Is it possible to take your godfather as a godmother? Is it possible to be godmother to a godfather's child? What do godparents do in church?

Despite the fact that many traditions that came to us from time immemorial have already been forgotten, today most children in the countries of the former USSR are baptized. In this case, it is customary to choose godfather and mother. The correct choice of godfather and godmother determines whether the child will have two additional people close to him in the future or not.

Given the terms traditionally used for cross, godmother and godmother, we use them here. So what is the starting point, the minimum requirements for a godfather? The law of the Canon is quite clear. At least one godfather is required; if there are two, you need to be a man and the other woman. Generally, a godfather must be mature, usually interpreted to be at least sixteen years old. The godfather must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church, which has received the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and affirms and "leads a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be taken." In certain circumstances, such as intermarriage, one can be a "Christian witness", essentially defined as a baptized Protestant Christian, if the other is a practicing Catholic. In the case of an emergency baptism, such as imminent death, no sponsor is needed.

  • No two godparents or two godmothers were allowed.
  • The sponsor should not be the father or mother of the person to be baptized.
The godfather, as the official representative of the community, is called upon to participate in the spiritual development of the child in a certain way.

Kumovya are, in fact, relatives

Before the christening, the baby’s parents usually think for a long time about who exactly will be the child’s godfather. Godmothers are exactly godparents. Moreover, this degree of relationship is established not only between blood and godparents, but also between the newly-made father and mother themselves.

Prayer for the Baptism of a child for godparents

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states. In order for the grace of Baptism to unfold, the help of parents is important. So is the role of the godfather and godmother, who must be firm believers, capable and ready to help a newly baptized child or adult on the path of Christian life. Their task is truly an ecclesiastical function. The entire church community bears a certain responsibility for the development and preservation of the grace given at Baptism.

This theological point - the participation of the community in the spiritual development of the child through godparents - is why the naming of godparents is an integral part of the Sacrament. So now let's go a little deeper beyond the minimum requirements.

Godfathers are not blood relatives, but rather spiritual ones. It is for this reason that such relationships are not registered in official documents and acts.

Where did nepotism come from?

This phenomenon has its roots in the history of early Christianity. Initially, even the blood parent himself could baptize a child. Subsequently, the approach to baptism and the spiritual connections established as a result of this sacrament changed somewhat.

When it comes to choosing a godson, what should parents look for? Historically, the role of godparents was practically very significant. In times past, parents often had to die prematurely before their children reached adulthood. In the event that both parents are deceased, one of the godparents will be the first choice to raise the child. This is why godparents were usually family members, often on each side. Today, the role of godparent carries much less, if any, incarceration.

Rather, the godfather must serve as a Christian witness and role model for the regular, active, and authentic practice of the faith. Parents have a Christian obligation to choose godparents who are sincere in their lives. Consider asking the following prayer questions to help the discernment process.

Nepotism came to the territory of the Eastern Slavs from Byzantium along with Christianity itself. It should be considered that only in the 10th-12th centuries the first godfathers appeared on the territory of modern Russia and other CIS countries. This is due to the fact that previously Christianity in Rus' was a singular phenomenon and met serious resistance from the masses.

Does this person understand the obligations associated with the role of a godparent to teach a child about matters of faith and morals? Can this person be trusted to maintain a long-term relationship with the child? Does this person have high moral character and serve as an exemplary role model? Is this person equipped to lead a child to salvation?

  • Does this person believe strongly in the teachings of the Catholic Church?
  • Is this person modeling a prayer life?
Another reason to take these questions to prayer is to avoid the awkward possibility of having your choices rejected.

How do they become godfathers?

To do this, it is necessary to baptize the child. As a result of this event, spiritual connections between the godfather and the godfather are established, as well as their relationship with the child and his parents. At the same time, they become second parents to the baptized person and are called godparents.

Did you know that the Church has the final say when it comes to judging the suitability of the chosen godfather? In the event, although rare, that the Church determines a candidate is not suitable, the parents must choose another person who meets the requirements set by the Catholic Church.

Indeed, the choice of godparents is so important that it must be prayerfully discerned. Perhaps the Novena to the Holy Spirit helps the discernment process? Don't let yourself be manipulated into choosing someone who can't take the role seriously. Once the Baptism is completed, you will not receive a reason. Chosen godparents are part of your child's baptismal record.

What should godfathers and godfathers do in church?

Previously, it was accepted that no stranger should see the sacrament of baptism. Even my own mother and father were not allowed to participate in this procedure. In the temple there were only the priest, other church servants, the baby, and the future godparents, dad and mom. Nowadays, most often, clergy meet the child’s family halfway and allow all those invited to the ceremony.

So what can you do if you find yourself in a position where your chosen godfather has failed in his duties, perhaps even left the church? Although you cannot officially name new godparents, you can name unofficial ones. It's never too late to find someone you trust who will be genuinely interested in your child's spiritual development.

One day you may have to answer some questions about why someone's name is on a baptismal certificate, but it's probably not a difficult conversation if you sincerely put your child's spiritual development first. As Pi comes of age, he discovers spirituality. His first religion is Hinduism due to his natural love for its spirituality and beauty. He later finds himself in a Catholic church where he falls in love with the story of Christ. And even later he becomes a Muslim after the second Mr. Satish Kumar explains to Pi that it is the religion of the “Beloved”.

During the sacrament, the godparents take turns holding the child in their arms. It is customary that before baptism they must purchase a cross and festive clothes for the baby. Sometimes the child’s blood parents bear all expenses.

After the end of the sacrament, a feast is usually held. The godfather and godfather, as well as their newly minted ward, are the main heroes of the occasion. They most often participate in competitions and also raise money for the child’s parents. One of the most common traditions is beating a pot of porridge. To prevent the porridge from crumbling and the clay shards from scattering to the sides, the pot is wrapped in a scarf or sheet. Subsequently, the godfather and godfather put the porridge on plates and give everyone a piece of the pot for good luck. In this case, everyone must give some amount for the treat. The largest pieces of the pot and especially the largest spoons of porridge go to those who are the most generous.

Pi's simultaneous belief in three religions is met with skepticism and outrage from the religious leaders of his community and bewilderment from his family. One day, he is the center of a confrontation in the market involving his family and all the religious leaders and mentors with whom he worshiped and studied. None of the religious leaders believe that Pi can follow all three religions at the same time, and he ends up being driven away from temples, churches, and mosques. However, his family appears to agree with three of his beliefs; they are careless about his religious needs and interests.

Responsibilities of godparents

Previously, everyone who was chosen as godfathers took their duties quite seriously. The fact is that if a child was deprived of his blood parents and other close relatives, then it was the godparents who took upon themselves his upbringing. Currently, orphans are already sufficiently protected by the state, so there is no such serious need for such guardianship.

His father has no interest in religion at all, and although his mother was raised in both the Hindu and Baptist faiths, she also makes no claim to religious interests or practices. Later in the section, both Mr. Both people with the same names and comparable positions in the universe - science versus faith - unite the zebra.

How can godparents prepare for the Great Sacrament?

The various religions discussed are introduced by the Author as he describes Pi's current home in Canada, referring to it as a shrine. Each faith is represented by religious symbols, framed by images of religious figures and the holy scriptures of each religion. Although the Hindu faith is the one that comes most naturally to Pi, he contemplates the idea that we are all born Catholic - then controversially insists that he was not born Catholic. This contradiction is typical for Pi - after announcing the broad truth, he often refutes it completely.

We said that, in essence, godfathers become relatives. As a relationship, this is not enshrined in any documents or acts, but one should not consider the appointment to such a high “position” to be formal. The fact is that only those people who themselves have undergone this same sacrament have the right to become godparents. As a result, they take on certain spiritual responsibilities, which many consider much more important than even legal ones.

Pi describes his introduction to the story of Christ, placing himself in the role of savior. In his retelling of the biblical parable, Pi's father sent Pi to the lions to pay for the animals' savagery and misdeeds. Peary's retelling of the parable is significant in that he considers himself a necessary proposition for the sins of the zoo's wild animals. He sees them the way he believes God sees humanity: as beings who cannot stop sinning and have no power to redeem themselves. However, even with this newfound understanding of the parable, Pi does not see how it translates spiritually.

Most often now, the duties of godparents are reduced to periodic visits to the child and their godfathers. In this case, the baby is usually given gifts.

How to choose godparents correctly?

Nowadays, when deciding who to take as a godfather, most often the choice falls on the best friends of the mother and father of the child. In fact, this approach is not entirely correct. The fact is that not every friend, even the best one at the moment, will be able to carry out with dignity the tasks that will be assigned to him. Therefore, before making a choice, you need to think carefully. In addition, it is quite important that godparents have the physical opportunity to visit the child at least once every 2-3 months. Otherwise, it will be difficult to talk about any connection between them and their ward.

In a moment that foreshadows the book's final scenes, Pi asks the priest for a second story that makes more sense, but the priest is unable to provide it. Pi then denies the divinity of Christ, pointing out that Hindu gods have alien miraculous powers and transcendental holiness. He cannot imagine a Christian God who allows hunger, thirst and humiliation - suffering that Py himself will soon endure. For each of his criticisms of Pi's Christianity, only the reconciliation of "love" as explanation and reason is offered.

The godfather plays a big role in the process of raising a girl. Who is the godfather in this case? The godfather is the second father for the baby. It is from the example of these two men, if, of course, the godfather takes sufficient part in raising the girl, that she will learn how young people should behave towards her. As a result, if the godfather and blood father do not set a very good example, there is a high probability that her future husband will suffer from the same shortcomings.

After much doubt, worry, and a demand for more clarity, Pi suddenly announces to the priest with whom he is discussing Christianity that he wants to become a Christian. The priest tells him that he is already alone, and Pi returns home to thank Krishna for helping him find Christ. Pi's actions show that he has no intention of abandoning one religion for another; his dualistic belief is an example of his reluctance throughout the novel to believe in one idea - one reality - to the exclusion of another.

Pi's introduction to Islam comes from the hands of the second Mr. Kumar, who is a baker and a Muslim. As the priest does with Catholicism, Mr. Kumar introduces Islam as a religion of love, although he calls it "The Beloved." Islam transforms Pi's perception of the world. He has no doubts, secrets or questioning that led him to Christianity. Pi claims to have achieved a level of personal immortality through Islam, which contributes to the symbolism of Pi as a savior. The theme of pluralism is also evident when Pi compares his spiritual awakening through Islam to a moment in his life in which he sees the Virgin Mary, although he is quick to explain that his experience was more of a certain "feeling" rather than literally seeing Mary.

As for the godmother, she should become a real second mother for her godchildren. If she does not visit her charges from the first months and years of their lives, then in the future they will not perceive her as a relative. Her task is to help the children's blood mother in raising them. At the same time, for many, close relationships with their godchildren become their first experience of communicating with children. In this case, the newly-made godfather will gain knowledge that will help her in raising her own children.

As Pi's story unfolds, the author is always present. The author's intrusions in the text are interesting because we know that he is the author who wrote the words we read from Pi's point of view, but he often interrupts this story to revisit his own experience of listening to Pi's story. At the time, the author uses the present tense to describe his day with Pi and writes down the highlights of his own thoughts about Pi's understanding of religion. He finally concludes that Pi is not on an intellectual journey, but rather understanding and purposeful.

Relationships between godfathers

Many are tormented by the question of whether it is possible for people who have baptized the same child to marry. Naturally, no difficulties arise with the legal side of the issue. Nepotism is not blood relationship, so it cannot act as an obstacle.

As for spiritual kinship, it does not affect documents. Difficulties may arise if two godparents want to get married. Many clergy believe that there is already a spiritual relationship between godfathers and that it cannot be destroyed under the pressure of carnal desires. In fact, there are no prohibitions on weddings between godparents of the same child. So the clergy have no reason to refuse to perform this sacrament. Naturally, you should not insist on holding a wedding if the priest considers it impossible. There is only one way out - to look for another priest.

How to choose godparents for a child

Martel allows the Author to interject at such moments to exploit the narrative; The interjections offer little bits of clarity and realism and drop the parable-like voice present in the material conveyed by Pi. The inevitable confrontation between the two Mr. Kumars, each representing a different belief system, occurs one day when the two men come across Pi and his family on their own. Kumar claims to have exclusive rights to the young man's soul and religious interests, and they claim Pi remains silent because he accepts both people's opposing world beliefs.

The absence of obstacles is justified by the fact that previously, for example, only one adult was needed to baptize a child. He had to be the same gender as the baby. One of the main responsibilities that he was entrusted with was teaching the child Christian values. For example, if a boy was baptized, then only a godfather was needed. Who is the godfather in this situation? Receiver. And the child was called perceived.

It is worth noting that the sacrament of baptism still imposes some restrictions on marriage. For example, godparents should not marry the child’s natural parents. In addition, marriage between godparents and their godchildren is prohibited. There are no other restrictions according to canonical literature.

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Is it possible to take a Muslim as a godparent?


It is forbidden. Only an Orthodox Christian, and not just a baptized one, but one who fulfills Christian vows, knows the doctrine, and is a member of the church.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello. I gave birth to a child 4 months ago. And it so happened that I urgently needed to find a godfather. Until recently, I didn’t want to take this guy as my godfather, because I considered him as a potential future young man. My mother is a believer, and she really hurried this event so that he could receive communion, give notes and the like. And there was very little time left before baptism. So I asked my friend to become godfather. Several months passed, I realized that I have feelings for him, and he loves me too. And I’m a little confused, the godparents renounced each other, and relations between them are prohibited. And the godfather and mother of his godson? What to do about it? Can a godfather marry his godson's mother?


Hello Veronica. Godparents are called "fathers" because they perceive the baby from the font, and perceive a measure of responsibility for him. The recipient must be of the same sex as the child. The boy is a man, the girl is a woman. There are no two receivers. But, if according to folk tradition there were two - “father” and “mother” godparents, then they do not enter into any relationship with each other. The first degree of spiritual relationship is established only between the recipient and the baby. The second degree of spiritual relationship is established between the recipient and the parents of the baby. The boy's successor cannot marry his mother. The second degree of relationship is the same as between siblings. No priest will bless such a marriage. Go to an appointment with the bishop.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello. Only the godfather was present at the son's baptism; the godmother, for serious reasons, could not attend the baptism. Is it possible to give the child a godmother now, or is this not possible? Thanks for the answer.


Hello, Irina. For the baptism of an infant, the charter requires only one recipient, of the same gender as the child. The boy is a man, the girl is a woman. Everything else - godparents "fathers" and "mothers" - is a folk invention.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, is it possible to baptize a child on September 27, and do both godparents have to be present? Thank you.


Hello, Raisa. Baptism can be performed on any day, and on the twelfth holiday too. But you need to agree in advance with the priest in the temple. Godparents must be present at the baptism; if only one came, the second is not recorded as a godparent, “in absentia.” God bless you.

Priest Sergius Osipov

My husband slept with our son’s godmother, the boy began to get sick very often, tell me, could this be connected, and how can this event affect his fate?


Relatives and godparents should pray for the godson. And what kind of prayer books are they if they have not even repented of sin? Your boy is not responsible for the sins of adults. Pray yourself, take care of him.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello, father. Please tell me what to do. My cousin decided to baptize her son. She chose my daughter as a godfather, but she wants to choose my husband as a godfather, since she has no one to choose from among her relatives, and she does not want to take a stranger as a godfather. That is, the daughter and father are godparents, as I understand it, godmothers to each other. Or choose my brother’s godfather, but he is my daughter’s godfather. Those. The godfather and goddaughter will baptize the child. Can this be allowed?


There is no need to confuse the situation - a boy is being baptized, but for him only a godfather is enough.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello, father. Please tell me what to do. My cousin decided to baptize her son. She chose my daughter as a godfather, but she wants to choose my husband as a godfather because she has no one to choose from among her relatives, and she does not want to take a stranger as a godfather. That is, the daughter and father are godparents, as I understand it, godmothers to each other. Or choose my brother’s godfather, but he is my daughter’s godfather. The godfather and goddaughter will baptize the child. Can this be allowed?


Hello, Marina. Godparents do not enter into any relationship with each other. According to the charter, and indeed the very essence of the doctrine of the institution of recipients, a baby should have, and in essence this is the case, only one recipient - the same sex as the child. The boy is a man, the girl is a woman. The recipient enters into a spiritual relationship with the child’s parents and with the child himself. In your case, your husband will be the recipient, and only he.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good afternoon, father! I am a believer, I was baptized myself, i.e. As an adult, I consciously wanted this, but somehow lingered at the beginner level (I was baptized 5 years ago). I attend church services, but not often enough, and I rarely participate in the sacraments. The last time I took communion was before the birth of my child 8 months ago. But despite this, my relatives, who never go to church at all, consider me a very church-going person and many want me to be the godmother of their children. But I understand that this is not just like that, and what a big responsibility it is, and that they will not take their children to communion, but live in another city, and it is unlikely that I will be able to participate in their spiritual education. How should I deal with these situations? Refuse? But how to do this gently so as not to offend? I think that not everyone will understand the reasons stated above, and they will decide that I simply don’t want to. Or agree? I read that godparents almost take on the sins of their godchildren. God bless you!


Dear Tatyana, gradually becoming a church member, when you go to church with your child, you will be able to accept the invitation to become a godmother. Godparents, of course, do not take sins upon themselves, but, even though they are in another city, they pray for their godchildren. This is no small part in their growth in faith. God bless you!

Priest Sergius Osipov

Is it possible to take my godfather, whose child I baptized, as godparents?


Yes, Vladimir, you can.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! My son will be 1 year old, is it possible to reschedule the celebration? And which of the godparents should conduct the tonsure ceremony, and is this obligatory?


The Church does not provide for any “rite of tonsure”; it is simply a folk tradition. Godparents are involved in the spiritual education of the child: they pray for him, bring him to church to receive communion, talk about God and faith (according to age). Celebrating a birthday is also just a tradition that has nothing to do with the church. You can reschedule the celebration to a more convenient day.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good afternoon I am baptized, but married to a Muslim, we don’t have children yet, but it was decided in advance that they would be raised in their husband’s religion. My question is, can I become a godmother under these circumstances? And if not, then what arguments should I give to the child’s parents in order to explain to them and not offend them with my refusal?


I wouldn't take you as godfather. Not because you are married to a Muslim, not because your husband insists on your children being Muslim. But because your soul doesn’t hurt and your heart doesn’t cry because of this... What kind of Christian are you?

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello, I have two children, a boy and a girl, both unbaptized. I myself am Georgian, and I live in Krasnodar, baptized in Georgia. The godparents of the children will be an Armenian family, husband and wife. They are baptized in the Armenian Orthodox Church. Could any misunderstandings arise if we baptize in the Russian Orthodox Church?


Hello, Vladimir. They will definitely arise. Firstly, both the Georgian and Russian Churches are in canonical communion and are Orthodox, while the Armenian Church is not. The recipients must be Orthodox. Secondly, in case your friends decide to convert to Orthodoxy, spouses cannot be godparents of one child at the same time. They will have to be “divided”: the woman will be the successor of the girl, and the man will be the successor of the boy.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Is it possible to take a godmother if she is only twelve years old?


Natalya, godparents are needed, first of all, to instruct your godson in the faith, take him to church, teach him to pray, etc. Children under 14 years of age cannot become godparents, since they are not yet capable of fully fulfilling the duties of a godparent.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! We applied for marriage registration on September 27, 2014, without a wedding. Is it possible to have a wedding on this day after registration?

Irina S

Irina, September 27 is the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This is a fast day on which we remember the suffering of our Savior on the cross, His sacrifice for the sins of all people. It is unacceptable for an Orthodox person to have fun and walk on such a day. I would advise you to sign and postpone the wedding celebrations to the wedding day.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good afternoon, father, tell me how I should react to my husband’s relatives? We live well with my husband, after marrying him, I changed my faith, adopted Christianity, I feel very good in this faith. My godfather is my husband’s uncle, I loved them all very much, but it turned out that my godfather, along with other relatives, began to spread rumors about me: either I was a thief, or something else, I experienced everything very painfully, especially from my godfather . My husband rushed between me and my relatives, but I never interfered with their communication. After some time, my godparents realized how they offended me and asked for forgiveness. I told them that I didn’t hold any grudges in any way, and I was pleased that we began to communicate as before, amicably! But something happened again, I don’t know, my godfather called my father-in-law (my parents and I live on the same property) and told me that I was casting a spell on my father-in-law in order to get them out of the world faster, now my father-in-law is afraid of me, avoids me, my doesn't eat the treats and says he really feels like I'm doing something. Father, I’m pregnant, and I’m very afraid of all sorts of witchcraft. I don’t know how to behave. How can I prove that I am very afraid of God’s punishment and have not done anything wrong? How can a godfather not be ashamed to talk about his pregnant goddaughter?! Tell me how to behave, I can’t be nervous, but such conversations go beyond all limits!


Hello, Felofea. Don't prove anything to anyone. Take care of your health. Walk more, eat fruit. Stop all such conversations immediately with the words: “I won’t listen to such words, pregnant women can only talk about good things,” and smile! God bless.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Is it possible to be a godfather twice?


Alexander. Being a godfather is a great responsibility before God for your godchildren. Godparents are obliged to pray for them and take part in their Orthodox upbringing. You can be a godfather to many people, but you must then pray for them all.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)