How did the fate of the “special” child of the deceased Iya Savvina turn out? It turns out that Iya Savvina is not to blame for raising Down

Photo: TASS Egorov Vasily/Vilenkin V.

Iya was born in Voronezh. According to her own recollections, all of Savvina’s aunts were poorly educated - they graduated from literally four classes of parochial school, but her mother was talented, and at the insistence of her brother, she went to the workers’ school as an adult. I was terribly embarrassed to sit on the same student bench with young people. But then she became the only medical student in Voronezh who became a doctor.

Iya Sergeevna herself was not attracted by her mother’s profession. Just like the acting profession, however. The girl dreamed of journalism since school. As a teenager, she wrote articles for local newspapers and magazines, tried hard at school, and achieved considerable success: she graduated with a gold medal. It was she who gave Iya the opportunity to confidently go to Moscow - to storm the treasured journalism department of Moscow State University.

There she was immediately noted as one of the best students. Literature teachers had a special regard for Iya - the student recited Mayakovsky so wonderfully that during exams she was asked to read more!

Iya Sergeevna’s new hobby was the student drama theater under the direction of Rolan Bykov. It was from the university studio that Iya Savvina would attend the first film set— will play a lady with a dog in the film of the same name. The role will bring considerable success. Even Ranevskaya herself will note her wonderful talent. Iya Savvina will later tell you that she couldn’t believe her eyes when she received a postcard with compliments from the actress whom she admired. I re-read the signature several times. But everything is certain: Ranevskaya.

Sunny child

Photo: TASS

While still a student, Iya fell in love with someone like her, who was passionate about dramatic art. young man. Coming from an intellectual family, the future geologist Vsevolod Shestakov also played in the theater studio. Both soon realized that they were in love with each other, began dating, and later got married.

The young people settled on Frunzenskaya Embankment, led a bohemian lifestyle, arranged interesting evenings, where celebrities from the theater, cinema, and academic circles came. Strong young love, an amazing union of two passionate individuals, a home - full bowl, what more could you want? They really wanted a child.

The couple's joy knew no bounds when it turned out that Iya was pregnant. The long-awaited and beloved son was born with Down syndrome. Doctors began to dissuade the young mother, saying that children with this disease sometimes cannot even learn to sit and sometimes live only up to 16 years. The long-awaited boy will hardly recognize his mother! In this regard, the actress was persuaded to leave her son in orphanage. But Iya Sergeevna looked at the persuaders in horror: how can you abandon your own child?!

Everything worked out

Photo: TASS

She named the boy after her own father and began to take care of him on her own, not for a minute hiding the fact that she had such a child. sunny child. Iya Savvina became the first public figure who was able to openly raise the problem of special children and show by her example how to care for them.

She prepared Seryozha diet food, hired massage therapists, and became friends with the best doctors USSR. Iya’s mother is an excellent doctor; for the sake of her grandson, she gave up her practice and devoted herself to Seryozha. Combining raising a special child with filming and theater work, Iya understood that in the meantime her marriage was bursting at the seams.

The actress will live in a legal marriage with Shestakov for another 16 long years - for the sake of her son, her mother-in-law, who fell in love with him, and the illusion of a happy union. Serezha grew up a diligent child: he studied well, mastered playing the piano, was interested in languages, and painted such still lifes that he was awarded a personal exhibition. The couple were proud of their child, but understood that their union had come to an end and this point must finally be put to rest.


Five years after the divorce, at some gatherings in a restaurant, the famous actress was noticed by Taganka Theater actor Anatoly Vasiliev. Then Iya Sergeevna seemed to him completely sublime, as if a tender and inspired girl torn from the earth. And when the actress, in the middle of the feast, suddenly began to read to Akhmadullina - melodiously, in the manner of the poetess herself, Anatoly completely decided: unearthly!

A little time passed, and Vasiliev and his friends gathered for Solovki. His surprise knew no bounds when he saw Iya as part of the group. “What is she doing here?!” - I thought. But a lot of surprises awaited him. It is on Solovki that young people will make friends, and Savvina will open up to Anatoly from a completely different side.

He recalls how the actress followed him into the forest to dig for worms. He was convinced that the sublime beauty would not let out a squeal as soon as she saw the wriggling larvae. But that was not the case: Iya, rejoicing like a child, pulled the bait out of the ground with her delicate, graceful fingers.

The next time she was enjoying a sudden storm that caught them in a boat going fishing to a distant island. Vasiliev, who met Savvina, liked her ability to enjoy quiet hunt. How her face brightened when once again I cut off the elastic, gray-speckled leg of an aspen boletus!

Both in sorrow and in joy

Photo ITAR-TASS/ Alexander Saverkin

Upon arrival from the trip, the relationship continued. Iya talked a lot about her son, and one day she promised to introduce him. And so it happened. Her mother, sister and family, and Seryozha had already been transported from Voronezh to the Moscow region, where Iya invited Anatoly. He recalls that everyone poured out into the yard to greet the arriving couple. Meeting with special son Savvina was easy for Vasiliev. Seryozha began to call the man “Uncle Tolya,” and he became his faithful friend.

People's Artist Soviet Union, winner of many awards, Iya Savvina was brought up in a family where girls completed four grades of a church school and did not really know how to write or read. She was born on March 2, 1936 in Voronezh. Iya’s mother went to study as an adult, she was very shy about it: after the workers’ faculty she entered medical school, graduated and was the only doctor in several surrounding villages.

Little is known about Savvina’s father. Parents separated before the war. Then mother future actress I married a military man for the second time. Endless travel from place to place began. Frequent moves did not prevent Iya from receiving a gold medal at school. She wanted to enter the philological department of Moscow State University - since childhood she loved literature and dreamed of teaching children, but only in Moscow.

The girl was late - the admission of medalists to the philology department had already ended, so she submitted documents to the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. 13 medalists competed for one place at the university - Iya passed. She studied with pleasure, but did not forget about her theatrical passion. Savvina came to the student theater of Moscow State University. She did not have a theater education, but the theater became a colossal experience, which came in handy more than once in future career. In 1958, Iya Savvina graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and successfully combined journalism with the acting profession.


Her theatrical career began during my studies at Moscow State University. She played in the production of “Such Love,” but spoke from the stage so quietly that the audience in the front row could not hear her. After the performance, the director told her that the artist needs a message to the viewer - Iya remembered this phrase for the rest of her life.

In 1960 she was invited to the Mossovet Theater. She played on stage with the greatest actors of that time:,. Her debut in the leading role in the play “Nora” was successful. Lyubov Orlova sent Savvina a basket of flowers. At the Mossovet Theater she played other notable roles: Sonechka Marmeladova in “Petersburg Dreams”, Masha in “Leningradsky Prospekt”, Farry in “The Strange Mrs. Savage”.

In 1977, he invited the actress to the Moscow Art Theater, where she worked for many years. For the first time on the Moscow Art Theater stage, Iya Savvina appeared in the role of Marya Lvovna in the play “Summer Residents”. Then there were many diverse roles. For the production of “Christmas Dreams” the actress received prestigious award"Crystal Turandot".


Her film career began with a starring role in the film "The Lady with the Dog." The director was looking for an actress and listened to the recommendation, who saw Savvina in one of the student theater productions and was impressed by her performance. After the film was shown, Iya Savvina received a letter of approval from Faina Ranevskaya.

Then there were roles in the drama “The Sinner”, “They are calling, open the door”, “In the city of C”, “Ionyche”. But the actress considered the role of Asya Klyachina in the film “Asino’s Happiness” to be special. The director did not want to take Savvina, he said that he needed a village girl. And Savvina herself doubted that she would be able to play with ordinary people, because most of the performers were village residents and collective farm workers. Filming ended in 1967, but the film lay on the shelves for twenty years.

In the 60-70s, Iya Savvina had many classic roles. She starred in the film "Lika - great love Chekhov”, where she played the writer’s sister. The plot of the film tells the story of the creation of the famous play “The Seagull”. In 1973, the series “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” was released, where Savvina played Maya Bagrova. She was no less convincing in the role of a trauma surgeon in the film “Every Day of Doctor Kalinikova.” In 1975 she had main role in the film "Diary of a School Principal."

In the 80s, there was a decline in Savvina’s work - she starred in only nine films. In the 1990s and 2000s, the actress continued to act, but among her roles there were no major ones - more episodes or supporting roles. In 2003, viewers saw Iya Savvina in the avant-garde drama “ Bed scenes", where she played the mother of one of the main characters. Latest works The actresses began playing roles in the films “Can You Hear Me?”, “Listening to Silence,” “A Place in the Sun” and “List of Lovers of the Russian Federation.”

Personal life

Her first husband is geologist Vsevolod Shestakov. They met when she was a student at Moscow State University. Both were in love with the student theater, rehearsed together, and then got married. They lived in an apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment. There were always a lot of guests in their house.

Trouble came from where it was not expected. Iya had a son, Sergei, diagnosed with Down syndrome. Doctors suggested that the parents place the sick boy in a special boarding school, but the actress categorically refused. Since 1958, she combined caring for Seryozha with filming. I prepared dietary food for my son, took him to doctors, and gave massages. She was helped by her mother-in-law, who left her job for her grandson.

They had not had a family with Vsevolod for a long time, but for the sake of their son and mother-in-law, Iya Savvina lived with him for 16 years. Sergei grew up, studied well, graduated from university after school and worked as a translator. He painted still lifes beautifully - his personal exhibition was held in Moscow.

Iya Savvina dedicated her entire life to her son. 5 years after the divorce, in 1979, she met actor Anatoly Vasiliev. They lived in civil marriage almost 30 years old and officially signed two weeks before the actress’s death. Her husband became Sergei's guardian when Iya Savvina died.


In 2008, doctors diagnosed Savvina with melanoma. The tumor was removed and she refused chemotherapy. In 2011, the actress suffered a stroke. She was operated on, but another problem happened - the oncology began to progress, and metastases appeared.

In July 2011, an accident occurred on the Yaroslavl-Vladimir highway in which two passengers were injured: one of them was Iya Savvina. On August 27 of the same year, the actress passed away. She is buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


  • 1960 - “Lady with a Dog”
  • 1967 - “Anna Karenina”
  • 1967 - “Ashino’s happiness”
  • 1968 - “Two comrades served”
  • 1973 - “Every day of Doctor Kalinnikova”
  • 1976 - “Ask Yourself”
  • 1977 - “Confusion of Feelings”
  • 1979 - “Garage”
  • 1980 - “Get to know me”
  • 1987 - “Remember me like this”
  • 1991 - “Plot for two stories”
  • 2003 - “Hello, capital!”
  • 2003 - “Bed Scenes”
  • 2004 - “A Place in the Sun”

// Photo: Ekaterina Tsvetkova /

The “Live Broadcast” program recalled the life of the great Soviet actress Iya Savvina. The artist died in 2011 due to complications of melanoma. 10 days before her death, she married Anatoly Vasiliev. According to the second husband of the theater star, she had a presentiment of her death.

“She said sadly, “Let me go,” it was a hint at euthanasia,” Vasiliev recalls.

From her first marriage to Vsevolod Shestakov, Savvina has a son, Seryozha. The boy was born with Down syndrome. As friends noted, the actress was carefully involved in the boy’s development. As a rule, children born with this diagnosis cannot live long. However, Savvina’s heir will soon turn 60 years old. He received higher education, learned to play the synthesizer and draw pictures.

The host of the “Live Broadcast” program Boris Korchevnikov visited Sergei Shestakov and showed how his son lives famous actress. Faina Ranevskaya said that Savvina has “a real cross at home,” meaning her child.

Iya Sergeevna’s friend Yuri Gorin recalls that she never hid her son. In front of guests, the boy read poetry. Savvina did not intend to give up the child, but, on the contrary, was proud of him. According to the star’s friends, her mother and nannies helped her in raising Seryozha. Vasiliev became the guardian of his adopted son after the death of his wife.

“He's unassuming. He goes about his business for hours. He plays the synthesizer, draws, learns English... He is left alone. He uses the microwave very well... He remembers all the birthdays, we even forget,” said Anatoly Isaakovich.

Boris Korchevnikov came to visit Seryozha and saw his diary, in which he carefully records the events of every day. Several pages were dedicated to New Year's celebrations.

Yuri Gorin noted that Vasiliev saved Seryozha from persecution. “There was an apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment. She was claimed by Zaira, Shestakov’s other wife. I had to hide Seryozha,” said the actor.

The property scandal arose in 2012. Savvina’s friend notes that Zaira wanted to take advantage of the situation and become the guardian of the actress’s son. The woman knew Iya Sergeevna and gained her trust. According to the family's lawyer, Yulian Sobolev, at the moment The property situation is still unresolved.

ACTRESS IYA SAVVINA AND HER SON SERGEY - A GENIUS ARTIST WITH DOWN SYNDROME. ABOUT THE FEAT OF PARENTAL LOVE. When Iya Savvina was at the peak of her career, trouble came knocking on their family - Vsevolod and Iya had a son, Seryozha, with Down syndrome. Resolutely refusing the offer to place the child in a special boarding school, Iya Sergeevna herself, from childhood, developed the child’s ability to understand the world, and also invited teachers to the house. Many advised her to leave work for the sake of her son, but this time she flatly refused. “I don’t blame those who find themselves unable to bear this burden. I myself had a moment of weakness in my life. When Seryozha was seven, I found out that there was an excellent forestry school near Moscow, and I wanted to send him there. The man I called - I often forget last names, but I remembered this one for the rest of my life, Chentsov, - asked: “Do you want to give up the child?” “No, what could you think...” - “Then don’t give him away anywhere, ever.” He had cancer. Then he was 80, he looked 60, radiated confidence and strength. I carried my three-month-old son to him, having heard enough talk that such children do not know how to sit by the age of four and rarely live to be twenty. and went with him for forty minutes - how can you examine a baby for forty minutes, I can’t imagine what he was listening to and tapping out - and returned with the words: “It will be very difficult for you, but I think you can handle it.” buy liver at the market, wipe it and feed it. Show up after three months! But they wiped it and fed it, and when he saw the six-month-old Seryozha, he said: “You brought me a completely different child!” And then - a foot massage, because my legs were like wheels. And then - grandmother Yanina Adolfovna, a teacher, left her job and cared only for her grandson. Because of this grandmother, I lived in the family of my first husband for sixteen years, when for a long time there was no family at all. it was. But Seryozha grew up, and studied, and knows hundreds of poems by heart, and speaks English, and if he were not sick, he would, I think, be a genius - but he is more complete than others with an extra chromosome. healthy. I remember how, shortly before his death, Oleg Efremov suddenly asked me to attend my annual hash - on January 1, when everyone comes, “Can I, Iya?” - “Guess it three times from the lantern.” He came, already out of breath, sat down at the table, and saw Seryozha. “Are you Seryozha?” - “Hello, Oleg Nikolaevich!” When we went to see him off, he said: here, Seryozha, the year of Pushkin is coming - together with you we will learn his poems. And Seryozha, looking at him with loving eyes, reads: “There was that troubled time when young Russia, straining its strength in struggles, matured with the genius of Peter.” He knows all of Poltava by heart. And Efremov cried. However, I don’t want to deceive anyone. It was very difficult for me. But on the other hand, I look at my life without disgust and shame, and that’s worth something. I only pray to God that he will take me and Seryozha at the same time. Neither I can live without him, nor can he live without me" (Iya Savvina) After the death of his mother and father, Sergei lives with his guardian Anatoly Vasilyev, has a circle of close people - friends of his mother. He continues to study literature, music, drawing, and attends theaters. Sergei spends every summer in the village of Dorofeevo, Kostroma region, where he draws a lot. The main subjects of his drawings are wild and garden flowers, village landscapes. He does all the work himself, including constructing the composition and choosing the color palette. includes over 40 paintings painted by Sergei in 2012–2013. The work of Sergei Shestakov destroys deep-rooted stereotypes regarding people with Down syndrome, giving a feeling of sincere delight and admiration to everyone who comes into contact with his special gift.

In the program "Live" ex-husband actress Iya Savina spoke about the fate of her son Sergei, who was born with Down syndrome.

Anatoly Vasiliev, the husband of the famous Soviet and Russian actress Ia Savina.

For the first time in 6 years after his death famous wife he broke his vow of silence and decided to tell details about the life of his son Sergei - the only child of the actress - who has Down syndrome.

Although such people do not live long, Sergei is already 60 years old. There are only 3 people in the world older than him who have this diagnosis. About how to famous mom extended his life and why she herself got married 10 days before her death - Iya Savvina’s husband Anatoly Vasiliev spoke about this for the first time.

The artist died in 2011 due to complications of melanoma. 10 days before her death, she married Anatoly Vasiliev. According to the second husband of the theater star, she had a presentiment of her death.

“She said sadly, “Let me go,” it was a hint at euthanasia,” Vasiliev recalls.

From her first marriage to Vsevolod Shestakov, Savina has a son, Seryozha. The boy was born with Down syndrome. As friends noted, the actress was carefully involved in the boy’s development. As a rule, children born with this diagnosis cannot live long. However, Savina’s heir will soon turn 60 years old. He received a higher education, learned to play the synthesizer and draw pictures.

Anatoly Vasiliev - husband of Iya Savina

The host of the “Live Broadcast” program visited Sergei Shestakov and showed how the son of a famous actress lives. said that Savina “has a real cross at home,” meaning her child.

Iya Sergeevna’s friend Yuri Gorin recalls that she never hid her son. In front of guests, the boy read poetry. Savina was not going to give up the child, but, on the contrary, was proud of him. According to the star’s friends, her mother and nannies helped her in raising Seryozha. Vasiliev became the guardian of his adopted son after the death of his wife.

“He's not pretentious. He goes about his business for hours. He plays the synthesizer, draws, learns English... He is left alone. He uses the microwave very well... He remembers all the birthdays, we even forget,” said Anatoly Isaakovich.

Boris Korchevnikov came to visit Seryozha and saw his diary, in which he carefully records the events of every day. Several pages were dedicated to New Year's celebrations.

Yuri Gorin noted that Vasiliev saved Seryozha from persecution.

“There was an apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment. She was claimed by Zaira, Shestakov’s other wife. I had to hide Seryozha,” said the actor.

Sergei is the son of Iya Savina

The property scandal arose in 2012. Savina’s friend notes that Zaira wanted to take advantage of the situation and become the guardian of the actress’s son. The woman knew Iya Sergeevna and gained her trust.

According to the family's lawyer, Yulian Sobolev, at the moment the situation with the property is still not resolved.

“There's a problem here. Seryozha has limited legal capacity, therefore he cannot draw up a will, and neither can his guardian. The reality is that if something happens to Serezha, the apartment will go to distant relatives,” the specialist noted.

How Iya Savina's son lives with Down syndrome. Live broadcast