What is the name of the rebel ship? Star Wars Spaceships: Broken and Impractical


Manufacturer Corellian Engineering Corporation
Length 150 meters
Crew from 45 to 165 (depending on the configuration version)
Passengers/troopers up to 600
Speed Speed ​​in the atmosphere 950 km/h
Hyperdrive class 2
Autonomy from 3 months to 1 year
Shield 400 SBD
Frame 188 RU (ferro-magnesium armor coating)
Engines Girodyne Ter58
Reactor Mason-Branger
Protective field generator Phoah-Kingsmeyer 484-J4e
Weapon kit options: 1) 2 Taim & Bak H9 twin turbolaser cannons and 4 laser cannons
2) 2 Taim & Bak H9 twin turbolaser cannons and 4 launchers
3)6 Taim & Bak H9 twin turbolaser cannons
Hangar No (on the basic version)
Cargo capacity 3,000 metric tons
Price 3,500,000 for new or 1,500,000 for used
Note on performance characteristics Above are the performance characteristics of the military model CR-90 in its basic configuration


Modularity and versatility have been hallmarks of Corellian shipbuilding philosophy for over 4,000 years. The prototype of the corvette was its predecessor, the CR-70, from which many design solutions were transferred to the CR-90.

The Corvette has a modular design and can be rebuilt in a fairly short time with minimal financial and labor costs. This made it possible to create multi-member specialized modifications for military and civilian purposes on the basis of the corvette. It is characteristic that the ships were modified not only in the “native” shipyards of Corellia, but also using an almost artisanal method, sometimes modifying the design beyond recognition. Here are just a few such examples - the corvette “FarStar” underwent a complete restructuring of its structure, receiving voluminous, but almost unprotected hangars; new sensors, electronics and armor were installed. As a result, only the bridge and engines remained from the base model. The corvette “Night Caller” received an even more voluminous hangar, in which, after its alteration by the rebels, they managed to compactly (and therefore inconveniently and unreliably - approx.) accommodate 12 X-wings and 2 TIE Fighters.

During the Galactic Civil War (before the Battle of Endor), a significant portion of the CR-90 was produced for the Imperial Navy. These corvettes were armed, had reinforced shields and armor, but did not have the voluminous hold and comfort of the civilian model. The Rebel Alliance also had a large number of corvettes obtained in a variety of ways - both legal (by purchasing their civilian version) and illegal (by capturing corvettes of the imperial or civilian fleet). There were also rare defections of the Imperials to the side of the Rebellion. For example, the crew of the corvette Bixby, which was accompanying a small transport caravan heading to an imperial base in the Dellalt system, decided to go over to the side of the rebels. Due to the betrayal of the captain of the Bihbi, the rebels shot unarmed ships with impunity (only one transporter managed to escape) and obtained valuable information about the impending operation of the imperial fleet. A few years after the Battle of Endor, corvettes of this type began to be built legally for the New Republic fleet at the shipyards of Corellia.

In navies, CR-90 corvettes were used for patrol, reconnaissance, counter-piracy, escorting transport convoys and anti-fighter cover for large ships. In addition, the rebels used their CR-90s for clandestine cargo transportation, as Imperial customs officers had great difficulty distinguishing a properly equipped rebel corvette from a civilian corvette. Mon Mothma proposed using the CR-90 for raiding operations on Imperial communications and the delivery/evacuation of special forces groups (the corvettes also served as commando operational bases).

While military versions of the corvette were fairly standardized, civilian models were distinguished by all sorts of modifications to the internal space aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the owner's needs - there were transport ships created on the basis of the CR-90 for transporting a wide variety of cargo, liners and personal yachts. The Corvette owner's imagination was limited only by his money. The senators of the Imperial Senate did not disdain the CR-90, using them as personal transport. One of these was Tantive IV, which belonged to the Organa family.

The main disadvantage of all CR-90s is the lack of a hangar. Instead, the corvette has two wide docking bays in front of the engines. Another disadvantage of a corvette (even a military type) is its relatively weak security, which does not allow it to compete on equal terms with some other ships of its class. The most vulnerable parts of a corvette are its engines and bridge. But the most vulnerable point of the corvette is its main reactor. It can be easily damaged or disabled (for example, by an ion cannon - approx.), which forces all the corvette's systems to be turned off, otherwise an explosion may occur. This vulnerability of the reactor compartment was often exploited by pirates and rebels. To eliminate this drawback, some military corvettes had reinforced armor in the reactor compartment area. There was another drawback: due to numerous modifications, repair of some CR-90s (especially civilian ones) was difficult. At the same time, the uniqueness of some corvettes caused headaches for Imperial boarding parties. Soldiers (stormtroopers or naval infantry) could only guess what tangled corridors awaited them on the next CR-90.

1. TIE fighter (aka TIE fighter, aka Dishka)

The main fighter of the imperial forces, equipped with a twin ion engine (Twin Ion Engine), this is a rather menacing ship, which also produces a characteristic ominous creak when flying that can drive the enemy crazy. The main disadvantage of the LED is the flat panels along the edges of the fighter, which makes it look like an eye hanging between two playing cards. Of course, you can figure out why they are needed (how do we know how these same ion engines work), but from a tactical point of view, these panels make the fighter too easy a target, which has been demonstrated more than once in films, and also completely block the pilot’s view, leaving him less than 50 degrees of visible space. One can imagine that with the help of a special virtual reality helmet, the TIE pilot received a complete overview (by the way, radar helmets with a distributed aperture, providing a 360-degree view, already exist on F-35 fighters), but when the first trilogy came out, nothing like that there was no question, which means that the TIE fighter pilot actually saw nothing behind him, or even to the side.

2. Super class Imperial Star Destroyer.

A huge spaceship 18 kilometers long, Darth Vader’s flagship, carrying on board a huge number of fighters (as many as 6 squadrons) and ground equipment. An imposing ship that instills fear in its enemies, but for some reason it is extremely vulnerable. Why was it necessary to build such a huge ship? It was much larger than ordinary Star Destroyers, but for some reason it was not equipped with more powerful weapons. This is especially clear in the Battle of Endor, when one rebel fighter crashed onto the side of the flagship, the huge ship lost control and collided with the second Death Star. When a tiny fighter can shoot down the flagship, and then the main strategically important weapon, someone has big problems with the original design.

3. Snowspeeder fighter.

We first saw this small atmospheric fighter in the movie The Empire Strikes Back. In addition to its two laser blasters, the Snowspeeder also has a harpoon that shoots out of the ship on a strong, flexible cable. With this harpoon they pierce the body of the “walkers” (probably the most ridiculous machines in the Empire’s arsenal) and use a cable to tangle their legs, causing the walkers to fall. It is impossible not to note how strange this strategy is, during which the pilot, winding a circle around the leg of the walker, can simply lose consciousness or become confused in his head, since the overloads must be very strong there. Moreover, if the cable is so strong and tightened so tightly around the legs of the walker, the fighter can easily be torn in half before the end of the maneuver. Well, in principle, this is a long operation, it is easily blocked and requires enormous training from each pilot, which is practically impossible under the conditions shown in the films. By the way, where does such a huge army of rebels train?

4. Trade Federation droid control ship.

Many military organizations in the Star Wars universe suffer from severe command-and-control problems in addition to terrible shooting skills. Take, for example, the droid control ship we saw in The Phantom Menace. He controls the ground robot troops, a huge army of 139,000 droids. When, again, one fighter accidentally flies into this huge ship and starts a chain reaction to destroy it (in general, sometimes it seems that in the local universe they have an extremely vague idea of ​​​​the concept of compartments), all ground troops simply stop, and the offensive stops. That is, no options in case of an accident, no other control methods. Quite a strange strategy, there’s no other way to put it. The ship had exactly one function, and even that it performed poorly.

5. X-wings, or X-wings.

The famous rebel fighters, which became a real symbol of “Star Wars”, in which all the small oddities of the spaceships of this Universe were embodied. The control system of local spaceships, including the X-Wings, does not make sense. How, for example, do they slow down? In zero gravity, these fighters would need engines to point in the opposite direction, or the fighters themselves would need to turn around and point their engines in the opposite direction - however, in the films they do neither. How do fighter jets change direction in the first place? The X-Wing has four engines, but judging by the design, there is simply no means of changing course. Of course, they could change the direction of flight by gradually changing the thrust of individual engines, but then any turn would take a lot of time, and one could forget about maneuverability. Finally, as with many spaceships in Star Wars, they are simply too small. How was Luke able to fly a tiny fighter all the way to another star system when he was looking for Master Yoda? How did you not go crazy on the road, sitting in one place, unable not to get up, not to move, not to lie down? And if the X-Wings have the technology of such fast teleportation or a superluminal engine, then all the massive battles of the films completely lose their meaning.

The animated series Star Wars Rebels ends in the spring of 2018. For four seasons, the crew of the starship Ghost fought the Empire and tried to restore peace in the galaxy. And on February 19, the series returns after a break to show the final episodes.

For old fans, the series is interesting because producer Dave Filoni has quietly returned many characters and stories from the canceled Expanded Universe to the new Star Wars canon. In this article, we'll look at what exactly Rebels borrowed from Legends - and how well it did.

Admiral Thrawn (no longer the same)

Grand Admiral Thrawn first appeared in 1991's Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn and quickly became a fan favorite. The blue-skinned admiral was a superb tactician and strategist and came closest to defeating the New Republic of any Imperial commander. Moreover, unlike most high-ranking Imperials, Thrawn was not prone to pointless cruelty. He cared about his subordinates, was not afraid to admit his mistakes, and did not strive for personal glory, but for the good of the Empire.

In the Expanded Universe, Thrawn's finest hour came five years after the Battle of Endor. In the new canon, this part of “Legends” did not have a single chance to survive - it was canceled, clearing space for the backstory of the new films. But the admiral found a place in an earlier era - during the time of the Rebels.

The cartoon Thrawn has inherited a number of traits from the “legendary” source: he loves art and flies on a ship called the Chimera.

Unfortunately, the creators of the animated series, while maintaining Thrawn's name, appearance and demeanor, showed us a completely different character than we know from the books. And it’s not even about the rewritten biography. Thrawn from Rebels is unexpectedly cruel, and often without much meaning, and considers operations successful that result in unnecessary casualties. He is not able to effectively delegate authority and cannot even really control his closest subordinates. Finally, in two seasons, Thrawn’s trademark military genius was never really demonstrated. It seems that the new version of the Grand Admiral simply does not have it.

In the fourth season, Thrawn gets a personal bounty hunter - Rukh from the Noghri race. In the Expanded Universe, Rukh served as the Grand Admiral's bodyguard

Resurrected Darth Maul

Darth Maul was resurrected in Filoni's previous series, The Clone Wars. The laconic Zabrak, who spoiled a lot of blood for the heroes of the saga in The Phantom Menace, returned from the other world, although the lower half of his body was left to rot in a mine on Naboo. After his injury, Maul was slightly deranged, but retained enough intelligence to intervene in the confrontation between his former master and the Jedi, seize power on Mandalore, and survive the Clone Wars and the Dark Ages that followed.

In Rebels, it turns out that Maul lived almost as long as the Original Trilogy. He tried to seduce Ezra Bridger to the Dark Side, and then went to Tatooine to settle scores with Obi-Wan.

Darth Maul survived the halving

A similar story has already appeared in the Star Wars comics. In the non-canonical story "Old Wounds", an aged Ben Kenobi similarly confronts the surviving Darth Maul on Tatooine, where he tries to kill the young Luke Skywalker. Dave Filoni made no secret of the fact that he took inspiration for the character of Maul from this comic. This is also noticeable in the character’s appearance, and the episode “Twin Suns” even contains a direct reference to the original source.

No one expected the Imperial Inquisition...

And she's been capturing surviving Jedi since the late 1980s.

In 1989, writers at West End Games, a publisher of Star Wars role-playing games, came up with the idea that the Empire should have a secret service consisting of Force-sensitive individuals. In fact, with the destruction of the Order, the number of “gifted” in the galaxy did not decrease, and it would be stupid of the Emperor not to use their talents. The main task of the inquisitors was to search for Jedi who survived Order 66. But as over the years the number of surviving Jedi reached almost zero, the inquisitors began to participate in the fight against ordinary rebels.

In the old Expanded Universe, inquisitors were rarely in the forefront. They appeared only in the series of books by Jude Watson “The Last of the Jedi” and in the third part of “Coruscant Nights” by Michael Reeves. But in “Rebels” the Inquisitors appeared in all their glory - they were the main threat to the “Ghost” team in the first two seasons.

Imperial SB

The Imperial Inquisition isn't West End Games' only contribution to the Star Wars galaxy. In 1992, the publisher's writers introduced fans to the Imperial Security Service, another government organization that fought against internal threats to the Empire. In Legends, the HMB competed fiercely with Imperial intelligence, but in the new canon it began to play a leading role.

One of the most prominent employees of the HMB turned out to be Agent Kallus. In the first seasons of Rebels, he desperately resisted the Ghost crew's attempts to undermine Imperial influence on Lothal.

Agent Kallus for a long time seemed to be one of the most adequate Imperials

Part of Mandalorian culture

“The Clone Wars” and “Rebels” completely erased the culture of Mandalorian society, carefully built by writer Karen Travis in the book series “Republic Commandos” and “Legacy of the Force”. From an aggressive race of conquerors, the Mandalorians turned into pacifists and supporters of democracy, who forgot about the behests of their ancestors. It is all the more surprising that several elements of the old canon, such as the holographic game of Cubes, revered by true Mando'ade, migrated to Rebels.

Sabin and Fenn Rau are absorbed by the cubed

The Mercenary Protectors have also returned from Mandalorian culture. In Legends, the Defenders were revered law enforcement officers from the planet Concord Dawn. At various times, their ranks included such significant characters for the Expanded Universe as Boba Fett and Jaster Meryl. Rebels brought the Defenders back into the canon, but completely changed their essence. They became bodyguards of the Mandalorian ruler, and after the Empire captured peaceful Mandalore, they emigrated to Concord Dawn.

By the beginning of the fourth season, only the group leader, Fenn Rau, remained from the Defenders

Sith Holocrons

Jedi holocrons have been part of the new canon for a long time, but it was only revealed in the finale of the second season of Rebels that the Sith store information in a similar way. And in the Expanded Universe, Sith holocrons appeared in the mid-1990s - in the Tales of the Jedi comic book series.

In the animated series, the Sith holocrons retained the pyramid shape familiar to Legends


Leia Organa appeared in the second season of Rebels. The Alderaanian princess brought reinforcements to Phoenix Squadron - three Hammerhead-class battle cruisers, which subsequently made a significant contribution to the fight against the Empire. Other ships of the same class appeared in the Battle of Scarif in the film Rogue One.

In theory, the appearance of the Hammerheads should have caused a storm of delight among long-time fans, because the design of the ships was exactly borrowed from Legends. But in the Expanded Universe, Hammerheads were used four thousand years before the events of Rebels, during the times of Revan, Malak and the Mandalorian Wars. And although everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that technical thought in a distant galaxy is developing at a snail’s pace, the appearance of “Hammerheads” during the Uprising is clearly too much.

The creators came up with this explanation: the “Hammerheads” from the “Rebels” era are a new model, named after the old one. But the design is still almost identical

In the mid-1990s, Lucasfilm released the multimedia project Shadows of the Empire. One of the main characters in Shadows was the brave smuggler Dash Rendar, who flew on the Corellian freighter YT-2400 Outlander. Formally, Lucas “recognized” the truck back in the 1990s - the YT-2400 appeared in a special edition of A New Hope. But it just flashed by - the ship was shown in all its details only in the third season of Rebels.

That same season, the Rebels encountered a new model of TIE fighter, the Defender, developed under the personal supervision of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Defender differed from other models in its increased maneuverability and the presence of shields. The model originally appeared in the game TIE Fighter in 1994.

And at the end of the second season, Rebels also introduced Interlayers, massive cruisers that block the ability to jump into hyperspace. There have been such ships in the Expanded Universe since the late 1980s.

Hobbies Klivian

The brave rebel pilot Hobby Klivian has been known to fans for a long time - he was one of the pilots who went on a suicidal attack on imperial walkers in Episode V. As often happens, the story of a minor character was detailed in the Expanded Universe. From “Legends” we learned that Hobby previously studied at the Imperial Academy and only then went over to the side of the Alliance.

"Rebels" confirmed this episode of his biography, but greatly changed its details. In Legends, Hobby, along with Biggs Darklighter, rebelled on the ship Rand Ecliptic, having already become an officer. And in the animated series, Klivian deserts while still a student at the Academy.

Hobby from the animated series went over to the rebels in the company of Wedge Antilles and under the leadership of Sabine Wren


The new canon extremely actively uses the geographical developments of Legends. No wonder: without the worlds of the Expanded Universe, the Star Wars galaxy is reduced to a couple of dozen worlds. Therefore, almost all authors of the new canon actively borrow long-familiar names. So in “Rebels” such planets as Malachor, Agamar, Concord Dawn and Shantipol appeared.

Sith Temple on the planet Malachor, devastated during the Mandalorian Wars

Remains of the Concord-Dawn planets

* * *

Rebels did borrow a lot from the old canon. But a full-fledged revival of the Expanded Universe did not work out. The writers of the series each time changed the characters and biographies of the characters, the history of phenomena or organizations - sometimes beyond recognition. And if so, was it worth borrowing them from Legends?

Once again there is disorder on the borders of the Empire. And it’s not “far, far away, you can’t see it from here,” but right next door. We have to form squadrons again and send them into mortal combat with the restless rebels. Eh, where is my beloved Star Destroyer? And the rebels have the same

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Once again there is disorder on the borders of the Empire. And it’s not “far, far away, you can’t see it from here,” but right next door. We have to form squadrons again and send them into mortal combat with the restless rebels. Eh, where is my beloved Star Destroyer?

And the rebels have the same problems. They are very worried about imperial stormtroopers on their home planets. Although no, they don’t care anymore - they kicked me out. But enemy cruisers naturally obscure the sun. It's time to launch squadrons of wings into space and show presumptuous enemies who's boss.

So good and evil clashed again in this world. Not the dark and light side of the force - such trifles have no place now. No one will notice single Jedi and Sith. Armies and squadrons go into battle. Your word, gentlemen generals!

Many games have such phenomena as ground and space combat. Of course, they are “different from each other,” and interstellar battleships will never descend to this sinful earth for the dubious pleasure of shooting at enemy infantry. It’s the same here, although some space bombers sometimes descend to the point of repeatedly blowing up those who already live on the earth covered with craters. But the complexity and some confusion of the game still require separate consideration of the war in space and on the ground in the campaign and single missions. What are we going to do now?

Space is like a force...

Let's start with it and look at it from the point of view of single missions, leaving the campaign for dessert - in a separate chapter.

Enemy losses are very high.

The backbone of any squadron is a space station. Its meaning is that it produces resources in moderate quantities and defends itself. Of course, it will not be able to withstand several destroyer cruisers, but it is quite capable of repelling an attack by insolent fighters. With growth in levels (5 in total), the station can produce all the best types of troops. And here the game is different in that despite 20 “spaces” for units, you have the opportunity to create them “in reserve” and get them as needed. To some extent, this looks like a vile joke, since reinforcements arrive at the site of hostilities almost instantly, and such “spare” ones can be created in unlimited quantities, if funds would allow. The station also makes all sorts of improvements to ships, speeding them up, strengthening their armor, and increasing their attack.

The economics of war in space are not based on what the station modestly allows you. “Orphan” asteroids that can be developed are scattered in different parts of the map. He created a mining station - money began to flow in faster. I built a second one - the stream became even wider. There is still some money - I raised the level of my mines (maximum could be the third), and all at once. Often, after enemy attacks, asteroids are destroyed, but after some time they are safely restored to a neutral state. Then you need to build them up, creating an influx of money for yourself.

Asteroids aren't the only things floating around in space. Space stations can also be built; they will not allow the enemy to quietly wander past your positions. They can be converted into laser or missile systems. I would recommend the former, as it allows you to get rid of the fighters that will rush past your positions in droves. Missiles are more useful against powerful ships, but they will instantly crush fragile battle stations into powder. I note that the stations, like asteroids, are located in predetermined places and are restored after destruction. There are also pirate bases that are not destroyed, but change hands. They can be used to purchase neutral ships, although the meaning of this is beyond me.

It is very difficult to talk about who is who in these places without understanding that who can. And this is determined by the type of weapon. There are several types of lasers, ion cannons, missiles and proton torpedoes. Lasers are represented by light, rapid-fire models that are distinguished by accuracy, and heavy turbo lasers, more suitable for hunting large objects. Ion cannons are similar to turbolasers, but have the side effect of affecting the electronics of enemy ships, reducing their accuracy (and they also shoot far away).

Missiles are ideal against heavy, clumsy ships, as they are not counteracted by power shields. Proton torpedoes are much more powerful than missiles, but they are very heavy and slow. Therefore, some enemy frigate will easily dodge a torpedo attack. But if it hits... All this is especially interesting for all ships larger than a fighter.

The fact is that they can carry a lot of different weapons, and this will force you to think about how best to deal with this ship. Also, all these guns look like separate key points of a cruiser or frigate, so to destroy it you need to “extinguish” them all. Non-combat “points” on ships can include an engine (when destroyed, the speed drops sharply, which will allow you to hit the ship more often), a force field generator (restores it) and a hangar (some ships can carry fighters).

Ships are further divided into classes: fighters, bombers, corvettes, frigates and “capital ships”. The first two are the simplest single-seat vehicles, fighting in entire squadrons. Only fighters are armed with lasers, and bombers are armed with proton torpedoes. Corvettes are fast, mobile ships, equipped with light lasers and have good protective fields. The frigates are festooned with weapons, and some even carry hordes of fighters and bombers in their hangars.

There is a lot of choice here, and different machines in this class are designed to solve different problems. Finally, capital ships are very beefy frigates that can only be built on individual planets in the campaign. There are still heroes, but these are such specific comrades that they defy any classification.

This is interesting: The difference between the types of ships is that a squadron of fighters or bombers costs only 1 point, a corvette - 2, a cruiser - 3, a capital ship - all 4. And for everything you have only 20 points (for the rebels 25).

The meaning of the above classification is as follows: everything here obeys the rules of the well-known game “rock-paper-scissors”. Fighters deal well with bombers, bombers brutally shoot at clumsy frigates, corvettes easily deal with any little thing, and frigates destroy battle stations and, without straining, crush corvettes in droves. Just? But you create your own correct squadron and then you will understand that this is not so...


So, here's a list of Imperial Space Forces.

Probe Droid. Scout, usable only in the campaign. It is needed in order to find out what the enemy has collected in some system. It is instantly destroyed, but information from it continues to flow for some time.

Tie Fighter. Empire fighter. Seven in the squad. Armed with a light laser, it is primarily used against enemy bombers and older rebel fighters. He is very afraid of enemy corvettes.

Tie Bomber. The squadron has 4 bombers armed with proton torpedoes. It is vulnerable to fighters and corvettes, but can greatly harm all large ships. In the campaign they can descend to the surface and bomb enemy battle formations.

Tie Scout. These boats are modified fighters. They have better armor, longer vision range and good weapons. They can even briefly “illuminate” the battlefield, revealing hiding enemy troops. Because of this, they are only afraid of enemy fighters. But... There are only 3 of them, so they won’t fight much. They require a second level station.

Tartan Patrol Cruiser. Imperial corvette. Fast, maneuverable, armed with 4 lasers and has a force shield. However, its lasers are not “registered”, so it is quite easy to destroy it. Designed to fight enemy fighters and bombers, but is very afraid of enemy frigates.

Acclamator-class Cruiser. The first imperial frigate, produced at the second level of development of the space station. A kind of small aircraft carrier, as it carries 4 squadrons of fighters and 2 bombers. But only 1 squadron of each type is in the air at the same time. However, as soon as one of them dies, a replacement appears from the hangars. It itself is well armed, having on board 2 batteries of lasers, 2 turbolasers, one installation of missiles and one proton torpedo.

What’s nice is that he has a built-in power generator, which allows him to maintain a force field until his death. His ability makes it possible to pump the energy of power shields into weapons for a short time, increasing striking power, which is useful in situations where the enemy needs to be finished off urgently. Please note that if the shields are at zero, then you will receive no more benefit from such pumping.

So, before us is a fairly cheap station wagon for low levels of development. The Acclamator can easily fight any enemy ships, clearly inferior only to heavier counterparts such as capital ships. I recommend...

Interdictor Cruiser. A specialized frigate, appears at the 3rd level of the station. Armed with 4 lasers. As an “add-on” there is a force field generator that can be destroyed. There are 2 abilities - a shield from enemy missiles (not only for yourself, but within a certain radius) and the ability to prevent the enemy from going into hyperspace. Because of this, it is usually only suitable for conditions where the disappearance of the enemy from the battlefield is critical. For example, for a campaign. Because at a reasonable price it is very much inferior to Acclamator.

Broadside Cruiser. Imperial Missile Corvette, which opens the list of ships at level 4. It has a long list of shortcomings - poor maneuverability and armor, low accuracy. It fires very powerful missiles, and its main advantage is that the range of its shots is very high - it can hit right across the entire map.

Missiles use the effect of a volumetric explosion, damaging everyone nearby - enemy fighters simply die. There is a special property that allows you to fire at a point on the map, firing a lot of missiles. Works best against crowds of ships. Can use tactics against a space station when the protective field generator is first “cleansed”. Then 3 such corvettes begin to fire at it as a point on the map, damaging all critical points at once. It’s better not to let him out into an open fight - he’ll be shot down.

Now the prison will be destroyed.

Victory Cruiser. A cruiser that became a further development of the Acclamator. It carries 6 squadrons of fighters and 3 bombers, launching them into space in a 2-1 ratio. The weapons seem to be smaller, but they are of better quality - 2 improved batteries of turbolasers and one ion cannon. So he takes his toll by knocking out the enemy's electronics. The ability is the same - to strengthen the volley due to shields. In addition, he has a lot of life and good energy shields, allowing him to only fear the capital ship and rebel bombers.

Star Destroyer. And here is the capital ship. The most gigantic aircraft carrier - in its hangars there are 10 fighters and 5 bombers, again produced in a 2:1 ratio. Weapons include 4 batteries of turbolasers and 2 ion cannons. Ability - braking an enemy ship. If any monster can still escape, the smaller ones will be doomed to become targets and die. What else is there to talk about - the most powerful ship in the fleet...

Boba Fett. The first hero of the empire, appears on the second level. He flies on a high-speed boat, brutally shoots enemy fighters and bombers with rapid-fire lasers. It has a bomb on board, which, when used correctly, destroys entire squadrons of enemy fighters.

Darth Vader. He flies his own fighter, accompanied by regular fighters. He can invite pilots from other squadrons to join his team. But they knock him down too easily.

Captain Piett He flies on a regular “Star Destroyer”, to which he has given the property of a proton strike, which causes great damage to the enemy ship. Typically, the opponent is first applied to slow down, and then this strike is carried out.

In space (more precisely, on earth, but it only works in space battles) there is a weapon Hypervelocity gun. It simply, on your orders, shoots at enemy ships, while bypassing the force field. Even the most powerful enemy ships cannot survive three shots.

In the campaign you can also see Death Star. She herself is only engaged in the destruction of planets, but is accompanied by a pair of frigates (Acclamator or Victory) and a pair of corvettes.


And here is the list of rebel forces.

X-Wing. Fighters in the amount of 5 pieces. But they are more powerful than imperial ones and have fields, so they live longer. In fights among themselves, only corvettes win in equal numbers and are afraid. They can fold their wings, thereby increasing their flight speed. You can sometimes see Z-95s in the campaign, but these are frankly outdated and poor devices.

Y-wing. Bombers, and again with proton torpedoes. In addition, they carry an ion cannon, which must first be activated. So these bombers can also resist fighters. The squadron has three aircraft.

Corellian Corvette. Powerful anti-fighter corvette with 8 lasers. The Imperial counterpart is head and shoulders above it, and enemy fighters usually drop in flocks in its vicinity. Can amplify a volley, temporarily weakening shields.

A-Wing. This improved fighter opens the second level of station development. There are 5 of them in the squad. Less powerful, but faster and more maneuverable. Ability - performing aerobatic maneuvers. At the same time, the enemy cannot hit your flyers, but aims very diligently at them.

Nebulon-B Frigate. Thunderstorm of enemy corvettes. It has 2 turbolaser batteries and 2 laser batteries. It is difficult to hit, but large ships will still be able to beat it. It can pump all the energy to restore shields, while it shoots much less often. But it is necessary that the shield be at least somewhat charged.

This is interesting: In the campaign, you can hire officers to increase your firing range. The Nebulan frigate is their favorite ship. If there is one in the fleet, the entire command will sit on one of them.

Corellian Gunship. A frigate carrying 2 laser and 4 missile batteries. Appears on level 3 of the space station. Works well against enemy frigates, but due to the fact that the missiles fly close, it should be somewhere right behind the first line of ships. He also knows how to pump the energy of shields into increased damage, but specifically for him it is useless due to the small number of lasers.

Marauder Missile Cruiser. The fourth level unlocks the Rebel Missile Corvette. Fully consistent with the imperial counterpart. Yes, and it is applied in exactly the same way.

Alliance Assault Frigate. Heavy frigate with good armor. Has 2 turbolaser batteries and 2 lasers. Actively hits enemy Acclamators and deals with corvettes. For him, only bombers and capital ships are scary.

Mon-Calamari Cruiser. It has 4 batteries of turbolasers and 2 ion cannons. There is powerful protection with the ability to restore the force field by reducing the power of fire. On par with enemy capital ships, superior to others. Of course, he is afraid of bombers. But you won't leave him alone, will you?

Han Solo/Chewie. The rebel hero flies on a light corvette, scattering laser beams in all directions. It flies at great speed and is very difficult to hit. The main enemy of enemy fighters. He knows how to turn on invisibility and thus, as befits a hero, escapes from hopeless situations.

Sundered Heart. Especially for this hero, the Corellian Corvette was hung with armor and better guns were installed on it. Application is appropriate. In addition to the ability to increase damage through shields, it can weaken enemy damage in a certain area. It may not be long, but during this time everything can be resolved.

Red Squadron. This is a squad of 6 X-Wings, led by Luke Skywalker himself. Of course, they were armed with a much better version of fighters than those that ordinary pilots fly. In addition, this unit can make a successful shot, causing more damage to those it hits. Can destroy the Death Star.

Home One. And this figure flies on the flagship of Admiral Ackbar. This is the best ship in the game - 4 turbolasers and 4 ion cannons. Not only does he know how to pump the energy of weapons into strengthening shields, but he also likes to declare some enemy his personal enemy, and then all the rebel ships concentrate their fire on the unfortunate victim.

Rebel gun Ion Cannon, more original than the imperial one. It completely destroys the force field and damages the electronics (the enemy ship does not move and does not fire for some time). However, ships of the Star Destroyer class quite successfully bypass the consequences of damage to electronics. But this affects the enemy’s space station, which can be decisive in a single-player game or multiplayer.

Space combat technique

The landing is underway.

The general technique is simple - capture as many asteroids as possible to speed up production. It is also a good idea to fortify the space stations located nearby so that the enemy cannot too easily sneak in a squad or two of fighters in order to destroy your production facilities. It makes sense to protect them with something like a corvette. It’s just that when using large fleets you won’t have enough for everything, and a fleet of a couple of frigates and a couple of corvettes most likely will not save you from the arrival of a squadron with 3-4 frigates. Here you just need to drive away the fighters so they don’t get impudent.

Have you gotten used to it? Let's start using the main features of the sides. As we remember, the empire has many aircraft carriers with a large number of fighters on board. Therefore, we wait for at least Victoria class ships (better Star Destroyer, they have more fighters) and go to attack the enemy. In this case, the fighters will act as a distraction for the enemy, and the bombers will quietly try to throw several torpedoes at critical points for the enemy. Along with the launch of the first wave, aircraft carriers will also move from their positions and must directly engage in the destruction of the enemy space station and its defenders. Here the enemy will have no time for little things that can quietly do a lot of things. It’s worth including a couple of corvettes in the fleet (someone will have to calm down the enemy bombers), and put 2-3 missile ships in the rear - they will very well be included in the general concert when the enemy’s power protection of the station is destroyed. If the enemy is very keen on missiles, the Imperials will be helped by the Interdictor, which is capable of deflecting them.

This is important: Be sure to purchase officers - the ability to shoot further than the enemy has never hurt anyone.

It's a little more difficult to play as the rebels - they don't have aircraft carriers. Therefore, their fleet must have 4-5 corvettes to combat enemy fighters and bombers. They usually don’t produce fighters themselves, but they use bombers in 4-5 squadrons at a time to get at least some effect from them. Powerful frigates, again capital ships, come to the fore in this battle. Only one thing helps - the ability to quickly restore protection using an ability. You just need to use it correctly, immediately after turning it on, moving the damaged ship from the front line to the rear until the ability is restored. Of course, this does not matter for missiles and torpedoes, but frigates are not armed with them. Therefore, the battle for the rebels is constant maneuvers of frigates in order to preserve them longer.

The earth is at your feet

The war on earth has become a direct continuation of the space war. But if in space everything looked quite acceptable, here it became a little absurd. However - first things first.

Each of the opponents gets a ready-made base at their disposal; you don’t have to build anything. The set is quite typical - a couple of factories for equipment, barracks for infantry, a force field generator and power plants, an academy for officers that produces heroes. As unique buildings, the empire has a research station, and the rebels have a terrorist academy.

This is true, why bother gaining knowledge if it can be stolen from the enemy? And in free territory you can train comrades who will do minor mischief to the enemy. So you won’t have any problems with the main premises - they already exist. But having lost them, it is very difficult to restore them back, because it is very expensive. And sometimes it’s worth putting down an army to the last soldier, but not destroying the factory where the centipedes are coming from.

But I’m talking about what’s been built. But there are still some things you can create yourself. Let's start with the economy. It is exactly the same as in the vastness of space. That is, for the lazy, there is always a “pre-agreed percentage” of the base itself. Those who are concerned about development will search for points from which grace comes in the form of accelerating the flow of resources. In addition to them, there are gun turret points, landing points and neutral structures on the map.

The gun turret points are for you to build your defenses on. There are two types. On the first one, you get the opportunity to restore the tower, which is great at dealing with tanks. Everything would be fine, but somehow it’s not very good with infantry. Another problem is that the infantry, having realized what is going on, often approaches the foot of the tower, into its dead zone, and from there destroys it with impunity. At points of the second type there is a choice between anti-personnel, anti-tank, anti-aircraft towers and repair and medical centers.

You can also create a reconnaissance droid in this place, but it does not sit still and immediately runs away to carry out its direct duties. The disadvantage of all towers is that they can be built not where we ourselves want, but where the map creators figured out to put a point for them. Therefore, one can often watch with sadness as infantrymen busily deal with yet another defenseless anti-tank tower standing “on the outskirts.”

Drop points are a feature of the ground game. There are quite a few of them on the map, and by controlling them, you can land reinforcements on them (have you forgotten about limiting the number of troops?). Why dump leisurely polypedes in your camp when you can send them straight to the enemy base? Usually around these points other neutral structures and gun turret points spawn. Only most of them are not visible due to the fog of war, so you need to explore the space around these points to identify useful houses.

Neutral structures can be expressed in the form of power shield generators and all kinds of factories. A few combat vehicles (even weak ones) that do not meet any standards will not hurt you at all.

It is with these considerations in mind that you have to begin studying what both sides have.


Even in the rain, the AT-ATs go on the attack.

Stormtroopers. Infantry. Just cannon fodder. 2 squads of 9 people. The main use is to capture control points and wait for more decent troops to arrive. Fortunately, the troops, whose main duty is not beating up infantry, suffer with them for a long time. They are afraid of howitzers and enemy infiltrators. But they are good at destroying enemy grenade launchers. They can fire at the area with grenade launchers, but this perversion of the developers’ imagination never gave me any ideas on how to use it.

Scout Bike. A pair of tricky motorcycles designed to fight enemy artillery. To deal with it, they use explosives, and their fearlessness in this matter is explained by the fact that our riders manage to slip past artillery volleys. But she doesn’t have time to leave the mine-laying site as quickly. However, they are vulnerable to any tanks, which makes their necessity questionable. After being knocked off a motorcycle, he becomes an ordinary infantryman.

AT-ST. Regular bipeds are produced in quantities of four per squad. They fight equally mediocrely against both infantry and tanks. There is only one advantage - they are quickly produced. However, they are often included in garrisons, so they will still find their place in your troops. They are able to strike at a specified point using missiles, but this is a rather exotic ability.

Tie Mauler. An anti-personnel tank that destroys infantry in a whole bunch of ways - shoots them with lasers, rolls them away with its tracks, uses its explosion ability, having previously driven into a crowd of advancing infantry. Often the latter is the only way to do anything - the armor on it is too thin. There are 5 in the squad.

2-M Repulsor Tank. An air-cushioned tank with a force field. It copes well with any enemy tanks, as that is what it is designed for. Can enhance a shot due to a force field. If the enemy has tormented you with his light tanks, call on this fantastic four.

SPMA-T. The howitzer moves slowly and works well only when unfolded. Then she shoots far and painfully - the infantry dies out in entire units, and the equipment receives great damage. But in this form, a dead zone appears in which the enemy can do whatever he wants. In the traveling version it fires from a weak laser. There are only 3 of them in the detachment. For some reason, their own equipment and infantry do not suffer from its hits.

This is interesting: volleys of howitzers unmask them in the fog of war.

I think it looks like a missile strike...

AT-AT. A legendary four-legged machine armed with 4 lasers. Great for fighting vehicles and buildings. In addition, in its belly it carries two nines of infantry, which it can renew as they die (just like cockroaches multiply). He is ready to fight with anything, but he treats enemy “flyers” very poorly, who have a special attack against him with entangling legs. True, he can adequately answer them - he knows how to shoot at them. It can trample infantry, but infantry that has broken through under its belly feels just like a fox in a henhouse.

AT-AA. An anti-aircraft gun designed to combat all kinds of enemy flyers. He just drives and shoots (maybe at ground vehicles, although worse).

Mara Jade. The first hero of the empire very successfully exterminates enemy infantry with his machine gun. She also has explosives that she can throw at vehicles. In addition, she knows how to talk down enemy troops (infantry), transferring them under the control of the empire. So - the girl is prominent and interesting, I recommend her for use.

Boba Fett. Not as convincing on earth as in space. If necessary, he sprays enemies with a flamethrower and can move long distances using his jetpack. Otherwise, it is not very different from ordinary infantry.

Darth Vader. Despite the fact that he looks like an ordinary infantryman, it is very difficult to destroy this hero. Infantry weapons hardly take it. But he himself knows how to scatter infantry to the sides or destroy enemy vehicles chosen by him for this. A very powerful and useful hero.

The Emperor. Palpatine is an even more powerful fighter who not only knows how to fend for himself, but can also hit enemy infantry hard with lightning or convince any enemy troops to join his army.

Colonel Maximilian Veers. This is first and foremost a business executive. The production of AT-AT and AT-ST robots with its presence costs 25% less. And his personal AT-AT can deliver a powerful blow to the enemy, which he most likely will not remember (he will die, poor thing).


Rebel Trooper. Again, regular infantry. They differ from the Imperials only in that they have fives, not nines. And although there are three fives, they are weaker due to the total number... The rest is the same.

PLEX Trooper. Grenade throwers, a threat to enemy tanks and buildings. Very harmful comrades, especially considering that tanks shoot very poorly at infantry. They come out in 2 squads of three fighters. They also know how to shoot at some point.

T2-B Hovertank. Light tank with several lasers. A fast and maneuverable vehicle, whose task is to destroy enemy light armored vehicles, it is good at shooting enemy infantry. He himself is afraid of heavy imperial vehicles such as AT-AT. The unit has 5 tanks. There is an ability, when turned on, the tank goes in search of adventure, shooting all oncoming enemies.

MPTL-2A. Rocket launcher. Hit the area in one gulp. When hit, it deals less damage than the Imperial Howitzer, but this is compensated by the fact that it covers a larger area with its fire. To start shooting, you must stop and spread out. The squad has 2 howitzers, accompanied by 2 reconnaissance robots to increase the field of view of the howitzers.

T4-B Tank. A heavy rebel tank designed to fight similar enemy vehicles. Although it is still inferior to AT-AT. It fights well against any type of enemy troops (even infantry). When using the ability, it begins to fire rockets, causing great damage to buildings and cannons. There are 3 tanks in the squad.

Airspeeder. Fast flying car. By itself, it usually cannot do anything particularly harmful. But it is also very difficult to get into it. If used in a crowd, they will not even notice enemy anti-aircraft guns. Very useful in alliance with bombers - then they bomb exactly what you need. The AT-AT has a special ability to tangle its legs. Often they simply tangle the legs of these giants and prevent them from moving, which is very useful - the machines do nothing, but they take up a place in the total number of troops. However, in 10% of cases they manage to drop the enemy, and he immediately dies. Everyone can shoot at them, but troops that are not anti-aircraft must be specially assigned to this task, indicating the target to them. There are only 3 cars in the squad.

Infiltrator. A fighter with a sniper rifle and explosives with a magnetic suction cup. A huge viewing radius is combined with the ability to destroy an enemy soldier with one shot. And the tanks won't do well when explosives are attached to them. Doesn't decide the outcome of the battle, but it can help. There are only 2 fighters in the squad.

R2-D2. This comrade does not fight at all (the first hero of the rebels). Yes, it’s not worth anything at all. His purpose is that he knows how to take control of enemy guns and repair his own in between.

Han Solo/Chewie. This inseparable couple fights together on earth. Both of them know how to quickly run away from the enemy (they are not very strong fighters and only cope well with infantry). Chewie also proves himself to be an excellent thief, stealing any equipment from the Imperials. And Solo throws an electromagnetic grenade at his feet, which turns off equipment and towers within a certain radius. The main thing here is not to get lost and quickly destroy everything that stands still. Friends work well together and against enemy vehicles: one slows down, the other steals.

Kyle Katarn. But there must also be a Jedi? Here he is. Wields a sniper pistol, picking down enemy infantrymen at incredible distances. When it starts to smell fried, it quickly runs away. The second ability is to throw explosives. It works well against technology. Of course, this sniper is best used against infantry.

Obi-Wan Kenobi. No, Katarn is still the wrong Jedi. But Kenobi... Deflects laser beams with a sword, heals infantry within a certain radius, and gives invulnerability to any squad or tank. Like other users of the Force, when he attacks the cannon, it stops firing. It requires infantry to be used properly. Only then will he be able to show himself in full splendor.

Ground combat technique

Any ground battle aims to capture landing points. Therefore, the infantry comes first, which has the opportunity to take these points into their hands. And only then, behind them, does the equipment move, the purpose of which is to support the attacking infantry. It is often more correct to have most of the equipment in reserve (in the ordering stage), when you can first see what the enemy will land, and only then respond to him most correctly.

True, in a situation where the enemy has rocket launchers or howitzers, he can destroy your infantry in one salvo and immediately take the point, without allowing you to land on it. And the landing process itself is unsafe - it takes a long time, and the enemy troops who find themselves close to the landing force manage to mutilate it with impunity while it recovers after landing.

Should we create guns? Necessary. And primarily anti-personnel. Otherwise, these little people really interfere with life and further development. The guns will at least slightly slow down the vigorous infantry breakthroughs. Officers are no less useful. It seems that they add very little to the vision range, but just this little may be enough to start shooting earlier.

In one long-ago campaign...

Now we'll get into the campaign. Firstly, the economy is very different. Money comes from planets, it can be increased either by the number of planets or by building mines on them. Money comes from all planets at once at the end of the day and goes entirely into the common treasury. With this money you can build all kinds of buildings on the planets (and who will create fleets and armies for you?) and create armadas of your troops. Each planet is characterized by how many buildings can be built on it and what the maximum level of its orbital station can be.

This is important because during the defense, buildings and stations generate “garrison troops”, which allow you to keep the number of your forces at the same level when the enemy is “slowed down”. After all, garrisons, no matter how bad they are in themselves, are regularly restored after death. And even ants can be overwhelmed in this way. Moreover, the peculiarity of the campaign is that the attacker fights with exactly the number of soldiers that he took with him before the attack. If you assigned only two AT-ST squads to attack the planet, be prepared to achieve nothing.

This is important: the size of your army is limited by how many planets you have.

In addition to the number of possible buildings (usually they are still built in a certain sequence, so building a heavy weapons factory ahead of the barracks will not work), planets are characterized by the level of money production, climate and various improvements to production.

When frigates attack, the stations usually die.

Climate is important only during ground battles on planets: rain reduces the accuracy of lasers by half, and a sandstorm reduces the probability of missile hits by the same amount; snow reduces the range of vision, and volcanoes have a very bad effect on infantry (they die, in other words). Improvements can be very different - from increasing the flow of money to reducing costs for some selected type of troops.

As you already know, you won’t be able to produce anything during battles. But the defenders have garrison troops at their disposal, and the attackers are not limited in the number of troops they can capture for battle on the planet or in space. And although there are still strict restrictions on how many troops can simultaneously participate in the battle, no one forbids bringing more than allowed and from time to time pulling them out of reserve.

In the campaign there are such comrades as Bountyhunter and Smuggler. The latter are engaged in dragging 50% of the money from the specified planet in your favor. But the first ones arrive on the target planet and kill enemy officers, robbers, or even their colleagues. Eliminating officers is especially useful, giving your space and ground forces some advantage in that the enemy will likely be able to see much closer than you during the battle.

Despite the fact that both ground and space armies can be sent into battle at once, infantry and tanks will not be able to do anything useful in space. Therefore, they must be sent in the second echelon, otherwise the army will be completely uselessly destroyed.

This is interesting: There are heroes in the campaign that only affect the economy, making production cheaper. Sometimes it is very useful to drag them from planet to planet to get even cheaper troops.


Only story missions will be listed here. But don’t think that the campaign consists only of them. Often, in order to get to a five-minute battle and advance further, you need to capture a dozen planets, defeating hundreds of enemy ships in brutal space battles. But you have to go through this in detail and experience it yourself, and here we will discuss the key moments of the game...


We suppress uprisings, destroy the rebels. How else to restore order in a huge Empire?

Mission 1. Crush. Kill. Destroy.

Led by Darth Vader, we restore order on the rebellious planet. Theoretically, he can be killed, but practically this is possible if only he breaks away from the rest of the forces and fights alone. We destroy the rebels right up to the power dome, then we go a little lower and shoot the energy generator. Now you can return to the site of the former dome and finish off the survivors.

Mission 2. The Pirate Menace

The Empire isn't just cracking down on rebels. Well, the pirates on Ilyum have gotten crazy - they need to restore order. We attach a couple of corvettes and frigates to Boba Fett and send the entire squadron to sort it out. True, at first only one hero will arrive. And first of all, he must destroy the sensors, of which there are a lot in the system. By throwing bombs correctly, your pilot will be able to destroy not only the sensors, but also the enemy fighters guarding them. He can then call in a fleet and destroy the space station. Next on the list will be the leader of the pirates on a large ship. And we finish him off.

Mission 3. Subjugating Geonosis

We strengthen the fleet from the previous mission and send it along with Darth Vader. The enemy’s space station is of a low level, which means it will be quickly destroyed. After that, we send troops and land on the planet. From the very beginning, you need to quickly take on the civilians and destroy all 5 buildings. Because they almost constantly release replacements for the fallen. TIE Maulers are very suitable here, as they successfully destroy infantry. After this, destroying the rebels is quite simple.

Mission 4. Attack on Mon Calamari

We are faced with the task of capturing the planet Mon Calamari. The station there is not very powerful, the main thing is to destroy its power plant with the help of bombers. Then we destroy the torpedo launchers and extract the entire remaining fleet. But there is no point in hoping that everything will go very simply - a little later several capital rebel ships will arrive, so a large fleet must be brought there. Otherwise you won't be able to cope.

Mission 5. Trouble on Kashyyyk

Han Solo helps free the Wookiees on their home planet. Let him help, but don’t rush, methodically destroy the houses that produce new Wookiees, and don’t let the ones that have already been born destroy the prisons. It is also necessary to pour fire on Solo as soon as he appears in sight. It is unlikely that you will be able to kill him, but if his affairs are really bad, he will simply disappear from the planet. And without him, the Wookiees will quickly stop resisting, and the mission will end.

Mission 6. A New Weapon Of War

So, your troops have a new weapon - AT-AT. Send Veers to test him. Delivery of the hero to the planet will take place without any problems. And the start of testing will not bring any special problems. But then the rebels will appear and try to destroy the model of the combat vehicle. However, the polypede easily copes with them. You just need to add a couple of infantry units to it - and you won’t have to worry about what’s happening under your feet.

Mission 7. The Rebel Fortress

You need to destroy the rebel fortress. First there will be a space battle in which you will face serious resistance. Then there will be a ground battle where you will have Darth Vader and Veers on his AT-AT. With its inherent powerful blow, this robot is excellent at destroying enemy buildings.

Mission 8: The Traitorous Moff

And the empire had a traitor. A certain Moff Kalast lives in the rebel system, and the empire has decided to destroy him. There are a lot of troops there - up to 30 corvettes and frigates, not counting many fighters and bombers. But that's not the trick. The traitor loves to run away from the battlefield. But for this mission, you will have the Interdictor frigate in one of the systems. Be sure to take him on a mission, turn on his ability and put him somewhere aside so that you don’t accidentally hit him. And then our fugitive will not leave.

Mission 9. An Engagement With The Emperor

The emperor decided to punish the disobedient with his own hands. The mission is quite simple. You just need to regularly destroy buildings - this is how the emperor restores life. The enemy’s infantry simply falls in sheaves from his manifestations of the Force.

Mission 10. Capturing A Princess

It's time to capture the rebel leader - Princess Leia. We are forming a fleet, it must include Star Destroyer and Interdictor. The first will be needed directly to capture the princess, the second - to ensure that she does not escape from the system. But first you will have to destroy the pirates, who are in league with the rebels. But is this a problem?

Mission 11. The Destruction of Alderaan

And here is the first use of the Death Star. We need to take her to Alderaan and destroy the planet. It is enough to wait only 75 seconds for it to be fully charged. But besides it, you need to bring a large fleet to cope with the defense of the rebels - up to 8 capital ships will be waiting for you there.

Mission 12. End of the Rebellion

You already know how to use the Death Star. And all that remains is to destroy 5 rebel planets. True, the resistance on each will be serious, and the ion cannons will fire from the ground, but you can handle it. We just need to take a larger fleet.


The time has come for liberation from the imperial troops, universal freedom is coming...

Mission 1. Shipyard Diversion

Here you have to destroy 6 imperial docks. For this purpose, 4 corvettes and a hero are allocated, who must survive. The trick here is that it is not necessary to destroy the docks themselves, but rather shoot at the warehouses with resources around them. There will be a chain reaction and the docks will explode on their own. The enemy's resistance here is very sluggish, and he won't offer anything special to you.

Mission 2. Interpreting the Network

Friends are thieves. They think what else to steal from the empire...

R2-D2 must extract data from the Imperial storage facility. But at the same time, he must also survive, which is much more difficult. To ensure this task, we assign him an escort of 2 tank detachments, 3 grenade launchers and 3 infantrymen. Upon arrival, we clear the landing points from the enemy, divide the remaining troops between them and move our hacker to the data bank. After some time, the enemy will find out what is happening in the storage facilities and will send troops to deal with this mess. But we remember that landing troops is a long process. Therefore, during the landing, all paratroopers will be destroyed. Then we just wait for the end of the data theft and escort the robot to one of the landing points.

Mission 3. Theft of the X-Wing

Until now, there has not been a single normal fighter in your army. And so the rebels decide to steal the first samples from the empire. For this mission it is advisable to take a lot of troops, otherwise it will be difficult to cope with the enemy. Bombers in orbit around the planet are highly desirable. It is better not to go to turbolasers located on a short path at all, simply blocking the passage with tanks and grenade launchers. The long path is longer, but easier. Thus we go to the airfield. Along the way, you can destroy turbolaser generators and shoot defenseless cannons. Before taking the pilots to their destination, send one warrior to a place with 4 unoccupied points for cannons - immediately after the pilots arrive, cannons will be built at these points and around the airfield. At the airfield, they will be destroyed by the escort of pilots, but let the bombers strike the individual four. If at least one pilot survived, then the mission is won, and you become the owner of new fighters.

Mission 4: Kessel Rescue

Here you need to stop 6 shuttles without destroying them. We take several corvettes and 5-6 bomber squads for the mission. Let the corvettes drive away enemy fighters, and the bombers, letting the shuttles pass through their formation, fire at them with an ion cannon. It will just stop the ships without destroying them.

Mission 5. Stealing From the Rich

Another theft from the Imperials. We send R2-D2 to one of the planets of the empire and force him to steal technology (planets have special cells for special operations). In order for the mission to count, you need to steal a little, but it is better to do it all the way until the enemy runs out of technology.

Mission 6. Imperial Liberation

Here you have to liberate the Wookiee planet from imperial domination. First you need to destroy 5 prisons in which the Wookiees are languishing. Moreover, after the destruction of the next prison, several former prisoners will join you. You need to take a full complement of troops here, including artillery, tanks and bombers - there will also be a lot of enemy here, so you will have to work hard. And it’s not at all easy to destroy a prison.

Mission 7. Highest Bidder

We need to take more frigates for this mission, they will have someone to fight with. Here the Imperials grappled with the pirate and turned on Interdictor's abilities to prevent him from escaping. To begin with, we quickly destroy the heavy imperial frigates that are heading towards us and immediately fly to the “brakes” standing in a dense group in the center. By this moment the pirate should fly up to them. First, we will definitely shoot him and only then the remaining imperial ships. That's it, the way out is clear. Corvettes are almost useless here - the enemy has no small ships. But bombers wouldn't hurt.

Mission 8. Rescue the Millennium Falcon

Han Solo finished the game and was captured by the Imperials. Of course, you can arrange a general massacre, but 5-6 squadrons of bombers are enough. All you need to do is turn off the tractor beam of the imperial ship, and the Millennium Falcon will calmly fly away.

Mission 9. Needle in a Haystack

There are boxes scattered throughout the system, and in one of them there is an EMP system. You only have one Millennium Falcon to explore these boxes. You need to fly near the box for the scan to count. Your ship can handle enemy fighters, but you need to get away from the rest; you won’t be able to defeat them. When the desired item is found, the mission will be won.

Mission 10. Borrowed Time

You need to escort 6 transports and try to ensure that at least one of them survives. The fleet on this mission must be large - there will be a lot of fighting. All enemy ships are already on the screen, they just gradually “come to life” and crawl towards you. You can take bombers and fire at ships that have not yet activated.

Mission 11. Handle With Care!

Before this mission, it is worth rebuilding the planets on the front line to the maximum possible values, because the Imperials will attack your positions quite often.

On the mission itself, Solo and his comrade must get to the first point where they can build a healing tower. There they will capture the tank and will destroy enemy infantry as long as it blocks the path to the ownerless AT-AT. With its help, we blow up the generator that supplies the turbolasers, and no one can stop our heroes from getting to the documents. After that, they leave towards the transport ship.

Mission 12. The Defense of Mon Calamari

If you have prepared to repel enemy attacks and created rapid response fleets, then you will have several space battles with imperial squadrons invading your systems. Prepare for tough, bloody battles, but by winning several and preventing the enemy from attacking your capital in Mon Calamari, you will complete this task.

Mission 13. The Final Battle

After all this, the Death Star appears. The main thing here is to seize the moment and remove all troops from the planet it will attack in time. For its first shot comes without warning, and along the way everyone who had the misfortune of being on or near the planet is destroyed. Then she will fly and destroy planets. But here you have 2 minutes to destroy all the ships accompanying it. And then we just wait for Luke Skywalker and set him against the Star in the next battle. We are just making sure that he is not destroyed before his clash with the Death Star. Here is the long-awaited victory!

If you remember, about a week before the premiere of the first spin-off, a TV spot appeared online in which attentive fans looked at the Ghost ship from the series Star Wars Rebels.

If you don’t remember, here’s this shot.

Portal io9 revealed in a new interview with the filmmakers that the appearance was more than just an "Easter egg."

"You see the film and I think it's a kind of corporate interaction," said Hal Hickel, animation supervisor on "Rogue One" . "But really, it's just a casual and friendly contact between people at Lucasfilm who work on different aspects of the Star Wars universe."

As it turns out, the Ghost ship appeared in Rogue One even earlier than we thought. This is what he looks like in the animated series.

And here is a shot of the Rebel Alliance base on the planet Yavin 4 in the film. Pay attention to the upper left corner.

"I talked to Dave Filoni", says producer John Knoll. "How would they feel if 'Ghost' showed up somewhere in Rogue One? They were thrilled!"

"Ghost" wasn't the only one. Those who are not indifferent to Rebels remember how Princess Leia stole several Hammerhead-class cruisers in the series, one of which was “rammed” by a Star Destroyer in the film.

But producer John Knoll didn’t know this. As it turned out, he needed a variety of ships for the space battle, but he didn’t know which ones to use. To solve this problem, he turned to Lucasfilm's story group. They told him:

"Well, they could use the Hammerhead cruiser, and they showed me some images from Rebels. And that prompted me to take that model and make my own version of the cruiser in the movie... At some point, I needed a ship , which could act as a tugboat, and I thought, "Well, let's use Hammerhead. So he kind of got one of the main roles."- said John Noll.