Gabin type description. Description of gabena from a tame owl

GABEN:: Sensory-logical introvert (SLI)

Portrait of a man

GABIN is unhurried, thorough and impenetrably calm. He gives the impression of a courageously reserved man with a great sense of self-esteem, even if he is short in stature. He has excellent aesthetic taste, choosing comfortable, discreet clothes: plain dark gray and dark blue sweaters, shirts in calm tones.

GABIN is most often dense, his movements are slow, slightly lazy. Likes to half sit and half lie. As soon as the opportunity to sit down presents itself, it immediately takes the optimal position for rest, in which the body can relax and rest.

In a calm state, he is self-absorbed, serious, and notices little around him, especially when he is working. But, oddly enough, he sees everything. If you approach, as if reluctantly, he slowly raises his eyes, in which one can see indifference mixed with melancholy. It seems that he is not living, but suffering.

With a stranger it is difficult for him to find a suitable topic. But if you initiate a conversation, GABEN will answer questions thoroughly and kindly. He usually speaks quietly, trying not to attract unnecessary attention to himself.

The Gaben smile, as a rule, is not heard by everyone, but only by close, well-known people. She makes GABIN's stern, little emotional face unusually sweet.

In childhood, a boy of this type is usually distinguished by good physical fitness. He is agile and agile. He finds it easy in physical education lessons. Training gives him pleasure because his body obeys him. His hobbies also include modeling and in general everything that can be done with his hands, since his hands are very skillful.

Little GABIN studies well on the whole, although it seems that he is reluctant or under pressure. It seems that he does his homework through force, struggling (at times even successfully) with his endless laziness. But sometimes he loses in this battle, and then, especially in high school, his studies go to hell.

In principle, GABEN is diligent, smart and able to achieve good results, especially in physics and other natural and precise subjects. But the laurels of an excellent student (read “nerd”) rarely attract him.

With age, GABEN likes systematic sports less and less, although from time to time he can have fun with a barbell or dumbbells.

Men of this type are observant, have an ironic mind and an unobtrusive, subtle sense of humor, although not everyone is ready to demonstrate it. GABEN is not demonstrative at all and prefers a fairly secluded, quiet life away from people, as well as noise, din, bustle and all kinds of shocks.

The GABEN man most often stands as if outside the culture. He is unusually critical of everything, has his own point of view, it is difficult for him to be carried away by advertising or pop cheapness in any of its manifestations. Discos and stupid noisy groups with a large number of strangers, where no one can hear anyone, do not attract young men of this type.

Another thing is a familiar company, where he is appreciated and loved, or a small corporate party. Here GABEN may even take the initiative to entertain the rest of the people, or at least will try his best to maintain a general festive atmosphere.

Not every girl is capable of captivating the incredulous GABIN during the first meeting. Firstly, he doesn't believe that anyone can like him. And secondly, rarely does anyone manage to awaken his interest in a short time - after all, GABIN, as a rule, is in no hurry. In addition, behind his courageous appearance hides incredible shyness and indecisiveness. He doesn’t understand relationships well, and therefore doesn’t understand when it’s possible to take initiative and when not. And to make it easier and not so scary, he prefers not to show it at all. Instead, he likes to project mystery and arouse curiosity by his absence.

Relationships with GABEN usually “happen” - he himself doesn’t really know where they came from or when they began. He is able to fall in love from a distance, with his eyes, for a long time watching the one who accidentally captured his heart. At the same time, being a contemplative by nature, he can usually do nothing at all for months and even years.

From the story of one GABEN: “I studied at medical school, and I liked one girl. And I kept walking and looking at her, and I liked her all the time, all 6 years. And another 2 years of residency.

Then we finished studying, and after some time I called her and asked her to marry me. And she left. So I got married."

GABEN is secretive (because he is vulnerable), does not like to show his feelings, carefully hides them from strangers. The fact is that he is not as confident as he may seem. Learn to praise and support your chosen one, then it will be easier for him to cope with life, and he will feel a little better in life.

For GABIN, only one relationship is important per unit of time, because he cannot have many real RELATIONSHIPS. If he suddenly discovers that all his thoughts are occupied with his new chosen one, he quite easily closes the “read page” and, without unnecessary remorse, starts life from scratch. Memories of the past, as a rule, leave him quite indifferent, since he lives for today.

If GABEN got married, then he can stay in the family for a long time, sometimes forever. To do this, he should be comfortable enough there or... too lazy to change anything. In addition, he is afraid: what if his new life turns out to be worse. He cannot see this in advance. In family life, the most difficult thing for him is sorting out relationships, scandals and tears. We must not forget that the always gentle and benevolent GABIN can sometimes be stern. If he doesn’t like something, he will immediately, without any ceremony, tell you about it with a hidden but clear threat in his voice. You will understand, he will not have to repeat it twice. At such moments it is better not to argue with him, since his anger is usually short-lived. And although he is jealous and touchy, at the same time he is compassionate.

Among the Gabens there are monogamous people (if a man of this type is lucky enough to meet the one he can love all his life). If a relationship with GABEN is built on trust, it turns out to be very strong. This helps him to be periodically in a good mood, to be close friends with his wife (or girlfriend) and to show concern for her. In this case, GABEN is extremely trusting and open, experiences spiritual comfort and is at times happy. To make this last, he is ready to do a lot.

Children in the GABEN family usually enjoy the protection of their father. He is not petty and is condescending towards them. He often becomes attached to them and makes friends with them, trying to teach them something useful.

Handy at home, he works a lot with his hands. At home, his snobbery manifests itself in his preference for expensive, beautiful things. He loves all kinds of mechanisms that make his life convenient and comfortable.

Being a practitioner, GABEN, both at work and at home, does only what is really needed for some reason and what will bring specific benefits. He is not inclined to squander his resources and can always expertly assess the relationship between price and quality of a product. He also knows how much work and time will have to be spent in order to earn the necessary amount to purchase it.

As a result of such calculations, it usually turns out that it is not worth starting. In a word, GABEN lives by the principle of energy saving, that is, he tries not so much to earn more as to reduce his needs to a minimum in order to work as little as possible. In general, he prefers to do every task himself, because he does not like to overexert himself, and never neglects the opportunity to relax comfortably on his favorite sofa for as long as possible.

In any undertaking, GABEN lacks an emotional attitude, that is, enthusiasm, so he needs someone who will help him overcome skepticism and decide on a new business. It is often not difficult to persuade GABEN to do some easy adventure - he really likes to refresh himself with unusual impressions. They decorate his life and make it sparkle with new colors, helping to temporarily avoid the constant boredom of Gaben. Sometimes men of this type are ready to quickly get ready and hit the road. Some people like to go hiking, putting up with everyday inconveniences and lack of comfort for some time for the sake of new experiences that they need like air.

For the same reason (GABEN knows from himself how pleasant something new is in life) he loves to make surprises. He can give something that a loved one has long dreamed of, or unexpectedly do something nice for him. At the same time, he himself receives no less pleasure than the one whom he decided to please. Sometimes he likes to unexpectedly come to a place where, as he knows, the woman he loves will be at that moment. And shine with happiness, which will now delight her with his appearance.

Although GABEN is lazy, he will never be left without money. Moreover, the business that he chooses for himself is usually very serious, requiring from him both high professional qualities and the ability to make independent decisions. He usually has both. GABENS make good doctors, chiropractors, economists, architects, computer scientists, physicists, philosophers, and directors.

However, in addition to business qualities, relationships are extremely important to GABEN at work, and he carefully monitors them. It is vital for him to be loved, appreciated, praised. Due to his constant (but almost imperceptible) efforts in this direction, GABEN usually takes the place of everyone’s favorite in the team.

The best partner in marriage, friendship, work is Huxley.Your four types in whose company relationships work best are:Gaben, Huxley, Stirlitz, Dostoevsky. For SLI, life is not a means to achieve some goal: it is something that is given to a person in the process of sensations. He already has everything he needs for life - he can only improve something, make it more convenient, make himself more comfortable. He does not fight the discomfort, but tries to get away from it or adapt to it. SLI is lazy on principle.

Why make unnecessary movements, why strive for useless things, do things that cannot be practically applied? Moreover, he cannot understand why other people are fussily busy with useless things and do not even notice it.

And he himself is very interested in one thing. This is a benefit (not to be confused with benefit!). In fact, it is from this point of view that he evaluates almost everything - things, people, himself. Everything should be beneficial. SLI will not do work that will not bring either material or moral satisfaction. The ability to determine the futility of any action helps him avoid unnecessary efforts and movements, and it is so pleasant to fill the remaining time with relaxing rest...

Pleasure must be 100%

Any fly in the ointment spoils all his pleasure; even minor discomfort does not allow him to fully enjoy the pleasures already available. So all life goals are actually only intermediate and serve one desire: to get maximum comfort from life, spending a minimum of effort on it.

Prestige, fame, fame, image, position, ranks - all this in itself is of little value to SLI. Outwardly, he may seem completely unambitious. If something like that falls into your hands like a ripe apple, go for it. And he won’t fuss too much or strain too much for this. Why waste energy and nerves?

This also leads to the rather significant political passivity of the SLI. When asked to walk down the street with a poster, he will most likely answer: “Why? Don’t you have work at home? So go to the dacha.” By and large, he doesn't give a damn about any power - as long as it doesn't touch him more than he agrees to. SLI can adapt to almost any regime, any order.

I can talk too

You can't take SLI to "weak". He lives on his own, letting almost no one into his world, into his life.

Despite his apparent thick skin, he is very sensitive to all manifestations of antipathy, envy, and ill will. The latter greatly touches him to the quick, resentment settles in his soul for a long time, but the trouble is - he cannot, does not know how to show it, so those around him sincerely believe that nothing bad happened, no one is offended, and are no less sincerely surprised when he increases the psychological distance or leaves altogether.

Yes, then he will forgive, but he will not forget; will return to this person, but not completely - the crack will remain. SLI subtly senses beauty, sees it where others are unaware of its existence. He likes beautiful, even luxurious things.

Well, what else is broken? Nothing? It's a pity...

SLI generally loves to help others, patronize, take care of them, pamper them, loves to treat guests, give necessary and convenient gifts, and is responsive to requests. He even considers himself obligated to help everyone, even those who for some reason are not likeable. However, you need to ask him for help; SLI does not like to be imposed on with his services. Interesting fact: if his partner finds it easier than usual to persuade him to do something, the SLI is most likely resentful of him for something.

He experiences some difficulties in communication. For example, it is difficult for him to see real feelings towards himself from others. He is initially distrustful, secretive, and does not believe words. He would like to have a friend whom he can completely trust.

Smile is an elastic concept

He does not like to spoil the mood of others, he even tries to say unpleasant things with a smile. He does not show his good attitude towards anyone, he is cautious, but he always tries to maintain friendly relations with everyone and expects others to support his efforts. With people whom SLI has accepted into his circle, he ceases to be cautious and behaves openly. Feels best in an atmosphere of constant goodwill and friendliness.

He really doesn't like crowded gatherings, crowds, noise. Going shopping to the market can become a serious problem that will unsettle him for a long time, and there is nothing to say about discos.

The right company is the kind of company where they will treat me to something

To this we need to add one more condition - where he will not be pulled. And if the owners also say that they have been waiting for him for a long time, that he came just in time, it means that he is really welcome here. Conversations are not relaxation for him, and empty chatter tires him. Feels good when there is fun around, but gets tired from prolonged emotional contact. Even when visiting, he can calmly allow himself to do some business and go to another room. Doesn't like to be the center of attention.

What more can be said about his relationships with people? He tries to be diplomatic and avoids conflicts. In order for there to be peace around him, he is sometimes ready to sacrifice his own principles, because he knows: if a showdown begins, it will be very difficult for him to compromise. He is very stubborn, unyielding, does not want to depend on anyone, and does not give in to force. You can pity him, beg him, but you cannot order anything.

The master's work is afraid

In socionics there is a pseudonym for SLI - Master. Perfect things really come out of his hands, they are impeccably functional and aesthetic (that is, again, useful and convenient). In his work, he is distinguished by discreet perseverance, which will certainly lead to the completion of everything started, and internal responsibility for the work. He is very inventive. His movements are calm, precise, extremely economical, it may even seem that he is doing everything coolly, carelessly.

At the same time, if in his work he encounters unforeseen difficulties or obstacles, without regret he is ready to quit even an almost completed task and will never return to it.

Well, we've done some work - now we can have lunch

Will never forget about the physical needs of his body; It's hard to imagine anything that would cause an SLI to forget to eat. A writer of this type, when describing the adventures of his heroes, will always tell what they ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner and whether they managed to grab anything else between the usual meals.

Some SLIs know how to cook, but they don’t really like to do it - they’re lazy... They’ll cook for others more willingly than for themselves, but they themselves will settle for something simpler or go to “suitable company.” SLI cannot stand obligations, frameworks that limit his freedom. The work that needs to be done is disgusting; he needs to convince himself that he wants to do it.

What to do?

Boredom is a real problem for SLI. One hundred percent pleasure quickly becomes boring, and he desperately needs new experiences. He likes enthusiastic people who would also excite him. He works better and more interestingly with such people.

His first reaction to a new idea may be skeptical, but once he is convinced of its promise, he may become its faithful follower. The fact is that he knows how things are done, but has no idea what to do. Other people must point this out to him.

Those around him should not skimp on praise for his work, on a good assessment of his merits. If they express distrust in him, he loses the desire to work; he waits for others to notice his abilities and praise him for taking initiative. SLI gets great pleasure from collaborating with a creative team of enthusiasts, inspired by some interesting idea, and he likes to feel like a member of this team.

Description of the Gaben-Master sociotype according to Slinko

An unsurpassed esthete. He always has his own opinion about what is beautiful and what is ugly, where there is harmony and where there is bad taste. Beauty, in his understanding, should be functional. Dresses originally, tastefully, and often very impressively. A great connoisseur of comfort, he likes to settle down with maximum convenience. At the same time, he gravitates toward risk, speed, and generally thrills. Stubborn, willful, shows strong resistance to external pressure.

He does not think of himself outside of business, outside of work. In his activities he naturally follows the principles of pragmatism.

Finds it difficult to express emotions. Rarely laughs, more often there is a restrained smile on his face. Speech is clear, sometimes abrupt, “metallic,” sometimes languid, filled with deep feeling. At the moment of breakdown, he demonstrates harsh, impartial negative emotions. He tries to avoid such moments. May give the impression of being a cold person.

Feels the need to meet interesting, gifted interlocutors. Gets pleasure when he hears deep assessments of people's personal qualities.

In general, he understands relationships correctly. Prefers to be in an atmosphere of friendliness and goodwill. Strives for beautiful, real human feelings. And, nevertheless, it can easily make a mistake and get burned. Being deprived of love, he feels depressed: she is the source of his inspiration.

The master is one of the most “multi-professional” socionic types. Perhaps only the Operator surpasses him in this.

Excellent Master in artistic and aesthetic professions: painting, stylistics, interior and window design, perfumery, clothing design...

Technical design is also his element. The master creates things that are functionally convenient and, as a rule, beautiful.

This socionic type seems to have been specially created for the role of a boss. The designer “feelingly” uses his leadership position and at the same time looks very respectable: a stern business man with whom it is useless to argue or try to give the matter a different direction than the Master wants.

At the same time, even the “coolest” boss-Designer, unlike, say. Legionnaire, quickly responds to kindness, and behind all his severity, in general, lies a receptive heart.

Gaben-Master according to Gulenko


Knows how to perform reasonable and useful actions. Adapts new ideas to practice and makes the most of them. He is characterized by discreet, quiet perseverance with the obligatory completion of everything started, modesty. He is resourceful in everyday life and at work that he likes. In an area of ​​space that is accessible to him, he organizes everything for work and rest. An esthete who completely trusts his taste. He always has his own opinion about what is beautiful and what is ugly, where there is harmony and where there is bad taste. He does not like to dress brightly and flashily; he prefers moderation and harmony.

Values ​​friendship. If a person turns to him for help, he helps without sparing his personal time. He doesn’t force his opinion on anyone, but then it usually turns out the way he wanted. It gives him joy when someone likes what he has done. Has a reputation as a punctual person. Doesn't like to drag out meetings. Stress-resistant, in a dangerous situation he behaves in an emphatically cold-blooded manner. Warnings about danger do not cause fear in him, but interest, a desire to test himself.


He is prone to skepticism, loves to analyze and make fun. He usually does not show his emotions and feelings in public, although he is quite impressionable. It very much depends on his mood; periods of decline alternate with periods of increased performance. Secretive, does not like familiarity, knows how to put a person in his place. An order as a form of address does not exist for him: he does it as he sees fit. He is truly effective only in what brings him pleasure; because of this, he can give the impression of a lazy person. He will not take on aimless work. He does not like a sluggish manner of speaking; he likes clearly formulated, confident statements.

When meeting someone, your external parameters will not be decisive; just looking neat is enough. It’s even more important to talk intelligently. It is also good to ask for advice or complain about misunderstanding on the part of your wife, mother-in-law or boss. “Kind on the inside” Gabenka will readily come not only to help, but also on the first date. Predicting subsequent meetings is a thankless task: the schedule of its appearances, according to our observations, does not obey objective laws. So, if you didn’t wait for it once or twice, don’t despair and calmly make a third attempt.

In a group, Craftswomen behave just as unpredictably, which is why they are usually considered a little strange. They love the learning process - they literally collect a collection of various “certificates of completion...” (although they experience certain difficulties in implementing the acquired knowledge). They are skeptical about the orders of their superiors and are in no hurry to implement them. However, a competent manager is still in no hurry to part with such an employee, since, if necessary, she is able to work accurately and clearly.

Her family rarely looks happy, although she is a faithful wife and an excellent housewife. Unfortunately, these advantages fade without the proper emotional coloring of the relationship. Gabenka’s cold, ironic restraint can make anyone sad, but we must remember that this is only a mask under which vulnerability and vulnerability are hidden. She will always be grateful for understanding and sympathy, or at least for trying to show them. And no matter what socionic theorists write about her, Gabenka does not find peace in solitude. She puts friendship above love and is even capable of asking a strange (for the third quadra) question: “Can a family be happy without love and sex?”

Before moving on to recipes for separation, we note that Consuelo, guided by her incomprehensible schedule, may herself stop going on dates - even before you realize that you are not made for each other. If your decision has already matured, and she is still here, act decisively. Present her with a list of demands - no matter what, as long as they begin with the words: “you must...”, “you must...”, and end: “... and quickly!” It’s good to season all this with stormy emotions. After this, you won’t see Gabenka for a long time... until she again, following the same schedule, looms on your horizon.

Portrait gallery:

Jean Gabin, Guy de Maupassant, Albert Camus, Agatha Christie and her Hercule Poirot, Georges Simenon and his commissar Maigret, Miguel Cervantes and his Sancho Panza, Jean Paul Sartre, Francoise Sagan and the heroines of her novels, Ekaterina Dashkova, Somerset Maugham, Monica Vitti , Lyubov Orlova, Vladimir Vysotsky, Andrei Mironov, Elena Solovey, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Margarita Terekhova.

Quadratic signs:

delta quadra; serious, reasonable, aristocrat.

Dyadic signs:

irrational (cyclothyme), stubborn, careless, collectivist.

Individual characteristics:

introvert, speaker, questim, positivist, sensory, logician, strategist, constructive.

The first function is the level of personality organization, or the principle of existence. Confidence zone. "Fine"

subjective sensory

zone of confidence - the state of your health. Confidence in one’s feelings, exact knowledge of whether one is healthy or sick, the ability to explain one’s feelings. There are no external influences here. Gaben knows well what, how and how to treat. “I feel, therefore I exist.” But if I don’t feel, don’t sense, then I simply don’t exist. The feelings of people of this type can vary widely. Gaben adapts to different foods more easily than others. Moreover, the amount of food can be very different. Conservative in sex.

Minus is the first function. Ignore zone. Minus values. "Badly"

object sensory - form, action, movement, deed, appearance, gestures and facial expressions. Will. My skill, power, influence, money, image

ignore zone. People of this type may not be too attentive to their appearance, the interior of their apartment, or the actions of other people, even if these actions are relevant to them. They are not capable of any monotonous work, such as working on an assembly line. They have to make some effort to take care of their appearance. The ability to wear clothes is also not their strong point. They often try to ignore forceful and volitional pressure from other people. Children of this type can seem very stubborn.

Second function. Creative. Level of functioning. Risk zone. "Necessary"

object logic - the logic of the objective world, objective circumstances, facts. Methods, statistics. Real connection of events. My territory

Gabin is a practical person, a wonderful rationalizer, that is, he knows well how to take the nearest road, how to save money and even how to circumvent the law without running into trouble. This is a risk zone. For them, creativity is interaction with the material world. Perhaps no one better than Gaben can arrange objects in space and remodel an apartment.

These people are interested in learning how the world works and how to bring order to it. There is always a lot around that needs correction and improvement. If the world is in complete order, then I am not needed. Gaben, as a rule, does not deal with global things, but makes specific, currently useful improvements to make it more convenient, simpler, easier, cheaper. They count money well, sometimes scrupulously, and know how and where to save money. Gabin is a rationalization, sometimes reaching such extremes that it seems to other people that he has some kind of shift. Well, why does he need this, such a fanatical attitude towards the outside world, things, money, some small objects that are not at all significant to others? But for Gaben they are interesting. This is the area of ​​his creativity.

A person of this type feels the real world, its properties and laws almost physically. He, unlike Don Quixote, has an accurate, not fantastic, idea of ​​the laws and, most importantly, how they operate at the present time. Gabens are practical, they are excellent designers, clerks, accountants and lawyers. The most common social program is the host.

Minus the second function. Zone of standards, standards, stereotypes of behavior. "No need"

subjective logic - my own logic, my understanding, explanation, description, concept, theory. Hierarchy of ideas about what is closer, what is further, what is higher, what is lower. My picture of the world, my worldview. My education, i.e. my system of images, my school

As a rule, Gaben is content with standard explanations; for him, reality itself is much more important: accurate knowledge of the facts, an objective picture of the situation. Theories, of course, are needed, but this is not his strong point. Theoretical, abstract problems are solved using standard methods. Gaben will never argue, explain or prove anything. He doesn’t see any interest in this for himself. For Gaben, knowledge of the world is its material development.

Third function. The principle of self-esteem. The place of least resistance. "Problems"

subjective ethics - My attitude towards people. I love someone or something - I don’t like it, I like it - I don’t like it. My emotions

This is my attitude towards other people: I love - I don’t like, I like - I don’t like. If I love someone, then I am a good person; If I don’t like it, I’m bad. Love for other people is a reason to treat yourself well. He tries in every possible way to protect himself from outside interference in his emotional sphere. Gives the impression of an integral, self-absorbed nature. Idealizing people, he carefully moves them away from himself to such a distance that the ideal is not destroyed. The desire for ideal love over the years makes him a moralist.

Minus third function. Problem Solving Zone

object ethics - External relations. People's relationships with each other and people's relationships with me. Other People's Emotions

If there is a problem with my attitude towards someone, then something needs to be done about external relationships. As a rule, Gaben resolves these issues by regulating personal distance. Most relationships among people of this type are determined by this distance. If a problem arises, you need to figure out the distances. Everyone around him has their own coordinates in his personal space, and the space itself consists of a very narrow inner circle and an outer, usually very wide one. Usually people of this type determine these coordinates in such a way that there are no difficulties in determining their attitude. At the same time, they themselves seem somewhat distant to others. Gaben tries to adhere to traditional social norms of communication, rules of politeness, and etiquette. A very common situation for people of this type is loss of contact with children.

Fourth function. Suggestive. The principle of site evaluation. Motives. "Want"

object intuition - the integrity of the external situation. Sequence of events from beginning to end, series of events, schedule. Potential opportunities. Program of behavior, way of life, rhythm of life. Scenario of any action, score

"I want the situation to be transparent - known from beginning to end." Such a desire for external harmony can lead Gaben into a measured existence, where everything is known in advance. Gaben, for example, loves to just get on a bus or train and go somewhere. He can ride all day. And the impressions are always new, and the route is known from beginning to end. To a person of this type, such behavior will never seem funny or ridiculous. A good place is where there is a certain routine. Suggestion is effective if it suggests a certain sequence of actions. Huxley easily influences Gaben, subconsciously broadcasting a certain life program.

If in your environment there is psychotype Gabin, he certainly never ceases to amaze everyone with his unusual abilities. Having a keen sense of harmony, he does not trust intuition. He smiles at everyone, but doesn't reveal himself to anyone. Modest and quiet, but can explode over a trifle. In socionics, he is listed under the code SLI (sensory-logical introvert) and is called a master.


The graceful Gabin can be recognized immediately in a crowd, as he will be elegant even in a tracksuit:

  • massive build;
  • prefers comfortable clothes, but, thanks to his innate sense of taste, Gaben always looks elegant and beautiful;
  • neat and always well-groomed;
  • conservative in his tastes: will never chase fashion;
  • very polite and tactful.

His mannerisms and ability to behave are largely due to his character traits.

Basic character traits

This psychotype evokes universal admiration and respect for his restraint, modesty and some shyness. After all, everyone knows perfectly well that this person’s abilities are most often above average. When Gaben is in a good mood, he shows all his positive qualities:

  • practicality: Gaben makes any idea useful;
  • modesty: having achieved excellent results, he will not boast about them;
  • perseverance: Gaben brings the job he starts to the end;
  • aesthetics: clearly knows how to separate bad taste from harmony;
  • punctuality: never late, lives according to an internal schedule, does everything on time;
  • resistance to stress: in critical situations behaves measuredly, wisely, and calmly;
  • responsiveness: if you ask Gaben for help, he will never refuse it to anyone, even if he has to sacrifice his own time or money.

However, Gaben is subject to frequent mood swings, which greatly affect his behavior and attitude towards others. If it’s bad, it’s better to stay away from Gaben, otherwise he’ll ruin it for everyone else:

  • skepticism: very critical in his judgments, likes to make fun of others;
  • indifference: does not show his true feelings in public;
  • secrecy: very impressionable, but keeps everything to himself;
  • dryness in communication: does not tolerate familiarity, even with close people he often keeps his distance;
  • some laziness: will not take on work that he considers pointless, and will not work in a bad mood;
  • doesn’t take orders, so it’s better to ask Gaben.

In general, Gaben is a very nice and tactful person, with whom it is easy and very interesting to communicate.

Relationships with other psychotypes

There are psychotypes that will be faithful life partners for Gaben, good friends and decent colleagues:

  • will understand any movements of Gaben’s soul and support them, since family relationships are established between these psychotypes;
  • - a mirror image of Gaben, so conflict situations in this pair are unlikely;
  • and Gaben are in a dual relationship, that is, they mutually benefit and harmoniously complement each other;
  • - an activator for Gaben, which will help him in the implementation of all his plans.

However, there are also psychotypes that are unlikely to make up Gaben’s family happiness, will be able to get along with them at work, or turn into a friend for him:

  • - a psychotype completely opposite to Gabin, so it is difficult for these people to understand each other;
  • Gaben's restraint and modesty will always be outraged, and Gaben will never understand Hamlet, who works for the public - conflicts in this couple are inevitable;
  • enters into a superego relationship with Gaben, so that everyone in this couple will be too busy with themselves;
  • for Gaben - an auditor who will constantly oppress Gaben’s creative individuality.

When communicating with Gaben, you should take into account what psychotype you yourself belong to in order to build the right line of behavior in relation to this extraordinary, original person.

Professional qualities

Considering the character of this psychotype, he will be able to realize himself to the maximum in such professions as:

  • doctors;
  • teachers;
  • athletes;
  • investigators;
  • accountant;
  • mechanics;
  • artists;
  • artists;
  • musicians.

However, Gaben is unlikely to be able to make a career in military or commercial affairs, where their individuality will be suppressed.

Famous representatives

The Gaben psychotype is very often observed among representatives of star professions that are associated with creativity and art:

  • Jean Gabin, French actor;
  • Bartolomeo Rastrelli, Russian architect;
  • Antonio Stradivari, master of string instruments;
  • George Sand, French writer of the 19th century;
  • Agatha Christie, English writer;
  • Adriano Celentano, Italian musician and actor;
  • Vladimir Vysotsky, composer, singer;
  • Yuri Nikulin, actor;
  • Alexander Rosenbaum, composer, singer;
  • Edita Piekha, singer;
  • Mikhail Zadornov, satirist writer;
  • Drew Barrymore, American actress;
  • Valdis Pelsh, showman;
  • Pierce Brosnan, Irish actor.

Each Gaben is unique and inimitable in his own way, but common features due to similar mental functions make it possible to distinguish them all into a separate group. There will never be a dull moment with Gaben; he knows how to create the happiness of a loved one if you understand the subtle matter of his graceful soul.

They say about such people that he is always cold and conceals a mystery. The Gabin type is stubborn and reserved. His movements are precise and calm, striking in their economy. Sometimes it seems that a minimum of effort is spent to achieve the desired result. In tasks that he definitely finishes, he works with quiet, imperceptible persistence. Responsible for all started enterprises. It seems to those around him that he gets down to business carelessly, with coolness. However, over time, everyone understands that he is just such a person, this is his rhythm of life, in which there is nothing wrong.

Will never work just to keep his hands busy. Easily invents something new. However, he is not always in a hurry to put his ideas into practice. To do this, all external conditions must be ripe in order to obtain maximum returns. He was always proud that all his actions were beneficial. Can't live without comfort. If you have to work with someone in pairs, he imposes his own rules of the game. The entire space surrounding him is made so that it is convenient for him not only to work, but also to relax. This is largely achieved thanks to a refined sense of beauty. Always trusts your taste. She knows how to dress beautifully, but not provocatively. His clothes are always clean.

Hides his emotions under the mask of inaccessibility and mystery. This gives his image a touch of coldness. In each unforeseen situation, he is calm in a different way. If he finds his love, then he is coldly inaccessible to her. He doubts his partner’s feelings for a long time. Often experiences jealousy and mistrust of her lover. He worries that one day his feelings may be ridiculed. The more lonely you are, the more unavailable you seem.

In critical situations he is not afraid of anything and behaves boldly. Without timidity he approaches the source of danger.

If his dual is not nearby, then many consider Gaben a talker and a lazy person. From the outside it seems that he only talks and does nothing. Constantly waiting for someone's cry for help. He always gets down to business with some goal in mind. It’s curious that he doesn’t know how to invent it himself. Therefore, he needs an enthusiast nearby who will ignite his heart for work. Judge the sincere desires of such a person by his intonations in speech. If all is well, he will quickly mobilize. It is painful to bear if everyone is treated equally. Prefers to be a favorite. However, you can win his trust only with sincere feelings, which should be visually manifested.