Voluntary health insurance RESO is a guarantee. VHI insurance for adults VHI policy labor insurance

Would you like to be served by this insurance company with a discount of up to 15%?

Order selection of voluntary health insurance

Reso's portfolio of services includes a variety of life and health insurance services, including additional pension insurance, annuity insurance, accident insurance, death or terminal illness insurance, and endowment insurance. The company, established in 2006, has been operating for 9 years and has proven itself well in the insurance services market.

As part of life and health insurance, Reso presents six different levels of the Capital and Protection program: Safe, Economy, Active, Prestige, Maximum and Junior. The latter is intended for parents and other relatives who want to save a large sum by the time their children begin independent life. As for the remaining five, they represent sets of different options - from the basic minimum to the highest degree of protection with varying costs and the size of the regular insurance premium.

In addition, Reso draws up compulsory and voluntary health insurance contracts with the issuance of policies. There are various VHI programs for children, adults, foreign and nonresident labor migrants, including management of pregnancy and childbirth or protection against ticks.

The importance of life and health insurance cannot be overestimated. This is ensuring a decent future for yourself and your loved ones, protection from force majeure and self-confidence.

RESO-Garantiya is a universal insurance company established in 1991. The company has a license for more than 100 types of insurance services and reinsurance activities.

RESO-Garantiya provides a wide range of insurance services for individuals and legal entities. The priority areas of activity are car insurance (CASCO and OSAGO, as well as DGO), voluntary medical insurance, property insurance for individuals and legal entities, mortgage insurance, tourist insurance, accident insurance and other types. Cumulative life insurance is offered by the subsidiary company Life Insurance Company RESO-Garantiya.

RESO-Garantiya is an agency company that employs over 20 thousand agents. The branch network is one of the largest in Russia - includes 793 branches and sales offices in all regions of Russia. RESO-Garantiya products and services are used by more than 10 million clients - organizations and individuals.

RESO-Garantiya became the laureate of the country's main insurance award "Golden Salamander" in several honorary nominations in 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2012. Since 2009, the rating agency "Expert RA" has annually confirmed RESO-Garantiya "Exceptionally high level of reliability" A ++ - the highest possible in Russia today. The Company is also a laureate of the national competition “People’s Brand/Brand No. 1 in Russia” in the “Insurance Company” category.

In 2015, RESO-Garantiya took 137th place in the “Expert - 600. Largest companies in Russia” rating. The Standard & Poor's credit rating service assigned RESO-Garantiya ratings "BB/ruAA". In 2011, RESO-Garantiya received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008. The certificate certifies that the RESO-Garantiya quality management system, in relation to insurance and reinsurance, it meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 and the company’s business processes comply with international standards. In 2014, the quality level was confirmed by the GOST ISO 9001-2011 certificate.

The VHI guarantee, which is positioned as a system of “minimum guarantees” that allows you to receive high-quality and prompt medical care of the highest level. The main advantage of this is the personal participation of citizens in the formation of the necessary list and range of medical care. Vulnerable categories of the population will be able to easily determine the current type of insurance program, as well as the volume of assistance provided, and select the necessary medical institution.

The RESO Guarantee VHI company offers a program designed for various categories of the population throughout the Russian Federation. In any city in the country, you can easily get medical care if you have an insurance policy from the company.

The benefits include the following:

  • Payment of all current medical expenses by the client is carried out within the framework of the current insurance program.
  • Among the strategic partners of the insurance company are the multidisciplinary clinics of the Medswiss group, located directly in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the region. In addition, the “Good Doctor” dental center, which provides high-quality services, is also a strategic partner in Moscow.
  • It is also possible to work with “Personal Doctors”, in particular, the company’s personal doctor conducts up-to-date monitoring of the health status of all potential RESO clients who decide to take advantage of the offer and order an insurance policy and insure their own health. Medical workers can easily go to the office to visit working clients, as well as to the home of children under one year of age. Such a “Personal Doctors” service will provide the highest quality and individual approach to each insured person.
  • RESO Guarantee offers medical insurance under a separate Health Sphere program, which allows you to gain access to the best medical specialists in their field.
  • As part of the service, the company offers the opportunity to contact the medical services control room, which employs exclusively experienced medical personnel capable of providing high-quality consulting services. In addition to the opportunity to find out answers to pressing questions, specialists will help organize routine and emergency medical care, make an appointment for a client to be examined by a clinic specialist, and also call a doctor at home. It is worth noting that the service also includes employees who speak fluent English and are ready to advise the person who applies.
  • Throughout the entire policy period, the insurance premium remains unchanged, even taking into account the fact that the medical services market rises in price by approximately 14% during the year, unless there is an economic crisis. The insurer does not change the direct amount of the premium under the contract, and the RESO guarantee company assumes the risk of an increase in the price of the services provided.

VHI programs RESO

It is worth highlighting the following RESO VHI programs:

  • Doctor RESO is a program, the basic package of which includes outpatient, emergency medical care, calling a doctor at home, as well as the “Health Sphere” offer, within the Classic level.
  • VHI-Labor is a program specially designed for migrant workers. It can be used by foreign citizens, stateless persons coming to Russia for the purpose of work or study.
  • “Emergency assistance” is a program created for those citizens who do not have permanent health problems; it works only in rare, emergency cases.
  • “Aibolit” is a program created for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age.
  • “Health Without Borders” is a program designed to help and pay for patient treatment abroad if a critical illness is diagnosed.

The RESO Guarantee company, which offers a VHI policy which is popular, regardless of the required medical care, provides the simplest and most effective way of medical insurance.

Lily Personal insurance / VHI

Policy: 6316372-13739SZ

I went to the MC with complaints of pain in my leg, over the last 2 months my leg began to hurt a lot and the pain was getting worse every day, and they eventually diagnosed thrombophlebitis. The doctor gave a referral for hospitalization, but in the end the operation was refused, citing the fact that the disease occurred earlier than the policy, otherwise the disease progresses and the pain in the leg becomes more severe is not an argument

Permanent review address

Alexei Personal insurance / VHI

Policy: 0000000000

MRI of the spine is being approved for more than a month! 07 02 asked to coordinate a consultation with a member today 11 no answer, they don’t answer calls (I remember all the melodies)

Permanent review address

Olga Personal insurance / VHI

Policy: 5039783

I tried to make an appointment with a cardiologist. I did an ultrasound of the heart under compulsory medical insurance, there are changes, I wanted to consult a cardiologist with RESO guarantees. They never made an appointment.. First to a therapist, he will refer.. There are changes in my heart, who will he refer to?! Should I go to the ophthalmologist? So economical! Why waste time and money on a therapist if there are changes in the ultrasound of the heart? What kind of questions are we reading out the examination results??? And she said that she was pregnant, so they sent me to the antenatal clinic... Unscrupulous... It’s very insulting, they brought me to tears... After all, I bought insurance for money, but I was treated like a beggar... And now I only go to them with a cold, so the manager answered. Is this the company’s position or the arbitrariness of the dispatchers? They told me that this is the company's position. Why then such honey? center? I ask you to answer me!

Permanent review address

Natalia Personal insurance / VHI

Policy: 4801834

I called on 08/29/18 at 15-50 to the general number 600-03-23 ​​in St. Petersburg, I suddenly had a gynecological problem, I described it in general terms; explained that I needed to see a gynecologist today. Next is just a song! At the other end of the line, the operator, who said that she was a doctor with 38 years of experience, asked, what kind of urgency is this? Well, think about it, bleeding, well, it’s not an emergency, but how old are you, and menopause is starting, there are no words. She determined this only by my age at 42 years old, without looking, without knowing my medical history. Well done! To which I replied that I was not going to discuss my problems with her, I just needed to get an appointment with the doctor, whether it was possible today or not. I didn’t explain to her that I was on sick leave, just from the doctor, he advised me to go to the gynecologist, because a blood test revealed anemia, there might be a problem, etc. I don’t understand why I have to describe the problem in every detail to the operator, this time. Why was I never given simple information about whether I could get an appointment with the right doctor without delay, that’s two. Then I hung up, I don’t think it’s necessary to continue such a conversation. Explain why the policy is needed then? After everything, I called my usual antenatal clinic, where I was immediately told to go see the doctor on duty, they told me the time, without rudeness or unnecessary comments. That’s where I’ll run, and I’ll be disgusted with RESO for not providing basic assistance and rudeness.

Permanent review address

LILY Personal insurance / VHI

Policy: 4551298

Why am I paying for insurance when they can’t even give me a letter of guarantee to an ophthalmologist and ENT specialist?!! What nonsense! Why should I explain to a stranger my symptoms, what’s hurting me, so that maybe he can give me a letter of guarantee, That is, he himself will decide whether it hurts there or not. This is somehow unethical. I have no idea what kind of person is sitting behind the wire, who he is, or maybe he is some kind of maniac. Why should I tell you all my symptoms? It's even somehow humiliating. Especially when it comes to more intimate problems. In general, think about whether to pay for Reso or not. What’s the point of paying for this insurance at all if in the end the operator, for some reason of his own, decided that it’s not worth giving you a guarantee, and you end up going to the doctor for extra money. Or maybe operators are given bonuses for more refusals. Then this is generally a huge disadvantage of this company.

The insurance company "RESO - Garantiya" occupies a leading position in the insurance services market in our country. Our priorities include car insurance, life and health insurance, and property insurance.

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What it is

Voluntary health insurance RESO helps to “expand” the narrow range of compulsory health insurance services. The advantage of VHI from this company is that the policyholder himself chooses certain medical services that he may need.

In addition, the client himself chooses the medical institutions where he wants to receive care, based on his preferences. Many private and public clinics throughout the country cooperate with the RESO-Garantiya company.

The VHI policy from RESO - Garantiya is valid throughout the country. The company guarantees a high level of service anywhere in Russia.

Rating among other insurance companies

Since 2009, the RESO - Garantiya company has the highest reliability rating - A++. And in May 2011, the company received long-term financial and long-term credit ratings.

Such ratings indicate that the company has a stable financial cushion to ensure its obligations to customers. The company's own capital can cover possible losses, as well as debt to customers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Voluntary health insurance RESO has its positive and negative sides.

The positive points are:

  • a huge number of “mobile” offices. This insurance company was one of the first to launch mobile offices on the roads. Anyone can insure themselves with them;
  • many permanent offices in large and small cities;
  • a permanent hotline for clients;
  • RESO company owns its own network of medical clinics, which can significantly reduce the cost of the insurance policy;
  • the company also owns a network of dental clinics in large cities;
  • The company’s specialists find an individual approach to each client;
  • each client has his own personal manager who is engaged in “paper” work and a personal doctor-curator who is engaged in “medical” work;
  • during the validity period of the VHI contract, the amount of the insurance premium does not change;
  • in addition to its own clinics, the company cooperates with many public and private medical institutions;
  • with repeated prolongation of the voluntary health insurance policy, regular customers receive bonuses and benefits from the company;
  • if an insured event occurs in another city, the company will make sure that the client receives qualified assistance there;
  • The company provides services for paying insurance premiums in installments.

Corporate clients are provided with discounts depending on the size of the company.

However, not all clients are satisfied with the service provided by this company.


  • low quality of customer service;
  • inaccessibility of qualified assistance in Russian cities;
  • long waiting time for an insured event;
  • frequent refusals of payments;
  • inability to call the hotline or contact your manager or supervisor;
  • no bonuses or discounts.

Video: VHI program “Sphere of Health” from RESO company

Conditions and cost of the VHI policy "RESO - Guarantee"

In the table below you can see the approximate cost of RESO-Garantiya VHI insurance programs.

The cost was calculated under basic conditions:

  • insurance region - Moscow;
  • the age of the insured person is from 18 to 59 years, that is, able-bodied (except for the Aibolit program);
  • clinic category - 2 (service at an average level);
  • type of service - registration through a personal physician-supervisor.

Cost table for VHI programs.

The name of the program Short description Price
Doctor RESO Individual insurance. Includes:
outpatient care, home care and emergency care
39500 rubles
Aibolit Children's program. Includes: outpatient
assistance, personal doctor and emergency medical care. Clinic services
RESO company
0 - 1 year - 260 thousand rubles, 1
- 5 years - 154,600 rubles;
5 - 8 years - 122,200 rudders; 8 -18
- 81,800 rubles
Emergency help Providing medical care only in emergency cases.
Includes: ambulance and emergency hospital.
4,800 rubles
International medicine Used by clients who frequently travel
abroad. Provides an opportunity to receive medical care in foreign countries
156 euro - for individuals. persons and from 1,000
euro - for corporate clients
Pregnancy and childbirth Providing medical care during pregnancy
and obstetric care in the selected maternity hospital.
It varies greatly and depends on the set of services chosen and
medical institutions
VHI - small business Corporate tariff designed specifically for
small companies.
From 5,000 rubles
Protection against tick-borne encephalitis An insured event is a tick bite. Includes:
outpatient care, emergency hospitalization and rehabilitation.
Different for legal entities and individuals.

All individual VHI insurance policies can also be concluded for immediate relatives. In this case, a family discount program will apply.

All voluntary health insurance contracts, except for “Pregnancy and childbirth”, are concluded for a period of 1 year.


Any citizen aged 0 to 79 years can become a client of the RESO - Guarantee company, depending on the chosen program.

What does it protect against?

The VHI policy protects against the occurrence of those insured events that are specified in the insurance program chosen by the client. If he has chosen the “Protection against tick-borne encephalitis” program, then this is exactly what the insurance policy protects against.

What it doesn't protect against

Does not protect against insured events that are not specified in the program.

If the policy does not provide for dental care, it will be provided on a paid basis.


To obtain a voluntary health insurance policy from the RESO-Garantiya company, you must enter into an insurance contract with the company. This contract will indicate its validity period, insurance premium, sum insured and the selected product, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.

If the insurer is a legal entity, then the contract must contain the following information:

  • full name, details and legal address of the Policyholder and the Insurer;
  • passport details of the authorized person from the Policyholder;
  • an insurance program with a detailed list of medical institutions to which the insured can apply;
  • list of insured persons indicating their number.

If the policyholder is an individual, then the contract must contain:

  • Full name and passport details of the Insurer;
  • Full name and legal address of the Insured;
  • Insurance program;
  • List of persons who are insured together with the Policyholder (if any).


For individuals, the RESO-Garantiya company has developed several voluntary health insurance programs.

Programs for individuals:

  • "Doctor RESO";
  • "Aibolit";
  • “Health Sphere - International Medicine”;
  • "Pregnancy and childbirth";
  • "Protection against tick-borne encephalitis."

The following programs are available for corporate clients:

  • "VHI - small business";
  • “Protection against tick-borne encephalitis”;
  • "Health Sphere - International

Corporate insurance

The minimum number of people for corporate insurance is 2 people.

The maximum number is not limited.

The basic conditions of the programs are as follows:

  • “Outpatient care is an inherent risk;
  • All insured persons must be employees of the same legal entity;
  • The age of the insured is from 18 to 80 years.

In addition, the company's management can “recruit” additional services, can add new insured persons, and “remove” those who have left.

For individuals

To conclude an individual policy you must:

  • The age of the insured is from 0 to 75 years;
  • Mandatory completion of a medical questionnaire;
  • The contract duration is 1 year;
  • The insurance program cannot be changed.

In addition, you can insure close relatives with one policy. To the mandatory insurance conditions for the selected program, additional ones can be added at the client’s discretion.

For foreigners

The RESO-Garantiya company has not developed insurance programs for foreigners.

Foreign citizens are served under the same conditions as Russian citizens.

For children

The Aibolit program has been developed for children. It is relevant for children from birth to adulthood.

This program provides for the presence of a personal doctor for each insured person, and for children under one year of age - monthly patronage. Children are served in a network of clinics from the RESO company.

The cost of a policy under this program ranges from 81,800 rubles to 260,000 rubles.


VHI dentistry "RESO - Guarantee" is an additional condition that can be chosen by both individuals and corporate clients. It includes the provision of routine and emergency dental care in the best clinics in the country.

The program includes:

  • consultations with necessary doctors;
  • surgery;
  • prosthetics;
  • removal and filling with modern drugs;
  • preventive examinations and treatment.

For pregnant

The VHI program “Pregnancy and Childbirth” is designed specifically for pregnant women. This program includes pregnancy support and assistance to a woman during childbirth.

Such honey. The insurance can be used by both individuals and corporate clients.

This program includes:

  • consultations and examination of women by doctors;
  • issuing certificates of incapacity for work;
  • routine and emergency examination of women;
  • necessary laboratory and clinical examinations;
  • hospitalization in a maternity hospital;
  • management of childbirth;
  • postpartum examination;
  • stay in the postpartum ward of increased comfort.

Registration conditions VHI cost Type of access Additional services Registration procedure Payment and Delivery Special offer!

General terms and conditions of insurance under the Doctor RESO program
  • The validity period of the Doctor RESO policy is 1 year;
  • Children under 1 year old, as well as adults over 75 years old, are not accepted for insurance;
  • The temporary deductible under the policy is 15 calendar days. As a result, it will be possible to go to the clinic for VHI after 2 weeks after registration.
Sums insured
  • Clinic - 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Calling a doctor to your home—RUB 500,000.
  • Calling an ambulance - 500,000 rubles.
  • Telemedicine - RUB 1,000,000.
Increased age coefficients
  • Since older people seek medical care more often, increasing age coefficients are used to calculate tariffs. Namely, from 60 to 69 years inclusive, the base cost is multiplied by a factor of 1.6. At the same time, for people from 70 years old to 75 years old, the age coefficient is 2, that is, the price of a VHI policy doubles.
  • 7% if two children of twins are accepted for insurance;
  • 10% if the contract includes 3 or more people, members of the same family. If all relatives (from 3 people) are under 60 years old, then the discount will be 20% ;
  • 5% if the policyholder is a legal entity and pays for VHI for its employees, but not less than 3 people;
  • If you have taken out a policy with access through letters of guarantee, then in the future you can always choose a clinic with direct access.
Changes are not allowed:
  • The composition of the insured persons, as well as the validity period of the VHI policy;
  • Insurance program, for example, set of risks, category of clinics;
  • The selected clinic has direct access to another;
  • Direct access to the clinic for access with letters of guarantee.

Access by letters of guarantee

  • Polyclinic services for the insured are provided at the clinics specified in the contract. Visits to specialists, laboratory and instrumental studies are pre-agreed with the insurance company. In other words, “applying to the clinic using letters of guarantee.” However, this type of access does not cause problems for clients. Firstly, the RESO medical control room operates around the clock. Secondly, the insurance company sends letters of guarantee immediately after the application. And most importantly, the price of the policy is reduced by 1/3, in contrast to direct access to the clinic.
How access through letters of guarantee works in RESO-Garantiya
  • For example, you made an appointment with a therapist and previously agreed on this visit with RESO. The therapist ordered some tests, such as a blood test or ultrasound. Next, without leaving the clinic, you call the medical dispatch center and ask to send a letter of guarantee. At the same time, the doctor at the insurance company will clarify the reason for the request and the procedures prescribed. Immediately after the call, your letter will be sent to the clinic.

Direct access to the clinic

  • Although access through letters of guarantee is not at all difficult, it may not be suitable for older people. Since not all pensioners can independently call the dispatcher and coordinate the sending of a letter, they have to disturb their relatives. If access by letters causes inconvenience, then it is recommended to issue a policy with direct access. Those. direct access is the same scope of services, only without calling the insurance company. But as noted earlier, insurance with direct access is more expensive than similar insurance with access through letters of guarantee.

In developing

  • To apply for a policy, you must fill out a medical questionnaire. The questionnaire is filled out electronically and separately for each Insured.
  • Send completed forms by email. mail to the address: [email protected]
  • The health insurance contract will be prepared within 1 business day from the receipt of the questionnaires. A set of documents will be sent to you by email for your review.

Download forms to fill out:

Questionnaire for adults from 18 to 75 years Questionnaire for children from 1 to 18 years