 1, in turn, understood perfectly well that his coalition with Prussia, England and Sweden had collapsed, since Napoleon won victory after victory, and the position of the allies became more and more precarious every day.


On June 12, 1807, the French army, under the personal leadership of Napoleon, won a complete and unconditional victory over the Russian troops. Despite his victory, Napoleon decided to abandon the pursuit of his enemy, which only once again proved that the alliance with Russia was much more important for him than enmity. Napoleon offered peace, which convinced Alexander the First that France did not consider Russia as its own enemy.
In general, Russia’s position at that time was extremely precarious. The last defeat of Alexander's army played a major role in this. As a result, he decided to put forward only two conditions of his own:

The meeting with France must take place on no man's land, independent land. Not on the territory of France, Russia and their satellites.

Russia does not recognize any claims to the geographical integrity of its side.

Napoleon nevertheless convinced the Russian ambassadors that both points put forward by Alexander would be fulfilled in full, without exception. Thus, he was the first to open the way for a meeting with the Russian emperor.
It was decided to hold negotiations between Russia and France on the Neman River, and in its middle. A special raft was installed there, where the tent was deployed. There both emperors of the greatest states met. Negotiations took place on June 25, 1807, and they became the basis for the signing of the Peace of Tilsit.

Judging by historical documents, one can find references to Alexander, where he assures Bonaparte that from the moment the peace agreement is created, England will be the only common enemy for both countries. Napoleon, in turn, noted that in this case no problems would arise in terms of creating a peace agreement between Russia and France.
Many history textbooks confirm this. However, none of them indicate the reasons why France and Russia fought a war with each other for six long years, despite the fact that they had a common enemy and it seemed that all agreements were respected, without any or disagreements.

The fate of Prussia

The negotiations themselves between the two emperors of the most powerful and powerful states at that time lasted no more than one hour. During this time, the Emperor of Prussia stood and waited on the river bank. He hoped and counted on the fact that the Emperor of France would agree to receive him so that they could jointly discuss the future fate of the German state. Despite this, Bonaparte was firm in his intention - Prussia must at all costs disappear from the face of the map of Europe. Actually, Napoleon proposed to Alexander, citing the fact that: “This is a vile nation, led by a vile monarch, with a vile army under his command. They have always betrayed everyone, and do not deserve to continue to exist.” Russia's participation in the war helped preserve Prussia as a state.

Terms of the peace agreement

As was said, negotiations between the emperors of the two powers took place very quickly. Despite the fact that they lasted only one hour, they managed to agree on everything. The emperors' stay in Tilsit lasted two whole weeks. Oddly enough, the emperors during this period of time were practically inseparable, like friends who had known each other since childhood. Of course, in this way they tried to create prospects for signing peace. Actually, the Peace of Tilsit was signed. Its conditions were:

Russia recognizes all territories conquered by Napoleon in Europe.

Russian troops join the continental blockade against England. This meant that Alexander completely broke all trade and other agreements with England and prohibited the entry of sea vessels into the territories owned by Russia.

A military alliance is signed between France and Russia, under the terms of which each power is obliged to support the other in the event of any military action. For example, during offensive or defensive actions.

Polish lands departed from Prussia. A new state was created on this territory - the Duchy of Warsaw, which was directly dependent on France.

Russia must recognize all proteges who were placed by Napoleon on the throne of various European powers.

France ceases to provide any assistance to Turkey, and Russia in response is obliged to withdraw its troops from the territory of Moldova and Wallachia.

Absolute recognition, by all parties to the agreements, of the previously created Rhineland Union.

The meaning of the Peace of Tilsit

This is an extremely beneficial agreement for both countries. However, one cannot share the opinion of many different historians who attribute this to the success of domestic diplomacy. Many believe that Napoleon, having proposed to conclude such an agreement, actually independently did all the necessary work for Alexander, offering him extremely favorable and good conditions. Both countries were in an advantageous position. So, for example, Russia now did not have to worry about France getting involved in its confrontation with Turkey, accordingly, we could better focus on this. Napoleon, in turn, could fully enjoy the peace that reigns in Europe. The only warring party remained - England and France began to actively prepare to fight it.

The Peace of Tilsit turned out to be extremely beneficial for the emperors of both countries, which they undoubtedly were happy about. However, despite its positive “impact”, the Peace of Tilsit did not last so long - until 1812, when the Patriotic War began.