How to play on a local network - a detailed guide for experienced players. How to play Minecraft together over a local network or the Internet

If you decide to create an online game yourself, you must take into account the fact that in the process of implementing your idea you may encounter some difficulties. Let's figure out how to create an online game, what might be needed for this and what/who should it be aimed at?

Types of games

Network games are conventionally divided into two types. The first one is Turn Based Games (step-by-step). Examples of such games are: checkers, chess and various board games. The player has a certain amount of time to decide on the next action (step), while other players wait for their turn. The quality of such games is practically not affected by possible problems with network communication, and a delay in communication cannot particularly spoil the impression of a smoothly running chess competition. The second type is Real Time Games. The most striking example of such games is the well-known Counter Strike. Players’ activities in such games take place in real time, and even a small connection problem significantly interferes with and slows down the gameplay.

Game Networking

How to make a network game, what types is it divided into and which one should you choose for yourself? Today, two basic models of interaction between computer games can be distinguished.

Peer-to-peer – is based on the interaction of peer applications and programs. It represents the equality of each of the currently launched copies of the toy. This model monitors the state of other copies and sends messages to each of them. It is suitable only for those games that involve a small number of players. In general, each copy of the game is interconnected with each subsequent copy. Often, in this interaction model, one of the running games can be designated as the host, i.e. New players will turn to it in order to be able to participate in the game. But this host cannot manage messaging between all games.

Client/Server is the second model of network interaction between various games, in which two types of programs can be distinguished. The first is the server program, which is responsible for all the hassle associated with organizing the game process and interacting with specified client programs. With this model, clients are able to exchange messages only with the server, without directly interacting with each other. This method allows you to create projects that can use the bandwidth of communication channels and support the simultaneous play of many people.

Two players

The simplest online game is considered to be one that is intended for two players. In this case, one of the computers will be the base (master), and the second, respectively, the slave. The main one will control all collisions, movements, i.e. the entire gameplay. To synchronize game worlds, the second computer receives events from the first and marks them on its video card. All random projectiles and items (first aid kits, cartridges) must be transferred to the slave device. This needs to be done once - before the start of the gameplay.

Creating a network game

Before you make an online game, you need to create a short description and gradually add new ideas and details to it. Once the overall scope of the project becomes clear, it is necessary to calculate the approximate time for its creation, the software and equipment that will be needed in the future, as well as material costs.

Next, we create a multiplayer mode for our game if necessary. This is a very complex process, because today there are several schemes for organizing multiplayer online games. It all depends on the genre of the project and its features. When writing the program itself, you need to try to accurately draw the details so that later there will be no problems with the graphical execution.

Every game developer asks the question: how to create a network game with uninterrupted functionality. We should not forget that data transfer to the Internet is much more complicated compared to a local network. Unforeseen delays may occur during data transfer, and in this case additional measures must be taken to keep the game running (uninterrupted power supply, for example). The movement of computer mobs, as a rule, is carried out according to a given scenario, which is why the PC can transmit the command “Defense according to scenario B” or “Run away according to scenario C”. Thus, we reduce the amount of information transmitted to them, and also significantly simplify synchronization. Periodically transmitted signals will be evidence that some object could cross a cell of our playing field. And such a transmission protocol is very convenient when working with heavily loaded channels, because it is extremely resistant to various delays.

After writing the game itself, you need to upload it to a server that will ensure data exchange between gamers. Next, you need to test the game for possible errors in both modes: online and offline, and fix the problems. Under no circumstances should you allow a network game to start if it has bugs!


How to make a network game if you don’t have enough ideas for its general design? In the process of developing an online game, difficulties may arise with ideas that add uniqueness and originality to your project. In this case, you can turn to other online games that have excellent potential and take something from them for yourself. You should pay attention to the opinions of users, as well as players. To do this, you need to create appropriate topics and polls on various forums and social networks. The world is a bit of a stretch, but by grouping the information, you can get an excellent scenario for your game. But don’t try to completely copy other people’s thoughts. You just need to develop your developed idea, complementing it with others proposed. It must be remembered that today the Network provides a huge variety of online games, including multiplayer ones. Therefore, new players can only be attracted by the presence of an interesting plot and a good level of execution of the project itself. And this is very difficult to implement. It is necessary to think through everything down to the smallest detail.

Player focus is the key to online gaming success.

There are many reasons why you need to connect 2 computers over a local network. For transferring files, for games, creating an access point and much more. In this article we will look at how to connect two computers without programs. And let's look at programs for creating a local network via the Internet.

For all these operations we need two or more computers, the Internet, and if you want to connect without programs, then you need a network card that supports Wi-Fi technology.

How to connect two computers without programs?

To do this we need:

  • Go to the Network and Sharing Center and click "Set up a new connection or network."
  • Select "Set up a wireless computer-to-computer network" and click next.

  • Select a name, network type (preferably WPA2, since it will eliminate the high probability of your connection being hacked), write a password and click on the checkbox: “Save changes for this network.”

  • After setting, click next and close the window.

Go to the second computer, where you just need to connect to our network.

This method is suitable if 2 computers are nearby, but if they are far away, then, unfortunately, the signal will not be received.

But what if you need to communicate with a friend over a long distance?

To do this, you need to download one of the programs presented below.

Programs for creating a virtual local network

If you don't have a game license, or you just don't want to go through the hassle of constantly copying and pasting an IP address, you can simply download and install a LAN simulator - a program for connecting multiple computers. With the help of such programs, you can easily play pirated or even licensed games online, and sometimes find friends there.

There are actually enough such programs and everyone can find the right one. It also happens that one of the programs may not work or not support the desired game, as often happens with Hamachi or other programs, so you can look for a solution to the problem on the Internet or use another program.


This program for creating a local network is presented to Windows users and was the most popular on this list until recently, when significant competitors appeared. This is where trouble can happen. “Tunnel through a repeater” is a very common problem that many users of this program encounter. The best solution would be to simply change it or configure it in the correct way, which is not always easy and is not guaranteed to work.


Quite a popular program for creating a local network via Wi-Fi and the Internet. With its help, you can connect to each other in the same way as with Hamachi. The principle of operation of this program is slightly different from others, because here you do not need to create a room for a separate server. These rooms are already created for each game, each room can accommodate 255 people. Quite convenient. This program contains almost all the games that you can play with friends.


Probably the most popular program for creating and playing with friends. It supports all popular games, but there are also those that are not within its reach. There are a lot of people sitting in this program for days on end, and you definitely won’t be bored if your friends have gone to bed. The server has a ping, you can see how good or bad the user's connection is. When you first register, the program will automatically scan your computer for games. Next, all rooms currently created will be shown on the main screen, as well as the nickname of the person who created the room. Some rooms may be password protected. This means that the user wants to play only with his friends and no one else.


The program is a good analogue of Tunngle, but it is less popular among the audience. But in this program there are no advertisements and pop-ups that irritate gamers so much. Here you don’t have to mess with the settings, because everything is done automatically. But with all its advantages, there are also disadvantages. Evolve lacks the room search feature found in Tunngle. Instead, there is something like smart search. You just need to go into the game, and the program itself will find all existing rooms to which you can connect.


Of course, there are many programs for creating a local network, but there is also a way to create a local network without using third-party programs. If you do not trust the Internet and only Microsoft programs are installed on your computer, then there is also a way for you to create a local network. Everything is completely simple and does not require unnecessary installation of software, however, there are some disadvantages, and it is difficult not to note them, namely: the connection can only occur via a Wi-Fi network, respectively, if you have a PC without an appropriate network card that does not support If you use this technology, you will not be able to connect to the local network without programs.

Having a good time by playing on the computer has become the norm for a large number of people. Remember how, after passing one game after another, you wanted something new more and more? Something truly exciting and emotional. Unfortunately, it so happens that many games that are coming out at the moment do not have an outstanding plot, atmosphere and other attributes of a quality product. However, the main thing that computer games will never achieve perfectly is Artificial Intelligence, which, with its behavior, perfectly copies human behavior. I think everyone understands why this task is impossible - each person is unique, and it is impossible to predict his actions in the game.
But why rack your brains over this problem if you can just invite your friend to an online battle? After all, now, in the age of high technology, this is easier to do than ever. Let's look at how to play computer games over a local network.

1) The first and easiest way to connect two computers to one local network is to connect them to the same Wi-Fi network. As soon as this happens, they will automatically be on the same local network; all that needs to be done next is to go to the desired game and create a local network connection. So, if you are the happy owner of a Wi-Fi router, or more simply put, a switch with Wi-Fi function, then you can safely play with your friends over a local network without connecting any wires or setting anything up. If technical progress has passed you by, don’t despair - routers are not a luxury item; you can easily buy one in a computer electronics store for 1000 rubles.
2) The second method, in addition to providing the opportunity to play over a local network, will give you the opportunity to play your favorite game without even forcing a friend to go to your home - the entire game takes place over the Internet. Surely many will say that they have already heard about playing via the Internet, however, we are talking about something else. Imagine that some game you want cannot be played via the Internet, but can only be played via a local network. Of course, if you live in a neighboring house, then taking a laptop and going to a friend’s house will not be difficult, but what to do if you do not have a laptop, but a desktop computer? Carrying a heavy system unit along with a monitor? I don’t think that this is the best option, but even if you are ready to do anything to play with a friend, then believe me, if he lives in another country, then even with a laptop for the sake of one game, you will not go to him. What to do? Mission impossible? Not at all. It is for such cases that a wonderful program called Hamachi was invented. After all, it is one of the few that has the ability to emulate a local network between two computers by connecting them via the Internet. Everything is very easy - download the program (use for non-commercial purposes is free), register in its system, ask your friend to do the same and create your own network. (Click on the triangle in the program menu and select “Create a new network”), name it as you please, set a password if necessary and tell the network name to the second player. Once it enters your Hamachi network, a local network will be emulated between your computers, no matter where they are located.
3) If you don’t want to spend money on a Wi-Fi router, and the Internet is not connected to your computer (are there such people yet?), then you can use the most well-known method - connecting via a network cable. It costs much less than a router, however, you will need a little more time to set it up than in the case of playing through Hamachi.
Now you know how to play on local network. So, if you have a network cable and two computers that have a network card, then in order for the computers to “see” each other on the local network, you need to go to the “Network and Sharing Center” item, then go to to the “Changing adapter settings” section and in the window that appears, open the “Local Network Connections” properties. In it, select changing the parameters of the TCIP v4 protocol and uncheck the “Obtain an address automatically” field to “Use the following” and in the “IP address enter 192.168. X.X, where X is any number from zero to 254. Similar actions must be performed on your friend’s computer, but with one difference, the last number X must be unique for each computer, i.e. if you have registered on your computer, then the last digit in the address of the other computer must be anything other than “10”.

When you have learned how to play MineCraft well, mastered all the basics of the game, and got to know its inner world, you can move on to an online game, which you can play with people from other cities on Internet servers, and with friends on a local network. In this article I will tell you how to play Minecraft over a local network and on the Internet.

How to play Minecraft on the Internet?

You can play MineCraft over the Internet on servers specially created for this purpose; you can find them on various online monitoring and ratings. To start the game we need the game itself (preferably the latest version), a powerful computer (otherwise the game will slow down), high-speed Internet access (a channel of 1 MB/s will be enough) and the address of the game server. So let's begin. Launch the game, log into it using your username, then select “Network game” (second button). A connection window will appear in front of you, in the first line enter the address of the server on which we will play, then click on the “Connect” button, in the English version of the game Minecraft with skins “Connect” and we get to the server. Once on the server, you will find that you cannot do a single action, this happened because you are not registered on this gaming platform, this is done quite simply, in just a few steps. To register on the server, press the English letter “T”, a chat will open, enter the following command “/register pass”, where the word “pass” is changed to your own password, that is, for me it looked like this - “/register trash784." After a couple of seconds, the server will confirm your registration in the chat and allow you to log into the game, to do this, enter the command “/login pass”, where the word “pass” is changed to your password. It will look something like this “/login crosh”. After registering and logging into the server, you can start playing, perform various actions and do anything, from constructing buildings and farming, to destroying them and traveling around the game world.

How to play Minecraft over a local network?

You can also play MineCraft over a local network with friends, for example, this is quite important for playing for fun or simply when there are problems with the Internet (for example, technical work). To play on a local network, we need several computers (two or more), an Internet cable of a decent length, if there are many computers, then also a router or Wi-Fi access point. We connect all the computers with a wire, after which we go to the network settings. IN Windows 7 this is done as follows: Start -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings. We find the name of our own network, open the properties, the “Network” tab, first select the TCP/IPv6 setting, a small window opens, uncheck it, save, open the TCP/IPv4 setting, go the following way: Properties -> Use the following IP address. Enter the following parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default Gateway:
  1. Preferred DNS Server:

Then click the save button, “ok” and close the settings. See below for setting up the server, after setting up the local network for windows xp. Settings for Windows XP: First, open the Control Panel and go to the following path: Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connections. Open properties, the “General” tab, open TCP/IP, a window with properties will open, select “Use the following IP address”, enter the parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default Gateway:

Open the “Use the following DNS server” tab and enter the parameters:

  1. Preferred DNS Server:

Save the changes and close the settings. Creating and setting up a server. When we have set up the local network, we can proceed to creating and installing the MineCraft server itself, which is not so difficult to create; this is done as follows:

  1. Download any game server that matches your version of the game, save it to a folder.
  2. Open the "" file, find the line "server-ip=..." and remove everything after the "=" sign so that you are left with a line with the empty value "server-ip=".
  3. We find the line “online-mode=false” in the same file, delete “False”, and insert “true” in its place.
  4. The server is ready, now you can start it. To start the game, open MineCraft and in the line with the server address enter: (for Windows 7) or (for Windows XP).

The second method, suitable for all types of operating systems, enter the value “localhost” in the “server-ip=” line, save the changes, open the game and write localhost in the line with the IP address and then click on connect. But, this method does not work on all computers and not for everyone (due to many subtleties and features), so it is easier to use the first option. That's all, in these simple and quick steps you can set up Minecraft for playing on the Internet and with your favorite friends over the local network.

Two players - the simplest case

The simplest online game is designed for two players. In this case, one of the computers will be the main one - the master, and the other - the slave. The main machine controls movements, collisions and the entire playing space in general. To synchronize the game worlds, events are transferred to the second one, who marks them on his own (it is identical to the main one’s map).

The slave device must also be given all random elements, for example, cartridges and first aid kits, which are placed in different places on the playing field. This is only once before you start the game. All can be transferred. The slave transmits key press information to the master.

How to create a network game on the Internet

Transferring data over a network is more difficult than over a local network. This should be taken into account if you decide to make an online game. The fact is that there are delays in data transfer from time to time, and additional measures must be taken to ensure that the game continues to function properly. The movement of mobs usually follows a pattern, so the computer can send a command like “defend according to scenario B” or “escape according to scenario C”. Thus, the amount of information transmitted to it will be reduced, and it will be much easier to ensure synchronization - you need to periodically transmit signals that indicate that the object has crossed some cell of the playing field. This transmission is good to use when working with busy channels, as it is resistant to delays.

How to make an online game: fighting cheaters

Those who are planning to create an online game should seriously think about methods to combat possible cheating. To protect computers from hacking, it is necessary to change the slave and master devices from time to time - this is not difficult to do.

If there are more than two players, new problems may arise. In order for a master computer to be able to serve many slaves, a sufficiently powerful processor is needed. However, this is not the main difficulty. A situation that can become problematic is when the connection between computers suddenly breaks down. The solution may be to install a dedicated server. It is also possible to establish a connection not only between the host computer and the others, but also between all host computers. This way, each computer will periodically become the master, and if the master device is disconnected, nothing bad will happen. There is another option. You can abandon the “main” computer altogether. Each machine will control the movements of its mobs and its player, sending data to the others. This scheme will help solve almost all problems.