What to drink with pork kebab. Choosing the right alcoholic drinks for barbecue

Holidays. Weekend. Nature. Kebabs….Nice set, isn’t it? And hto give this set, i.e. barbecue ceremony finished look, it is important not only to skillfully marinate and fry the kebab, to cookaccording to the rules sauceand decorate the dish beautifully,

but be aware of what alcohol served with one or another kebab depending on the meat, the reason for the celebration, the weather, and also on who came to visit.

So that you don’t regret that you spent so much effort, but it turned out to be in vain, use the advice in this article.From it you will learn which alcoholic drink will enhance the aroma of the given meat, its special taste and will brighten up any foreign odors that may arise during the cooking process. Wrong choice of alcohol can ruin all your efforts.

The sharper and stronger the specific smell of meat, the more aromatic the alcohol should be if you want to subtract the smell a little, or, conversely, so that it has absolutely no smell if you want to emphasize the specific taste of meat.

You should also not forget that shish kebab is a very filling appetizer, so the alcohol served with it is usually strong. However, for some types of barbecue there are exceptions, that is, their taste can only be emphasized with light alcoholic drinks. And strong alcoholic drinks are not always served with barbecue if the company is female or women make up the majority in it. But when choosing what drink to serve with a barbecue, be guided, among other things, by the taste of those present, since not everyone drinks certain drinks or eats this or that meat. This should never be forgotten, and your guests will be pleased with the wonderful treat you have prepared.

First of all, before you start barbecuing, regardless of what meat you are going to make it from and what alcoholic drinks you will serve subsequently, invite your guests to drink a glass cognac. This will cheer them and you up, invigorate them and, if you are going to barbecue in hot weather, it will bring you out of the relaxed state that usually sets in when it’s hot, and in cold weather it will allow you to warm up a little.

AND Don't forget - everything is good in moderation!

Alcohol for poultry kebab

Before you make poultry shish kebab, you will have to stock up wine. Depending on what kind of bird you are going to make it from and how - in pieces or whole carcasses, since the size of the pieces of kebab also changes its taste, that is, the larger the pieces, the juicier and tastier the kebab meat, the grade, taste and strength are determined guilt.

Best served with whole roasted chicken kebab young sweet white wine, especially if during its preparation you added green apples (they perfectly emphasize the specific taste of chicken meat, its tenderness and softness) or lemon slices. But the wine should not have too strong an aroma so that it feels like the kebab is made from chicken. The wine should not be very strong, but not weak either.

Rose sweet wine good for shashlik chicken, cut into small pieces and soaked in wine. Such kebab will not be as juicy as from a full chicken carcass, which means that in order to give the pieces more juiciness, you will have to wash it down. Strong alcoholic drinks are not suitable, because in this case you will have to drink a considerable amount of them, so it is best to serve this kebab with a very weak young wine with a sweet taste and not a very strong aroma, so as not to overpower the smell of the chicken.

Perfect for turkey barbecue semi-dry red wine with a strong aroma. It will give an original taste to the specific smell of meat. And since kebab is a rather fatty food that causes thirst, the pleasant, sour (but not very sour) taste of dry wine will perfectly quench your thirst, and its aroma will give turkey kebab a unique taste. This wine is not very strong, you can drink quite a lot of it.

Kebab tips . In order for the kebab to acquire an exquisite taste, some specialists in its preparation wrap it with grape leaves after threading the meat onto a skewer. Of course, the leaves burn during frying, but the meat manages to be imbued with a wonderful aroma. In addition, before frying, the meat can be wrapped in blackcurrant leaves, then you will have a kebab with a magnificent currant aroma and soaked in vitamins that it receives from the blackcurrant leaves.

Red wine It is also served with partridge kebab. Only in this case the carcasses should be fried whole, since they, as a rule, are not very fatty. It is advisable that the wine be dry, since the taste of partridge meat implies serving it with some sour drinks, and since partridge is a game, then, like any game, red wine is served with it, which does not have a tart taste and combines several aromatic grape varieties. The same wine is served with any game kebab.

Best suited for poultry shish kebab (duck, goose, etc.) white wine with a strong aroma, semi-dry or semi-sweet. If the bird is very fatty, semi-sweet is better. In some cases, fortified wine can be served. The most important thing is that it has a very bright aromatic bouquet, because some types of poultry are endowed with a sharp, not very pleasant smell, which many people do not like. This smell cannot always be overcome by spices added to the marinade, so aromatic wine is most suitable for this type of kebab.

If you want to surprise your guests, you can cook it yourself Home wine , For example from black elderberries.

Required: black elderberry, wine yeast, 250-300 g sugar, 10 g citric acid.

Cooking process: Fill the berries with water to 1/2 of their height in the pan. Simmer until soft. Add wine yeast to the boiled and crushed berries and let them ferment for 2-3 days in a wide-necked container. Then rub the berries through a sieve. Dilute the resulting wort with an equal volume of syrup prepared at the rate of 250-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water and 10 g of citric acid per 1 liter of syrup. Pour the mixture into a bottle and seal it so that carbon dioxide can freely escape from it and at the same time oxygen does not pass through. You can put a balloon or a rubber glove on the neck of the bottle. However, the most convenient way is to make a hole in the lid and insert a long rubber tube into it, the other end of which is lowered into a container of water. When the ball or glove falls off or the bubbles stop coming out of the tube, fermentation has stopped. Immediately drain the wine, being careful not to get any sediment. If the wine is sour, add sugar to it, cover with an airtight lid and place in a cool, dark place to stand. Don't forget that the longer the wine sits, the tastier it will be.

Barbecue tips: poultry, as a rule, does not require long marinating. In addition, if you want the poultry kebab to have a delicate, pleasant taste, and the meat to be soft, soak it in dry wine - the poultry meat will be saturated with its aroma and will not be harsh, as can happen if vinegar is added to the marinade.

The big book of snacks for alcoholic drinks. Master class of a good feast

Alcohol for lamb shish kebab

The taste of a young, whole roasted lamb will benefit from its aroma fortified red wine. With significant strength and a very strong aroma, such a wine will go well with the specific smell of lamb, favorably emphasizing the juiciness of the kebab and its pleasant taste.

But if you or your guests have a negative attitude towards the smell of lamb, although you like the taste of fatty, melt-in-your-mouth lamb meat roasted over an open fire, it is best to soak it in the same wine with a strong aroma, adding vinegar or dry wine and spices with a strong aroma smell. The meat will acquire a light aroma of wine and be saturated with the smell of spices. Moreover, you can’t go wrong when choosing wine, since the aroma of the meat will certainly be combined with the same wine in which it was soaked.

Barbecue tips. Everyone knows that the best seasoning for barbecue is ketchup. Many people eat kebab exclusively with ketchup, while others, on the contrary, prefer to eat kebab without anything, since, in their opinion, ketchup interrupts the real taste of the kebab.

The same tips apply to lamb shish kebab, cut into pieces. But here, in addition to strong red wine, you can serve it with cognac, always of excellent quality and with a pleasant, aromatic taste.

Lamb (even young) is very fatty, and its fat is specific, so the stronger the drink served with it, the better.
Vodka, although strong, will not go well with such a kebab - it does not have the aroma necessary in this case, but various vodka can be excellent. They retain the strength necessary when eating lamb, but their aroma can either overpower the smell of lamb, or, conversely, emphasize it if necessary.

If you are planning to make lamb shish kebab in cold weather, then strong drinks - cognac, liqueurs will come in handy, but in hot weather it is still better to prefer wine, even fortified.

Oriental feast with Hakim Ganiev: “Shashlik”. The largest book of kebabs from around the world

Alcohol for pork shish kebab

The ideal alcoholic option for pork shish kebab is vodka.

Pork, like lamb, is most often fatty. And for barbecue, as a rule, fattier meat is chosen, although there should still be enough fat in it. But in order for the meat to be better absorbed by the body and to make it more pleasant to eat, there is nothing better for such a kebab than a strong alcoholic drink without aromatic additives, since pork meat does not contain a very pronounced specific odor. Therefore, vodka goes better with it than other alcoholic drinks. In this case, those drinks are taken that are consumed “for appetite” - in very small quantities.

To go with a kebab made from a young lean pig or suckling pig, you’d better choose something not very strong from alcoholic drinks that can be consumed as a drink, since kebab made from lean pork meat turns out to be a bit dry. Not very strong red wine with a pleasant sweetish taste or some kind of sweet and sour alcoholic cocktail. But again, these alcoholic drinks should not have a strong aroma, otherwise the taste of the kebab will be overwhelmed by it and you will not get full pleasure from the pork kebab.

The same applies to alcoholic drinks served with wild boar kebab - they should be strong enough, but not aromatic. Although in this case you will have to choose between the strength and the amount of alcohol that you are going to drink, since this kebab will also have to be washed down. Therefore, vodka does not quite go well with wild boar kebab. It is optimal to serve red wine with a slight aromatic aftertaste. It should be quite strong so that it can be combined with fatty meat and so that it can be washed down with kebab without any problems.

Barbecue tips. Despite the fact that kebab is very popular in many countries and is successfully consumed by millions of inhabitants of our land, we must not forget that this dish is quite high in calories and rich in carbohydrates. Shish kebab is usually very fatty and therefore poorly absorbed by the body. Therefore, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not abuse it.

Suitable for pork and wild boar shish kebab beer. But this, however, is not the best option. However, if you are barbecuing in very hot weather, perhaps beer is preferable to spirits.

In this case, it must be very strong and preferably dark, since dark beers have the property of giving meat a special bouquet. But if you are not a fan of dark beer, replace it with light beer with some additives. Cool it thoroughly in advance. Hot, fresh shish kebab and ice-cold beer are a good combination for lovers of tasty and satisfying food.

An interesting flavor can be added to pork kebab by sprinkling the meat several times with beer (preferably dark or with spices) during the cooking process. But you shouldn’t pour it over the kebab too much - you may end up with something completely inedible.


Alcohol for beef skewers

Excellent for young beef skewers strong red wine well aged with a pleasant tart taste and strong aroma, which will give it additional taste. This is necessary because charcoal-grilled beef does not have a strong enough flavor and, even if it is soaked with a lot of spices, it will not have the same taste as kebabs made from other types of meat. After all, beef has a low fat content, and the kebab made from it is always somewhat dry, so a wine with a strong aroma is best suited.

Since shish kebab is a hearty appetizer, it is appropriate if the wine is strong. And, naturally, the wine served with such a kebab should be red.

Goes well with beef kebabs liqueurs with strong aroma, best nutty or herbal and sweet or slightly sour in taste. But we should not forget that liqueurs in their pure form are usually not drunk even with barbecue. How to dilute it is up to you. If you are going to drink it in a stronger version, dilute it with vodka (of course, not in its pure form, but diluted to 15-20 degrees with water and ice).

A softer version will be obtained if you dilute the liqueur with a non-alcoholic drink, such as soda or any other drink that matches the taste and smell of it. As a last resort, the liqueur can simply be diluted with ice water. But don't overdo it. Remember that you will drink it with a barbecue of meat, so the liqueur must be strong enough and its taste and smell should be preserved in any case. In addition, if desired, the liqueur can not be diluted if you like it undiluted.

And one more thing: the liqueur is always aromatic. Marinade for beef kebab, as a rule, also contains spices with a very strong smell. It is important to choose a liqueur with such a smell that it combines the smell with the spices of the marinade. Otherwise, it will turn out that you will drink the liqueur separately, and not in combination with the kebab, that is, it will not emphasize its taste. If you find the optimal combination between the aroma of the liqueur and the smell of the spices included in the marinade, you will get an amber that is most suitable for beef kebab, where the smells will complement each other, and the taste of the kebab will be favorably emphasized by them.

They also go well with beef kebab, as they will highlight and enhance the taste of beef with their aroma. But, as in the case of liqueurs, you need to find the optimal combination of the smell of the tincture and spices.

If you or your guests prefer light alcoholic drinks, the taste of beef kebab can be a good way to highlight vermouth. It goes perfectly with almost all the seasonings with which you decide to soak the kebab during marinating. This means that you will get double pleasure: vermouth and beef kebab complement each other perfectly: kebab emphasizes the advantages of good vermouth, and vermouth emphasizes the taste of beef, allowing you to pay attention to precisely that not always noticeable feature of it, which is most often lost when eating such kebab in combination with many other alcoholic drinks.

Alcohol for fish kebab

The best thing for fish kebab is White dry or semi-dry wine.

Although, depending on the fish and how you are going to fry it - whole or in pieces, as well as in what marinade it is marinated, there may be options. For example, if you marinated fish with additives that give a sour taste and strong aroma, the most acceptable alcoholic drink in this case would be semi-sweet rose wine without a pronounced aroma.

Fish, like poultry, is quite often soaked in dry wine, and it pickles very quickly, so do not keep it for long - this will make its taste coarser and the kebab itself drier, especially if the wine you chose is very sour, and the fish is not very fatty. But one way or another, if you serve the kebab with the same wine in which you marinated the fish, you won’t go wrong.

Ideal option for sturgeon kebab - Martini.

The more expensive this drink, the better, since such kebab implies an expensive alcoholic drink. Remember that the taste of sturgeon kebab should be emphasized by the drink. If you are making a simpler fish kebab, stop at a not very expensive, pleasantly sour, semi-dry white wine with a light aroma.

If you are going to barbecue a whole, not very large fish, semi-dry wine will come in handy. Its pleasant, not very sharp sourness will add a piquant flavor to the dish. Moreover, such kebab usually turns out quite juicy and aromatic, especially if the fish is fatty, and has a light, noble bouquet semi-dry wine will give a pleasant flavor.

Perfect for young catfish shish kebab young wine with a strong aroma, since catfish quite often has a specific smell of mud, which can persist despite the strong-smelling spices present in the marinade. Here the alcoholic drink must cover the smell of mud and not be strong, that is, white semi-dry wine is most suitable for such a kebab.

You can choose something to go with the fish liqueur with a bright herbal aroma. When choosing a liqueur, also take into account the smell of the spices included in the marinade - they (the aroma of the liqueur and the smell of the spices) must correspond to each other. In addition, fish for barbecue plays an important role when choosing liqueur: the drier the fish, the less alcohol should be contained in the liqueur. If you are going to dilute liquor, in this case, give up strong alcoholic drinks, limit yourself to tonic or soda.

Barbecue tips. If you don’t have metal skewers, you can replace them with tree branches, but not dry ones, otherwise the “skewer” may burn out during frying and the kebabs will end up in the fire. To do this, you need to use the branches of a young tree, removing the bark from it.

And one more thing: fish with a sharp, specific odor requires a special approach to the choice of alcohol. If you are going to emphasize this smell, serve it with barbecue light rose wine or a highly diluted liqueur with a faint odor and a slightly sweet taste. Dry white wine will do. If, on the contrary, you want to make this smell as unnoticeable as possible, then, in addition to marinade spices with a strong odor, you need to take care of alcohol with a strong aroma. Choose a wine, firstly, dry or semi-dry, and secondly, white or rose.

Stages of alcoholism: Test yourself for addiction

Alcohol for BBQ sausages

Barbecue is a separate type. The same drinks are served with meat and fish prepared in this way as with kebabs fried in the usual way. BBQ sausages require a slightly different approach.

The most common alcohol served with barbecue sausages is beer. Depending on what meat the sausages are made of and what spices are included in them, the choice of beer is determined.

For example, with sausages made from chicken or some other bird, beer, as a rule, is not very strong and, preferably, light, with a slight bitterness and without aromatic additives. Although the latter is a matter of taste. But it should be noted that these additives, as a rule, interrupt the smell of the meat from which the sausages are made.

For very fatty barbecue sausages, which contain a lot of lard, dark beer with a tart smell is best. Its strength is determined depending on how fatty the barbecue sausages are. The fatter they are, the stronger the beer should be. In this case, it is appropriate to have beer with various spices or flavoring additives that can cover up the smell of fat if you or someone in your company does not really like it.

Low-fat barbecue sausages are usually served with not very strong light beer with various flavoring additives and fairly strong aromas, since they usually do not have any special taste and must be added through drinks.

Happy holidays, delicious barbecue and bon appetit!
Don't overeat or overdrink!)

Shish kebab from Stalik

GALILEO- Whose kebab tastes better?

All about kebabs: original marinades and the right alcohol for each type of meat. The first weekend in May flew by like one wonderful moment, but we know that the best is, of course, yet to come. Ahead of us all is a bright, hot, juicy summer and juicy and smoky aromatic meat cooked on coals!

We love barbecue because the blood of our ancestors flows in us, who, having learned to make fire, happily cooked and ate hot meat roasted over a fire. The barbecue weekend continues and we decided to delve into the essence of the issue, and if we add fresh vegetables, aromatic herbs, crispy bread, a mind-blowing sauce and a glass of good red wine to all this meat history, then our life will become even more delicious and even more fun.

The countries of the East - Iraq, Lebanon, and the Caucasus - are considered the birthplace of shish kebab. Don’t try to understand where exactly kebab first appeared - this is a pointless exercise. Today, shish kebab refers to almost any meat cooked over coals. But it is likely that it was thanks to Eastern traditions that this dish turned out so juicy and aromatic, because kebab is not just fried meat, it is a whole ritual with its own rules and prohibitions. By the way, the very word “kebab” in the Russian language turned out to be completely accidental. This is a distorted Crimean Tatar word “shish” - “spit”, “shishlyk” - “something on a spit”.

How is shish kebab prepared in different countries of the world?

In Armenia, shish kebab is called “khorovats”, in Azerbaijan – “kebab”, in Turkey – “shish-kebab”. Kebab is something like a cutlet, with a lot of mint. In Georgia, “mtsvadi” is made on a dry grapevine for the most dear guests. In Russia, such meat was called “twirled” - turned over on a spit. In the West and in America, “turned” dishes have become “turned”; they cook meat on a grill in a roasting pan called a “barbecue.” In some areas of Africa, local aborigines make shish kebab from liver. Pieces of heart, liver, kidneys are strung on skewers, salted and peppered and briefly fried over coals. Small pieces of meat on skewers are also common in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia - called “satay”. Small pieces of marinated lamb are prepared in many countries from Afghanistan to Morocco. In French-speaking North Africa they are called "brochettes". Since the countries are deserted, saxaul and boxwood are used on the coals for barbecue. Such coals are very hot and “long-lasting” with aromatic smoke.

Original marinades for barbecue

To make the meat really tasty, you need not only to be able to choose the right piece, but also to choose a secret marinade that will become the hallmark of your kebab.

Grapefruit marinade

This marinade is suitable for any type of meat. It will give the kebab a piquant sourness and tenderness. For 1 kg of your favorite meat you will need the juice of one grapefruit, salt, pepper to taste and 50 g of coarsely chopped cilantro. It is better to keep meat in this marinade for at least 5 hours.

Pomegranate marinade

This marinade will make your kebab very tender and flavorful, no matter what kind of meat you use. You will need salt, pepper, half rings of a large onion, grains and peel of one pomegranate, as well as 500 ml of pomegranate juice per 1 kg of meat. You can add just a little coriander. We recommend keeping the meat in the marinade for at least 2 hours and the result will pleasantly surprise you. Even fairly tough lamb, after lying in a pomegranate marinade, will become juicy and amazingly tasty.

Olive oil

High-quality olive oil will make even tough beef kebab as tender as possible, melting in your mouth. It is believed that beef is unsuitable for kebabs, but by using this marinade, you will appreciate the taste of beef kebabs and take a new look at this type of meat. For 1 kg of kebab you will need salt and pepper to taste, a pinch of dry basil, medium-sized onion rings, pieces of sweet pepper, 50 ml of olive oil. We recommend keeping the meat in this marinade for 6-7 hours.

Beer marinade

We advise you to buy good beer - not pasteurized bottled beer, but draft, live beer. Beer marinade will turn tough meat into soft, dry into juicy and eliminate unpleasant odors, if any. That is why lamb is most often marinated in this marinade. Instead of beer, you can use homemade kvass. For 1 kg of meat you will need 1.5 liters of beer, salt and pepper to taste. We recommend keeping the meat in a beer or kvass marinade for at least 2 hours.

Ginger marinade

This marinade will make the meat very flavorful and soft. Perfect for chicken, pork, pork ribs, tender veal. For 1 kg of meat you will need salt, pepper, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 3 grated cloves of garlic, 1 centimeter of grated ginger, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

Kiwi marinade

An original marinade for tender meat. Not suitable for chicken meat, as it will turn poultry meat into minced meat in a short time. Salt and pepper 1 kg of meat, add onion rings and refrigerate for several hours. Half an hour before preparing the kebab, add 2-3 chopped kiwis. Only very tough meat can be kept longer in this marinade.

Mint marinade

An excellent marinade for pork and veal. For 1 kg of meat you will need 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive), 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste, 50 ml of white wine, 6-10 sprigs of mint. It is better to leave the meat in the mint marinade in the refrigerator overnight. The kebab will turn out juicy and very aromatic, with a barely noticeable mint note.

What is important to consider when preparing barbecue

  • It is better to marinate meat in glass or ceramic containers.
  • For the marinade, it is better to choose only one product containing acid.
  • It is very important to thoroughly mix the meat and marinade with your hands so that your kebab marinates evenly.
  • To make the kebab more flavorful, use grated garlic and finely chopped onions and herbs.
  • It is better to salt the kebab with coarse sea salt.
  • Herbs should be added to the marinade in sprigs; their small particles will quickly burn and spoil the appearance and taste of the meat.

The right alcohol for the right barbecue

Do not forget that shish kebab is a very filling appetizer, so the alcohol served with it is usually strong. However, for some types of barbecue there are exceptions, that is, their taste can only be emphasized with light alcoholic drinks.

Chicken kebab:

It is best to serve young sweet white wine with a whole roasted chicken kebab. The wine should not have too strong an aroma so that it feels like the kebab is made from chicken. The wine should not be very strong, but not weak either. Sweet pink wine goes well with chicken kebab, cut into small pieces and soaked in wine. Such kebab will not be as juicy as from a full chicken carcass, which means that in order to give the pieces more juiciness, you will have to wash it down.

Turkey kebab:

A semi-dry red wine with a strong aroma is perfect for this kebab. It will give an original taste to the specific smell of meat. And since kebab is a rather fatty food that causes thirst, the pleasant, sour taste of dry wine will perfectly quench your thirst, and its aroma will give turkey kebab a unique taste. This wine is not very strong, you can drink quite a lot of it.

BBQ Liquor

BBQ sausages require a slightly different approach. The most common alcohol served with barbecue sausages is beer. Depending on what meat the sausages are made of and what spices are included in them, the choice of beer is determined. As a rule, the beer that goes with sausages made from chicken or some other bird is not very strong and, preferably, light, with a slight bitterness. Dark beer with a tart smell is best paired with very fatty barbecue sausages. Its strength is determined depending on how fatty the barbecue sausages are. The fatter they are, the stronger the beer should be. In this case, it is appropriate to have beer with various spices or flavoring additives that can cover up the smell of fat if you or someone in your company does not really like it. Low-fat barbecue sausages are usually served with not very strong light beer with various flavorings and fairly strong aromas.

Lamb kebab:

The taste of a young, whole roasted lamb will benefit from the aroma of fortified red wine. With significant strength and a very strong aroma, such a wine will go well with the specific smell of lamb, favorably emphasizing the juiciness of the kebab and its pleasant taste. Lamb (even young) is very fatty, and its fat is specific, therefore, the stronger the drink served with it, the better. Vodka, although strong, will not go well with such a barbecue - it does not have the aroma necessary in this case, but various vodka liqueurs can be excellent. If you are going to make lamb shish kebab in cold weather, then strong drinks - cognac, liqueurs, will come in handy, but in hot weather it is still better to prefer wine, even fortified.

Pork shish kebab:

But the ideal alcoholic option for pork kebab, on the contrary, is vodka. Pork, like lamb, is most often fatty. And for barbecue, as a rule, fattier meat is chosen, although there should still be enough fat in it. But in order for the meat to be better absorbed by the body and to make it more pleasant to eat, there is nothing better for such a kebab than a strong alcoholic drink without aromatic additives, since pork meat does not contain a very pronounced specific odor. Therefore, vodka goes better with it than other alcoholic drinks.

Fish kebab:

For fish kebab, the best thing is dry or semi-dry white wine. Although, depending on the fish and how you are going to fry it - whole or in pieces, as well as in what marinade it is marinated, there may be options. For example, if you marinated fish with additives that give a sour taste and strong aroma, the most acceptable alcoholic drink in this case would be semi-sweet rose wine without a pronounced aroma.

Beef shish kebab:

A well-aged strong red wine with a pleasant tart taste and a strong aroma, which will give it additional taste, is perfect for shish kebab made from young beef. This is necessary because charcoal-grilled beef does not have a strong enough flavor and, even if it is soaked with a lot of spices, it will not have the same taste as kebabs made from other types of meat.

We wish you a pleasant holiday, excellent barbecue, easy Mondays and please do not abuse alcohol!

Along with this read:

A nutritionist advised barbecue lovers to wash down fried meat with pineapple juice.

If you cook barbecue several times a year, there is little point in bothering with arranging a place for frying meat; a regular portable grill will do. For those who pamper themselves and their guests with freshly cooked meat more often, in the barbecue store mangalshop.ru you can buy a barbecue with a roof, barbecue, grill and related accessories and accessories necessary for a summer holiday with barbecue.

Mikhail Zeigarnik is sure that pineapple juice does not help burn fat, but its benefits when eating meat are beyond doubt.

The expert is confident that pineapple juice improves digestion: “It contains substances that promote the breakdown of protein. Therefore, digestion is easier, especially if you overeat on barbecue.”

In addition, dry red wine can be a useful drink for barbecue. Wine must be chosen carefully, because its quality plays a decisive role. The main argument in favor of wine is acidity: “In the Caucasus, fried meat is washed down with dry red wine. Not only does it taste good, but it also has the right combination of acidity.”

It is important to remember that wine must be consumed in moderation; if you abuse alcoholic beverages, digestive problems are inevitable.

Nutritionists also talked about what kind of snack would go well with grilled meat: it’s best to snack on vegetables before starting to eat kebab. This way, the body will receive the necessary supply of fiber, which will protect against overeating, providing a feeling of fullness.

It is best to enjoy vegetables while the kebab is being prepared. Doctors believe that vegetables and meat are the optimal combination for healthy digestion. As for the kebab itself, it is best to cook light and low-fat kebab. For outdoor recreation, doctors advise choosing chicken, turkey or lean lamb.

In March 2014, scientists conducted a study that showed that marinating meat in beer is beneficial. Beer marinade helps reduce the amount of carcinogens in fried meat. It has been proven that fried meat can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. The reason is the heat treatment of meat; high temperatures lead to the formation of polycyclic hydrocarbons. Similar harmful substances are contained in tobacco smoke and exhaust gases.

However, Spanish scientists conducted an experiment; they soaked pork in beer for 4 hours. It turned out that dark beer is most effective in reducing the concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons. Thus, the amount of harmful substances is reduced by 50% when compared with meat that was not marinated in beer before cooking.

AND ). “The long-awaited summer is almost here, it’s time for picnics and barbecues. Shashlik (as a process) is a national sport in Russia. And like all national ideas, it rarely goes without alcoholic accompaniment. Vodka and beer traditionally occupy leading positions in the barbecue issue. I will not encroach on this sacred status. But for those who want to diversify their alcoholic diet, I offer a short review of wines as an alternative to strong and malt drinks.

Here are the basic principles for selecting supermarket wines for barbecue and more:

  1. If you are targeting a budget of up to 500 rubles per bottle, leave France and Italy aside. Give preference to Chile, Australia and South Africa - the likelihood of buying good and high-quality wine will be much higher.
  2. Try to avoid wines in tetra packs. This may be more convenient and cheaper, but the risk of receiving a counterfeit product is also much higher.
  3. Dry wines are discussed here. As a last resort - semi-dry. Sweet and semi-sweet wines should either be quite expensive or not worth considering.
  4. Wines should be simple. Elegant, complex wines are unlikely to be able to fully develop against the background of marinated meat fried over coals.

You should pay more attention to the taste.
The taste of wine is determined by four parameters: alcohol, acidity, sweetness and astringency (astringency in the mouth). Fatty dishes require high-acid wines. The more intense the taste of food, the more powerful accompaniment is required.
The general principles are simple:

Red wine will be the best company for meat.
Chicken can be accompanied by both.
The best pairing for fish and seafood is white wine.

So, let’s imagine: summer, sun, coals happily crackling in the barbecue, and you are looking forward to...

Pork shish kebab.

Juicy, but at the same time quite fatty meat requires acidity and sufficient strength. You should not choose a wine that is too tannic or tart. It will look rough against the tender texture of the pork.

Shiraz from Australia is a juicy, drinkable wine. A fruity aroma with spicy notes will highlight the aroma of meat, but at the same time will not be lost against the smoky background.

Argentine Malbec and Chilean Merlot may also be of interest.

Beef shish kebab.

Compared to pork, beef is denser and more fibrous and has less fat. Aged wines with high tannins (tart) make a good pairing.

Try Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon aged in oak barrels. The rich aroma of black currant, characteristic of this variety, will smooth out the impression of any, even the most aggressive marinade.
Chicken kebab
There are many options - it all depends on the marinade and the parts of the bird used. Dry breast baked on the grill will require delicate and juicy wine. White wine, by the way, would also be appropriate. The flavor of the fattier thighs should be balanced by the acidity of the wine.

Oak-aged Chardonnay, young wines made from Pinot Noir and its African cousin Pinotage.

If you do not overdo it with spices, the berry aromas will open up and make a good pair with the neutral taste of chicken meat.

Fish and seafood.

Experiments are possible, but it’s still better to stick with dry white wine.

Crisp, acidic Sauvignon Blanc goes well with fatty fish such as salmon or trout.

Be careful with Chardonnay. Its taste can be very rich and this will “overwhelm” the taste of the fish.

Italian Pinot Grigio wines are renowned for their freshness and fruity aromas. Try it with white fish or seafood.
The main thing to remember when choosing wine is that the only criterion is your personal taste. Feel free to experiment, and we will continue to provide guidelines so that you do not get confused in the huge assortment.

Have fun searching!”

Olga, https://levinquotidien.ru

The choice of wine for barbecue should be approached with the utmost care. Properly selected wine reveals a bouquet of taste and perfectly complements a dish such as shish kebab.

In Russia, it is generally accepted that shashlik goes well with vodka, but this statement is incorrect - shish kebab should be consumed with good wine. Highlanders always use this combination. It’s so nice to sit in the shade of trees, in the summer coolness, with barbecue and wine.

How to choose the right wine for barbecue

For example, it is better to choose a wine with a strong aroma for lamb in order to overcome the specific smell. Fortified red wine goes best with this type of meat. If the lamb has a strong smell, you can make a marinade from the same wine and soak the kebab for a long time. The same applies to strong-smelling pork. In general, pork does not require strong wine; it can be served with white or red wine. White wine will also go well with fish kebab.

Young white or rose wine goes well with chicken skewers, and turkey can also be served with rose or aromatic red wine. Beef skewers go well with semi-sweet red wine. It can be weak (for example, Sangria) or stronger, but here it is a matter of taste.

If guests are expected to arrive, it is better to find out from them in advance what kind of kebab they prefer and what wine they will drink with it. If you don’t have time to cook shish kebab, and the arrival of guests is just around the corner, you can use the services of the “Vesely shashlik” kebab shop for home delivery.

Now let's look at more specific wines that may go well with a particular barbecue product.

To highlight the taste of lamb, beef or pork, you can use Georgian wine made from Saperavi grapes. This is a classic option for Georgian cuisine for barbecue. This wine has a “loud” pomegranate taste. The meat for this wine should be well cooked.

Sour Italian wines go well with young lamb - such wines are used mainly in the south of Italy: Chianti Classico, Brunello di Montalcino and Il Vino Nobile di Monte Pulciano.

Australians use a wine with blackcurrant and blackberry flavors - Shiraz - for lamb. This is a red wine with distinct notes of black pepper. In Africa they drink a similar wine called Pinotage.

The Spaniards use red wines with fruity notes - for example, Sangria or Rioha. These wines are suitable for any type of barbecue.

Bulgarian wines “Kadarka” or “Cabernet” are also used as a complement to kebabs. "Kadarka" has a mild cherry flavor.

General rules:

  • If it's hot outside, it's better to drink white wines.
  • Red wine and rose are drunk chilled. If you drink it in the heat, you need to keep the bottle in ice.

Where to order barbecue at home

You can order shish kebab in Perm at “Vesely shashlik”. You can buy drinks and salads to go with the barbecue.

For a formal reception of guests, you can additionally order pilaf, manti, dolma or kupaty. All dishes are delivered quickly and hot.