Treatment and prevention of constipation after childbirth while breastfeeding the mother. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth for constipation Laxative suppositories for constipation after childbirth

In women in the postpartum period, the most common complication during the entire period of bearing a child is digestive disorders. About fifty percent of women in labor are susceptible to this disease and about seventy during pregnancy in the last trimester. This condition can occur with any type of birth of a child - natural or caesarean section. We will look at how to deal with this and whether it is worth using suppositories after childbirth for constipation in this article.

Often, when stool is delayed for one or two days, mothers think that they have developed constipation, but this is fundamentally not the case.

Obstipation is the absence of bowel movements for three or more days, which is accompanied by discomfort, pain or cracking due to very dry stool.

In addition, it is worth distinguishing between 2 more types of retention of bowel movements:

  • Atonic is based on the process of atony of the intestinal walls (muscle relaxation), which stops the movement of feces, because it is caused by peristalsis (rhythmic muscle contraction). It often occurs after any operation, and especially after a cesarean section. Sometimes observed when diet is violated.
  • Spastic - the opposite process occurs, consisting in a spasm of these muscles. Then certain constrictions are formed through which even ordinary masses cannot pass. The main reason is stress, depression, excessive worry.

Of course, most often it goes away after 2-3 weeks without requiring special treatment. But even if this does not happen, running to the pharmacy for any medicine is dangerous, because everything that enters the mother’s body is absorbed and excreted with milk. Many laxative suppositories after unsuccessful dieting are dangerous and contraindicated during lactation.

About the reasons

If we consider the factors that can lead to stool disorders after the birth of a child, then in a healthy woman they can only arise due to the following things:

  1. Psychological imbalance is the most common cause of constipation problems. It is based on the fear of going to the toilet, because recently the young mother may have received stitches and she is afraid of pain or that the stitches will come apart. Thus, she herself provokes the development of the disease, restraining herself from satisfying urges. In rare cases, for nursing mothers this may be a signal of the onset of postpartum depression.
  2. Poor nutrition is an equally common cause. In the hospital department, women in labor are fed in a special way - the diet is designed for nursing mothers who need increased calorie intake. But at the same time, all food complies with dietary standards and is hypoallergenic. However, very often, due to indulging their taste habits, mothers replace them with regular homemade food or even fast food, absolutely not taking into account the doctor’s recommendations. Insufficient drinking balance aggravates the situation.
  3. Inactive lifestyle. Due to some complications, the doctor may impose certain restrictions on physical activity, which include a ban on sitting and sitting down. As a result, this leads to restriction of movements and, as a consequence, the development of this disease.
  4. Lack of fiber. Sometimes young mothers are afraid to include certain fruits or vegetables in their diet, fearing various allergic reactions in the baby. The lack of fiber contained in such foods leads to the formation of rather “tight” feces that simply cannot pass through the rectum as easily as usual.
  5. Decreased tone of the abdominal and perineal muscles due to constantly increasing tension during pregnancy.
  6. Hormonal changes that constantly occur during the restructuring of the body due to gestation, and then due to lactation.

Do not forget that a woman in labor is not always healthy, so there are several other reasons that affect the functioning of the intestines. These include:

  • Taking medications in the period after the birth of the child. These include oxytocin (accelerates the activity of uterine contractions), iron supplements (correction of anemia due to bleeding during the baby’s passage through the birth canal).
  • A variety of diseases, be it inflammation of hemorrhoids that are pinched during pushing, inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs or their exacerbation during a chronic course, suturing.

How to recognize?

In order to understand when to panic and worry, you need to know certain symptoms that indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. These primarily include a reduced frequency of bowel movements compared to the usual norm for a girl. Usually this is less than once every two days.

The next point is reducing the volume of stool. An amount of feces that is 50 grams or less is a reason to visit a gastroenterologist. The process of defecation itself is no less significant, because if it drags on over time, then blood is pumped into the pelvic organ system and stagnation occurs in it. This provokes new problems with stool and creates a vicious circle.

In addition, the digestive tract has a great effect on overall well-being: if you are bothered by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, flatulence, pain in the intestinal area, bloating and lack of gas, then this is unlikely to lead to a good feeling and mood.

It is also important to take into account the health of the newborn, because feces are waste from our body that must be eliminated in a timely manner. If this does not happen, then all the toxins that should normally leave the body are absorbed back into the circulatory system, thus poisoning both mother and child. Treatment of this condition is an excellent prevention of damage, trauma, fissures of the rectum and anal ring.

If this happens, you will feel a sharp pain, and then a burning sensation, and you will see scarlet blood in the stool. The important point is that it really should be bright red. Otherwise, the changed color indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, because upon reaching the anal sphincter, the red blood cells have time to oxidize, changing color. This is typical for Crohn's disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, various tumors, ulcerative colitis and other pathologies.

A separate item removes hemorrhoids, which can cause the appearance of blood elements in the stool, coloring them. Then mommy will have the following points:

  • itching, burning, swelling of the anus;
  • pain that occurs and increases when sitting;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • You can feel the hemorrhoids with your fingers, and if the disease progresses, they fall out on their own.


In the case when such a condition arose in the hospital, for relief, the woman in labor will be given a cleansing enema and given the following recommendations for constipation:

  1. Adhere to special nutrition. It includes a whole variety of cereals, fruits, vegetables and soups, which you need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. You should also limit your consumption of meat, potatoes, and rice.
  2. Drink plenty of water. Drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach, and consume 2-3 liters throughout the day. It is important to note that only water is suitable for maintaining hydration. Strong coffee or tea, milk with a high percentage of fat, jelly - all this leads to dehydration.
  3. Do physical exercise. There are many special exercises for such cases that are easy to find on the Internet. Remember that women who lead an active lifestyle experience bowel problems five times less often than their lazy friends.

General laxatives are sometimes added to the usual advice for relief. Many such medications are prohibited for nursing mothers after childbirth. These include Regulax, Sennilax, Gutalax. But there are also drugs that, due to their composition, do not penetrate the mother’s body and milk, these include:

  1. Lactulose - in the form of a soluble powder, which stimulates the intestines, but with a visible effect after a couple of days;
  2. Duphalac is a syrup with lactulose and clean water, the effect also occurs after a certain period;
  3. Phytomucil is a herbal medicine with plantain seeds and homemade plum fruits;
  4. Mikrolaks - produced as suppositories after childbirth for constipation for microenemas, which begin to work within 5-15 minutes.

Which ones are better?

When faced with the problem of indigestion, a nursing mother thinks for a long time about what to use and what suppositories she needs for constipation after childbirth. Naturally, postpartum constipation suppositories that contain natural ingredients are recommended. The best option is a suppository with glycerin or sea buckthorn. Obthorne plants are perfect as suppositories in the presence of cracks or hemorrhoids, provoking bowel movements and healing wounds.

It is worth noting the advantages of using candles:

  1. glycerin suppositories soften stool, making its movement more comfortable and less traumatic;
  2. they have a mild effect, without greatly irritating the intestinal walls;
  3. glycerin itself has the ability to envelop the walls of the intestines and anal sphincter, preventing the formation of cracks;
  4. can be used not only during feeding, but also during pregnancy;
  5. they are sold freely and are in the optimal price category.

But, like any medicine, suppositories for constipation after childbirth have their own contraindications, which should be studied, especially if you prescribe them for yourself without consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist or gastroenterologist. These include hemorrhoids, individual intolerance, paraproctitis, and tumor diseases.

It must be remembered that as soon as you have restored the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of these drugs must be stopped, otherwise an addiction will develop and without them the work of the intestines will be stopped.

After childbirth, every woman needs to restore lost strength and energy. At the same time, the body does not always manage to quickly adapt to the new atmosphere, which leads to side effects from the digestive system. In some cases, foods rich in fiber and increasing the amount of fluid consumed can help eliminate congestion in the intestines. If the baby is breastfed, treatment of constipation should only be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician. A qualified specialist is able to select effective means that will be safe for the baby. Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to choose and take suppositories for constipation after childbirth.

What to do if constipation occurs after childbirth. First you need to establish the main cause of bowel problems in order to choose the optimal treatment method.

The following physiological reasons can be distinguished:

  • After childbirth, every woman's body undergoes serious hormonal changes that can negatively affect the functioning of important organs.
  • Women who have given birth to a child also very often experience weakening of the muscles of the genital organs, including the digestive system. This leads to stagnation of waste in the large intestine.
  • During childbirth, a woman can be injured, which also negatively affects the digestive process.
  • After childbirth, the intestines gradually begin to fall into place, which is manifested by unpleasant symptoms such as constipation.
  • Failure to follow the rules of a balanced diet is the main reason for disruption of regular bowel movements.
  • The use of strong drugs, such as anesthesia during childbirth, leads to weakness of the muscles of the digestive system, which ultimately leads to the suspension of the bowel movement.
  • Pathological diseases of the digestive system.

Constipation can also develop under the influence of psychological factors, namely:

  • Often women are simply afraid to push after childbirth because of the possible pain. This ultimately leads to stagnation of feces in the intestinal system.
  • After surgery, women are prohibited from pushing to prevent the stitches from coming apart. It also causes constipation and other digestive problems.
  • Childbirth is a great stress for every woman, which can manifest itself in different ways, including constipation. In such cases, it takes time to restore the stable functioning of important organs and systems.

Types and stages of constipation

If the first symptoms appear, how to treat constipation after childbirth? It all depends on the type of constipation. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a complete examination. Next, we will consider the main types of constipation.

Spastic constipation

Spastic constipation can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • Tension of the intestinal muscles is observed. If you touch the abdomen, you can feel the tension of the smooth muscles.
  • The process of digesting food slows down.
  • Quite often, it is psychological reasons, for example, stress or nervous shock that lead to disruption of normal bowel movements.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the structure of the stool, which becomes dense and dry.
  • There is a deterioration in the general condition, dizziness, pain in various parts of the abdomen, nausea and vomiting.

Quite often, with the help of dietary nutrition, it is possible to establish a stable digestive process.

Atonic constipation

This type of constipation has the following symptoms:

  • Compared to the previous type, in this case, on the contrary, there is weakness of the muscles of the digestive system.
  • This includes a decrease in the intensity of food digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • When attempting to defecate, pain and discomfort may occur.
  • Very often, it is surgical intervention that leads to atonic constipation.
  • A woman may feel fullness and discomfort in her intestines.
  • There is increased gas formation, loss of appetite and deterioration in well-being.
  • In some cases, bloody stools are observed, which require surgical treatment.

Constipation due to congenital lengthening of the intestine

In some cases, the intestine may have an unusual shape or length. Any congenital or acquired pathologies can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the increased length of the intestine leads to a delay in the transportation of waste and its removal from the body. This is why such unpleasant phenomena as constipation occur.

Women who have pathologies of the rectum should carefully monitor their daily menu, including products with a laxative effect.

Rectal suppositories

How to get rid of constipation after childbirth? This question worries many young mothers who are trying to recover after childbirth and return to an active lifestyle.

Experts recommend trying glycerin suppositories after childbirth, which have virtually no contraindications. In rare cases, if the permissible treatment period is exceeded, allergic reactions in the form of itching may occur.


Ferrolax is available in the form of suppositories, which have a slight effect on the intestinal mucosa, causing it to more intensively remove waste from the body. The positive effect occurs within 30 minutes after using the drug. The drug is prescribed only to adults.


The main components of suppositories, entering the intestinal system, begin to provoke the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which, in turn, leads to activation of the muscles of the large intestine.

The drug is approved after 12 years of age and is effective for the treatment of constipation of various types, including chronic.

Bisacodyl, Dulcolax

To cure constipation after childbirth, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist who will conduct an examination and make the correct diagnosis. This is the only way to select the most effective drug that is optimal for a particular patient.

Bisacodyl contains chemical compounds that stimulate smooth muscle function, which, in turn, quickly removes waste from the body naturally.

However, there are certain contraindications, so the drug is not recommended during pregnancy and for children. You should carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer to avoid side effects in the future.


These suppositories contain chestnut extract, which has a laxative effect. Due to the fact that chestnut components have unique properties to positively influence the intestinal walls, strengthening their structure, a general healing and tonic effect is observed. It is possible to restore stable functioning of the digestive system and avoid constipation in the future.

Sea buckthorn candles

This medicine contains only natural and safe ingredients that do not cause any negative symptoms. Sea buckthorn extract has unique healing properties, namely the ability to stop inflammatory processes and accelerate wound healing. That is why suppositories are recommended to be used not only for constipation, but also for diseases of the rectum. Prescribed to both children and adults due to the absence of contraindications.

Young mothers quite often suffer from constipation after childbirth while breastfeeding. And this happens more often among nursing mothers, since their diet is poorer than that of those who feed their babies with formula. Constipation is considered to be the inability to go to the toilet “in a big way” for 3 days. The act of defecation is usually difficult and accompanied by painful sensations. Constipation and bloody stools also occur after childbirth. And there are many reasons for all this, related to physiology and psychology.

Constipation can be atonic and spastic. The manifestation of the first type is associated with reduced muscle tone of the intestinal walls. Because of this, peristalsis weakens, slowing down the movement of feces. This type of breastfeeding problem occurs in a mother who has undergone a cesarean section or other surgery. The second type of constipation after childbirth is associated with fear, nervous tension and stress. Because of this, the muscular wall of the intestine is in good shape, pinching the organ, not allowing feces to move well.

What causes the problem?

During breastfeeding, complicated bowel movements in the mother are caused by many reasons:

1. Fear of seams coming apart.

2. Poor nutrition due to fear of harming the child or gaining weight.

3. Mom's lack of physical activity.

4. When the urge appears, holding back and refusing to go to the toilet for various reasons.

5. Diseases, including neoplasms, hemorrhoids, spinal cord injury, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus and others.

6. Use of medications during lactation - multivitamins, laxatives, diuretics and antihypertensive drugs.

7. Such problems are possible due to hormonal changes.

8. With prolonged compression of the organ by the enlarged uterus, constipation also appears in the mother in the first months.

9. After childbirth, this problem is also associated with a change in the usual position of the intestinal loops. It takes some time for them to return and restore normal functioning.

10. Constipation during breastfeeding occurs due to muscle wasting that forms the perineum. This is due to stretching during the birth process and gestation.

11. Another reason for this problem for a mother after childbirth is the presence of stitches in the perineal area.

12. And a new pregnancy while breastfeeding.

From all of the above, it is clear how many reasons there can be for a mother to have complicated bowel movements during the period of feeding the baby. The effectiveness of treatment is directly related to the characteristics of the onset of the disease.

The main manifestation is poor bowel cleansing. During breastfeeding, bloating occurs with heaviness in the abdomen. As a result, the mother’s appetite decreases or even disappears completely. Painful sensations appear, sleep is disturbed, productivity decreases and mood deteriorates. In most cases, constipation is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth. The skin becomes flabby and dry with a yellowish tint. This cannot have a positive effect on mother and child.

How to deal with the problem?

Treatment for the mother is based on the diet that most effectively helps get rid of the problem. As mentioned earlier, you can eliminate the disease by knowing the cause. Based on this, several ways to cure constipation are proposed:

1. During lactation, it is very important to eat foods containing large amounts of fiber, which will help fight the disease. This applies to fruits and vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, beets, apricots, watermelon and plums. Naturally, it is necessary to observe the measure. When introducing a new product into the diet, carefully watch the child’s reaction. Oat porridge, bran bread, dried fruit, sunflower oil and kiwi are also considered excellent laxatives after childbirth.

2. Physical activity is of no small importance in treatment. Regular walks and exercise throughout the day are recommended. This will improve intestinal activity by breaking up stool. At the same time, be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

3. An excellent way to get rid of constipation is to use rectal suppositories. Glycerin suppositories, which are effective in the presence of ruptures, will help with this. Contraindications apply only to those who suffer from hemorrhoids, fissures and tumors in the rectum. But before purchasing medications for treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

If there are stitches on the perineum or cervix, the young mother must undergo a cleansing enema before being discharged from the hospital. In the future, act individually.

If constipation does not go away for a long time, in order to eliminate it, it is recommended to start using bran in its pure form or products containing it, for example, Eubicor. For treatment, it is enough to take it 3 times throughout the day. To get rid of constipation, a nursing mother should not drink laxatives, which are used by everyone. The result of such treatment of the problem will be abdominal pain with diarrhea in the baby.

Approved drugs

To eliminate constipation in mothers during lactation, many medications have been created:

1. It is recommended to cure problematic stools with drugs based on lactulose. The digestive system does not digest or absorb it. The main effect is acidification and softening of the intestinal contents, populating the organ with lacto- and bifidobacteria. These products include Duphalac, Lactulose Poly, Portalac, Normaze and Romphalac. Once in the large intestine, they have a laxative effect without affecting peristalsis. The amount of feces increases, causing natural waste.

2. To treat constipation during lactation, there are several other laxatives - Fortrans and Forlax, Forteza RomPharm and Transiner. They are created on the basis of macrogol and are available in the form of a powder for diluting a suspension. The molecules of the substance have a linear shape that can absorb water. In the body, it does not change its appearance, reaching the problematic organ, providing a laxative osmotic effect.

3. Another approved means for the treatment of young mothers are senna, represented by Senade, Sennalax, Regulax and Glaxenna. Indian or Alexandrian senna is a shrubby plant. Although domestic experts do not recommend these drugs to young mothers due to their allegedly irritating effects on the intestines, including the child’s organ. But according to the International Directory, these data have not been confirmed. The plant has a mild laxative effect without being absorbed into the intestines. This allows young mothers to treat constipation during lactation without fear of harming the baby.

It is necessary to combat constipation wisely, without taking laxatives on a regular basis. After some time, the effect of treatment decreases, forcing you to increase the dose. According to doctors, laxatives are only an emergency aid, but not a solution to the problem as a whole.

Prohibited Products

To eliminate constipation in a young mother, you should remove the following foods from your diet:

  • Fast food and rice with semolina.
  • Animal fat and protein.
  • Caffeinated products, including coffee and strong tea.
  • Industrially produced chips with croutons.
  • Wheat bran and slimy soups.
  • Strawberries, pears, currants and blueberries.
  • Legumes and walnuts.
  • Hard cheeses and white bread.

It is possible to treat constipation in a mother during lactation using folk remedies, which is the safest and no less effective.

Traditional medicine

There is an excellent recipe made from gooseberries to treat bowel problems in young mothers. One tablespoon of berries is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, followed by boiling for 10 minutes, cooling and straining. You can relieve constipation by drinking a quarter glass of the drink 4 times a day. The rate of elimination is directly related to the liquid you drink. This especially applies to the morning hours - just 1 glass will help stimulate intestinal activity.

Treatment also depends on the type of constipation - atonic or spastic. It is recommended to deal with the first problem with the following recipes:

  • Anise, cumin and fennel are mixed in equal quantities. Two teaspoons of the mixture are brewed with boiling water (1 cup), then filtered and taken (1/3 cup 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals). Only well-ripened seeds are taken for brewing.
  • Oregano, rowan, gray blackberry (leaves), stinging nettle and fennel (fruits) will help cure a painful illness. Take boiled water (1 glass) and pour it into 1 tbsp. l mixture with infusion in a thermos for an hour and a half. The resulting drink is filtered and drunk (1/3 glass 3 times a day after meals).
  • Squeeze juice from fresh potatoes, dilute with water in equal quantities and take (¼ glass 2 to 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals).
  • Another recipe for treating an illness for young mothers is to make a decoction of figs in milk (1 cup per 2 tablespoons). After cooling naturally, it can be drunk up to 4 times a day/1 tbsp. l.

But the safest and most effective way to help combat the problem is physical activity in the form of regular exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Fitness for women during lactation

In the postpartum period, as a rule, the tone of the abdominal muscles is weakened, which does not allow the internal organs to be fully supported. How to deal with this? It’s very simple - regularly perform special exercises that strengthen the muscle corset. This will help not only in treating constipation, but will also improve the mother’s figure, improve her mood and well-being.

To do this, it is enough to allocate 10 minutes several times during the day for the following exercises:

1. This can be done already on the second day after birth. I.P. – lying on your back (arms along the body, legs bent). A deep breath is taken, the abdomen is inflated and the breath is briefly held at the top point. Then you should exhale forcefully through your mouth while simultaneously drawing in your stomach. The exercise is repeated 5 times or more.

2. After 3 days, add a few more exercises to treat and prevent constipation:

  • I.P. - as in the previous paragraph, but with the knees pressed against each other. As you inhale, you need to tense your pelvic muscles, hold your breath, then exhale and relax.
  • I.P. - the same. As you inhale, slightly raise the opposite arm and leg, and exhale - lower it. Do the same with the other pair.
  • I.P. – stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended forward. As you inhale, turn your body to the right, moving your arm of the same name as far as possible. As you exhale, take I.P. Do the same in the other direction.

  • I.P. – standing on the floor, clasping your hands in front of you. Rotate your body with your arms moving back as far as possible. The same thing in the other direction.
  • I.P. – lie on your back with your arms resting freely along your body and your legs bent. As you inhale, raise your pelvis as high as possible, fixing it for a while. As you exhale, take I.P.
  • I.P. – stand on four points. Inhaling, draw in the stomach and perineum, hold for a while and while exhaling, relax the muscles.

4. After a couple of weeks, you will be able to perform more complex exercises:

  • I.P. – standing on a hard surface, hands to shoulders with elbows pointed forward. Try to touch opposite limbs (right elbow and left knee). Same with the other side.
  • I.P. - lying on your back. Pull the knee of one leg towards your stomach, then the other.

Treatment using the proposed exercises is indicated for women who have given birth independently and without deep tears. It is recommended for atonic constipation in the morning, while lying in bed, to actively massage the umbilical area with both hands, moving towards the groin for 5 minutes. Your legs should be bent while doing this.

Spastic constipation is treated by gently stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction. For prevention purposes, as well as to get rid of existing constipation, it is recommended to irrigate the anus with a shower with cool water. Irritation is eliminated with a microenema (flax seed infusion).

By choosing one or more of the proposed treatment methods, the young mother will solve the unpleasant problem of constipation, improving the life of herself and the little person who was recently born.

Constipation in nursing mothers is a common problem. The main reason is a change in diet. The woman suffers from painful bowel movements, and bowel movements may take three or four days. At the same time, other unpleasant manifestations of this intestinal disorder are observed.

Constipation in women after childbirth can be accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms:

When a woman is constipated, her breast milk contains less enzymes that the baby needs to digest food.

As a result, similar problems may arise in the baby, so when breastfeeding it is important to avoid constipation.

Why does lactating women experience constipation?

The first weeks after the birth of a child are characterized by the healing of wounds that were received during childbirth. There may have been tears or artificial incisions in the perineum.

Women are afraid to eat fruits and vegetables, which can cause bowel problems, allergic reactions and other unpleasant symptoms in the child.

Constipation in a nursing mother is a temporary phenomenon, so it is worth being a little patient and helping to relieve the symptoms.

Treatment of constipation in nursing mothers

First, you can try to cope with the problem without using medications. Constipation in a nursing mother is sometimes easily eliminated by making lifestyle adjustments.

If your stool does not improve, you can treat constipation with medication. During breastfeeding, medications containing lactulose (for example, Duphalac) are allowed. Lactulose is not absorbed by the stomach and intestines, softens stool and forms beneficial bacteria that contribute to its natural excretion.

Glycerin suppositories can help relieve constipation. They soften stool and make intestinal motility work. If used correctly, they do not cause addiction to the body. Are safe during breastfeeding. Their action is aimed exclusively at removing feces from the intestines. It has no effect on other organs.

Candles should not be placed if there are cracks or wounds in the anus.

When breastfeeding, you should not overuse medications or harmful foods. This way you can eliminate a number of problems with stool. Constipation should be treated only under the supervision of doctors and follow their recommendations.

Folk remedies for treating constipation in nursing mothers

When breastfeeding, it is possible to treat constipation without medications.

  1. You can make infusions and decoctions from prunes. Several prunes are poured with boiled water and allowed to brew for a while. The resulting infusion should be taken before meals. You can also eat several berries raw.
  2. Figs are great for helping fight constipation. Pour boiled water over about 50 g of figs. Take the resulting infusion three times a day. Water can be replaced with milk.
  3. Dill water helps a lot. Dill seeds (10 g) need to be poured with boiling water. Let it brew, then strain. After this, apply the decoction before meals, several times a day.
  4. If you have gooseberries, you can make a decoction from them. Pour water over several berries and boil for several minutes. Then the broth needs to be filtered and cooled.

To prevent the unpleasant symptoms associated with constipation from overshadowing the joy of motherhood, nutrition should be established before the baby is born.

Constipation after childbirth occurs due to physiological or psychological factors. The first group of reasons includes:

    • compression of the intestines by an enlarged uterus;
    • decreased tone of the abdominal wall muscles;
    • action of hormones;
    • movement of the gastrointestinal tract organs to the “pre-pregnancy place”;
  • diet errors.

Persistent constipation after childbirth can be caused by psychological reasons:

    • suppression of defecation due to preoccupation with the child;
    • fear of straining;
  • chronic fatigue.

Treatment of postpartum constipation

Constipation after childbirth is characterized by a set of specific symptoms: pain in the abdomen or near the anus, bloating, flatulence, belching. In severe cases, women experience nausea, general weakness, nervousness and sleep disturbances.

Treatment for constipation after childbirth is extremely varied and depends on the type and causes that caused it. The most common methods for relieving symptoms:

Laxatives cause improvement in intestinal motility and, as a result, promote bowel movements. This remedy for constipation after childbirth should not be taken for several days in a row due to the body becoming accustomed to it and the lack of spontaneous bowel movements. The drugs of choice for nursing mothers are: Fortrans, Duphalac, Forlax - they do not pass into milk.

Candles after childbirth for constipation stimulate bowel movements and are a method of relieving unpleasant symptoms. The most commonly used are glycerin suppositories. Suppositories after childbirth for constipation due to sutures are indicated when independent defecation is impossible and a large amount of feces accumulates; they should be used with extreme caution, under the supervision of a doctor.

Enemas, acting on the rectum and causing it to empty by increasing peristalsis and diluting the stool. It is possible to use enemas with the addition of herbal decoctions, such as chamomile.

If symptoms of constipation are detected, a woman should consult a doctor to select treatment, otherwise incorrectly chosen therapy may aggravate the situation.

Do not forget that the methods listed above are not a treatment, but only relieve the symptoms of constipation. All of them are addictive and should not be used for several days in a row. Treatment should be selected by a doctor in accordance with the cause of constipation.

In the absence of defecation, but if there is a urge to do so, it will be useful to adopt a posture for bowel movement. The woman should sit completely on the toilet, place some object under her feet so that they are bent at the knee joint and are approximately at chin level. It is advisable to rest your hands on your hips with your elbows. This position is the most physiological for the act of defecation and helps its implementation.

Nutrition for a nursing mother

The most effective method of treating difficult bowel movements is a diet for constipation after childbirth. A certain set of foods will stimulate bowel movements by improving intestinal motility. Such products include:

    • Boiled beets.
    • Vegetable oil.
    • Steamed vegetables.
    • Black bread.
    • Oat bran.
  • Cereals (except rice).

Meals should be frequent, about 5-6 times a day, in small portions. Constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding is stimulated by the following foods:

    • Loaf.
    • Pears.
    • Wheat bran.
    • Hard cheese.
  • Currants and other astringent berries and fruits.

Sample menu for a nursing mother complaining of constipation:

    • Breakfast: millet porridge, muesli and tea with milk;
    • Snack: carrot salad dressed with vegetable oil;
    • Lunch: lean meat, vegetable stew;
    • Afternoon snack: apple, apricot;
    • Dinner: fish, boiled beet salad;
  • Second dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir;

If you have constipation, you should drink as much water as possible and avoid coffee and strong tea. It is necessary to exclude carbonated drinks, packaged juices, and whole milk. Fermented milk products will help stimulate bowel movements.

Treatment of constipation should be systematic; a woman should follow a certain diet, get enough sleep, and not be nervous. It will be useful to increase physical activity, which stimulates intestinal activity. Walking in the fresh air, going to the pool, special gymnastics, in particular, Kegel exercises and Microlax microenemas after childbirth help improve bowel movements.

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure it; this rule also applies to constipation. Prevention of difficult bowel movements comes down to following a diet and drinking regime, increased physical activity, and not ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement.