Biblical prediction about the end of the world. Scientists have found the exact date of the end of the world in the Bible

What does the Bible say about the end of the world?

  1. Nothing about the end of the world, but yes about Armageddon.
  2. Small 4:1 For behold, the day will come, burning like an oven; Then all the arrogant and those who do wickedly will be like stubble, and the coming day will burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.
    Soph. 1:14 The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and it hastens greatly: the voice of the day of the Lord is already heard; Then even the bravest will cry out bitterly!
    15The day of wrath is this day, a day of tribulation and distress, a day of desolation and destruction, a day of darkness and darkness, a day of clouds and darkness,
    16 A day of trumpeting and shouting against fortified cities and high towers.
    17And I will afflict the people, and they will walk as blind, because they have sinned against the Lord, and their blood will be scattered as dust, and their flesh as dung.
    18Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of the Lord’s wrath, and the whole land will be consumed by the fire of His jealousy, for He will bring about sudden destruction upon all the inhabitants of the earth.
  3. I don’t have a Bible, but a Religion((()))Tunnel!
  4. Seven trumpets, after each trumpet there is a cup - something terrible will happen.
  5. “And suddenly, after the sorrow of those days, the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light...”
    Matthew 24:29
  6. The Bible speaks of the end of darkness. God is light and there is no darkness in Him. And He appointed a day on which He will judge the earth righteously (the inhabitants of the earth for those especially dull)
  7. That no one except God can know when and how it will happen.
  8. Only Jews will be saved))
  9. Yes, it's almost all the same
  10. Nothing, just about Armageddon.
  11. there is a lot written there, open it and read it
  12. End of the world.
    We know this from the Bible.
    3. When He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him alone and asked: Tell us, when will this be? and what is the sign of Your coming and the end of the age?
    (Holy Gospel of Matthew 24:3)

    29. And suddenly, after the sorrow of those days, the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken
    (Holy Gospel of Matthew 24:29)

    When it will be?
    12. And because iniquity will increase, the love of many will grow cold;
    13. He who endures to the end will be saved.
    14. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come.
    (Holy Gospel of Matthew 24:12-14)

    It has not yet been preached everywhere.

    15. Therefore, when you see the abomination that makes desolate, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place, let the one who reads understand:
    16. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains
    (Holy Gospel of Matthew 24:15,16)

    The abomination of desolation is not yet there.

    20. In his place will rise one who will send a tax collector to go through the kingdom of glory; but after a few days he too will die, and not from indignation or in battle.
    21. And the despised will rise in his place, and they will not give him royal honors, but he will come without noise and take possession of the kingdom with flattery.
    (Daniel 11:20,21)
    31. And they will appoint a portion of the army that will defile the sanctuary of power, and will put an end to the daily sacrifice, and will set up the abomination that makes desolate.
    (Daniel 11:31)

    11. From the time the daily sacrifice ceases and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, one thousand two hundred and ninety days will pass.
    12. Blessed is he who waits and reaches one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.
    (Daniel 12:11,12)

    So everything will happen after the Gospel is preached throughout the world. It's not too far. A little. But no one knows for sure.

  13. “But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but only My Father” (Matthew 24:36)
  14. Only God knows about that day and hour. and you can find out how it will happen by starting to study the Bible.
  15. The end of the world will come when: This good news of the kingdom will be preached throughout the entire inhabited earth as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14) Many theologians agree that this verse is extremely important. It is important because the activities it talks about will cover the whole world, that is, all peoples, the entire planet. In addition, it is important because it indicates what true Christians should be doing in the last days - preaching. Through this sermon, people will hear about an extremely significant event that Jesus called the end. The prophecy in this verse is being fulfilled in our day. It affects everyone because the good news contains both an invitation and a warning. It gives us a choice: accept the Kingdom of God or reject it.
  16. The end of evil.
  17. Mark 13:32
    About that day, or hour, no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
    John 15:15
    for the slave does not know what his gaspadin is doing
  18. Only criminals will be destroyed. The righteous will dwell on the earth, and the blameless will remain in it; but the wicked will be cut off from the earth, and the treacherous will be rooted out from it (Proverbs 2:21,22)

    And the Earth will never be destroyed. "The earth is set on firm foundations; it will not be shaken forever and ever" Ecclesiastes 1:4

  1. Introduction

    The theme of the coming end of the world, when creation will appear in all the fullness of perfection, is an integral part of many works of biblical writing. Ideas about the end of the world have developed and been significantly supplemented over the centuries; Below we present the most significant texts talking about this in chronological order.

    The Bible says that the world we live in had a beginning because it was created by God. This world is not eternal, but exists in time; temporality is its inherent property. For biblical authors, the existence of the beginning of the world naturally implies the existence of the end, since time is a fundamentally different way of being than eternity, and cannot be limitless. This idea of ​​a developing world, having a beginning and an end, is also fundamentally important for the biblical understanding of history as a directed process in which the Almighty’s plan for the world and man unfolds.

    At the beginning of the history of biblical Revelation, the chosen people had an idea of ​​​​a certain mysterious day of the coming victory of God, which would complete the history of mankind. The basis for this was the numerous vicissitudes of the history of Israel, in which the deliverance of the people from disasters and catastrophes occurred thanks to the protection of God. These large-scale events are described in the books of Exodus and Joshua, Judges and Kings. Here God's people are faced with external enemies who are often vastly superior both militarily and culturally. However, trust in God leads to the fact that He intervenes in events through chosen men - judges, prophets and kings, and ensures victory over enemies and the preservation of Israel from destruction. On this historical basis, the idea of ​​the coming Day of the Lord was formed, when the final victory of Israel over all its enemies (who were also considered the enemies of God) would take place.

  2. Day of Visitation among the Early Prophets

    In subsequent centuries, this simplified view underwent significant changes. This was mainly due to the ministry of the biblical prophets, for whom the Day of the Lord was one of the main themes of their preaching.

    Briefly, the main provisions of the prophetic teaching about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord are as follows. The prophets speak of the end of the world as the Day of Visitation, when God Himself will mysteriously appear in the world and visit His people. Associated with this visitation of God will be the shame of the pagans, the deliverance of Israel - but also the judgment of all nations, including Israel. The prophets portrayed this visit of God as a universal catastrophe in which everything unworthy of the greatness of the Creator is destroyed. Therefore they often called the Day of the Lord a day of darkness and a day of wrath, a day of judgment. At the same time, all evil will be expelled from the created world, even death itself will be defeated.

    The prophets associated the coming Day of Visitation with the coming of Christ; for them, the appearance of Christ and the Visitation of God coincided in many ways. This is how the prophets secretly expressed the message that Christ the Savior would be not just a great man, but the Incarnate Son of God.

    Usually the words of the prophets about the end of the world combine three key aspects. Prophets speak about the events of contemporary history, in which they see prototypes of the coming end of the world. Based on these types, the prophets announce the coming of Christ, which should become a turning point in the history of the world. The prophets often connect what is revealed to them about the end of times with the news of the coming of Christ.

    The historical sequence of future events was not as clear to the prophets as their spiritual meaning; therefore, most prophets combined in their preaching the coming of Christ and the completion of history. It's not a mistake; on the contrary, in the New Testament the coming of Christ is the beginning of the judgment of the world and the victory of God over evil.

    These are the general features of the prophetic teaching about the end of the world, which they often called “that day,” but in the book of each prophet there are also specific features that stand out for him.

    1. Amos

      The Prophet Amos for the first time explicitly speaks of the Day of the Lord as a Day of Visitation: “I will walk among you,” says God through the mouth of the prophet. Amos speaks to those who hoped that the Day of the Lord would be some kind of historical “happy ending” for Israel: “Woe to those who wish for the Day of the Lord... it is darkness and not light.” This day will be the judgment of all people, not excluding Israel, to whom God, by virtue of election, makes exceptional moral demands. In addition, through Amos, the Lord says that in “that day” the fallen tabernacle of the house of David will be restored - this is a prophecy about Christ, who will be a descendant of David.

    2. Hosea

      A younger contemporary of the prophet Amos, Hosea also speaks of the Judgment of God that awaits all human affairs at the end of time. But Hosea proclaims that the end of the world will be marked by the victory of God over all evil and sin. The all-conquering mercy of the Creator will triumph, and even the most important, “last” enemy - death - will be defeated.

    3. Micah

      The prophet Micah, who lived a little later than Amos and Hosea, sees the coming Day of Visitation as the appearance of God Himself: God “steps” on the heights of the earth, and before the greatness of His glory the mountains melt. Thus, at the end of time, God, Whom all creation cannot contain, will appear to the world in fullness. The fulfillment of this prophecy is evidenced by the words of the Gospel of John: “No one has ever seen God; The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has revealed” (John 1:18).

    4. Isaiah of Jerusalem

      The last prophet of the 8th century BC, Isaiah of Jerusalem, also depicts the Day of the Lord as the day of Judgment and victory of God. But besides this, Isaiah speaks of it as the day of salvation that God will accomplish through Christ, the descendant of David born of a Virgin. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given,” says Isaiah, and in Him God Himself will intervene in the course of history. With the coming of Christ, all creation will irreversibly change, evil and violence will be defeated, and they will no longer have a place on the transformed earth. The striking image of a wolf living with a lamb is one of the most famous biblical descriptions of the coming renewal of the world. Isaiah also says that on the Day of the Lord, not only the chosen people, but also the pagans, will turn to God and find salvation. But deliverance in the glory of Christ, the peace of God, open to all people in His Kingdom, is at the same time destruction for all sin.

  3. The Day of the Lord among the prophets of the pre-exilic era and captivity
    1. Zephaniah: the day of the trumpet and shout of abuse

      In the prophecy of Zephaniah, who lived at the end of the 7th century. BC, new aspects of the coming end of the world are revealed. He appears to the prophet's gaze as a feast at which the Lord's sacrifice will be slain. At this feast the chosen children of God will gather; for sinners, this will be a day of blindness, since a person who has sinned loses the ability to see the world in its true light. Zephaniah calls the end of the world a day of wrath and warfare, and says that this day is near. In this case, however, we are talking not so much about the historical perspective, but about the inevitability of the Day of Judgment.

    2. Ezekiel

      In the first half of the 6th century. BC, the prophet Ezekiel, for whom the destruction of Jerusalem became a prototype of the end of the world, proclaims that the Day of the Lord will be a day of renewal of the world. Ezekiel speaks of a mysterious Shepherd who will come in those days. He will “stand in the breach of the wall” to protect His sheep from harm. Not a single person can do this; each of them is responsible for his own and only his own affairs. Only Christ, the Shepherd of Israel, will protect the people. At the end of his book, the prophet Ezekiel describes the end of the world as a battle between God and the forces of evil. The defeat of Gog, the king of the north, symbolizing the forces of evil, became a characteristic image of biblical apocalypticism. The main thing in the prophecy about the universal victory of God over evil and death is the news that at the end of times God will conclude a New Covenant with people, and the Spirit of God will transform the hearts of stone into people’s hearts and breathe new life into them.

    3. Isaiah of Babylon (Deuteronomy): in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord

      The author of the second half of the book of Isaiah, traditionally called Isaiah of Babylon or Deutero-Isaiah, begins his words with a prophecy of the deliverance that God Himself will bring about. Like other prophets, Second Isaiah combines visions of three different events. The return of Israel from Babylonian captivity and the restoration of Jerusalem are for him a prototype of the coming coming of the Messiah and the end of the world, when the glory of God will be revealed to all creation. The words of Second Isaiah about the voice of one crying five centuries later would be applied to himself by John the Baptist.

    4. Zechariah: salvation for all

      The younger contemporary of Isaiah of Babylon, the prophet Zechariah, also views captivity and the return from it as prototypes of the coming Judgment. At the end of the first half of the book of Zechariah, which he owns, he says that in the last days all nations will turn to the God of Israel, and God will be the salvation of those who resort to Him.

  4. The Day of the Lord among the Prophets of the Second Temple Era

    During the Second Temple era, prophecies about the Day of the Lord become increasingly specific; The judgment of the nations and the Day of the Lord's wrath recede into the background. “That day” for the prophets of this period is primarily associated with the coming of Christ and His saving ministry.

    1. Malachi: God will send Elijah

      In the middle of the 5th century. BC, the prophet Malachi says that before the onset of the Day of the Lord, God will send the prophet Elijah to the people, who will herald the onset of the last times. This prophecy was fulfilled in the ministry of John the Baptist, whom the Angel of the Lord, addressing his father Zechariah, calls “a prophet in the spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17).

    2. Joel: The Day of the Outpouring of the Spirit of God

      As if continuing the prophecy of Ezekiel about the New Testament, at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries BC the prophet Joel says that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and many people will be able to hear the Word of God as directly as His chosen men hear The Lord's are prophets. These days will be accompanied by signs of a universal scale, the sun will darken and the moon will turn to blood. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, says Joel. Thus, the elect who will be saved on the Day of the Lord are those who will turn to the God of Israel and call on the name of the Lord.

    3. Zechariah (Deuteronomy): They will look to Him Whom they have pierced A special place in biblical prophecies about the end of the world is occupied by the words of an unknown contemporary of Joel, the author of the second half of the book of Zechariah. Deuterosachariah presents the Day of Judgment as a reckoning between people and God, when people give God payment for His benefits. Thirty pieces of silver are weighed out by people as payment to the Lord - this terrible detail emphasizes that the last times begin in the history of the world with the coming of Christ.
      But Deuteronomy also speaks of the Day of Judgment as the Day of Salvation, when God will protect people from destruction. In these last times, people will look to the Christ whom they have pierced, and a source of tears will open in their hearts to wash away sin and impurity. The weeping in Jerusalem reminds Deuterosachariah of the ancient battle of Megiddo (Armageddon). After these words of Deuterosachariah, this battle (historically dating probably to 622, the time of King Josiah) becomes one of the most famous symbols of the end of the world.
    4. Daniel

      In the 4th century. BC, the author of the book of Daniel announces that the time of the coming coming of Christ and the Day of Judgment is determined. The mysterious dates that Daniel speaks of, never deciphered by people, have already been measured. Daniel calls the death of Christ the main event of the Day of the Lord; but after this some time will pass until the end of the world, which will be the era of the “covenant for many.”

  5. Gospel

    With the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the prophecies of the Old Testament about the last days begin to be fulfilled. Christ tells the disciples that John the Baptist is the same prophet of the last days that Malachi announced. The judgment of the world, which the prophets awaited with trepidation and hope, begins in the days of Christ.

    The words of the Lord Jesus Christ about the end of the world, which He spoke to the disciples on the Mount of Olives, were called the “apocalypse of the weather forecasters”, because they are recorded almost equally in both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Matthew gives them in somewhat more detail.

    Here the Lord says that the end of the world will be marked by the coming of Christ in glory; like lightning from the edge of the sky to the edge, it will be revealed to all people. But before this time, mankind will face numerous disasters and enmity against God's faithful. The most important feature of the last days, which Christ tells his disciples, is that His Gospel will be preached to all nations, so that all people will hear about Him and have the opportunity to call on the name of the Lord. False Christs and false prophets will try to entice people to follow them; only faithfulness and trust in God will help the elect to endure these terrible times.

    Christ tells the disciples that, although the time of the end of the world has been determined, no one except the Heavenly Father knows about that day and hour. The trial will be a surprise that cannot be prepared for in advance. Like a thief sneaking up in the night, the last day of the world will approach people. Therefore, Christ commands the disciples to stay awake and always be ready for the coming of the end.

    Evangelist John complements the apocalypse of the weather forecasters with a number of significant aspects. He quotes the words of Christ that the judgment has already begun and the Word of Christ will judge people until the last day. Moreover, Christ says in the Gospel of John that the end of the world will be associated with the resurrection of the dead; for some it will be the door to life, and for others it will be the door to destruction. Christ explains the criteria for this judgment to his disciples in a conversation about the Last Judgment, which was recorded by the Evangelist Matthew. People of all nations will be judged by how they acted towards others. “What you did to people,” says Christ, “you did to Me.” Mercy towards one's neighbor and good done to people are the main criterion that determines the eternal destiny of people.

    But Christ also announces to the disciples that the path to resurrection and life is already open to Him who believe. The Flesh and Blood of Christ become for them the food of eternal life, the Table of the Lord, predicted by the prophet Ezekiel.

    The most important revelation for the Gospel about the life of Christians on the eve of the end are the final words of Christ in the Gospel of Matthew: “Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

  6. Acts

    Evangelist Luke reports at the beginning of the book of Acts of the Apostles that he quotes the words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ to the disciples at the time of His Ascension. When the disciples asked whether the prophecies about the end of times were being fulfilled at the moment, the Lord said that the disciples were not given the ability to know times and seasons. Instead, according to Joel’s prophecy, they will be given the Holy Spirit, whose gracious action will lay the foundation for the life of the next century in the disciples. This reaffirms the opportunity revealed in the Gospel of John for Christ’s disciples to move from death to life now. In the second chapter of Acts, on the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter claims that the miracle that happened on the apostles is the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. Thus, according to the ancient Christian tradition, his prophecy about the darkened sun refers to the darkness that covered Golgotha ​​at the time of Christ’s death on the Cross.

  7. Messages

    The disciples of Christ in their epistles repeatedly address the topic of the end of the world. The messages confirm the gospel message that for believers the Day of the Lord is both future and present. Among the first Christians there was a widespread belief that the end of the world would come soon after the Resurrection of Christ. However, over time, this point of view ceases to be generally accepted.

    Mainly the apostles speak of the end of the world as the Coming of Christ in glory; In the apostolic environment, the Lord's Day is often called the first day of the week, when Christians celebrate the Resurrection and the Lord is with them in the sacrament of the Eucharist. The coming of Christ will entail the resurrection of the dead and new life in a renewed - freed from evil and transformed world.

    In the epistles, the apostles consider the time after the Resurrection of Christ as the “last times,” because with the coming of Christ all the deadlines were fulfilled and the “fullness of times” came. This time, the duration of which is unknown, should be used to, following the example of Christ, actively bring God’s love into the world and do good. Waiting for the Day of the Lord also requires vigilance from Christians - internal readiness to appear before the Savior. Thus, the Kingdom of Heaven is realized in the Church, which has yet to appear in full. The life of a Christian thus proceeds in the Kingdom of Heaven even before his final victory.

    Continuing what Christ said about the signs of the approaching end of the world, the Apostle Paul supplements this with several important things. Firstly, he says that in the last times the enemy of God, the Antichrist, will appear in the world in human form, who will try to drag people along with him. Secondly, the Apostle Paul believes that before the end of the world, the last of the nations, the chosen people will turn to Christ, thereby sealing the full number of believers. The Apostle also proclaims that on the Day of the Lord not only will the dead rise, but those who remain alive, “changed,” will meet the Lord.

    The Apostle Peter, confirming the words of the Apostle Paul, speaks of the end of the world as a universal catastrophe. The fact that the timing of the end is postponed, Peter considers it a manifestation of the mercy and long-suffering of God, giving people the opportunity to convert and believe.

  8. Apocalypse: new heaven and new earth

    The final book of the Bible, the Revelation of John the Theologian or the Apocalypse, is especially dedicated to the fate of the world and the Church. Revelation sums up everything that has been said about this in the biblical tradition. The Apostle John resorts to images borrowed from Old Testament prophecies, thereby emphasizing the continuity of Old Testament and New Testament revelation. The Book of Revelation ends with a prophecy that God's victory over sin will crown the hard struggle. In the renewed creation (“new heavens and new earth”) God will dwell among people in the eternal Heavenly Jerusalem. The book of Revelation ends with the words “Come, Lord Jesus,” which forever became for the disciples of Christ an expression of an ardent desire to bring this coming victory closer.

Reply for: elena premydraya 2 (#40)In the book of Daniel ch. 9 v. 26,27 says that “the city and the sanctuary will be destroyed by the people of the leader who comes, and its end will be like a flood, and until the end of the war there will be desolation.” The war is spiritual between the Lord and the devil. The Epistle to the Ephesians, chapter 6, v. 11-17 says that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spirits of wickedness in high places...”, against the devil and his spirits And the spiritual sword against the devil is the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures, the Word of the Bible. The Apocalypse and the book of Daniel speak about this spiritual war. The day and hour of the Lord’s Coming to earth will not be known, but the signs by which one can determine. that the end of this world is near can be read in the Bible. The Bible is the book of the life of people on earth. 11), that is, before the beginning of the Lord’s judgment over the peoples of Babylon, which is spoken of in Chapter 17 of the Apocalypse. The mysterious state of Babylon, called by Daniel the “fourth kingdom” (Daniel ch. 7, v. 7, 17, 23, “the fourth kingdom will be on). earth") In Apoc. Chapter 17, he is represented as sitting on a scarlet beast, on many waters. The beast has seven heads, seven kings. There are many waters - people and nations, tribes and languages. This secret Babylon was drunk with the blood of saints. The Lord mysteriously called Babylon the atheistic state - the USSR, which was created from people of different nationalities. This state was led by seven kings who fought against the Church of the Lord, and in this state many believers were destroyed. This state was supposed to be formed on earth at the end of some millennium from the Nativity of Christ, as stated in the Apocalypse, chapter 20, v. 7-8. The “thousand” years referred to in this chapter refers to a millennium from A.D., in this case, it is 2000 years from A.D., which ended in March 2001 according to the Lunar calendar of the Biblical time system. At the end of the millennium, Babylon was supposed to fall, and with its fall, it was supposed to be divided into three parts (Rev. ch. 17; ch. 16, v. 19), which is what happened on earth: the USSR, having existed for 70 years ( and this is also recorded in the Bible: Jeremiah chapter 25, vv. 11-15; Jeremiah ch. 29, 8-14), for our future is hidden in our past (book of Ecclesiastes, ch. 1, vv. 9-10). ), the USSR fell, and during its fall it was divided into three parts, into three states: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and the pagan cities fell (the union republics separated). Daniel, in his book, chapter 2:40-44, adds that these divided states will be partly strong, partly fragile (the economic situation of the divided states), they will mix with each other through human seed (people of different nationalities), but into one state won't merge anymore. And in the days of these divided states, the Lord will come to earth at the Second Coming, which He Himself speaks about through the Prophet Daniel, Chapter 2, Article 44. Another sign of the end of this world, by which one can determine that the Lord is already close, is the Prophecy of the Savior Himself, about which He speaks to His Disciples:; Mark chapter 13; Luke chapter 21. The Lord warns: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, know that its desolation is approaching. These are the days of vengeance. “Let everything that is written be fulfilled,” says the Lord in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 21, 20. These events were supposed to happen on earth at the end of 2000 years A.D., in half the week, which is spoken of in the prophet Daniel, chapter 9, 27 (Luke 21:20: Matthew 24:15) The week that Daniel speaks of is the seven years that began in March 2001. Half of the week falls in September 2004 according to the Lunar calendar, after September 2004. events were to take place on earth, which the Lord Himself points to in Luke ch. 20:21; .24,24), in order to gather a multitude of people to fight with the Lord (the battlefield is the heart of man); and they surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city: Luke 21:20, Jerusalem. In the Apocalypse, the Lord speaks of the judgment of Babylon ( Apoc. ch. 17, ch. 18, ch. 13, ch. 14, 6-8), over the peoples of the former USSR, which was created on the land of ancient Rus', the Capital of Rus' is Kyiv. It was this city that the Lord secretly called Jerusalem, which in half the week, after September 2004, was “surrounded by troops” and all the nations of the earth saw these events. The world is waiting for the reign of the Antichrist on earth, who will sit in flesh in the rebuilt temple and will “reign” on earth. This "prophecy" does not coincide with the prophecies of the Bible. The devil cannot materialize, he can only inhabit the souls and bodies of people who do not fulfill the Laws of the Lord. The Lord Himself speaks about this in the Gospel of Matthew. Chapter 12, Articles 43-45. In the Apocalypse. and the Book of Daniel does not have the words “antichrist”, there are the words: “a beast with seven heads and ten horns” and “another beast”, which people in the world call the antichrist, and which already reigns on earth. In his 1st Epistle, John, speaking about the end times, warned that when many antichrists appear on earth (about people of the end times it is written in 2 Epistle to Timothy ch. 3), then this is the last time. In his 2nd Epistle, John explains that every person who does not fulfill the Laws of the Lord is a deceiver and the Antichrist. Based on these Bible prophecies that have already happened on earth, we can add the words of the Lord that He tells us: Luke chapter 21:31 “When you see all these things coming true, know that the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Matthew chapter 24:33 And “When you see all these things, know that it is near, at the door.” At one time, the Lord spoke to Daniel chapter 12:4: “You, Daniel, hide these words and seal this book until the time of the end.” In our last time, the Lord says to John: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.” (Rev. ch. 22:10).

The Bible does not contain the expression "the end of the world," but it does have a lot to say about this event. This event in the Bible is called the “Day of the Lord” or “The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.” The Bible says that the existence of our world will end when Jesus Christ comes again to Earth in a visible way for everyone to condemn and destroy evil on Earth.

Thus, according to the Bible prediction, the end of the world will really happen. And the end of the world will be God’s Judgment, or as it is also called “Judgment Day,” the day of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Earth. You can read about this in the Bible. Matthew 24-25, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, Revelation 15-22, and many other books of the Bible.

Once upon a time, more than 2000 years ago, God in the Person of Jesus Christ was born on Earth as a Man to save us. Out of love for us, He died on the cross for our sins and took upon Himself the condemnation we deserved, so that we could receive forgiveness of our sins through repentance and faith in Him.

Thus, for the first time, Jesus Christ came to Earth as a Savior to give us the opportunity to repent and, through faith in Him, receive salvation from condemnation for our sins. For the second time, Jesus Christ will come in a completely different form, He will appear on Earth in great glory and power to carry out the final Judgment on humanity, to condemn those who rejected Him as Savior, and to deliver those who truly believed in Him.

“But no one knows about that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but only My Father alone. Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come. But you know that if the owner of the house had known what time the thief would come, he would have been awake and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore, be ready, for at an hour you do not think, the Son of Man will come.” (Bible, Matthew 24:36,42-44)

This may seem surprising, but even Jesus Christ does not know about the end of the world! He is only the Son of God, the Son of his father, and the Evangelist Mark says:“But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the SON nor the angels of heaven.”. That is, Christ knows only what God the Father revealed to him; God did not reveal to his son about the end of the world, just like he did not to the heavenly angels. In order to understand that Christ may not know how a person is, remember when He raised Lazarus, said to the sisters and people who surrounded him: “Where did you bury him?”That is, he did not know where Lazarus was buried.If I knew, I wouldn't ask.But as the Son of God He raised the dead. So if Christ does not know and the Angels do not know, can a person know?

Therefore, any predictions regarding the date of the end of the world are fiction. Just as many predictions made before have not come true, the current popular date of the end of the world, December 21, 2012, will not come true either.

However, the Bible tells us how we can know that the time of the end of the world is approaching. The Bible predicts events that will immediately precede the end of the world. You can read about them in such books of the Bible as: the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24 and the book of Revelation (Apocalypse).

One of these key events is the coming of the Antichrist. The reign of this representative of Satan will be the culmination of man's rebellion against God. And it was during his reign that the Coming of Jesus Christ, the end of the world, would occur. Christ will destroy the Antichrist and judge those who followed him. And everyone who truly believed in Jesus Christ will live forever with God in the Kingdom of Heaven, where there will be no more evil.

Many monks and reverend fathers predicted this time even in ancient times in the 15th and 16th centuries. Here is what the Myrrh-Streaming Nile wrote in the 16th century:

This fruit, the Antichrist, will be born when the world becomes impoverished in virtues... But what kind of impoverishment will befall the world?..
Firstly, it impoverishes the world with love, unanimity, and chastity.
Secondly, every village and city will become impoverished from its subordination, the leading persons will move away from the city, village and district, so that there will be no leading person either in the city, or in the village, or in the district.
Likewise, the Church is almost impoverished from the supremacy of spiritual authorities... After this impoverishment, love will grow cold in many(Matthew 24:12), will be taken from the environment holding(2 Thess. 2:7) and the unclean will be born from the womb of uncleanness.

The confusion of people will be this: condemnation, envy, rancor, hatred, enmity, covetousness, courage, forgetfulness of faith, adultery, boasting of fornication.
And the Antichrist will become the head over the cities, over the villages and over the districts of the villages, after there will be no head in the villages, cities and rural districts. Then he will seize power over the world, become the manager of the world, and will also begin to rule over human feelings. People will believe what he says, because he will act as a ruler and autocrat to destroy salvation. People, who have already become vessels of the devil, will have extreme confidence in the Antichrist, will make him the universal ruler and autocrat, since he will be an instrument of the devil in his last attempt to destroy Christianity from the face of the earth. Being in perdition, people will think that he is Christ the Savior and that he will bring about their salvation. Then the Church Gospel will be neglected.
And then, during that predicted disaster, the Antichrist will begin to seal people with his seal, supposedly in order to save them from disaster with this sign
The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week, and the year like a month.

The Holy Fathers also predicted that before the end of the world there would be a FLOWING OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH, but it would be good for real Orthodox if there were 2 bishops, 2 priests and 2 lay people for the entire region. All others will accept the Antichrist along with the Patriarch. And the bloom will be short-lived.

What’s interesting is that it is predicted that the Moscow Patriarch, just like others, will lose grace and spirituality, but will become politicians and accept the Antichrist, and only one Patriarch will not accept the Antichrist, this is the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

If you read all this and think about it, then indeed the world has already become impoverished in virtues and we seem to have no power, and the day rushes by like an hour, and the Church began to live better than ever, at the same time delving into matters of business and politics.

This is the sign that the Lord Jesus Christ spoke about when he said that no one knows about the day of His coming, but “when you see that the buds on the trees are blooming, then you say that spring is coming.” Therefore, when the signs of the coming of Christ occur, you must know that it is approaching.

Is the second coming approaching or not?

Approaching. What are the signs that the second coming is approaching?

Christ said that this time will not come until the Antichrist comes. Those. until the coming of the Antichrist there will be no second coming of Christ the Savior. And the coming of the Antichrist will mean that in the near future there will be a coming in the glory of Christ. Therefore, the Antichrist will rule the world no more than Jesus Christ preached. And Christ preached for three and a half years. This means that the Antichrist will reign, as the holy fathers say, for no more than three and a half years.

But when will the Antichrist come?

The Apostle Paul said clearly: “When will there be concessions.”

What kind of concession is this and what are the concessions from?

Departure from Christ, from Christianity, from God. Where will it be? Among Muslims? No, because Jesus Christ is not recognized as God, therefore it is impossible for them to deviate from Christ. Among Buddhists? Also no. For they do not recognize God at all, but only Buddha alone, who is not God. Likewise, there can be no concession among any other religion, because all religions, except Christianity, do not recognize Christ. Therefore, there will be concessions in the Christian environment, among Christians.

And now look at Christians. Are there concessions in the Christian environment?

For example, the Christian community is gradually accepting laws on same-sex marriage. Who passes such laws in parliaments? Christians or Muslims or Buddhists? Christians make such laws.

Is this a concession from Christian morality or not?


It is forbidden to openly wear a cross on your chest! In Christian Europe. Is this a concession?

Now, even in America, rules have been adopted that the word God cannot be used in schools and higher educational institutions. You get kicked out of school for saying God! The teacher not only does not have the right to talk about God, but also does not have the right to use the word “God”, because atheists are against it. Is this a concession?


In Sweden, they are spreading rules that prohibit parents from calling their children a boy or a girl, so that each child can determine for himself whether he is male or female. And if a boy says that he is female, then you cannot convince him back.

This is a deviation, I am no longer talking about from Christ, it is a deviation from goodness, from truth. And we'll see what else will happen. But the process of falling away from Christ and goodness began in the European environment.

I don’t want to talk about chips; instead of passports, they are being introduced in Europe. But this is just the beginning. I think that the chips are the seal on the forehead and on the right hand, which they are now starting to introduce. Now they are entering it into documents, and then they will be implanted into the body.

Therefore, the world very quickly began to approach that last day of the coming in glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

You may think that this can happen in the West, but not among us, not among the Russians, not among the Orthodox? You are wrong!

I asked Russians how they assessed the anti-Christian laws that are being introduced in Europe and America today. And the answers of Russian women:

1) In our country, I would definitely approve! The Russian Orthodox Church would also prohibit the use of words.

2) Religious mutiny has no place in school...

3) Believers need an obedient flock, WE need progressive people. Believers need medieval Russia, WE need an advanced country. WE and the Believers are not on the same path. I hope we win.

4) This needs to be approved. Just like a cross, not to be worn for show.

Regardless of whether the end of the world occurs in our lifetime or in the distant future, each of us will appear at God's Judgment, which will be then. Each of us will die someday, and therefore we can also say that death is the end of the world for everyone. After all, after death, the next thing that awaits us is God’s Judgment.

If we talk about the global end of the world, not all prophecies have yet come true. Before the coming of Christ, according to the predictions of the holy fathers, the prophet Elijah, as well as the prophet Enoch, should come to earth and Sergius of Radonezh should rise in Sergius Pasade, the prophets before the end of the world should be killed by atheists, and Saint Sergius should leave Lavura as graceless. This hasn't happened yet. It's not as scary as it should be.

Therefore, we are faced with the question: how should we live, what should we do? There can be only one answer. Cling to God. With God it’s not scary in hell, as some holy fathers say. Therefore, if they are ready to be in hell with God and not be afraid of hell, then we do not need to be afraid of anything. We must hold on to God, believe in Him and love Him, and have love for our neighbors. And nothing more.

Well, the worst thing is that commercial and creative people profited from this, using the date of December 21 for selfish purposes. And when December 21st passes, by December 22nd none of these “agitators” will give an explanation, admit to lies or mistakes... will not even remember what they wrote and said over the past few years, misleading society.

  1. Introduction

    The theme of the coming end of the world, when creation will appear in all the fullness of perfection, is an integral part of many works of biblical writing. Ideas about the end of the world have developed and been significantly supplemented over the centuries; Below we present the most significant texts talking about this in chronological order.

    The Bible says that the world we live in had a beginning because it was created by God. This world is not eternal, but exists in time; temporality is its inherent property. For biblical authors, the existence of the beginning of the world naturally implies the existence of the end, since time is a fundamentally different way of being than eternity, and cannot be limitless. This idea of ​​a developing world, having a beginning and an end, is also fundamentally important for the biblical understanding of history as a directed process in which the Almighty’s plan for the world and man unfolds.

    At the beginning of the history of biblical Revelation, the chosen people had an idea of ​​​​a certain mysterious day of the coming victory of God, which would complete the history of mankind. The basis for this was the numerous vicissitudes of the history of Israel, in which the deliverance of the people from disasters and catastrophes occurred thanks to the protection of God. These large-scale events are described in the books of Exodus and Joshua, Judges and Kings. Here God's people are faced with external enemies who are often vastly superior both militarily and culturally. However, trust in God leads to the fact that He intervenes in events through chosen men - judges, prophets and kings, and ensures victory over enemies and the preservation of Israel from destruction. On this historical basis, the idea of ​​the coming Day of the Lord was formed, when the final victory of Israel over all its enemies (who were also considered the enemies of God) would take place.

  2. Day of Visitation among the Early Prophets

    In subsequent centuries, this simplified view underwent significant changes. This was mainly due to the ministry of the biblical prophets, for whom the Day of the Lord was one of the main themes of their preaching.

    Briefly, the main provisions of the prophetic teaching about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord are as follows. The prophets speak of the end of the world as the Day of Visitation, when God Himself will mysteriously appear in the world and visit His people. Associated with this visitation of God will be the shame of the pagans, the deliverance of Israel - but also the judgment of all nations, including Israel. The prophets portrayed this visit of God as a universal catastrophe in which everything unworthy of the greatness of the Creator is destroyed. Therefore they often called the Day of the Lord a day of darkness and a day of wrath, a day of judgment. At the same time, all evil will be expelled from the created world, even death itself will be defeated.

    The prophets associated the coming Day of Visitation with the coming of Christ; for them, the appearance of Christ and the Visitation of God coincided in many ways. This is how the prophets secretly expressed the message that Christ the Savior would be not just a great man, but the Incarnate Son of God.

    Usually the words of the prophets about the end of the world combine three key aspects. Prophets speak about the events of contemporary history, in which they see prototypes of the coming end of the world. Based on these types, the prophets announce the coming of Christ, which should become a turning point in the history of the world. The prophets often connect what is revealed to them about the end of times with the news of the coming of Christ.

    The historical sequence of future events was not as clear to the prophets as their spiritual meaning; therefore, most prophets combined in their preaching the coming of Christ and the completion of history. It's not a mistake; on the contrary, in the New Testament the coming of Christ is the beginning of the judgment of the world and the victory of God over evil.

    These are the general features of the prophetic teaching about the end of the world, which they often called “that day,” but in the book of each prophet there are also specific features that stand out for him.

    1. Amos

      The Prophet Amos for the first time explicitly speaks of the Day of the Lord as a Day of Visitation: “I will walk among you,” says God through the mouth of the prophet. Amos speaks to those who hoped that the Day of the Lord would be some kind of historical “happy ending” for Israel: “Woe to those who wish for the Day of the Lord... it is darkness and not light.” This day will be the judgment of all people, not excluding Israel, to whom God, by virtue of election, makes exceptional moral demands. In addition, through Amos, the Lord says that in “that day” the fallen tabernacle of the house of David will be restored - this is a prophecy about Christ, who will be a descendant of David.

    2. Hosea

      A younger contemporary of the prophet Amos, Hosea also speaks of the Judgment of God that awaits all human affairs at the end of time. But Hosea proclaims that the end of the world will be marked by the victory of God over all evil and sin. The all-conquering mercy of the Creator will triumph, and even the most important, “last” enemy - death - will be defeated.

    3. Micah

      The prophet Micah, who lived a little later than Amos and Hosea, sees the coming Day of Visitation as the appearance of God Himself: God “steps” on the heights of the earth, and before the greatness of His glory the mountains melt. Thus, at the end of time, God, Whom all creation cannot contain, will appear to the world in fullness. The fulfillment of this prophecy is evidenced by the words of the Gospel of John: “No one has ever seen God; The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has revealed” (John 1:18).

    4. Isaiah of Jerusalem

      The last prophet of the 8th century BC, Isaiah of Jerusalem, also depicts the Day of the Lord as the day of Judgment and victory of God. But besides this, Isaiah speaks of it as the day of salvation that God will accomplish through Christ, the descendant of David born of a Virgin. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given,” says Isaiah, and in Him God Himself will intervene in the course of history. With the coming of Christ, all creation will irreversibly change, evil and violence will be defeated, and they will no longer have a place on the transformed earth. The striking image of a wolf living with a lamb is one of the most famous biblical descriptions of the coming renewal of the world. Isaiah also says that on the Day of the Lord, not only the chosen people, but also the pagans, will turn to God and find salvation. But deliverance in the glory of Christ, the peace of God, open to all people in His Kingdom, is at the same time destruction for all sin.

  3. The Day of the Lord among the prophets of the pre-exilic era and captivity
    1. Zephaniah: the day of the trumpet and shout of abuse

      In the prophecy of Zephaniah, who lived at the end of the 7th century. BC, new aspects of the coming end of the world are revealed. He appears to the prophet's gaze as a feast at which the Lord's sacrifice will be slain. At this feast the chosen children of God will gather; for sinners, this will be a day of blindness, since a person who has sinned loses the ability to see the world in its true light. Zephaniah calls the end of the world a day of wrath and warfare, and says that this day is near. In this case, however, we are talking not so much about the historical perspective, but about the inevitability of the Day of Judgment.

    2. Ezekiel

      In the first half of the 6th century. BC, the prophet Ezekiel, for whom the destruction of Jerusalem became a prototype of the end of the world, proclaims that the Day of the Lord will be a day of renewal of the world. Ezekiel speaks of a mysterious Shepherd who will come in those days. He will “stand in the breach of the wall” to protect His sheep from harm. Not a single person can do this; each of them is responsible for his own and only his own affairs. Only Christ, the Shepherd of Israel, will protect the people. At the end of his book, the prophet Ezekiel describes the end of the world as a battle between God and the forces of evil. The defeat of Gog, the king of the north, symbolizing the forces of evil, became a characteristic image of biblical apocalypticism. The main thing in the prophecy about the universal victory of God over evil and death is the news that at the end of times God will conclude a New Covenant with people, and the Spirit of God will transform the hearts of stone into people’s hearts and breathe new life into them.

    3. Isaiah of Babylon (Deuteronomy): in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord

      The author of the second half of the book of Isaiah, traditionally called Isaiah of Babylon or Deutero-Isaiah, begins his words with a prophecy of the deliverance that God Himself will bring about. Like other prophets, Second Isaiah combines visions of three different events. The return of Israel from Babylonian captivity and the restoration of Jerusalem are for him a prototype of the coming coming of the Messiah and the end of the world, when the glory of God will be revealed to all creation. The words of Second Isaiah about the voice of one crying five centuries later would be applied to himself by John the Baptist.

    4. Zechariah: salvation for all

      The younger contemporary of Isaiah of Babylon, the prophet Zechariah, also views captivity and the return from it as prototypes of the coming Judgment. At the end of the first half of the book of Zechariah, which he owns, he says that in the last days all nations will turn to the God of Israel, and God will be the salvation of those who resort to Him.

  4. The Day of the Lord among the Prophets of the Second Temple Era

    During the Second Temple era, prophecies about the Day of the Lord become increasingly specific; The judgment of the nations and the Day of the Lord's wrath recede into the background. “That day” for the prophets of this period is primarily associated with the coming of Christ and His saving ministry.

    1. Malachi: God will send Elijah

      In the middle of the 5th century. BC, the prophet Malachi says that before the onset of the Day of the Lord, God will send the prophet Elijah to the people, who will herald the onset of the last times. This prophecy was fulfilled in the ministry of John the Baptist, whom the Angel of the Lord, addressing his father Zechariah, calls “a prophet in the spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17).

    2. Joel: The Day of the Outpouring of the Spirit of God

      As if continuing the prophecy of Ezekiel about the New Testament, at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries BC the prophet Joel says that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and many people will be able to hear the Word of God as directly as His chosen men hear The Lord's are prophets. These days will be accompanied by signs of a universal scale, the sun will darken and the moon will turn to blood. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, says Joel. Thus, the elect who will be saved on the Day of the Lord are those who will turn to the God of Israel and call on the name of the Lord.

    3. Zechariah (Deuteronomy): They will look to Him Whom they have pierced A special place in biblical prophecies about the end of the world is occupied by the words of an unknown contemporary of Joel, the author of the second half of the book of Zechariah. Deuterosachariah presents the Day of Judgment as a reckoning between people and God, when people give God payment for His benefits. Thirty pieces of silver are weighed out by people as payment to the Lord - this terrible detail emphasizes that the last times begin in the history of the world with the coming of Christ.
      But Deuteronomy also speaks of the Day of Judgment as the Day of Salvation, when God will protect people from destruction. In these last times, people will look to the Christ whom they have pierced, and a source of tears will open in their hearts to wash away sin and impurity. The weeping in Jerusalem reminds Deuterosachariah of the ancient battle of Megiddo (Armageddon). After these words of Deuterosachariah, this battle (historically dating probably to 622, the time of King Josiah) becomes one of the most famous symbols of the end of the world.
    4. Daniel

      In the 4th century. BC, the author of the book of Daniel announces that the time of the coming coming of Christ and the Day of Judgment is determined. The mysterious dates that Daniel speaks of, never deciphered by people, have already been measured. Daniel calls the death of Christ the main event of the Day of the Lord; but after this some time will pass until the end of the world, which will be the era of the “covenant for many.”

  5. Gospel

    With the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the prophecies of the Old Testament about the last days begin to be fulfilled. Christ tells the disciples that John the Baptist is the same prophet of the last days that Malachi announced. The judgment of the world, which the prophets awaited with trepidation and hope, begins in the days of Christ.

    The words of the Lord Jesus Christ about the end of the world, which He spoke to the disciples on the Mount of Olives, were called the “apocalypse of the weather forecasters”, because they are recorded almost equally in both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Matthew gives them in somewhat more detail.

    Here the Lord says that the end of the world will be marked by the coming of Christ in glory; like lightning from the edge of the sky to the edge, it will be revealed to all people. But before this time, mankind will face numerous disasters and enmity against God's faithful. The most important feature of the last days, which Christ tells his disciples, is that His Gospel will be preached to all nations, so that all people will hear about Him and have the opportunity to call on the name of the Lord. False Christs and false prophets will try to entice people to follow them; only faithfulness and trust in God will help the elect to endure these terrible times.

    Christ tells the disciples that, although the time of the end of the world has been determined, no one except the Heavenly Father knows about that day and hour. The trial will be a surprise that cannot be prepared for in advance. Like a thief sneaking up in the night, the last day of the world will approach people. Therefore, Christ commands the disciples to stay awake and always be ready for the coming of the end.

    Evangelist John complements the apocalypse of the weather forecasters with a number of significant aspects. He quotes the words of Christ that the judgment has already begun and the Word of Christ will judge people until the last day. Moreover, Christ says in the Gospel of John that the end of the world will be associated with the resurrection of the dead; for some it will be the door to life, and for others it will be the door to destruction. Christ explains the criteria for this judgment to his disciples in a conversation about the Last Judgment, which was recorded by the Evangelist Matthew. People of all nations will be judged by how they acted towards others. “What you did to people,” says Christ, “you did to Me.” Mercy towards one's neighbor and good done to people are the main criterion that determines the eternal destiny of people.

    But Christ also announces to the disciples that the path to resurrection and life is already open to Him who believe. The Flesh and Blood of Christ become for them the food of eternal life, the Table of the Lord, predicted by the prophet Ezekiel.

    The most important revelation for the Gospel about the life of Christians on the eve of the end are the final words of Christ in the Gospel of Matthew: “Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

  6. Acts

    Evangelist Luke reports at the beginning of the book of Acts of the Apostles that he quotes the words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ to the disciples at the time of His Ascension. When the disciples asked whether the prophecies about the end of times were being fulfilled at the moment, the Lord said that the disciples were not given the ability to know times and seasons. Instead, according to Joel’s prophecy, they will be given the Holy Spirit, whose gracious action will lay the foundation for the life of the next century in the disciples. This reaffirms the opportunity revealed in the Gospel of John for Christ’s disciples to move from death to life now. In the second chapter of Acts, on the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter claims that the miracle that happened on the apostles is the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. Thus, according to the ancient Christian tradition, his prophecy about the darkened sun refers to the darkness that covered Golgotha ​​at the time of Christ’s death on the Cross.

  7. Messages

    The disciples of Christ in their epistles repeatedly address the topic of the end of the world. The messages confirm the gospel message that for believers the Day of the Lord is both future and present. Among the first Christians there was a widespread belief that the end of the world would come soon after the Resurrection of Christ. However, over time, this point of view ceases to be generally accepted.

    Mainly the apostles speak of the end of the world as the Coming of Christ in glory; In the apostolic environment, the Lord's Day is often called the first day of the week, when Christians celebrate the Resurrection and the Lord is with them in the sacrament of the Eucharist. The coming of Christ will entail the resurrection of the dead and new life in a renewed - freed from evil and transformed world.

    In the epistles, the apostles consider the time after the Resurrection of Christ as the “last times,” because with the coming of Christ all the deadlines were fulfilled and the “fullness of times” came. This time, the duration of which is unknown, should be used to, following the example of Christ, actively bring God’s love into the world and do good. Waiting for the Day of the Lord also requires vigilance from Christians - internal readiness to appear before the Savior. Thus, the Kingdom of Heaven is realized in the Church, which has yet to appear in full. The life of a Christian thus proceeds in the Kingdom of Heaven even before his final victory.

    Continuing what Christ said about the signs of the approaching end of the world, the Apostle Paul supplements this with several important things. Firstly, he says that in the last times the enemy of God, the Antichrist, will appear in the world in human form, who will try to drag people along with him. Secondly, the Apostle Paul believes that before the end of the world, the last of the nations, the chosen people will turn to Christ, thereby sealing the full number of believers. The Apostle also proclaims that on the Day of the Lord not only will the dead rise, but those who remain alive, “changed,” will meet the Lord.

    The Apostle Peter, confirming the words of the Apostle Paul, speaks of the end of the world as a universal catastrophe. The fact that the timing of the end is postponed, Peter considers it a manifestation of the mercy and long-suffering of God, giving people the opportunity to convert and believe.

  8. Apocalypse: new heaven and new earth

    The final book of the Bible, the Revelation of John the Theologian or the Apocalypse, is especially dedicated to the fate of the world and the Church. Revelation sums up everything that has been said about this in the biblical tradition. The Apostle John resorts to images borrowed from Old Testament prophecies, thereby emphasizing the continuity of Old Testament and New Testament revelation. The Book of Revelation ends with a prophecy that God's victory over sin will crown the hard struggle. In the renewed creation (“new heavens and new earth”) God will dwell among people in the eternal Heavenly Jerusalem. The book of Revelation ends with the words “Come, Lord Jesus,” which forever became for the disciples of Christ an expression of an ardent desire to bring this coming victory closer.