Cocoa beans: properties and applications. Sacred gift of the gods, or chocolate tree Cocoa tree description

Cocoa - varieties, benefits of products (butter, powder, cocoa beans), medical use, harm and contraindications, drink recipe. Photo of chocolate tree and cocoa fruit

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Cocoa is a food product of the same name, widely used in various fields, such as cooking, cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry. Currently, the most widespread use of cocoa is in the food industry and cosmetology. And the use of cocoa for medicinal purposes is recorded somewhat less frequently. However, there are currently a number of scientific studies that prove the undoubted benefits of cocoa not just as a food product, but as a product with medicinal properties. Let's consider the options for using cocoa for medical purposes, as well as the beneficial properties of this product.

What is cocoa?

Currently, all residents of developed countries know the word "cocoa". After all, cocoa is the main component of many people’s favorite delicacy – chocolate.

However, in everyday life, the word “cocoa” refers to several products obtained from the fruits of the cocoa tree, for example, cocoa butter, cocoa powder and cocoa beans themselves. In addition, the name cocoa is also used for a drink made from powder.

Cocoa powder is used to make icing for confectionery products, and it is added to the dough to impart a chocolate flavor. And cocoa butter is used to make many confectionery products (chocolate, candies, etc.). In addition, cocoa butter is successfully used in cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of suppositories, ointments and other dosage forms for local and external use.

Thus, all cocoa products are quite widespread and known to almost all people, and they are obtained from cocoa beans collected from the chocolate tree.

Chocolate tree (cocoa) is an evergreen species of the genus Theobroma, family Malvaceae, and grows in regions with tropical climates around the world - in South America, Africa, and the islands of Southeast Asia. Accordingly, cocoa beans are currently produced in Asia (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia), Africa (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo) and Central America (Brazil, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela).

The cocoa tree is large, its height reaches 12 m, and the branches and leaves are located mainly along the periphery of the crown to capture as much sunlight as possible. The tree has flowers, from which later, after pollination, fruits grow, which are attached not to the branches, but directly to the trunk of the chocolate tree. These fruits are similar in shape to lemons, but are somewhat larger and are equipped with longitudinal grooves on the skin. Inside, under the skin, there are seeds - approximately 20 - 60 in each fruit. These seeds are the cocoa beans from which cocoa powder and cocoa butter are obtained, which are widely used in cooking, cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry.

Technology for producing cocoa powder and cocoa butter from beans very interesting. So, after collecting the fruits from the chocolate tree, the beans are removed from them (see Figure 1).

Figure 1– Appearance of fresh cocoa beans extracted from the fruit of the chocolate tree.

Cocoa beans, freed from the fruit shell, are laid out in small heaps on banana leaves. They are also topped with banana leaves and left to ferment in a sunny place for a week. Under the leaves, the temperature reaches 40 - 50 o C, and under its influence the sugars contained in the beans are fermented, turning into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In other words, exactly the same process occurs as during the fermentation of berries or fruits when making wine. Since a lot of alcohol is produced, some of it turns into acetic acid, which saturates the beans and prevents their germination. Due to impregnation with acetic acid, cocoa beans lose their white color and acquire a characteristic chocolate-brown color. Also, during the fermentation process, the cocoaamine contained in the beans is broken down, thereby reducing the bitterness of the seeds.

After fermentation is complete (about 7 to 10 days after placing the beans under the banana leaves), the beans are taken out and spread in a thin layer in the sun to dry thoroughly. Drying can be carried out not only in the sun, but also in special automated drying machines. Sometimes fermented cocoa beans are not dried, but rather roasted over a fire.

It is during drying that cocoa beans acquire their characteristic brown color and chocolate smell.

Next, the shell is removed from the dried beans, and the seeds themselves are crushed and cocoa butter is squeezed out in presses. The cake remaining after pressing the oil is ground to obtain cocoa powder. Finished cocoa powder and cocoa butter are supplied to the world market and are subsequently used in the food industry, cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

In addition to cocoa powder and cocoa butter, Cocoa vella is obtained from dried beans, which is a crushed peeled shell. In the countries of the former USSR, cocoa wella is not widely used, but in the world this product is used as an additive to livestock feed.

Various parts of the fruit of the chocolate tree have been used by people as food since ancient times. The first mention of a drink made from cocoa dates back to the 18th century BC, during the existence of the Olmec people in Central America. The methods of preparing a drink from cocoa fruits were adopted by the Mayans and Aztecs from the Olmecs.

And Europeans learned the taste of a drink made from cocoa beans only after the conquest of the American continent, when the Spaniards brought it to their country. During the period of importing cocoa beans from Central America, the drink made from them was very expensive, and therefore accessible only to royalty.

During the 16th century, cocoa was made from powder with the addition of vanilla and cinnamon, which were also very expensive spices during that time period. And in the 17th century, sugar began to be added to the drink, which significantly reduced its cost and contributed to its spread among the general population of European countries. In the form of a sugar-sweetened drink, cocoa was used in Europe until 1828, when the Dutch scientist van Heuten came up with a way to extract butter from cocoa beans. Van Heuten obtained oil from the beans and powder from the cake left after the oil was extracted, mixed them and created a solid product - chocolate. It was from this moment that the victorious march of chocolate began, which gradually replaced cocoa as a drink from the diet of Europeans.

Cocoa varieties

There are many classifications of cocoa by variety, taking into account the type of chocolate tree, area of ​​growth, method of harvesting the fruits and other characteristics that can affect the properties of the final products of cocoa beans - powder and butter. However, all these varieties and numerous classifications are necessary only for professionals involved in the industrial use of cocoa.

But in fact, there are only two main varieties of cocoa - these are criollo And forastero. Criollo refers to the highest quality cocoa beans obtained from varietal trees. Forastero includes cocoa beans of lower quality than criollo. However, one should not think that Forastero cocoa is of poor quality, because this is not true. In reality, the forastero variety is a good quality cocoa bean, but without the characteristics of a premium product, they do not have a special zest, some excellent properties, etc. That is, it is just an ordinary, good and very solid product. But criollo cocoa beans are a premium product with special excellent properties.

The specified division into varieties is used only in relation to raw cocoa beans. And after fermentation and drying, cocoa beans are usually divided according to their taste into bitter, tart, tender, sour, etc.

Cocoa products

Currently, three types of cocoa products are obtained from the fruits of the chocolate tree, which are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in cosmetology. These cocoa products include:
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Cocoa butter;
  • Cocoa beans.
Each cocoa product has a number of properties, some of which are the same across all three - butter, powder and beans - while others are different and unique to each product.

Collection, fermentation and drying of cocoa beans, making chocolate - video

How chocolate is made from cocoa - video

How to determine the quality of cocoa powder - video


This photograph shows a view of cocoa fruit attached to the trunk of a chocolate tree.

This photograph shows fresh cocoa beans being extracted from the fruit.

This photo shows cocoa beans after drying.

The photo shows cocoa powder obtained from dried beans.

The photograph shows cocoa butter, which is obtained from dried beans.

Composition of cocoa

All cocoa products contain the same substances, but in different quantities and ratios. For example, cocoa beans contain 50 - 60% fat, 12 - 15% protein, 6 - 10% carbohydrates (cellulose + starch + polysaccharides), 6% tannins and coloring substances (tannin) and 5 - 8% water with dissolved in it minerals, vitamins, organic acids, saccharides and alkaloids (theobromine, caffeine). In addition, cocoa beans contain biologically active substances, which in their biochemical structure are proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Accordingly, other cocoa products - butter and powder, also contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and biologically active substances of protein, carbohydrate and lipid structures, as well as vitamins and microelements, but in different proportions compared to cocoa beans. Protein, fat and carbohydrate fractions contain a large amount (about 300) of biologically active substances that provide beneficial properties, such as anandamide, arginine, histamine, dopamine, cocohil, polyphenol, salsolinol, serotonin, tyramine, tryptophan, phenylethylamine, epicacetin, etc.

Cocoa butter contains 95% fat and only 5% water, vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Accordingly, cocoa butter contains biologically active substances mainly of a lipid nature, such as oleic, palmitic, linolenic fatty acids, triglycerides, linalool, amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, etc. Cocoa powder contains only 12 - 15% fat, up to 40% protein , 30 – 35% carbohydrates and 10 – 18% minerals and vitamins. Accordingly, cocoa powder is rich in vitamins, microelements, sugary substances and biologically active compounds of protein structure (tryptophan, phenylethylamine, dopamine, serotonin, etc.). And cocoa beans contain 50–60% fat, 12–15% protein, 6–10% carbohydrates and 15–32% water with minerals and vitamins dissolved in it. This means that cocoa beans contain the largest amount of biologically active substances compared to powder and butter.

Let's consider what biologically active substances are included in all cocoa products, as well as the properties of beans, butter and powder.

Cocoa butter contains a wide range of polyunsaturated fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, linolenic), triglycerides (oleo-palmito-stearin, oleo-distearin), fatty acid esters (amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, butyl acetate), methylxanthine, caffeine, phytosterols, polyphenols, sugars ( sucrose, glucose, fructose), tannins and vitamins A, E and C. Cocoa butter is white-yellowish in color and has a chocolate aroma. At normal air temperatures (from 22 to 27 o C), the oil is hard and brittle, but at 32 - 36 o C it begins to melt, becoming liquid. That is, cocoa butter melts at a temperature slightly below body temperature, as a result of which a chocolate bar containing this component is normally hard and dense, and melts pleasantly in the mouth.

Cocoa powder contains large quantities of potassium and phosphorus salts, as well as anthocyanins (substances that give a characteristic color), alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine), purines, flavonoids, dopamine, anandamide, arginine, histamine, cocohil, salsolinol, serotonin, tyramine, tryptophan, phenylethylamine , epicacetin, etc. In addition, the powder contains a wide range of microelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum and fluorine) and vitamins A, E, PP and group B. High-quality cocoa powder must contain at least 15% fat, have a light brown color and smear when you try to rub it between your fingers. If you scoop cocoa powder into your palm, it will not fall out well, and some of it will definitely remain on your hand, sticking to the skin.

Contains cocoa beans includes cocoa powder + cocoa butter. A distinctive feature of cocoa beans from butter and powder is the content of a large number of aromatic compounds (about 40, among which there is the terpene alcohol linalool), as well as organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric and acetic).

Useful properties of cocoa products

Let's look at the beneficial properties of each cocoa product separately to avoid confusion.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter can be used internally, externally and topically, either alone or in combination with other components. For example, for external and topical use, cocoa butter can be mixed with other active substances or applied in its pure form. Cocoa butter can be consumed internally, spread on sandwiches or seasoned with food.

Cocoa butter has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the skin and reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the skin;
  • Stimulates the functioning of the immune system, reduces the incidence of colds and infectious diseases, prevents cancer;
  • Increases life expectancy and slows down aging;
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails, preventing them from aging and fading;
  • Improves skin barrier functions, promotes the disappearance of pimples and blackheads;
  • Moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness and increases its elasticity by activating the process of collagen production;
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin, including the nipples;
  • Has an antitussive effect;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • Normalizes the condition of the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, improving microcirculation, preventing atherosclerosis and preventing cardiovascular diseases;
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • Helps cure dermatitis and bronchial asthma.

Cocoa powder and the benefits of cocoa (drink)

The beneficial properties of the powder and the drink prepared from it are the same, so we will present them together. It must be remembered that the powder has a beneficial effect only in the form of a drink. And when it is added to dough or confectionery, unfortunately, the beneficial effects of cocoa are neutralized and do not appear.

Cocoa in the form of a hot drink, prepared from powder with milk or water with sugar, has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Consuming cocoa in the form of a drink has a neuroprotective and nootropic effect, increasing the resistance of nerve cells to the effects of negative environmental factors and improving brain functioning. Thus, thanks to the neuroprotective effect, brain cells are much better able to tolerate episodes of oxygen deprivation, trauma and other negative impacts, as a result of which the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, dementia, etc. is significantly reduced. And thanks to the nootropic effect, after about 2 months of regular consumption of cocoa in the form of a drink, a person’s memory and attention improve, the thought process accelerates, thoughts and decisions become more accurate, clear, etc., which makes it much easier to cope with difficult problems .
  • Cerebral circulation improves, due to which the productivity of a person’s mental activity increases significantly.
  • Due to the effects of flavonoids (epicatechin) and antioxidants (polyphenols), with regular consumption of cocoa in the form of a drink for 2 months, a person’s blood pressure level is normalized.
  • Reduces the risk of developing skin cancer by reducing the negative effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the structures of the skin.
  • Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of any location due to antioxidants.
  • Increases the body's overall resistance to various infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Slows down the aging process in the body due to the effects of polyphenols.
  • Improves the overall condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Normalizes a person’s mental state, helping to relieve depression, eliminating anxiety, worry and fear, and at the same time improving mood.
  • Normalizes cholesterol and hormone levels in the blood due to the action of flavonoids and peptides.
  • Reduces platelet aggregation, preventing the formation of blood clots, which reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis.
  • Improves hematopoiesis (formation of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets), preventing blood tumors and deficiency of formed elements.
  • Accelerates the healing of various wounds.
  • Helps maintain normal blood glucose levels, preventing sudden fluctuations or increases, which prevents or significantly slows down the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Improves the functioning of muscles and bones.
  • Improves and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, eliminating various functional disorders (for example, myocardial dystrophy, Tachy-Brady syndrome, etc.) and thereby preventing the development of severe organic pathology.
  • Prevents anemia due to iron content.
  • Restores muscle condition after active training in athletes and after physical activity in people of any age and gender.
  • Tones and invigorates due to the content of caffeine and theobromine. Moreover, the tonic effect of cocoa is much milder than that of coffee, since the main active alkaloid in it is theobromine, and not caffeine. In addition, due to the low caffeine content, cocoa can be consumed as an invigorating drink by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular (for example, hypertension, heart failure, etc.) and respiratory systems (bronchial asthma, etc.).
In order for cocoa to fully exert its beneficial effect, it is recommended to drink 1 cup of the drink per day in the morning. To prepare the drink, pour 1 - 1.5 teaspoons of powder with boiling water or hot milk, add sugar, cinnamon, vanilla or other spices to taste. It is better to drink cocoa in the morning, as the drink tones and invigorates, which can lead to problems falling asleep if taken in the evening.

Cocoa beans

Dried cocoa beans can be consumed 1 - 3 pieces per day as a dessert or instead of a snack. Beans are high in calories, so they perfectly satisfy hunger, and at the same time, they are healthy and tasty. Connoisseurs of this healthy product recommend eating beans with honey.

The beneficial properties of cocoa beans are as follows:

  • Regular consumption of cocoa beans improves brain function due to the action of flavonoids and antioxidants. After 8 weeks of daily consumption of beans, memory, concentration, speed and accuracy of thinking, ability to solve complex problems, etc. improve.
  • Neuroprotective effect on the brain due to the content of antioxidants (polyphenols). Brain structures become more resistant to the damaging effects of negative factors, such as oxygen starvation, trauma, etc., as a result of which the development of Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, etc. is prevented.
  • Normalizes blood pressure due to the action of flavonoids and antioxidants. According to a study by Italian scientists, consuming beans for 2 months normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves metabolism and DNA synthesis in cells due to the content of purines.
  • Improves hematopoiesis and accelerates wound healing due to the content of iron, magnesium, chromium and zinc.
  • Maintains normal blood glucose levels, preventing its sharp increase, due to chromium content.
  • Improves heart function, normalizes the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles and bones due to its magnesium content.
  • Slows down aging due to the action of antioxidants (polyphenols).
  • Reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and malignant tumors due to the effects of epicatechin.
  • Improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles and increases elasticity, and also prevents stomach ulcers due to the content of cocohil and sulfur.
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails due to the effects of antioxidants and intensive nutrition with vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • Increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays on the skin and reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the skin due to the melanin content.
  • Increases sexual desire and brightness of sensations due to arginine.
  • Relieves depression, anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, and also improves mood due to the antidepressant effect of serotonin, tryptophan and dopamine.

Cocoa improves brain function. Selection, storage and preparation of cocoa - video

Which is healthier: cocoa or chicory (nutritionist’s opinion) - video

Use of cocoa in medicine

In the pharmaceutical industry, cocoa butter is widely used, on the basis of which suppositories are prepared for vaginal or rectal administration, as well as ointments and creams for application to the skin and mucous membranes. Cocoa butter is the main auxiliary component of these dosage forms, since it provides stability and dense consistency at ambient temperature and rapid, excellent melting and melting at body temperature.

Besides, Cocoa butter is used to treat the following conditions and diseases as part of complex therapy:

  • . Take a small piece of oil and move it over the chest, while doing a light massage, which will improve blood flow to the respiratory organs and speed up recovery.
Cocoa butter is also widely used in cosmetology for the preparation of masks, creams, wraps and other procedures, as it quickly and significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Cocoa beans and cocoa powder are not used in medical practice. The only area in which cocoa is used in the form of a drink is preventive and rehabilitative medicine. According to recommendations in these areas of medicine, it is recommended to drink cocoa as a general strengthening and tonic drink to increase performance and better tolerate physical or psycho-emotional stress.

Cocoa lowers cholesterol levels and normalizes lipid metabolism - video

Cocoa for the prevention of thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes - video

Harm from cocoa

Cocoa powder or cocoa beans may be potentially harmful to humans due to the following factors:
  • Presence of caffeine. This component can be very harmful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Unsanitary conditions for processing beans. Cockroaches live in the beans and are often not removed before grinding, causing these insects to end up in the cocoa powder. In addition, the beans lie on the ground and on surfaces that are poorly washed and treated with disinfectant solutions, as a result of which various microbes, soil particles, etc. may become present on them.
  • Allergic reactions. Due to the presence of chitin (a component of cockroach shell) in cocoa powder, people can develop severe allergic reactions, since this substance is very highly allergenic. Unfortunately, any cocoa powder contains chitin, since cockroaches live in cocoa beans, and it is not possible to remove all insects from them.
  • Mycotoxins and pesticides. Cocoa bean powder may contain residues of pesticides that were used to treat chocolate trees to control pests, as well as mycotoxins - harmful substances produced by fungi living on beans.

Contraindications to the consumption of cocoa and chocolate

Pure cocoa beans, cocoa drink and chocolate are contraindicated for consumption if a person has the following conditions or diseases:
  • Gout (cocoa contains purines, and their consumption will lead to an exacerbation of gout);
  • Kidney diseases (cocoa has a diuretic effect);
  • Age under 3 years (cocoa is a highly allergenic product, so children under 3 years old are not recommended to drink it in the form of a drink, or eat it in the form of chocolate or beans);
  • Increased excitability and aggressiveness (cocoa has a tonic and stimulating effect);
  • Constipation (for constipation, you can only consume cocoa butter, and it is better to exclude beans and any products with cocoa powder from the diet, as they contain tannins that can aggravate the problem);
  • Diabetes mellitus (cocoa can be drunk only to prevent the disease, but when it has already developed, the product should not be consumed).

How to brew cocoa drink (recipe) - video

White cocoa with marshmallows (recipe) - video

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

And now, continuing the culinary theme, we’ll talk about the basis of all chocolate desserts – cocoa.

We will tell you how it is produced, what cocoa beans are, how they grow and what benefits they provide to the human body, and we will also share delicious dessert ideas.

Many people love chocolate, cakes, hot cocoa, and other various desserts that contain 2 main ingredients - cocoa butter and cocoa powder. The latter is the most common and can be easily found on the shelves of our stores.

Cocoa increases vitality, namely, improves mood and stimulates the production of the “hormone of joy” - endorphin, on which our feeling of pleasure and enjoyment depends, it also has an exciting effect, while vitality increases and additional vital energy appears.

Regular consumption of cocoa in small doses (5 raw beans per day) helps strengthen the nervous and immune systems, improve blood circulation in the brain, lower blood pressure, stimulate respiration, and also prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors. Cocoa is useful for both mental and physical stress, it relieves nervous tension and relaxes, but at the same time helps to focus and concentrate, thereby increasing performance.

Raw cocoa beans are leaders among other products in the content of antioxidants, which deactivate free radicals in the cells of our body and thereby protect us from viral and bacterial infections. Melanin contained in cocoa protects the skin from ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

Cocoa butter contains fatty acids that stabilize cholesterol levels and vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-aging properties.

When heated, some lose some of their beneficial properties, so all of the above, to a greater extent, applies specifically to raw - living cocoa. The content of active substances in such cocoa is 6-8 times higher than in industrial cocoa, and 15-20 times higher than in chocolate - alas, but this is true.
That is why we wanted to get a natural product - raw beans or powder from them.

Where does it grow

The main areas of cocoa cultivation and production are located in Central America and Africa, and the largest producer in the world is considered to be the Ivory Coast (Côte D'Ivoire), which produces about 30% of the annual harvest worldwide.

Indonesia is a fairly large player in the market, and occupies an honorable 2nd place among the top ten cocoa bean producers. The island of Bali also contributes - the mountainous climate in the volcano region, in the central and eastern part of the island, is ideal for growing cocoa

Also, other major suppliers are Ghana, Nigeria, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, and Colombia (in descending order).

Visiting Brazil and Ecuador is part of our plans, but now we are in Indonesia, and so we went to the Balinese plantations where this type of evergreen tree from the Theobroma genus grows.

In Bali we found cocoa plantations on the Jalan Tirta road leading from Ubud to Kintamani, there are several of them ( mark on the map).

How it grows

How does cocoa grow? What do the fruits look like in their original form? How is cocoa powder made? We found answers to these and many other questions from local workers on Balinese farms.

Cocoa has a large fruit (15-20 cm), the shape resembles a cucumber and a lemon at the same time, and is equipped with longitudinal grooves. The unripe fruit is green (see photo above), gradually becoming dark burgundy during ripening

and when fully ripe, it acquires a rich, bright yellow color.

Its peel is quite tough, but you can cut it with a regular knife. The farm workers picked several fruits for us and showed us a master class on opening the fruit and extracting the seeds without using a knife - just hit a sharp stone or ledge in a stone building several times, the fruit will crack, after which it can be broken

Inside the fruit there are many large seeds, arranged in several rows and surrounded by white juicy pulp, which can be enjoyed by sophisticated lovers of exotic fruits

The pulp is very pleasant to the taste, sweet with a slight sourness.

The fruits are formed within 30-80 days. Cocoa ripens completely in 4 months, and ripe fruits sometimes reach 30 cm in length and weigh up to 500 grams, on average their size is 15-20 cm.

The pulp of the fruit contains about 50 cocoa beans. The tree produces a high yield starting from the 12th year of life. The harvest is harvested twice a year, the first time at the end of the rainy season - before the onset of droughts (in Bali this time falls in mid-spring), and the second time - before the start of the rainy season, in September. The first harvest is considered to be of higher quality; it is during these months that the procurement and mass production of oil and powder for sale begins.

The word “cocoa” refers to the fruits of the cocoa tree, the powder obtained from them, and a popular drink.


The collected fruits are cut into several parts and laid out on banana leaves or placed in barrels for fermentation. The white pulp of the fruit, containing sugar, begins to ferment, reaching a temperature of 50º C.

The seeds do not germinate because alcohol is released during fermentation, and the beans lose some of their bitterness. This fermentation lasts 10 days, during which time the beans are saturated with their typical aromatic and taste properties and acquire a characteristic color

Drying is traditionally carried out under the open rays of the sun. We asked the workers about special equipment, like drying ovens? To which came a good-natured answer - small plantations do not have a lot of money, because this is expensive equipment, and the climatic conditions in Bali and Indonesia in general allow the sun drying process to be carried out without additional financial costs

In addition, we were explained that drying in traditional drying ovens can lead to spoilage and further unsuitability of the resulting beans for chocolate production due to the taste of smoke.

After drying, the beans are reduced in size; for local consumption, the beans are fried, then pressed, obtaining a valuable product - cocoa butter, which is part of modern chocolate and is widely used in perfumery and pharmacology. The dry residue after pressing is ground to obtain the well-known cocoa powder.

For export, the cocoa beans obtained after drying are simply packed in bags and sent to chocolate-producing countries, mainly located in Europe and North America, and we will tell you about Balinese chocolate and the interesting process of its production at a local factory in one of the following articles .

We bought the fruits themselves to dry them in the sun ourselves, and then use them to make raw food desserts

and already dried, but not fried and unshelled beans

After peeling, the beans can be eaten - they have a bitter taste with a chocolate tint.

Of course, we didn’t squeeze the oil out of the beans, but simply ground it and got a hybrid product from powder and oil at the same time. I must say, the desserts made from it turned out to be excellent (everyone who tried it liked it), and super healthy, because we used only natural ingredients in them; we will share the recipes very soon in our new section dedicated to cooking :)

For now, just a few photos

Do you have any interesting gourmet dessert preferences? Share in the comments.

In the next post we will continue to share our experiences of interesting life in Bali and talk about visiting delicious tangerine plantations.

Have you ever held a real cocoa fruit in your hands? Alas, the chocolate tree does not grow in our area, and even if it does, it does not produce a harvest. Most people with a sweet tooth have no idea what that mysterious fruit looks like.

The Spaniards called it “cob”, the French - “head”, the ancient Mayans - “cocoa box”. Perhaps it is the size of a large coconut, and inside it, instead of milk, liquid chocolate ripens? Let's not speculate, but turn to botany. What is a chocolate fruit?

The Theobroma cacao tree produces harvests, as a rule, twice a year, and in different months - depending on the location of the plantation and the country of cultivation. The fragrant flowers, from which the ribbed, thick-skinned fruit will grow, are initially visible on the spruce trunk. There may be a lot of them, but only a few will eventually turn into “cobs.” A tree 12-15 meters high will try to produce about 30 “cocoa fruit” per year. Outwardly, they are similar to sports rugby balls, the weight of which, as a rule, does not exceed 450 grams. Surprisingly, cocoa fruits weigh almost the same!

The length of the “chocolate ball” is usually around 20-35 centimeters. Ripe fruits reveal themselves when knocked with a characteristic ringing sound. However, while some specimens have absolutely smooth skin, others have a rough surface and show scars and furrows. Some specimens resemble a melon fruit or an elongated citrus fruit of enormous size.

Botanists have been wondering about the pigmentation of chocolate fruits for decades. During their life, they can change their color several times: the green sides gradually turn yellow, and then begin to shyly turn red. And yet, how is chocolate made from such a beautiful fruit? Let's use a sharp machete blade to cut the ripe “cocoa fruit” lengthwise into two halves. Strange, but there was no smell of chocolate...

In fact, we see viscous fibrous mucus of a white or pinkish hue - pulp. Hidden inside it are five seed columns, each of which contains about a dozen or more almond-shaped grains. By the way, their color is also changeable: there may be a red, brownish or even purple tint. And if you are very lucky, a single cocoa fruit will share with you a harvest of 40-60 cocoa beans. These are the ones we need!

But it is impossible, and even impossible, to immediately separate cocoa grains from the pulp. As scientists explain, the pulp contains the necessary amount of sugar for the subsequent fermentation of cocoa beans. Very carefully you need to pull out the layer of mucus along with the seeds and very quickly put it in a basket for fermentation. During fermentation (about 4-7 days), cocoa beans are separated from the pulp, slightly reduced in size, change color and lose their natural astringent, bitter taste. Now they are waiting for drying, sorting and a long journey to chocolate factories.

And in the future, already in production, cocoa mass, cocoa butter and cocoa powder will be prepared from cocoa beans. You will soon be able to read about each of these ingredients on the Freshcacao chocolate blog!

The chocolate tree, or cocoa as it is often called, belongs to the genus Theobroma, in the Malvaceae family. It is of particular value due to its fruits - cocoa beans. Huge evergreen plantations are spread across tropical forests, most of which are located in Africa. Cocoa beans can be used both raw and processed (for example, cocoa powder, cocoa butter, which are used not only in cooking, but also in perfumery and the pharmaceutical industry).

Description of the chocolate tree

The chocolate tree is an evergreen plant reaching a height of 12-15 meters. It is straight-trunked and not very wide in diameter (about 30 centimeters). The color of the bark is brown, the wood is yellow. Cocoa has many branches and leaves. The leaves are distinguished by their rounded-oblong shape, large size (up to 30 cm in length) and fine structure; they combine two shades of green: dark green and light green. The tree also blooms with small flowers of pinkish-white and pinkish-red iridescence. The flowers themselves are quite attractive, but they give off a foul aroma that is so attractive to dung flies and butterflies; these insects are the main pollinators of cocoa.

What do the fruits look like?

The tree bears fruit with large fruits, reminiscent of the citrus genus, however, with deep grooves. The outside of the cocoa beans is dense and wrinkled. Inherent colors are red, orange, yellow. The chocolate bean inside contains pulp, divided into five compartments, each containing seeds (up to 12 pieces in a separate column). Cocoa beans are always fermented first to improve the taste and aroma.

Where do cocoa trees grow?

How do cocoa beans grow? The homeland of cocoa is tropical forests (South and Central America, Mexico). In countries where the chocolate tree grows, the climate is necessarily humid and hot. Cocoa is a rather fastidious plant, since a temperature drop below 20 degrees or, conversely, an increase above 30 degrees immediately affects the tree. Also, this culture does not like direct sunlight, so it is not found at higher elevations, but only in lowlands. Last year's foliage, loose and fertile buds are the tree's best friends. On plantations, this plant is watered abundantly every day.

How to grow cocoa

How are cocoa beans grown? What conditions are required? The plant propagates using seeds or cuttings. The difficulty of growing seeds is that they can only be planted within 10 days after ripening, then they simply will not sprout. For planting, make soil that includes turf, withered leaves and sand. The beans are first planted in small containers to a depth of 2 cm. The seedlings are kept at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. The main conditions for successful germination are abundant watering and regular irrigation of the sprouts.

The evergreen plant is also grown at home. There is nothing complicated about this. You will need a deep pot and loose soil with fertilizers. Place the chocolate tree grains in warm water for a day to allow slight fermentation and swelling to occur. Make holes in the prepared soil 2-3 centimeters deep. Place one swollen grain in each cavity. Place the pot in a warm, bright place. Water regularly. As soon as the seedlings appear, protect them from direct sunlight. Expect sprouts to appear in about 15-20 days. If you overwater the plant, mold will appear on the leaves. Don't forget to feed with organic fertilizers. You can get a good harvest from trees grown at home.

Composition of cocoa beans

The vitamin, microelement and macroelement composition of the fruits of the evergreen plant is huge and almost reaches 300 components. The calories in the raw materials are also noticeable - 530 kcal per 100 grams of product. It contains the most fat - 53.2 g, in second place are proteins - 12.9 g, slightly less carbohydrates - 9.4 g, there is also water - 6.5 g, a little ash - 2.7 g. , a little organic acids – 2.2 g.

The calorie content of cocoa beans is quite high, however, firstly, the grains improve the digestion process, and secondly, they bring quick saturation, so the seeds of this fruit are often used in various diets.

Macronutrient composition of cocoa beans

In cocoa beans per 100 grams, potassium (750 mg) and phosphorus (500 mg) take the lead in macronutrients, followed by magnesium (80 mg) and sulfur (83 mg), and chlorine (50 mg) in third place. ), in honorable fourth place is calcium (25 mg), and let’s not forget about sodium (5 mg).

Microelement composition

The amount of copper in chocolate tree beans is amazing - 2270 mcg! They contain a lot of molybdenum - 40 mcg, cobalt - 27 mcg, zinc - 4.5 mcg and iron - 4 mcg.

Health benefits and harms

At the beginning of the 21st century, a scientist from Harvard University, Norman Gollenberg, was actively involved in research on cocoa beans and identified the substance epicatechin in their composition, which prevents heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc. Large-scale studies were carried out by the University of Münster, during which the presence of raw cocoa was proven cocohil substance, which improves the growth and restoration of skin cells. The latest discovery made a breakthrough in medicine, as new drugs appeared that quickly heal wounds and rejuvenate the skin. Melanin, which is present in beans, is important; it serves as protection against ultraviolet rays. But there are substances in chocolate beans, for example, purine, which causes salt deposits in bone tissue and accumulates uric acid. We will tell you in more detail below about all the beneficial and harmful properties of miracle beans.

Useful properties of cocoa beans

The vitamins, antioxidants and minerals contained in cocoa beans are amazing in quantity and quality. This composition affects their positive properties, which consist in the fact that cocoa beans:

  • Improves mood, calms the nervous system;
  • Affect blood circulation and brain function, hence a quick reaction to what is happening and excellent memory;
  • Lead to strengthening of the cardiovascular system, balancing blood pressure;
  • Relieves fatigue;
  • Strengthen motor activity;
  • Provide restful sleep;
  • Increases sexual desire, positively influencing the intimacy of partners;
  • Actively cope with stress and depression;
  • Reduce the risk of cancer;
  • Increases the amount of the female hormone estrogen;
  • Reduce the risk of osteoporosis;
  • Helps burn extra calories;
  • Extend life.

Cocoa beans and weight loss

What are the benefits of cocoa beans for those who want to lose unnecessary pounds? Raw nuts speed up metabolic processes between body cells, strengthen the endocrine system, and balance fat composition. And their best visible effect is appetite suppression and rapid satiety. Raw cocoa is an excellent option for a quick and easy snack that will give you a lot of energy for new things. In a month of eating these beans you can lose up to 3-4 kilograms!

Not very useful properties

The small amount of caffeine contained in raw cocoa limits the consumption of nuts for pregnant women, lactating women, and small children. In addition, this product inhibits the process of calcium absorption, which is so necessary for the proper development of the fetus in the womb, so women in an interesting situation should completely abandon its consumption. The harm also lies in the fact that both the unborn child and the mother may have an allergic reaction to cocoa.

The chocolate tree is grown on a large scale on huge plantations and is constantly treated with fertilizers and pesticides. The fruits contain very unpleasant and disgusting creatures - cockroaches, so after harvesting, additional treatment with chemicals is also carried out. Fermentation of cocoa beans is a mandatory process that significantly improves the characteristics of the raw material.

Recipes with cocoa beans

How to eat cocoa beans? Chocolate is made from the fruits of the cocoa tree and cocoa powder is made. This is not a complete list; grains can be used to make excellent dishes. The best recipes are here.


Roast the raw cocoa beans in the oven at 180 degrees (15 minutes). Cool and dry thoroughly. Grind them in a coffee grinder or using a meat grinder. This seasoning is perfect for pastry cream, mousse, and jelly. It has a bitterish spicy taste.

Cream sauce

Fry 2 tbsp. flour in a frying pan. As soon as it turns yellow, pour in a glass of heavy cream and bring to a boil. Grind some grains, we only need 1 tbsp. ground grain. After the cream boils, add crushed raw materials, a pinch of salt and pepper.

Homemade chocolate

Grind the cocoa beans and fry in a frying pan for 15 minutes. Combine roasting and cocoa butter, add dry milk, put on fire using the “water bath” method. Cook until the whole mass is homogeneous, remembering to stir. If you take 0.5 kg. seeds, then the amount of cocoa butter will be the same, that is, 0.5 kg., the amount of milk powder is 2 times less - 0.25 kg. Calculate your own kilograms and grams of ingredients, always observing the proportion 2/2/1. Pour hot chocolate into molds, leave on the table for an hour, then put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Chocolate cookies

You will prepare the cookies very quickly, but you will have to wait half a day before they dry. If you are willing to be patient, write down the recipe. When you eat, feel a slight crunch.

You will need:

  • 8 tbsp. crushed cocoa seeds;
  • 4 bananas;
  • 2 tbsp. crushed flax;
  • 2 tbsp. coconut flakes.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Process the bananas in a blender to a viscous puree.
  2. Add crushed seeds to the bananas and knead the mixture.
  3. Form small cakes using a spoon and sprinkle coconut flakes on top. Leave to dry.
  4. Turn the cookies every hour.

Cocoa bean butter

Fat, called oil, is obtained from the seeds of the cocoa tree. It has a pleasant cocoa aroma and whitish yellow color. Interestingly, at a temperature of 15-17 degrees, the oil has a solid structure, and increasing the temperature leads to liquefaction and acquiring a transparent color. This oil contains many acids, among which are: oleic, lauric, arachidic, etc. Many recipes include this oil.

How to make cocoa from cocoa beans?

What is cocoa? The drink, known throughout the world, was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century by the Dutch chemist Johann Houten, who squeezed the oil from the beans to create cocoa powder, so loved by children and adults.

Types of cocoa beans

There are three varieties of chocolate tree: Trinitario, Criolo and Forastero. For example, Forastero has dark brown grains that are distinguished by a bitter taste, high fat content, and strong odor. In addition, this species is not picky about its conditions and can withstand temperature changes and drought. Criolo seeds have a pleasant aroma and slight color. Each type of cocoa tree is unique in its chemical composition. Varieties of cocoa beans are named after the countries in which they are grown.

Cocoa beans came to the big world thanks to the Spaniards, who noticed the special respectful attitude of the local population towards the chocolate tree and its fruits. Interestingly, there used to be even an exchange of seeds for slaves. They first learned to make hot chocolate from the fruits, and only then cocoa and other secondary products. The first chocolate appeared recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. Cocoa beans have such beneficial properties as improving mood, strengthening heart vessels, balancing blood pressure, relieving fatigue, burning calories, prolonging life, etc. Many culinary recipes around the world include processed chocolate tree raw materials.

Cocoa beans are the grains that fill the fruits of the chocolate (cocoa) tree. They have a bright aroma and natural bitter taste, and are used both raw and processed in a wide variety of industries (cooking, cosmetology, pharmacology, perfumery).

The cocoa tree is an evergreen species of the genus Theombroma from the Malvaceae family, whose lifespan is more than a hundred years.

  • It is quite powerful and can reach a height of up to 15 m.
  • The crown of the tree is very spreading, with a lot of large-sized foliage.
  • Cocoa flowers are located on the bark of strong branches and trunk. They are small in size and have an unpleasant odor that attracts dung flies and butterflies. After pollination by these insects, cocoa fruits are formed.
  • The fruits are red, yellow or orange in shape and appearance, reminiscent of a lemon, but much larger in size and with deep grooves on the surface. The inside of the fruit consists of pulp, in the compartments of which there are seeds - cocoa beans, up to 12 pieces. in everyone.

Cocoa beans began to be used for their taste and aroma. They gained wider popularity after studying their chemical composition. The number of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in beans in total reaches 300 items, which gives them a large list of useful properties.

The composition of chocolate tree seeds includes:

  • vitamins – PP, B1, B2, provitamin A;
  • alkaloids – theobromine and caffeine;
  • micro and macroelements - magnesium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur, as well as iron, zinc, cobalt, copper, molybdenum and manganese;
  • antioxidants, organic acids, carbohydrates and proteins, tannins, aromatic and coloring substances, oils.

The high calorie content (565 kcal) is due to the presence of fat in cocoa beans, which is 50%.

Despite this, nutritionists include cocoa beans in the diet of people suffering from obesity. This is due to the presence of certain substances in the grains that promote the breakdown of fats, improve metabolism and digestion.

Where do cocoa beans grow?

To grow a chocolate tree, you need a climate with a temperature of at least 20 degrees and high humidity. Therefore, the tropical humid conditions of South America, Africa and Indonesia are most suitable. The main producers and suppliers of cocoa beans are Nigeria, Colombia, Indonesia, Brazil, and Ghana. There are also cocoa plantations in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Bali and wherever climatic conditions allow.

Useful properties

The unique composition of cocoa beans gives them a lot of beneficial properties for the human body.

  • Brown grains are very strong natural antidepressants. They have a calming effect on the nervous system, improve mood and reduce pain. Serotonin in beans has a beneficial effect on performance and improves mental activity.
  • Eating raw cocoa beans strengthens and restores the cardiovascular system, helps normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients, eliminates vascular spasm, and improves blood circulation. All of these positive effects collectively help prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • Cocoa beans can normalize hormonal balance, cleanse the body of toxins and free radicals, improve vision and rejuvenate the body. They are also advised to be used by people during the period of rehabilitation after operations and serious illnesses for a speedy recovery.
  • Substances contained in grains strengthen and stimulate the immune system, which helps the body fight viruses and infections, and also accelerates the healing process of wounds and burns.
  • Constant consumption of cocoa beans leads to weight loss by improving metabolic processes in the body, stimulating the endocrine system and normalizing fat balance.

Areas of application

Cocoa beans and products made from them are very popular in the food industry. They are used in the production of chocolate, drinks and confectionery.

Due to its beneficial properties, cocoa butter began to be used in the production of cosmetic products and in pharmacology. The pulp of the fruits of the chocolate tree has been used in the alcohol industry.

The popularity of this healthy and tasty product is gaining momentum and expanding the scope of its application.

Cocoa bean butter: benefits and harms

The fat obtained during the processing of cocoa beans is called cocoa butter. It retains many of the beneficial properties of the beans themselves, but in limited quantities.

Cocoa bean oil mainly consists of fatty acids, the use of which in cosmetology promotes regeneration and rejuvenation of facial skin, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates stretch marks.

It also perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin of the lips, and in addition, it is suitable for almost all skin types without causing allergic reactions.

The enveloping properties of the herbal product help with hair brittleness and “glue” split ends.

In medicine the product is used:

  • to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels;
  • for healing wounds and burns;
  • in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, tuberculosis;
  • in the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

Cocoa butter makes the walls of blood vessels and other tissues more elastic and strengthens them, which helps in the treatment of varicose veins, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers and cancer, and also reduces the likelihood of a heart attack.

Researchers have confirmed that regular use of the oil for 5 to 10 years reduces the risk of cancer cells appearing in the body.

Like any other natural product, cocoa butter should be used in moderate doses and monitor the body's reaction to it, since the harm from excessive use of such a product is significant.

It can cause:

  • allergic reactions;
  • rash on sensitive and oily skin;
  • insomnia;
  • overexcitement.

Important! Overweight people should avoid foods containing cocoa butter, even in small doses, as its calorie content is very high.

How to use it correctly

Cocoa beans can be consumed in different ways:

  • in its raw form, dipped in honey or jam, since the rich taste of bitterness predominates in the pure product;
  • peeled seeds are mixed with crushed nuts and honey (jam);
  • The dried beans are ground into powder, poured with boiling water and consumed as a hot drink.

How to use and how much depends on how you feel after a single dose. But even if the body does not give a negative reaction, you should not overdo it and consume more than 50 g of beans per day.

By the way, the peel remaining after cleaning the grains is crushed and used as a scrub for the face and body.

Recipes with cocoa beans

Many dishes with cocoa beans have a distinct taste and aroma, and most importantly, they are very healthy.

  1. Homemade chocolate. Grind 150 g of cocoa beans, add 100 g of cocoa butter and 250 g of sugar. Mix everything and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Pour into molds, let cool and refrigerate for an hour.
  2. Chocolate cocktail. Mix milk, one banana and 1 - 2 tablespoons of cocoa beans, ground into powder, in a blender until smooth.
  3. Chocolates. Place chopped nuts and dried fruits in molds. Add vanilla, cinnamon and honey to homemade chocolate prepared according to the first recipe. Melt the resulting mixture and pour it into the prepared molds. Let cool.

Important! Cocoa mass is added to yoghurts, desserts, ice cream and muesli, and is also used as a flavoring or to decorate various dishes.

For whom are they contraindicated?

Despite the beneficial properties of cocoa beans, they are absolutely contraindicated in the following cases:

  • diabetes mellitus, as they provoke an increase in blood sugar levels;
  • intestinal disorders, because acceleration of metabolic processes leads to a laxative effect;
  • planning surgical intervention due to the likelihood of heavy bleeding at the time of surgery caused by improved blood circulation and hematopoiesis;
  • tendency to allergies and intolerance to the product;
  • frequent migraines, since beans can cause vascular spasms;
  • pregnancy, because the substances contained in the grains tone the muscles, which can cause a miscarriage.

It is important for everyone, without exception, to monitor the amount of cocoa beans eaten, since their excessive consumption can be disastrous even for an absolutely healthy person.

Do not forget that you should purchase cocoa beans and products made from them from trusted suppliers who can guarantee their quality and naturalness. By following all the recommendations, you can safely use delicious and healthy chocolate tree seeds to improve the health, beauty and taste of homemade dishes.