How to make fruit drink from frozen berries. Recipe for frozen cranberry juice

It’s great if you have berries in your home; they can be used in different ways in cooking to prepare various drinks and dishes. Since there are still warm days outside, it’s just the right time to prepare a delicious cooling fruit drink from frozen berries; Moreover, you can cook it either in a regular saucepan or in a slow cooker.

The step-by-step recipe for a simple drink made from frozen fruits is simple, and no different from making it from fresh berries, but we will still consider the basic recipe, taking into account the characteristics of different types of berry fruits.

Berry juice: step-by-step recipe

To make a fruit drink from frozen berries, you need very few ingredients. As a rule, the standard set of products for fruit drinks includes: frozen berries, water, sugar, and, if desired, mint, lemon balm, ginger and other natural additives.

The amount of ingredients is determined primarily by the desired volume of cooking. As for berries, you can use absolutely any berries (to suit your taste): lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, black/red currants, etc. You can mix several types of frozen berries in one drink, it will turn out even tastier .

How to make berry juice at home

  1. Pour the frozen berries into a clean bowl, rub them through a sieve, pour the resulting juice into a saucepan.
  1. Fill the berry pulp with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil the broth for 10-15 minutes (longer is not necessary, otherwise the beneficial substances will be lost), then remove the pan from the heat and let the product brew for 15 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, the still warm fruit drink is filtered through a sieve, the cake is thrown away, and the strained broth is mixed with the previously freshly squeezed juice.
  4. Finally, add sugar, stir everything, and serve the drink to the table when it has cooled.

If you use honey instead of sugar, then wait until the drink cools down. The temperature of the fruit drink should not exceed 40°C, otherwise natural honey will lose its beneficial properties.

How to make fruit drink from frozen berries in a slow cooker

The principle of preparing berry juice in a slow cooker is the same as described in the recipe above. The only difference is the method of preparation.

  • To heat treat frozen berries, you must use the “Soup” mode, in which the berry pulp will be cooked for 15 minutes.
  • Next, mix the squeezed fresh juice with the resulting decoction and prepare the drink for 1 hour on the “Warming” program.

The two recipes described above are basic.

If you are looking for specific recipes for making berry fruit drinks, then use Cook’s articles by clicking on the link you need below.

Secrets of a successful fruit drink

  1. For fruit drinks, jelly and compotes, it is not necessary to defrost the fruits. You can use berries straight from the refrigerator for your drink. However, if you want to defrost them, you need to do it correctly.
  1. When using certain berries, you will need to take into account their natural characteristics, both taste and structure. For example, if you are preparing cranberry juice, do not forget that it will turn out quite sour.
  1. As for the structural features, it is necessary to take into account those natural qualities that are inherent in the “body” of a particular berry. For example, raspberries, sea buckthorn and a number of other berries have small seeds. If you don’t strain the drink, you’ll always end up with them in your fruit drink along with the juice.

Frozen berry juice is great not only as a tasty drink. It is also an excellent way to prevent many diseases, including colds, which become especially relevant in cold weather. Drink delicious drinks all year round - and always be healthy!

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The healthiest fruit juice comes from fresh summer fruits, but you can also use frozen ones. The main thing is that the raw materials are of high quality, so the berries should first be sorted.

It’s easy to prepare an invigorating drink:

  1. Mash the washed berries and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Pour water over the mixture remaining after squeezing, combine with honey, and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 to 12 minutes.
  4. Pour berry juice into the cooled broth and filter.

In winter, it is better to drink the drink warm, and in the summer heat – chilled, even with ice cubes. If one of your family members is allergic to bee products, take the same amount of granulated sugar instead of honey. For piquancy, you can add lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, mint, and anise. They should be introduced 5 minutes before readiness.

Another way to prepare a healthy drink involves boiling whole fruits with honey or sugar. Then the broth is mixed with the juice obtained by squeezing the berries through a sieve.

How long to cook fruit juice depends on the raw materials. A drink made from fresh berries is kept on fire for 5–7 minutes. If you take frozen fruits, you need to cook for at least 10 minutes. If jam is used to prepare fruit juice, the preparation time of the drink is reduced to 3-5 minutes.

Winter fruit drink made from frozen berries

It does not need to be boiled, but the cooking time is greatly increased. For fruit drink you will need:

  • frozen berries – 150 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.

An excellent choice would be a mix of 100 grams of black currants, a couple of large strawberries and 2 tbsp. lingonberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the washed fruits, add sugar, cover with a lid and wrap in a towel.
  2. Leave in a warm place for 3 hours.
  3. Squeeze the berries and filter the liquid.

You can drink fruit juice warm or chilled.

If you're short on time, make a quick cranberry drink. Grind the berries with a blender, combine with sugar and put in the refrigerator. Before use, the mixture is diluted with water or tea to taste.

A healthy drink not only quenches thirst and saturates the body with vitamins. It is useful for flu and colds, as it has a tonic, tonic and diuretic effect.

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There are many drinks that are valuable for the body, and one of them is natural fruit drink. Its use has a positive effect on human life, because it is prepared from healing and tasty berries that contain a huge amount of substances necessary for health.

Usually they start preparing it when they feel the appearance of symptoms of a cold. But you can also drink it for a general increase in vitality; it is an excellent substitute for regular black tea or coffee, as well as all kinds of carbonated unnatural lemonades.

More about fruit drink

Any fruit drink will help saturate the body with life-giving moisture, beneficial vitamins and minerals, it helps restore strength. For kidney disease and colds, doctors often recommend drinking cranberry or lingonberry drinks.

About preparing fruit juice

In order to get the maximum benefit from it when preparing fruit juice, you need to crush a glass of the berries you have chosen in an enamel bowl, and separate the resulting juice from the berry cake, diluting it with water.

Another preparation option is also possible. To do this, you need to crush the berries in double gauze, and immediately pour the resulting juice into a porcelain or enamel bowl. The remaining cake can be placed on low heat and left to simmer for about five minutes.

Then you can combine the resulting decoction with ready-made berry juice. It is best to add a little fresh honey to it, but you should not put sugar. The healthy fruit drink is ready!

What is the benefit of the resulting drink?

A fruit drink prepared in this way will help perfectly relieve swelling and prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the urinary tract.

The main components of fruit drink are the following ingredients: juice, water and honey. You can add the zest of any citrus fruit, cloves, or any infusions of medicinal herbs to it. The healing properties of these components have already been written on the pages of the site.

In winter, such a drink will be an excellent means for the prevention and treatment of colds, and it is best to drink it warm.

It should be noted that plants such as elderberry, plantain, and nettle have an anti-cold effect. You can prepare decoctions from them, which it is advisable to add in small quantities to fruit drinks; such a drink will be even more beneficial for health.

It is worth saying that you need to pay great attention to the quality of the water that you will use to prepare healthy fruit juice. It is best to use artesian or spring liquid, but certainly not tap water.

The finished drink should be stored in the refrigerator; it is best to drink it on the first day, since after this time, its beneficial properties will significantly decrease.

To prepare it, you can use not only gauze, but also a juicer, as this is more hygienic. You can also give fruit juice to small children from about two years old, of course, if they are not allergic to the berries from which the drink will be prepared.

Cranberry juice recipe

To prepare this drink, you will need 125 grams of fresh cranberries, 100 milliliters of honey, and a liter of water. The berries must be carefully sorted, then they should be washed under running water and placed in boiling water.

You need to cook them for no more than five minutes over low heat, after which you need to place them in a colander and gently squeeze them out. It is recommended to mix the resulting juice with the prepared broth, add honey, stir everything well and cook for a couple more minutes.

Recipe for making fruit drink from frozen berries

The drink is prepared from frozen berries a little differently. You can make assorted fruit drinks, which will include lingonberries in the amount of 30 grams, strawberries and black currants in the amount of 100 grams each.

The berries need to be washed, then poured into a container and poured with boiling water so that they are completely covered with water, and stir gently.

Then it is recommended to add boiling water again to get a liter of liquid. Then you can add sugar to taste, about three tablespoons, and fresh mint. Next, the container must be tightly closed with a lid, covered with a towel, and left for three hours.

After this time, the berries should be crushed, then carefully strain the liquid and squeeze out the pulp. It is recommended to pour the finished fruit drink into a glass jar, and you can consume it. It is also stored for no more than one day.

Recipe for lingonberry-beet juice

You will need a kilogram of lingonberries, the same amount of raw beets, three liters of water, honey to taste. The berries need to be washed, sorted well, then squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer, pour it into a porcelain bowl, and then put it in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to boil the squeezed berries in a liter of water and then strain. The beets need to be peeled, then grated on a coarse grater, boiled and the juice squeezed out. Then you need to mix the berry broth, ready-made lingonberry and beet juice, you can add a little honey to taste.

Lemon juice recipe

This fruit drink can be called lemonade. You will need the following ingredients: a liter of water, one hundred grams of sugar, as well as two lemons, from which it is recommended to carefully cut the zest, preferably removing it in a thin layer.

The zest must be boiled in water with added sugar. Then you need to cool the broth, then squeeze lemon juice into it. It is recommended to serve the finished fruit drink chilled; if desired, you can add a fresh sprig of mint.


I must say that fruit drinks promote weight loss. You can arrange a fasting day for yourself and drink at least two liters. You will become much slimmer and feel great.

In ancient times, this drink was obtained in a simple way - pouring wild berries with well water and storing the fruit drink in sealed containers in the cellar. The drink was used not only to quench thirst, cranberry and lingonberry juice was used as an antipyretic to treat patients. This article is all about preparing fruit juice from fresh and frozen berries, including garden ones: sea buckthorn, currants, gooseberries, raspberries. How to prepare fruit juice correctly: universal step-by-step recipes.

It is not known for certain where and by whom fruit drink was invented - historians still have not come to a consensus on this matter, but since the 15th century, in the most remote Russian villages, the drink has been consumed to quench thirst and as a medicine. The fruit drink was prepared from various berries that were collected in the forest; natural bee honey was added for taste. The basis for the fruit drink was spring water.

Fruit drinks retain all the beneficial properties of fresh berries

Morse was used to treat poor health, reduce fever, and drink the drink when visiting the bathhouse. The benefits of fruit juice were noticed already in those distant times, when no one analyzed products for the presence of vitamins and useful minerals. Only later was it discovered that properly prepared fruit juice has excellent healing properties and can help in the treatment of serious diseases.

The tasty drink is rich in the following vitamins and substances:

  1. Organic acids – help normalize intestinal function and destroy pathogenic microflora.
  2. Pectins inhibit the development of tumor processes and normalize blood sugar levels.
  3. Vitamins of groups A; IN; RR – are necessary in the process of normal functioning of the human body.
  4. Micro and macroelements - help strengthen muscle and bone tissue, improve the activity of the heart muscle, affect the health of the skin and normalize mental activity.

This is interesting! Delicious cherry juice, when consumed regularly, reduces cholesterol levels, and a drink made from chokeberry can strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Harm of fruit juice to the human body

There are some contraindications and restrictions when consuming fruit drinks made from fresh or frozen berries:

  • Blackberry juice is contraindicated for consumption by people with kidney disorders.
  • Berry fruit drinks can cause allergic manifestations (tearfulness, skin rash, diathesis in young children) in people prone to allergic diseases.

People with stomach diseases should not get carried away with fruit drinks.
  • Chokeberry fruit juice has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract; it is not recommended for use for gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers.

Advice. When purchasing ready-made fruit juice, you should pay attention to the composition of the drink - the use of artificial colors, chemical additives and sweeteners is not allowed.

Preparing fruit juice from fresh berries - folk recipes

Fruit juice is prepared from freshly picked forest or garden berries - raspberries, cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries, aromatic strawberries, blackberries, rowan berries, viburnum, blueberries and other berries are perfect for this purpose.
First, the berries should be thoroughly washed and lightly dried. Then the raw materials are placed in an enamel container (saucepan or high basin), filled with cold, clean water and brought to a boil.

Advice! Boil the fruit drink until the berry juice begins to flow out and color the water.

The berries are squeezed out, the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, sugar or honey is added to taste. The finished drink is poured into clean bottles or jars and stored in the cold.

This is the basic recipe for making fruit drink from fresh berries; when implementing it, you can make some changes: a selection of berries, replacing sugar with honey, adding herbs, etc.

Important! Do not put honey in boiling fruit juice, this will cause a decrease in the healing power of honey. It is better to add it to a cooled (warm) drink.

Frozen berry juice

A healthy drink can be prepared from frozen berries. For this, you can use any raw materials prepared in advance. Berries that have been frozen and already washed are placed in a saucepan, poured with 100 ml of boiling water and pounded to a puree. Dense berries produce juice less well, so you need to mash them especially carefully. When preparing frozen cherries, stone fruits, and sweet cherries for fruit drink, you don’t have to remove the seeds from the berries - they will remain in the cake after squeezing the puree through cheesecloth.

Advice! Frozen berries that have not been previously destemmed should be filled with cold water, washed and sorted before preparing the fruit drink.

Add up to 250 ml of boiling water to the finished puree, let it boil once, then infuse the drink for about half an hour. Sugar or honey is added to warm fruit drink to taste. It is very important not to boil the drink for too long - prolonged exposure to high temperatures quickly destroys the beneficial substances in the berries. It is better to infuse the fruit drink longer, this way you can increase the nutritional value of the drink.

Frozen berries are just as healthy as fresh ones

Freshly prepared fruit juice is useful simply for quenching thirst and can be used as a remedy.

In the wine industry, fruit drinks are widely used for preparing sweet liqueurs. If you want to prepare a berry tincture at home, you can use your own fruit drink according to the recipe for preparing the drink.

Making cranberry juice: video

Fruit drinks made from frozen cranberries and currants are very healthy: they are rich in amino acids, contain vitamin C, which is necessary during colds, and help eliminate toxins, bacteria and harmful substances from the body. You can brew this healing drink all year round, because frozen berries are available in any season.

Frozen cranberry juice

One of the most popular berries for making fruit drinks is cranberries. Drinks made from it are recommended to be drunk at high temperatures and colds, as well as for swelling, which women often experience during pregnancy. Morse serves as an excellent means of strengthening the immune system and is a source of vitality.

It is worth stocking up on cranberries in September - October, during the harvest season. Divide the purchased berries into portions and freeze. If it is not possible to store frozen cranberries at home, then you should buy the finished product, packaged in sealed bags, in the store.

The process of preparing fruit juice is very simple.

  • It is necessary to remove the berries from the freezer in advance and let them thaw. To speed up the process, you can place them in a cup of hot water.
  • Rinse the defrosted cranberries and crush them through a sieve with a wooden masher. Set aside the resulting thick pulp for a while.
  • Place the remaining berry husks in a saucepan with water. Add sugar to taste. If you prepare fruit juice in large quantities, then 10 tablespoons of sugar will be enough for 5 liters. Bring all contents to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  • Allow the liquid to cool slightly, after which you can add the berry pulp passed through a sieve and mix everything well.

Instead of sugar, you can use natural honey by adding it to a slightly cooled drink. This will give it new shades of taste and make it even more healthy.

Strain the resulting fruit drink and pour into a jar. The shelf life of this drink is one day.

Recipe for fruit drink made from frozen currants

The currants must be thawed, carefully sorted and washed. For 1 liter of drink you will need 200 grams of product.

  • Mash the finished berries using a sieve or gauze, pour the released juice into a separate container and place in the refrigerator.
  • Pour a liter of hot water into a saucepan, place the remaining berries from squeezing there. Bring the contents to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat for a few more minutes.
  • Add sugar to taste. For a liter volume, two to three tablespoons will be enough. But if the drink doesn’t seem sweet, you can always add a little more.
  • To improve the taste and beneficial qualities, you can add a slice of lemon and honey.
  • Remove the cooled, squeezed currant juice from the refrigerator. Mix with the contents of the pan. Strain the entire drink and pour into a jar.

Frozen berry juice in winter and off-season periods is a great way to strengthen your immune system.